98.82% Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest compete edition / Chapter 420: Star Spirit World Arc Bob (Shia) is Suspecting

章 420: Star Spirit World Arc Bob (Shia) is Suspecting

「Hah!? This place is Shia-sama!? I am Shia-sama!?」

「No, you're Dahlia-san desu.」

Were those descended from the lineage of Balted royal family had the disposition of asking something like 「Where's this place!? Who am I!?」 when they woke up?

In any case, Dahlia-san sprang up all of a sudden in a confusion and returned to her senses from the very calm tsukkomi of Shia-sama.

「S-Shia-sama? Is this real? This isn't just my convenient dream?」

「Ahaha, this is reality desu~. I came to meet Dahlia-san♪」

「C-come to marry? With me?」

「What kind of mishearing is that? I'm saying that I came here to play desuu!」

It seemed her mind was still in chaos. Although she had been dreaming this reunion, it was still too abrupt and dramatic for Dahlia.

It was understandable that she felt like she had become like a heroine inside a fairytale. Her heart was all floaty that her mouth unconsciously ran wild.

She was half in a dreamy state of mind and thought 「As expected is this a dream in my dying hour?」 while looking around for some reason.

There was the flame poison dragon with its chest caved-in at some distance away. The warriors were looking her way with bewildered looks.

When she turned her gaze at the opposite side, there was the lightning horned beast lying on the ground with eyes rolled back and its tongue lolling out. It wasn't even twitching.



As expected it was reality. Without a doubt! Her heart finally caught up to reality.

She looked at Shia once more. She helped her stood up with her hand supporting her back. Her face that was nearby was still as beautiful as five years ago. Her fluffy and twitchy bunny ears were also still going strong.

Dahlia's sight became blurred with tears.

「J-Jia, zamaa」

「My my, don't cry like that」

Shia wasn't so dense to not understand that those tears weren't caused by wound or relieve, but because of deep emotion. Her finger wiped the spilling out tears. Perhaps the sensation of that touch finally made Dahlia keenly realized.

「I, I, have worked hard with Shia-sama of the past-, as, as my target to become a far more charming human when we are reunited again...to show, that I am someone worthy to be called friend by Shia-sama...uuu, ahnd yet, how unsightly I'm looking...」

Dahlia contemplated her behavior up till now and became half tearful from shame this time. She covered her face with both her hands.

「No no, Dahlia-san is charming desu! Far more than before! I was super startled! I've also heard a lot of things about Dahlia-san, so I'm proud as your friend!」

「A, u, no way-, so kind...」

Shia smiled as though she was looking at a troublesome person, but, she also looked like she couldn't hold back her feeling of like.

Dahlia was spilling out tears that even she herself didn't know anymore whether they were emotional tears or tears for her own pathetic state while speaking with a trembling voice that was filled with a flood of her feelings.

「This Dahlia, believes, that one day Shia-sama, someone who is kinder than anyone else will keep your words, that you will come to see this world that you have saved. But, I thought that day would be far further in the future...」

「Fuuhn? So I'm too early to come here to meet you? Or perhaps I'm being a bother?」

「T-there's no such thing-, tsu...Shia-sama, you big meanie-」

Dahlia-san lifted the corners of her eyes angrily even while placing her hand on top of Shia's hand. However, that expression immediately changed into a smile that was like a rose in full bloom.

「I am, truly happy...from the bottom of my heart to be able to meet you again, Shia-sama.」

「Yes♪. I'm glad that it looks like Dahlia-san is doing well desu!」

Shia and Dahlia quietly hugged each other tightly.

A breeze blew. Flower petals from who knew where fluttered. The various animals that were supporting Dahlia were moving closer as though to surround the two.

It was as though the forest itself was blessing the two's reunion. What a beautiful and precious sight. Even the sound of rustling leaves sounded like a BGM playing from somewhere.

...Fortunately the two didn't notice the jealous glare and muttering of 'so precious, so precious' that were coming from the clifftop.

