67.14% Injustice: The Path To Hell (DC Comics) / Chapter 87: Break from Reality

章 87: Break from Reality

Monday 9th August 2010, 09:45.

Rhode Island,

Happy Harbour,

Mount Justice.

Finishing off the last touches of his breakfast, Esau let his spoon clatter against the ceramic bowl before moving to place it in the sink. Upon doing so, he noticed the number of other dirty bowls and plates in the sink before looking at the roster to see that it was his day today. Yet strangely, it didn't bother him, in fact, it was almost comforting to do something as mundane as washing dishes, ironic that he had always hated it in the past and now he enjoyed it.

Due to him, M'gann, Superboy and Kaldur being the only ones to live in the Cave full-time, except for Red Tornado, they had created the roster to help split up chores. M'gann had insisted on always cooking, she held a love for the culinary arts of Earth and none of the three boys had much skill in the art themselves. The other chores were split evenly between them all and today it just so happened to be his day to clean the dishes, but much like this was a strangely comforting task to do, so did all the chores Esau had once hated.

Strange how things turned out.

Though it was a little annoying as today was the first time in the last few days the weather had actually been decent, and by decent, he meant eighty degrees. So, deciding to give the team a break from their more recently intense training schedule, Esau had agreed to give them the day off and just have a relaxing day on the beach.

They deserved a rest.

After the incident on Santa Prisca, it had been a serious wake-up call for Dick and M'gann, specifically the Martian.

While Dick had trained with Barbara and even himself a few times prior to that moment, his attitude towards training had been a little lax compared to his usual self according to Barbara. However, after the way the mission unfolded and the fact that he had been deemed unable to lead the team, it seemed to have sparked something within him and he had been training harder than usual.

Even occasionally sparring with Kaldur that up until that point, only Esau had been willing to do.

As for M'gann, she had been to Esau's surprise, quite professional on the mission for the most part, a little naive and distracted at times, but was mostly professional and to the point. It was his mistake and bias towards her unwillingness to commit to training just like the others that blinded him to that fact. However, her biggest fault on that mission was her powers and the lack of control she had in using them, as she alone could have been enough for that mission.

Something she seemed to have become aware of and aimed to work upon.

Ever since then, she had been training quite hard, Martian Manhunter coming around a number of times to teach her more about how to use her powers. But also working on using her powers to support the team in small, but very effective ways with he and Kaldur both agreeing that she would be best served as a support member of the team for now. Yet when her powers developed, stepping into a multi-faceted utility member, able to fill in any role necessary, though that was a long way off.

However, despite there being two more members of the team committing to this team fully, Superboy and Kid Flash had been the sole exceptions. Superboy had for a short time, gotten involved in training with Kaldur mostly as a means to vent his anger at what happened when facing the Kobra Cult's Champion. But after ten sparring matches and ten decisive losses, Superboy had called it quits and returned to his normal routine of lounging on the couch, pretending as if it had never happened.

That changed though after the Amazo incident.

Perhaps it was his loss to Black Canary or how powerless he had been when fighting the Amazo robot, but Superboy had definitely gotten his head out of his ass and begun training hard. He was not a regular sparring partner for Kaldur and even Esau had begun sparring with him on occasion, though the sheer difference in physical strength made it a one-sided affair.

Yet as a result, Esau had also joined Superboy in training with Black Canary for their own reasons.

Though both were united in their shared goal to end Kaldur's undefeated streak.

But also competing to be the one to end it.

Despite his earlier reservations, Esau was beginning to have fun here.

The improvement of the team had also been noticeable, they had been given a number of other missions to takeout some lower-tier villains and organisations. They hadn't been much of a challenge but were more given to them as vital experience the biggest problem initially being their teamwork, but recently that had been improving and was no longer a glaring weakness.

It still needed work, but nowhere near as much as before.

So, Esau had folded and agreed to give them all a day of relaxation.

