
章 20: 20. A Family!

"What do you mean no? Eat more. How will you grow if you don't?" Ryan found himself in a predicament, one he was facing due to activating a mother's protective instincts, as she stuffed his plate with even more food.

Ryan didn't really have a problem with eating more food. He was the literal representation of gluttony, he doubted even the food in the entire world would make him feel full, but he still needed to make sure he didn't eat more than a human of his age could to avoid suspicion. Plus, Andromeda was the best cook he had ever seen, and her food was almost addictive to him.

"I'm full Aunt Andy. I have already eaten enough to satisfy me for an entire day." He spoke after swallowing.

"Then you eat way less than a kid your age. My daughter used to eat twice as much as you did at your age." Ryan couldn't help but sweatdrop. What kind of 10-year-old could stuff 5 turkeys in their stomach?

"Let the boy breathe dear. There would be no place left for air." Ted spoke, coming to his defense. Ryan nodded and made note of Ted being the best defense attorney he could ask for.

Andromeda glared at him, causing him to flinch and continue, "Ah, Ryan, try this too. It would increase the flavor." Ryan erased his previous remark about Ted instantly, realizing the man was whipped.

"So Ryan, what are your plans?" She asked, curious about what he was doing these days.

"Ah, I was making plans to take back the control of Black shares from Narcissa Malfoy without doing too much damage to Lucius's ego," Ryan spoke, making them pause for a second.

"Ah, of course, she would take control of Black resources. I'm surprised she had not transferred everything slowly under her husband." Andromeda spoke, realizing the situation.

"Lucius Malfoy is not one to let go of things he considers his. You will face backlash, there is no doubt about it." Ted said, thinking of possible repercussions.

"There are multiple clauses bound by magic affecting one from betraying the Black family's treasury should they do something to harm it, so Narcissa won't be able to do anything. As for Lucius... I have some plans" Ryan spoke with a small grin. That did not go unnoticed by Ted and Andy, and Andy sighed seeing another Black turn sadist.

"But right now, I'm focused on preventing him from acting against you. He has connections in the ministry so he would realize quickly of you being my magical guardian, so he might come after you to get control over me." He spoke with a serious expression.

"If it were before, I would be worried. But now, I can think of many ways to protect ourselves due to Black family resources. Would it be fine to use some resources?" She said and asked Ryan.

"What's mine is yours" He responded with a shrug. Black resources were not the only ones available to him after all. Andromeda meanwhile, felt touched by Ryan's gesture, which Ryan felt through empathy and focused on the dessert, trying to not think much of the misunderstanding and sour his mood.

Ryan had left many shadows with them to protect them. And they weren't just normal shadows. After his evolution through the gifts, he found he could fuse shadows to make a stronger one, and now he was looking out for creatures to recreate the original monarch's army and its generals. He had fused many vampires, critters, and ants to create something akin to Beru, and had started visiting cemeteries to get more shadows for the fusion.

Ryan was also looking for domains as they could act as an unlimited creature farm, and through them, he might be able to create dungeons to get unlimited shadows for himself. Who needs dungeons when you can create one?

That's why Ryan had finally decided to go somewhere he had decided not to before. Scottland, or more precisely, Hogwarts and the forbidden forest. Ryan was sure to sneak inside easily because his stealth was OP, but avoided doing it because he didn't want to go near anything that would bring him to the attention of people who he could recognize by names, but he decided to go through with it because now he was more than ready to face the thunder.

"You should come to stay with us. Kreacher is not good company, he may stuff your brain with bigot nonsense of my aunt." Andromeda said, trying to get him to stay.

Ryan shook his head and said, "I can't. There are many things I need to investigate before deciding on the path to move forward. My identity would be revealed when I reach Hogwarts, and most factions will not have a good impression of me due to fa-..., uh, Sirius."

