50% An player in game of thrones / Chapter 2: CH 1

章 2: CH 1

Around 7 years before Roberts rebellion, located somewhere in the vale.

when i blinked, i saw an new message, it says that i'm in an new world, and it asks for me to conquer it, confused i prepared to exit my castle and territory, with my wife and some warriors on horses.

as i was giving the orders, an servants came in, panicked, he says we're surrounded by steep mountains, as i follow him outside, confused, i also see it.

thankfully the mountains also surrounds our vast land, and then some, so we won't have to worry about food shortages, our territory is basically an flat plain, with my castle on an hill in the center, on the bottom of the hill is an moat that constantly overflows with water that supplies the plants, and everything else with water, the wall is an welcome edition.

i order some scouts to see if there is an exit other then climbing the mountains, i also checked if the magic items worked, thankfully, it did, i then rode out with my entourage, in full equipment, to the wall-like mountain.

i used the road that used connect my castle with the rest of the road networks, wondering does it still connect with the outside, as i ride nearer, it seems it does, the mountain walls look unusually smooth, like it was cut with an laser, the walls being 90 degrees steep.

as i get closer, i do see the exit, the hole is gate shaped, 12 feet high, and 6 feet wide, and the hole seems straight, it seems the mountain-like wall is around 1 miles thick, i order an an servant to have an stone mason and carpenter come and reinforce the walls and make an door, on both sides.

as he goes to the castle to get them, we go through the hole, single file, with me in the front, as i exit the mountain wall i see even more mountains, but i also see some plains below, it seems that we're still on top of an mountain.

in the far distance i can see an beautiful castle, as much as i want to vist it, we can't be discovered with our numbers still so low, so we go back through the hole, back to my castle.

seeing the need for numbers, i had all the women put to breeding duties. with the gene modifying tool, which i got after my fetus modifying tool, i removed any undesirable traits, and added some desirable traits, when they were still fetuses.

an few weeks passed, and i got the report that there isn't any other way to get in, and the walls are too steep to climb on the other side as well, with our safety secured, i brought my most elite knights, warriors, and scouts.

descending the mountain, of which our territory is on top of. as we descend, my scout tell me that people are nearby, or have come through, with that warning, we're on guard, as we scoured the mountain and forest, looking for them.

lucky we found an tribe, so we put our visor down and approach, seeing us approach, the men guarding the gates were alarmed and sounded an horn, likely calling back the hunters who were away.

not wanting to alarm them further, i had my troops be guarded against their surroundings as i approach alone, near the gates, i shout, "i'm Aaron Liuger, i want to talk, peacefully".

seeing some movement, perhaps they understand, but aren't willing, one of the savage shoots an arrow at me, which i cut in half with ease, the tribals were stunned, particularly at how i drew my sword instantly.

more of them starts shooting, used to dealing with savages, i again cuts every arrow that seems would come close to hitting me, when the savages ran out of arrows, they cowered in fear as i repeated my line, "i want to talk, peacefully", and added, "and if you satisfy my demands, i'll supply you with food as well".

after waiting 30 minutes, it seems that the hunting party has returned, as they shoot at my men behind the bushes. i lazily watch, as my men cut their arrows, i then shouted to the village, "tell them to stop, or i'll killed them, i'll tell you now that i can cut down men as well as i can cut down arrows, i only want to talk, peacefully".

finally relenting, the men in the bushes stop shooting, though the people in the village didn't even pip an sweak to stop them, the leader comes out of the bushes, fear and anxiety visible on his face, "wat do yu wnt".

surprisingly or unsurprisingly, he reply with an bad accent, i answered, him, "i want to trade, answer my questions truthfully, and i'll give you an carriage full of grain, in case you didn't know, it should supply 100 people with an month worth of food, more then enough for you people, but if you dare send people to follow us, we'll make sure they won't be returning. Do you agree?" although scared, he agrees, fearing what will happen if he refuses.

i had him sent his men back into their village, to bring out any knowledgeable people, but it seems none of them wear any better then their chief, i had them sent back, as i talked with the chief alone.

he had a lot that he didn't know, but he gave me the general idea about the place, when we finished talking, I let the chief go back into the camp, as i went to talk to my sons, and relay the info that was given, in a more civilized, and understandable manner.

