5.88% MHA: The Mightless / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Heroes Are Just Bullies but Cooler

章 2: Chapter 2: Heroes Are Just Bullies but Cooler


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Izuku woke up in his be earlier than usual. He touched his pillow. It was wet, probably because he cried himself to sleep last night.

The reason why? He had completely forgotten, but he is still certain of one thing: he will never look at heroes the same way again.

That faithful encounter with All Might might have just killed his hero career before it even began.

"Too Dangerous? Not strong enough?"

Those words where stuck in his head, and his jammed the needle deeper into his bleeding heart.

His lack of quirk was so laughable that even the hero he sought to be like his entire life looked down on him?

"This is bullshit" he said to himself.

Looking at the clock, it was 5:30 am, about a hour earlier than his usual wake up time.

Laying back down, he attempted to reenter his sleep, where he could at least dream to be a hero, but to no avail, he couldn't sleep, not with crying away all of his energy beforehand.

Getting up, he saw no reason to stick around, so he quickly made himself breakfast and ate in front of TV. There was currently an interview taking place with a recent hero named 'L'Oreal' who had a hair manipulation quirk.

He used to love this channel as a kid, as all the inspiring speech he always felt like were directed to him. But something about this interview nearly made him hurl.

"...And remember kids, anyone can be a hero, as long as you stay healthy and always take "L'OreA" Vitamins!"

It was common for heroes to advertise their own products, but all Izuku could think of after hearing that was All Might's 'Fan Club VIP special card' he tried to give him in order to hide the dream he just Detroit Smashed.

It was disgusting, and obvious commercialism. What Izuku found saddening however, was that none of that hero's words were reaching like they used to.

Getting rejected by All Might was a real drag to reality for Izuku, and now, most of the words the confident looking hero said he felt would not have been used when addressing people like him.

He then froze.

"People" like him? Yeah right! What he meant was ONLY him! For the record, he was the only quirkless human on planet earth for all we know.

It was depressing, why him? He thought as tears streamed down his eyes, why him?

It was at times like this where he would go to the park or the mall to clear his head, after all, there was no rush.

It was a Saturday, the usual day where he would go do things outside, like a walk in the park, or to a mall, where he would stare and admire the local pro heroes showing off, or maybe, if he was lucky, bump into some passing Yuuei Students.

Speaking of Yuuei, he knew that the hero entrance test was gonna happen soon, and he used to be real excited.

It was just next year and he will soon be a pro hero in training, but now, Heroism just doesn't appeal to him anymore.

He simply wished to relive the same adrenaline rush of happiness he used to get when helping someone, but that was only because it was what passed off as 'saving' someone to him.

"The mall WOULD probably be a good place to start." Izuku said to himself, looking at the clock.

Inko woke up just as Izuku headed out. Walking downstairs she noticed that the TV was left on.

"Izuku must have left it on before he left." She said to herself.

While making breakfast for herself, she looked out the window to see her child heading towards mainstreet.

"I just hope he's okay." She said to herself, as, contrary to Izuku's belief, she knew Izuku wasn't feeling well.

She just didn't have the heart to ask why when she heard the thrashing.

The say was beautifully sunny, and the fresh, spring wind blowing through Izuku's hair was soothing, A therapeutic treatment Izuku came up with when he felt down.

Enjoying life's aspects that didn't need quirks his initial way to cope with his problems, and he was relieved to find out it still worked even after his denial phase.

"God damn wind!" Cried some passerby about his age, "it's messing up my hair! I spent so much time brushing so wouldn't look like a porcupine!"

"You should have used hair spray buddy, the strong kind." Said the other.

"Oh trust me! It would take a whole can to immobilize my long hair!" Replied the other.

Izuku didn't much attention, as he was approaching his destination.

While the mall was usually most late grade schooler and High schooler's hang out spot, it wasn't easy capturing such results when you have no friends.

Well, almost, but it was pretty obvious Bakugou was more 'Bully' or 'Acquaintance' at best. Besides, he was probably back home, still recovering from yesterday's villain attack.

The sudden though of Bakugou however made him shudder. Memories that were once hazy in his head had become crystal clear: he was enjoying the suffering of others.

He was never sadistic, far from it, so the mere thought of laughing at a pair of eyes crying from help was gut wrenching. What has become of him?

It was these kinds of thoughts that he came to clear, but now, he realized that it was clearly not working.

But he couldn't just lash out, he was in the middle of a shopping district, and chances are he was gonna embarrass himself.

Trying to find somewhere secluded to sit down, he realized that most stores were empty, even some shops had zero customers, or even cashiers and employees for that matter.

"What's going on?!" Izuku said out loud.

Suddenly, he hear a large crowd of people.

Running towards the source of the sound, he found himself at the center court of the massive mall, where a massive crowd was gathered.

One would try to push to the center to see what's going on, but it was very obvious to Izuku what was going on: A hero is making his great debut.

"KYAAA! IT'S L'OREAL!" Cheered a group of fangirls.

"Oh great, THAT twat is here?"

Apparently there was a supposed villain attack, and the glamorously fashioned hero just so happened to be around, signing autographs.


This is where Izuku would try to squeeze to the middle of the crowd, trying to get a full view of the situation, but now, Heroes just don't amaze him anymore.

"LOOK OUT! THE VILLAIN'S JUMPING TOWARDS US!" Yelled one of the bystanders as the masked man, badly wounded ran towards the crowd, before jumping into the air with all of his might, trying to make it to safety.

Izuku heard the yell and turned around, only to see the villain laying prone in from of him.