After the two were feeling each other's warmth and friendship like that for a while,

「U-ummm~, village chief?」

A voice that sounded terribly reserved, or rather fearful called out to them.

It was the large man who looked like he was in the middle of his forty. The skinhead who used a large axe.

「Eh? Ah」

「Aa~, looks like you forgot about us. Should I wait a bit more?」

「N-no-, no need!」

Skinhead-san rubbed his bald head while asking apologetically. Perhaps he actually didn't want to interrupt because the two had a good atmosphere going on. His good nature was peeking through.

Dahlia turned bright red and let go from Shia to stand up. She had gotten quite dirty, even so she brushed off the dust from her maid uniform and lightly tidied up her appearance. Shia also stood up together with her.

「Err~, the awesome lady over there...I heard for a bit how you called the village chief with her name...could it be?」

Five men were standing nervously behind the skinhead.

From their reaction it didn't look like they knew the face of the savior Shia. Although, that in itself wasn't so strange. Shia's stay in this world was very short and she also didn't go around much.

Also, Dahlia was the "saint" who was habitually preaching about Shia's achievement and Lutria's teaching even to the ordinary citizen. Naturally that included Shia's appearance and trait too (more specifically, the point of just how beautiful and gallant she was got included to every minute detail).

And it was even more so after witnessing Shia's abnormal strength. It was only natural that the men could create a conjecture that was nearly a surety.

That the girl right before them was none other than that messiah who they had been hearing so much about until they got calluses on their ears even if they didn't know her face.

It made even the muscular Hyahha fellows (only in appearance though) to be stiffly nervous.

「Yes. This person is our messiah and hero──」

「Hello everyone, nice to meet you! My name is Shia Hauria! Treat me well desu!」

Shia greeted with a grin. The great sword user Mohican and the half-naked man with pointy grey hair backed away while holding their chest. It was like they had just got shot. It was probably so.

「A-as I thought you're the savior. My thanks for the assistance when we were in that pinch! Ou, you guys!」

「「「「「T-thank you very much!!」」」」」

Deep grateful voices echoed inside the forest. When Shia replied 「Your welcome!」 with a smile, another man, a hammer user whose face couldn't be seen due to the full-body armor he was wearing pressed his hands on his cheeks (from over his helmet though) and started fidgeting. It seemed another man had gotten shot through.

「So, our savior──」

「Aa~, it feels itchy to be called like that, and the deed wasn't solely accomplished with just my strength so please call me by my name. ...And please don't call me without suffix okay?」

「Haha, no way we'll do that. Even before the fact of you being our savior, ain't no way we'll just call a woman who we just met for the first time so familiarly without using suffix. That's just common sense.」

Even though he got Hyahha appearance, he was real gentleman! No, should he be called sensible? He gave a reply like 「Then just as you asked, please allow me to call you Hauria-sama」, so Shia's wariness was instantly blown away.

This person, is absolutely a good and sensible person desuu! She thought.

At that moment, a certain four handsome guys flashed at the back of Shia's mind. After comparing them to this bald uncle, the result was that their positivity level was lower──if those four learned this fact, their eyes would surely look dead once more.

Putting that aside.

「Ee~, first I guess I should introduce ourselves──」

It's fine to do that right? The skinhead uncle asked that to Dahlia with his eyes, but before he could finish speaking,

「Ah, please wait a second. Ha~~ji~~me~~saa~~n! Everyone too~~! How long are you all going to stay up thereee!!」

He was interrupted by Shia raising her voice toward the clifftop.

Dahlia and others looked up following that. Right after that, silhouettes from above were──

「...You called?」


That voice was whispered from Dahlia's back. Dahlia-san jumped *pyon* and she covered her ears while turning around with bright red face.

「F-first wife-sama!」

「...Tsu, bootlicking right from the start? But however, it's effective-. Cursed you Dahlia, not bad!」

Yue looked frustrated and yet happy for some reason. But setting her aside.