finished, i asked "should we kill them" my oldest son replies "why not, they're savages who raid the locals, no better then bandits, and should be dealt with the same way". another son said "i'm more worried about them gossiping, sure we can handle an few thousand of them barbarians, but if they find our encampment and kidnap our people, it'll be too late".

the last one who seems to want to talk said, "how about enslaving them instead of killing them? It would be too wasteful", with their fate sealed, we wait as our food cart arrives, as we leave the food in front of the gates, fulfilling our promise.

we leave, making sure we weren't followed. we climbed our mountain, and entered our fortress, we decided that we would strike in the morning, we would bring 50 men, more the enough to overwhelm, their 300ish population, with their 50-100 fighting age males.

with the stage set, we slept well. The next day, when i woke up, i had my sons mustered up for the raid, which was fairly quick. they lined up orderly and disciplined, gleaming in magic metal, each one skilled, with intense training.

there is around 10 of the knight class, being 7-8 feet tall, with the warrior classes being 6-6'3 feet tall. They are equal in skill, but not power, due to the size difference. as we arrive at the village, i had my warriors surround it, not letting anyone escape.

i take my knights and easily break open the gate, we move in an solid group as we make our way inside the village. men and women, quickly running out of their houses, carrying makeshift weapons, ready to defend themselves, and their home from the sudden attack.

i shout "we are here to enslave you, obey and we won't hurt you too bad" it was apparent that non of them were willing to do so, as they charge me mid speech, i still finished say my words as i knock then unconscious with my fist, severely controlling my strength.

i had 20 warriors come in to catch and subdue the rest, it was fairly easy, as they were mostly all skinny, and with poor equipment. i had them rounded up, with them all captured, and thankfully barley any deaths, for the savages.

i had my people tie them up with rope into an link, and i had them drag the food gift as human mules. when we went past the walls, they exclaimed in surprise, at how it feels so warm here compared to the other side of the wall, as they stare in awe at my fields and castle.

they have seen the castle on top of the mountain from far away before, but never an castle this close. i had them separated, by gender and age, 120 women, 88 men, 20 O women, 2 O men, 25 girls 31 boys, and 5 baby girls, and 10 baby boys, i had the old women/men, boys, defiant men, and babies killed, total killing of 101 people.

the reason why i killed so many people is because, i need them to increase my population quickly, as breeders, that's why we didn't get rid of the sick/weak/injured women, since we have an healing statue, and we killed the men, because we simply have no need for too many savage men as labors.

finished marking them, i had the women, and those not marked for execution take off their filthy clothes, and taken to the castle, to heal their diseases, and to heal the wounds from those that fought back, though they are shivering in fear now.

hopefully that'll change when they get cleaned, and have all their ticks, lice and worms removed. when they finish leaving, i look again to the men who stare daggers at us, and the kids who look at us with anger.

i then draw my sword, along with the rest of my sons, who already drew theirs, i dive into the circle, with my sons surrounding us, preventing them from leaving.

somehow some of the people had an shiv hidden, I guess we didn't check well enough, but it'll do nothing against my armor, as i mowed them all down single handedly.

when i was finished, one of my sons come close, to hand me an towel, saying, "father, i don't want to mate with those filths, and mingle our blood", i replied, "i know, me either, don't worry it won't happen" satisfied with the answer my son nods with understanding.

indeed, i plan to use my fetus/gene modifier, to remove their part of the DNA, effectively cloning my sons, and using the savage women as flesh bags, it's an genius solution.

and like that 1 years passed by, in that time i enslaved 4 more tribes, after extracting all the information they know, i killed everyone who wasn't an breeding age woman, and strong men, the men are for digging the newly discovered mines, found in an neighboring mountain.

We acquired 370 extra women, totaling 490 women, and 150 total men, i had the clones born from these women marked as war fodder, not spending anything to modifying them, growing to an average of 5'7ft tall as an 18 year old adult.

but they can reach combat age in 5 years old becoming 5ft tall, and just as strong as an healthy savage, but they still will be highly trained, by the best knights, and with real combat experience, to the death, with the revive statue, it isn't that big of an deal.

they are equipped with regular steel, and although it had less coverage, since it's heavier than the full magic armor, it still covers all the areas entirely.

and since they are expected to fight as soon as possible, they aren't trained in the bow and sword techniques at the start. at 5 they'll being using the spear, at 8 they'll learn the bow, at 18 they'll learn the sword, so they learn the critical stuff first.