Just then, it was as of time had slowed, down. Izuku and the villain stared at each other like two deers caught in a headlight.

Izuku didn't want to, but his eyes was doing it on it's own: he was reading the villains emotions through his eyes.

He felt panic, sadness, humiliation coming from him. Then, as if it was his own imagination, but he though he heard something.

"help me..."

"Help me? A villain, the people he sought to defeat for his entire life, people viewed by society as criminals, wants help?"

Suddenly, hairs came through the crowd, grabbing the man by his ankles and dragging him back.

"Oh no mon ami! (yes I made him French) We are not done here!" He said, strangling him.

Izuku froze. For a brief moment, what he saw was not a villain, not someone he was suppose to run away from.

For a moment there, all he saw, was a poor, weak, tortured kid with no means to defend himself getting bullied by those who were stronger than him, just because they can.

Kinda like...


Himself? Is that villain really like him? His world started to crumble. Was he really that similar to that villain. He gazed at the crowd.

They were not horrified, they were pleased.

Pleased? They are watching a man fighting for his dear life and what are they doing? Laughing! Cheering for his assailant? Filming this? Where are the real heroes to come and break these two apart? Where is the reasoning behind this? So it's OK to harm the weak just because you are a so-called 'Hero'?

Izuku clenched his fist, turned around and ran.

"These people are crazy! No, they aren't. The heroes, they made them crazy! These so called heroes claim they fight for justice and equality, but what are they really? Bullies! All of them are just like Kacchan! I hate them! I HATE THEM!" He thought, running to an empty hair salon.

Back in the crowd, the 'villain' was on his knees, as blood dropped down his cut up face.

"please... I just needed money for my sick brother... If you can take me into custody, at least take care of him..." he pleaded to L'Oreal.

"HAHAHA! OH MY GOD LOOK AT HIM! HE'S CRYING! WASNT HE SO SERIOUS WHEN HE TRIED TO MUG ME?" Said one of the girl who was his supposed victim.

"Sorry lad, Villains don't deserve my courtesy." L'Oreal smiled.

"FINISH HIM!" Yelled a group of his fans.

The villain curled into a ball.

"Please help me... someone..." he said softly was tears streamed down his face.

Suddenly, three cans were thrown at the hero as a kid wearing an All Might jacket and a face mask with bunny whiskers coming out of it came running in.

"DON'T WORRY YOUNG (Even though he's older than him) MAN!" Said the kid like landing in between them.

The cans exploded as the hero tried to grab them out of then air, releasing a light mist that covered L'Oreal's head, "FOR I AM HERE!"

"And who are you?" Said L'Oreal in a pissed off tone.

"Shit! I didn't think this through! All I had in mind was to hide my identity and rush in to save the man, I didn't think ahead! Okay, Izuku, just think of something." He thought,

"I am..."


"The villain."

The crown went silent, then came a sudden outburst of laughter, including the one from the hero. Just then, the man on the ground pulled out a knife and stuck it to Izuku's neck.


The crowd was silenced, so was Izuku.

"Kid... listen" the man suddenly whispered into Izuku's ears, which was surprising, even for him, "I don't... I'm not doing to kidnap you, but if you want to live, we need to cooperate.

Suddenly, from hearing that, he knew that the villain was on his side, and a grin formed under his face mask.

"It's fine, if we work together, we can defeat him!" Izuku whispered back.

"Wait what? You WANT to work with me? Shouldn't you be on his side" he whispers back, looking towards the hero.

"It's a long story, now, what is your quirk?" Izuku asked quietly.

"not much, all I got are these mini canons I can form under my fingernail that fires needles.

"That's just the quirk I need, now, what's your name?"

"Sachiko, just call me Sachi for shorts." Said the man.

"well Sachi, follow my lead..." said Izuku.

"Listen, We don't have to go through this, just let the boy go and I assure you, nothing back will happen." Said L'Oreal, trying to negotiate.

"You want him? come and get him!" Said Sachi, letting Izuku go as he suddenly charged at him at sprinting speed.

"Good, now eat justice villain!" Said L'Oreal, not realizing that Izuku was planning on attacking him.


L'Oreal's hair formed into fists that flew towards Sachi, but to his surprise, it's speed was greatly diminished and Sachi was able to dodge it easily.

"What?! What's wrong with my hair?! Why can't it move properly?!" Asked L'Oreal in shock.

"It's hair spray!" Said Izuku, "Those can's you crushed were cans of hair spray!"

"WHAT?!" L'Oreal screamed.

"AND YOU'RE ABOUT TO GET A SECOND DOSE! SACHI! NOW!" Izuku said, opening him jacket, revealing several cans of hair spray underneath.

"GOT IT! PORCUPINE BARRAGE!" Yelled Sachi, firing at the cans Izuku tossed into the air. The cans exploded, covering L'Oreal and Izuku all together.


"This is what you get!" Said Izuku.


"You talk about justice, yet you pick on someone who has already surrendered for your own sadistic ends, you're no hero."

"THEN WHAT DOES THAT MAKE YOU?!" L'Oreal cried as all of his fans started running away and as he tried to make his hair budge by even an itch, but to no avail.

Izuku grinned sadisticly at his comment, and without any moral or emotional backlash this time around, as if he was finally getting the revenge he longed for for so many years.

"Isn't it obvious, mister hero? There two sides to this story, you are the hero, and me? I'm the villain!" He said, smiling under his mask, before inserting a pair of barber scissors into L'Oreal's stomach.


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Toji_Fushigoro Toji_Fushigoro

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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