One person jumped down from the cliff. The skinheads thought that someone fell down and said 「Ah」, but the silhouette landed easily and their eyes widened once more.

「Sorry Shia. We missed our timing to show ourselves while I was calming down Yue for a bit...」

「? Calming down?」

Did something happen with Yue-san? Shia thought with a tilt of her head, but that matter was put aside for the moment.

「Long time no see, Dahlia.」

「Your majesty!」

Dahlia-san kneeled with a graceful manner, however, her movement was so quick it looked like a reflexive action. The greatest amount of respect toward Hajime could be felt from there. Yue-sama got even more frustrated and happy.

The skinhead uncles looked shaken by Dahlia's behavior. Should we also kneel, no, we absolutely should shouldn't we? They exchanged that kind of gaze with each other and timidly kneeled on their knees.

Meanwhile, Hajime opened a "gate" with Crystal Key for Myuu and others above the cliff. Seeing people walking out in droves from the shining screen caused the warriors' brains to almost reach the limit in their processing power.

Nice to meet you~! Energetic greetings led by Myuu and Nana echoed loudly. Dahlia elegantly covered her lips in surprise as she shouted 「My!」.

「No need for formality. Just like Shia said, we just came to play. We're bringing family and friends here.」

Hajime said that softly to the still kneeling Dahlia.

「...Is that so」

Surely ton of questions were forming in her head, but Dahlia pressed all of them down. Her gaze moved toward Shia once more and her eyes became teary.

「Most likely, the tool for searching location was used wasn't it? Although teleportation is possible, to go out of your way to come so far until a prison-like place like this just to meet me......this Dahlia, feels extremely moved-」

Dahlia-san was sharp. Concerning words like "prison-like place" came out, but judging from Dahlia's reaction, this place originally must be somewhere where human couldn't step into.

Teras flowed out like waterfall knowing that they came so far until this kind of place just to meet her, and it was mainly because of Shia's wish that they made the journey.

「Ahaha, Dahlia-san cries too much desu」

「Dahlia-oneesan, do you need handkerchief? Myuu will lend you one nano.」

「Uu, how shameful. You must be his majesty's daughter who I've heard about in the past aren't you? What a lovely and kind person you are-」

Myuu wiped Dahlia's tear with her handkerchief. The waterfall came out even more fiercely from Dahlia-san's eyes due to how much that moved her.

It seemed she wasn't bothered that the said handkerchief was totally chuuni with its vividly red color and black magic circle drawn on it, looking completely like it was a medium for black magic.

Why are you allowing her to have that kind of handkerchief...such gaze was directed to Remia mama from Yuuka. Remia mama shook her head left and right. It seemed she didn't know about the existence of such handkerchief before this.

Naturally their gazes moved toward the habitual criminal for this kind of crime──that was to say, Hajime papa.

「I-it's helpful so...」


Hajime quietly averted his gaze. Yuuka stared at him reproachfully, while Remia mama was sending him a smile filled with pressure that promised there would be husband and wife conference about this later on...

It was then.


A groan could be heard.

Everyone gasped and turned their eyes toward the source. The lightning horned beast was waking up. It seemed that it was still injured so it couldn't stand up right away, but the glint in its eyes was sharp. It was glaring straight at Shia who should have shown the overwhelming difference in strength between them.

「...Hee, this guy is quite gutsy isn't he?」

「If we're going to catch it then right now is the chance nano! Where is the paralysis ball? Nano!」

「You asked Shia to neutralize it means, it's something like that isn't it? If it's alright perhaps you can allow my child to experience such thing...」

Myuu's big and round eyes sparkled from thinking that she might be able to see a live "capture". Ryuutarou and co were also the same. The papa was already considering his daughter's feeling and made such request.

It's great isn't it, Myuu! This is more summer memory for you! You can write about it later in your picture diary!

However, Dahlia's choice wasn't any of that.