"Hey, Esau." Turning around, Esau saw the team minus Wally all walking out to the beach clad in swimsuits. "We're off out, don't spend too much time cleaning up." Barbara teased and Esau shook his head in amusement, his eyes temporarily trailing down her body clad in a simple red bikini.

"Please, I know how to wash dishes quickly, I've been doing it since I was eleven." He shot back and Barbara only gave him a smile before hooking arms with M'gann as the two girls rushed outside, the three boys trailing behind.

Shaking his head, Esau turned back to the dishes and began cleaning them and once he was done he stuck them in the dishwasher before switching it on. Back in his old apartment, Esau could have left the dishwasher off until just before he went to bed, usually washing the entire day's worth of dirty dishes and mugs until the night, sometimes two or three days.

But here, he couldn't do that.

His appetite alone was large enough that he could eat more in a single sitting than fully grown men could in a single day as a result of the amount of training he did and his serum. Top that up with Superboy and Kaldur who had even larger appetites and it meant they had to have a very large dishwasher just for a single meal.

However, with that done, Esau dried his hands off before walking to meet the others outside.

M'gann, Kaldur, Superboy and Dick were already in the ocean messing around with the netball with Barbara on the other hand, bathing comfortably on the beach and reading a book under the parasol that Kaldur had brought out. Esau just paused a moment as he looked upon them all, it was a strange and unfamiliar sight to him, being a part of a group like this.

But again, a nice feeling.

A break from how difficult his life had been in the past with very few people around him that he could call friends or family, that he could rely upon to help him. While things certainly hadn't been easy in the beginning, slowly, Esau was beginning to wonder if he didn't have to do this all alone anymore and whether these people could be there for him.

It was a comforting thought, but also one that made him realise just how alone he had been in the past.

"You know, the others are already having fun in the ocean, right?" Esau asked as he sat down beside Barbara, a smile on his face. "What're you reading?"

Barbara tilted her book slightly to show him the cover which read Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. "Yeah, I know, but I'm just relaxing for a bit. When I get too warm I'll go and take a dip." Humming, Esau fully laid back as he began to read the book with her, Barbara herself already moving the book in a way to let him read as well.

"So you're at the part where what's her name becomes headmistress?" Barbara nodded her head turning to look at Esau with a completely serious look on her face.

"You've read it?" Esau hummed in affirmation. "So you watched the film then. You know it's not the same, there are a few differences."

Snorting, Esau gave her a mock glare. "Yes, I read the book. Is that so hard to believe?"

"Well, yes. I didn't actually know you could read."

"Ha ha." He laughed sarcastically.

"No, it's a good thing, honest. I'm proud of you." She continued and Esau looked at her in complete seriousness.

It was only the little glimmer of mischievousness in his eyes that gave away his plans, but Barbara saw it too late. "That's it!" He quickly shot to his feet, one hand pulling Barbara up by her wrist all the while Barbara cried out in shock, suddenly finding herself being carried by Esau bridal style, the book in her hand dropping onto her towel.

"Esau put me down!" He didn't listen, walking steadily towards the sea and upon realising this Barbara narrowed her eyes at him. "Don't you dare!" She warned, but Esau continued to walk steadily, the smile on his face growing bigger. "Esau, don't you dare! I'm warning you!"

"Oh, really. What you gonna do about it, huh?" He questioned teasingly, Barbara tried to struggle out of his grasp, but her movements only made it easier because as soon as Esau got into the water, he let her go.

It was perfect timing as just at that moment, a wave crashed over her.

The act made him laugh uproariously as the soaked Barbara broke through the surface with an angry glower on her face.

One that lost its heat with her lips threatening to split into a smile. "Alright, now I'm pissed." She growled before charging towards Esau, tackling him into the water.


Monday 9th August 2010, 15:00.

Rhode Island,

Happy Harbour,

Mount Justice.

"We need to talk." Looking up from where he had been sitting watching TV, Esau looked to see Batman standing firmly behind him. "The rest of you." The team, each of them laid out on the couch just enjoying the day of relaxation more after spending hours outside in the sun, looked to Batman. "Get ready."