Finished with my planning for the "war fodder clones" i prepare to make contact with the "vale" knowing that they don't have body modification, meaning one of my warriors servants are stronger than their "knights", or at least until further info is gotten.

as i take my knights, leaving my warriors to defend my territory, i ride my horse, and yes, divine modification can transform an person into an horse. my "horse" scarnat is gigantic, it has 8 strong thick legs, that when running, hits the ground in an heart thumping rhythm.

his top speed is truly astonishing to watch, he also has an pair of arms on his shoulder area, when they aren't used they wrap around his neck, covered in armor, looking like an piece of art, with them, he can provide extra aid, aside from the kicking and biting an war horse is expected to do. Along with his human intelligence, paired with his sharp instinct, he's the perfect war horse, that is why I also invested heavily on his armor.

As i'm about to exit my territory, i turned and looked behind me, although this land should be able to support 10,000 people and beast, it's gonna be tight. we need additional farmland, and living space, to grow our population, if we are to conquer this land.

hopefully people from the vale won't react too negatively, to our presence on their doorstep, on this first contact. finished thinking to myself, i put on my helmet, as i ordered that no one is to remove it outside of our safe-zone.

we marched down the mountain, and marched through the forest valley, into the plains, we marched for some time until in front of me is an wide and long river, along the river i see an good size village, so i dismount from my steed, and told him to stay hidden.

as i marched there on foot, with my sons riding behind me, we soon got near the village, i had already seen some villager spot me and run back inside hurriedly, almost tripping, i didn't mind, as i assume he went to get the village chief, mayor, or whoever is in charge of this place.

As they came out and gawked at the giants wearing high quality armor, seeing me stand still 100 meters away from the gate, beckoning someone to come out.

i shouted "i'm Aaron Liuger, is there anyone of authority here for me to talk to? Don't worry, i won't come in your village unless you invite me, i want to talk, and discuss peacefully''.

finished shouting, i wait for anyone to come out, in the meantime i talk to my sons, "it seems that they are from an different race, all of their ears are round, they also look ugly".

another one of my sons also responded, "i don't see them using any magic items, or statues, it seems that this town is too small and irrelevant, all of their movements look so slow and obvious, they are perhaps too poor to afford the body modifications".

i responded, "it's obviously too expensive, do you know how much i spent on each of you? It's enough to buy several villages like these" he responded back "yes yes, i know, lets just asks them where the towns and cities are".

having finished talking though our information transfer stone, that allows us to communicate long distance, with just a whisper, as long as the other side also had one. seeing an representative come out, i backed out of the group chat, and looked at the man.

He seemed to dress better then the other villagers, he came out flanked by guards, not minding them, i asked, "Are you the village chief? I have merely come to ask for directions I have seemly gotten lost".

the chief replied, looking nervous "yes i am the village chief, as for your request, I'll answer you" having come to an understanding, i ask the questions regarding where we are located, and general regional questions.

although he was a bit suspicious of me, as i'm asking these obvious questions, but he still answered the questions i wanted, although he hasn't answered an good number of harder questions I asked afterwards.

i said my farewells, and used the directions he gave me, for traveling to "the Eyrie", and put it onto an fresh map, not wanting to leave my territory for too long, and from the way the village chief talked, it seemed that they wouldn't accept unannounced visitors.

i decided it's not worth the trip, just to be rejected entry, as it would take days to travel there. returning back, after i reunited with my horse. we went back to our mountain, we then went further, the opposite direction from where the village was.

the sea apparently was located there, but descending the mountain to the plains was described as "too steep", which wasn't that steep, so we dismounted descended it with ease on foot.

After riding through the plains for an while, we reached the beach, having found an new supply for food, relatively close by, i was less worried now, realizing i can't leave my territory or get to far from it, as I'm essentially to our clan.

i decided to sent one of my most skilled warriors, and an explorer, Damon to map out and explore the place, though he is no match for one of my knights in combat, he has other specialties, having thought it through, we ride back, and I inform him of his task.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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