「M-my deepest apologies, your majesty. Please spare it from the capture. Shia-sama too, it'll be great if you can lower your weapon!」

「Eh, but, it's already getting up you know? How about I hit it one more time?」

「I might ask you to do so depending on the situation but, for the time being, please leave this to me!」

The lightning horned beast somehow braced its four legs and barely stood up on its feet. But, it showed no sign of running away. Far from that it started charging its electricity.

Determination could be felt from its eyes. It would rather fight to the end and lost its life rather than running away from here...such will could even be felt from it.

「That's, pride. This fellow, right now it's resolved to die for the sake of its pride.」

「That's...not like a beast isn't it?」

Tio spoke with narrowed eyes. Shizuku looked surprised to hear that. Kaori and others were also raising their voices in surprise.

But, Dahlia and the skinhead uncles were all nodding in understanding instead.

「He is, the west king of this confinement land. And, defeat is the same as death for the king of the beasts. He will never live in disgrace...that must be how he is thinking.」

At the same time, he was also the protector of the western region's ecosystem, Dahlia said. The order of the law of the jungle was formed with him at the apex.

Dahlia further said that normally the lightning horned beast was gentle and wouldn't kill anymore than necessary, nor it would allow such thing to take place. He would be the first one to fight than anybody else when there was attack from external enemy.

That was why, he couldn't be allowed to die. Dahlia gave such concise explanation while walking toward the lightning horned beast.

She didn't ready her bow. The bow had been slung back on her back and she took a deep breath while empty handed. Right after that.


A beautiful tune echoed inside the forest.


「What a pretty voice...she's just like an opera singer.」

「Was Dahlia-san also good at singing?」

Yue was staring at amazement. Aiko and Atsushi spoke in admiration. Certainly, the voice was comfortable and clear despite not being loud at the slightest.

Shia watched open-mouthed before she shook her head. It seemed she had never seen Dahlia singing before.

However, why was she suddenly singing?

The answer to that was...

「Ah, it feels like I've seen this kind of scene before. I forget what's the name of the work though...」

「Song and beast, no, dragon huh? Calming down dragon with song, I guess you can call that a staple.」

Suzu and Ryuutarou spoke with small voices so to not disturb the song.

Certainly, everyone half-accepted what they said. They too felt like they had seen that kind of scene before. However, now they became nervous from wondering if such thing was really possible to do in real life.

「Umm, is she going to be okay? Does she has experience doing something like this before?」

Liliana couldn't hold back and asked the skinhead uncle. The skinhead uncle was setting something on his left arm's equipment with a nervous expression while never taking off his gaze from the lightning horned beast as he answered.

「If you're asking about experience of calming down something when in the middle of battle, then unfortunately she got no such experience. But, that guy will definitely like village chief's song. If you mean that kind of experience than she has a lot of it.」

「You mean singing nearby a monster while they're calm?」

Aiko asked that while preparing to use "Soul Repose" if it became needed. The skinhead uncle slightly corrected her.

「To be more accurate, that guy will sometimes show up near the village chief when she was singing inside the forest.」

Dahlia's song was apparently one of the "offering songs for spirit and spirit beasts" that had been passed down since ancient time in Balted Kingdom. And it seemed Dahlia who was descended from the royal family knew all the songs including the ancient songs that the ordinary citizens couldn't possibly know about.

On top of that,

「Muu~, even though she never sang even once when I was here before...」

 Shia puffed up her cheeks slightly. Right now, Dahlia's singing voice that was reverberating inside the forest was so beautiful that it made her vexed that she couldn't hear it before. It was so beautiful that everybody there recognized her as a singing expert.

Perhaps that was why.

It was said that forest's living creature would have their interest tickled when you were singing in forest while thinking of your hometown. Animals would approach Dahlia to listen to her song without any wariness.

Perhaps that was what served as the impetus that pushed Dahlia to a new stage of "user of forest creatures" when she was worrying about her own lack of power in this dangerous region...

Putting that aside, among those approaching forest creatures, there was also the figure of the lightning horned beast although he was just watching from afar.