There was no clarification just like always. Batman was a man of few words, but they had learned to deal with it and so, while the rest of the team moved to their rooms, Esau followed behind Batman. "So, what'd you need?"

"You'll be getting a new team member." The information took Esau a few minutes to register and when he did, he sighed in irritation. The team was most certainly improving, but they still had a long way to go, another team member could prove disastrous at this stage. A new member would mean another person the team had to get used to and fit into their formation, something which could be very difficult to do, especially if they were a frontline fighter.

Right now, that position was filled by Kaldur and Superboy, with him slotting in there should it be necessary and this was because the three of them had clicked over their many sparring matches and shared training sessions. They had an understanding of the way the other fought and while Superboy didn't have experience, both Esau and Kaldur did and they could more than comfortably work around him without getting caught up in Superboy's momentum.

However, Esau always stayed in the mid-range position, filling that position alone with possible support from Barbara and Dick who acted primarily as long-range fighters with their Batarangs. But their main goal as long-range fighters was to be the strategists, surveying and analysing their surroundings and opponents, relaying that information to him and even offering input on possible ways to handle certain situations.

Esau was good at making plans, but he had survived a long time being spontaneous and able to think on his feet.

Barbara and Dick were equally as good at that, but also even better strategists than him having been taught by Batman themselves. Esau would be a fool to not take advantage and put them in a position where they would be best able to help the team.

Then came Wall and M'gann, both currently filling in the support role.

M'gann was to use her powers of telepathy to connect their minds and provide a secure and quick way of relaying information, one that was far quicker than over the radio. She had also more recently been using her telekinesis in a number of ways such as slowing down opponents' movements, especially if they were too quick for them to handle. But also moving to stop and moving aside projectiles ensuring that they didn't have to focus too much attention on that.

Wally on the other hand was to focus on running interference, distracting opponents with his speed enough for Kaldur or Superboy to land a knockout blow. But also get them out of sticky situations should they be in serious danger, using his speed to move them out of harm's way while he certainly didn't like his role, he was being forced into it by everyone.

Their team was beginning to take shape and a new team member could throw everyone off their game and set them right back to where they were. He hoped he was worrying for nothing, but Esau wasn't so sure considering he had held high expectations of the sidekicks in the past and was left disappointed once before.

"Right now?" Esau asked irritably.

"Yes." Batman responded shortly and Esau rubbed his eyes. "Is there a problem?"

"You know there is, but you're not going to listen. Do you at least have a profile on them?" The look Batman gave Esau was his usual one, but there was just something about it that just asked 'who do you think I am?' Seeing this, shook his head in irritation. "Are you going to show it to me because if not, I will flat-out refuse to let them on the team."

Batman raised one brow in questioning.

"You wanted me to lead this team, I'm doing just that. If you want me to lead, then I need to know who I'm working with and while I like my team, there's no denying that I don't know everything about them all. But that's not by choice." Esau explained. "So, give me the profile, or I'll refuse to take them onto the team."

There was a few moments of silence from Batman before his lips twitched upwards in a smirk.

Or a least that's what it looked like to Esau because it was as gone as soon as it appeared.

"I'll get you the profile after the mission." Batman acquiesced and while not overly happy with it, Esau nodded his head stiffly, tensing up further as he realised that this moment of fun was now coming to an end. The sobering realisation that small breaks like these were just that, breaks from the dangerous reality that he lived in.

"Alright. Now, if you don't mind, I'm off to get changed." With that, Esau turned on his heel as he walked back down the hall, passing by the other member who all took note of the prominent frown on his face.

Carrots123 Carrots123

So, another chapter is done and Esau's small break from reality is gone already. The team are beginning to improve and Esau is actually beginning to have fun. But naturally, life isn't that easy, yet Esau puts his foot down in front of Batman which not many can do. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed it and if you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C87
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