Andromeda and Ted stayed silent hearing that. They also remembered, realizing who Ryan's father was, something they were wondering themselves. 'I didn't lie. This is just a misunderstanding.' Ryan repeated in his head, sighing internally at his constant manipulations against a family so accepting of him. He was taking advantage of their kindness, and he didn't like it one bit. But his instinct made him have a bad feeling each time he thought of revealing himself as a Potter, so he was weaving a web of misunderstandings.

'This would collapse the moment Sirius is free.' Ryan thought and wondered how long could he keep the farce going.

"Still, are you sure you don't want to do anything against your aunt and her family?" Ted asked as he wanted to make sure scum like them got what they deserved.

"I don't want to make myself fall to their level out of pettiness," Ryan said, as he had made sure Dursleys would pay for their actions already. Ted nodded and wondered how a kid could be so strong and forgiving, creating yet another misunderstanding.

"Ah, that reminds me, your name would be included on the Hogwarts letter depending on when you turn 11, so what's your birthdate?" Andromeda asked.

"... 31st July" Ryan spoke, as there was no way to lie. Both Ted and Andromeda paused hearing that, as it was well known that was also the birthdate of the boy who lived. "What would I need to do after getting the letter?" Ryan asked, changing the topic.

"... Well, you first have to send back the confirmation, after which one leaves with their family to get all materials for the semester. After that, you board the train to Hogwarts." Andromeda explained.

"So people may be aware of an Heir Black till July, huh," Ryan said and nodded.

"Ah, also, be careful of everything in the palace Ryan. There are many dark items in there." Andromeda warned.

"Ah, I already had Kreacher sort them out. I have been living there for about a month, so I was quite aware of them due to the wards." Ryan explained. He had also been busy licking the entire Black library clean to learn everything he could before moving to the residence of other families he inherited.

Andromeda nodded and asked, "You said you bought books before, right? What did you learn so far?" She asked curiously.

"Ah, there were some books about the ministry and Gringotts and one about Hogwarts. Other than those, I had bought books of all semesters of Hogwarts and read all the first and second-year books." He said, shocking them.

"You have already finished books of 2 years?" Andromeda asked, then realized he said read. "No, you read through the theoretical knowledge, not the practical ones, right?" She inquired.

"I only don't have experience in potions. I have practiced all spells already. There are multiple wands in the palace, after all." Ryan said, playing with his words. But this still blew their minds. He could already cast spells of both years? Even before reaching the first magical maturity at 11?

"Could you show us?" She asked.

"Sure," Ryan said and took out a wand he could make the obscurus form, mimicking the elder wand, and casted spells according to the wand movements and pronunciation from the books. They were both silent after seeing that and realized Ryan might be a genius.

"This is amazing. You managed to cast all spells in just a month?" Ted exclaimed in surprise. Ryan didn't refute it as he did learn them all in one month when he first bought the books. He just didn't use any focus back then.

Andromeda calmed down after seeing him do that. She looked at the boy for a few seconds and sighed internally. The boy was wise and talented, but she wondered if he had experienced an early magical maturity because of what had happened to him.

She then spoke, "Well, then it's decided." She said, clapping her hands, making them look at her. " You will be coming from afternoon 2 to 5 for potions lessons with me, oh, and come around 12. You will also have lunch and dinner here." She spoke in a no-nonsense tone.

Ryan opened his mouth to deny it, but Andromeda cut and spoke, "No buts. You will come here for lunch and dinner." She said, and Ryan's instinct rang to not deny her.

"... Very well." He spoke, and Andromeda smiled, happy at him agreeing.

Ryan looked at Ted, who gave him a knowing smile. Ryan realized why Ted was whipped, Andromeda was one scary lady.

"Hmm, were you thinking something about me?" Ryan heard her say in a tone that sent chills down his spine.

"No, why?" He asked, barely maintaining his expression.

"Ah, must be my imagination," Andromeda said and started cleaning the table. Ryan wondered if the HP verse merged with an anime world because he had seen woman intuition at its finest, and it was much broken than his combination of instinct and observation haki.

LifeIsAJoke LifeIsAJoke

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C20
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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