The skinhead uncle told that story quickly. Myuu then asked a pure and adorable question.

「Are Dahlia-oneesan and the lightning horned beast, friends nano?」

Everyone who was watching with held breath slightly relaxed. The skinhead uncle replied with an unexpectedly soft voice.

「Who knows, I don't know what that guy think about that. But, the fact is the western region will get chaotic if he's gone. If possible, I hope that guy will return back quietly.」

Judging from how that flame poison dragon got called as "turf disturber", they could somehow get the gist of the situation.

Hajime and others exchanged gaze with each other, to signal that they would give assistance in case something happened.

In the end, the conclusion of this scene was,



The lightning horned beast's gaze that was glaring only at Shia moved toward Dahlia who was gradually getting closer. The warning growl finally turned into a roar.

The singing voice got drowned out temporarily, however, Dahlia didn't flinch. Her tune continued to flow out as though to weave between the fighting spirit's interval, no, rather it was as though the tune was enveloping the whole thing.

Finally Dahlia had entered the range of the lightning horned beast's claw.

She stopped walking there and looked back straight into the lightning horned beast's eyes. Her song became even louder and rich. Her tune was filled with emotions and radiating desperate pleading and earnestness while at the same time kindness to embrace the opponent was also felt from it. Such singing voice pounded the earlobes of all the living things in that place.

The creatures who were Dahlia's comrade in arms had gathered around her before anyone realized. They looked like they were gathering not to protect Dahlia, but simply because "their friend was singing, so they gathered to listen just like usual" without any tension in the air.

「Ah, the sparking is gone nano!」

「He also stops growling now...」

Just like Myuu and Remia said, there was change in the lightning horned beast. His eyes were still sharp. He was glaring at Dahlia like he would bite her to death anytime soon. But...

「His fighting spiriti...is also fading.」

Hajime murmured with some admiration.

「Unbelievable...that's just insane」

「Ryuu-kun, the wording...」

Suzu frowned hearing such wording, but she was feeling the same. Dahlia wasn't using any magic or spirit art, or even any kind of special tool.

She was simply using technique to reach the other side's heart with straightforward earnestness...

It was easier said than done. Such saying described this perfectly.

「...This, might be the greatest strength that Dahlia has polished in these five years?」

「Kuku, "straightforward earnestness" ──perhaps she hath learned such way of living from a certain someone?」

「She can't do "straightforward rush and right straight" like a certain someone, so perhaps she replace that with "song"?」

「She has done her best wholeheartedly to become worthy to be called "friend" isn't she? No doubt about it. And, how is that certain someone feeling right now I wonder? I wonder?」

Yue was impressed, while Tio, Shizuku, and Kaori made a teasing expression toward Shia.

「It feels embarrassing for some reason so no comment desu.」

Shia curiously wouldn't even look toward Yue and co. But, Shia continued to stare fixedly toward "the current Dahlia" with her cheeks slackening from embarrassment and pride.

「Oo, she's successful isn't she?」

「The beast's fighting spirit is completely gone.」

Nana and Taeko's words made Yue and others also returned their gazes toward the spectacle.

Dahlia was still unperturbed, rather her singing voice had become even gentler so...

The lightning horned beast who was so resolute and dauntless finally took a step back.

The lightning horned beast stared fixedly at Dahlia for a while. No fighting spirit or agitation could be felt from him anymore. His atmosphere was changing to one that was suitable to be called "tranquil".

He glanced toward Hajime and co and especially Shia with wariness in his eyes, but Shia had stored back her war hammer into her "treasure warehouse" to show that she was harmless. Hajime and co also only shrugged or raised their hands to show that they had no intention to fight...



Dahlia's song stopped. No, perhaps it would be more accurate to say that she was stopped.

Because the lightning horned beast lowered his head and brought his nose closer toward Dahlia. It was a gesture that he absolutely wouldn't show to anybody else than his closes followers.

Was it an expression of deep affection, or an apology?

Either way, it seemed that not only he had lost his hostility, he had recognized something from Dahlia.

Dahlia timidly reached out with her hand. She touched his nose, then her hand slid down over his smooth scale, and patted his white fur. Perhaps the texture was very fine, because Dahlia's nervous expression relaxed.

「...I'm grateful that you deigned to listen to my song, leader of the west.」

Dahlia smiled while staring into the very close animal eyes. It seemed her feeling was conveyed. The lightning horned beast slowly blinked. His eyes looked very peaceful.

Those were the same eyes that he showed to the creatures at the west where he ruled.

There was the sound of gulping. It came from the skinhead uncles. What was happening must be really impossible even for them.

「Mama, mama! Dahlia-oneesan is lovely nano-」

「Yes, truly. It's like watching a scene right from a movie.」

Myuu's eyes were sparkling. Enormous respect toward Dahlia could be seen from her gaze. Yuuka, Nana, and Taeko also had a similar gaze. Atsushi started tidying up his appearance. Noboru retorted 「Your comedian act still hasn't changed at all huh」 with cold eyes toward him.

Then at the next moment, the lightning horned beast quietly drew back and jumped suddenly.

Tension ran for a moment between the skinhead uncles. But, that jump was very quiet and even Hajime and co didn't feel any danger.

The lightning horned beast landed almost without any sound. Just how was that possible with such huge body? Then the beast,

「Ah, he collected his horn?」

Just as Kaori muttered. He held his broken horn in his mouth. Then right after that he jumped to in front of Dahlia and tossed the horn to the ground before her.

「Eh, umm, could it be you're giving this to me?」

Eyes could speak as much as mouth. Especially in the case of animal.

The lightning horned beast stared at Dahlia with a gaze that anyone could understand the meaning of. And last he roared Gaah toward Shia──this too was clearly him speaking 「I won't lose next time」 with eye glint that was overflowing with fighting spirit──then he turned around.

Without stopping he moved deeper into the forest with speed that was like a wind──vanishing toward the west direction.

「A beast that smart handed over his body part that can be said as his own symbol to its destroyer. He really recognized you. That's awesome.」

「Y-your majesty...I'm feeling extremely happy if that's true.」

Dahlia smiled bashfully while lifting up the horn in her arms as though it was a treasure.

「Perhaps, he will come to help like the other animals if Dahlia-san call?」

「Seriously? Jinou*a tamer, that's just peak romance!」

Taeko conjectured followed by Noboru looking toward Dahlia with eyes that were filled with curiosity.

「There is no way, as expected something like that is...」

Dahlia said that with a shake of her head but...

Actually after that, such thing really happened...and it didn't stop there. Due to the great increase in her fighting strength from the lightning horned beast's assistance, Dahlia found more cooperative huge beasts and flying dragons and became like "Star Spirit World's Myuu". But at this moment there was nobody here who could imagine such thing.

And so, for the time being Dahlia pulled herself together and focused to what was right before her.

「More importantly everyone, my deepest apologies for making you wait.」

Dahlia entrusted the horn to the skinhead uncle, tidied up her appearance as much as she could, then she straightened her back sharply.

「Once again, my name is Dahlia Schweig. I bid everyone welcome. Please allow me to give everyone the warmest hospitality though it won't be comparable to the palace because this place is a dangerous zone.」

She said that and performed a curtsy with beautiful movement.

Her eyes were slightly red from the waterfall of tears just now but it made her looked adorable instead. However, her smile was elegant and gorgeous in all respects. Even Hajime and co unconsciously felt impressed by her refined gesture.

The skinhead uncles also hurriedly bowed. They looked like they knew little of etiquette, even so they were showing respect as best as they could.

「For the time being, let's go to our base. We won't be able to have a nice talk here...no, perhaps that's possible with the power of your majesty and Shia-sama?」

「No no! We're here already, so I want to see where you live!」

「...Base, base...aa, there is. I see. There's quite a lot of people there. If we go there on foot...it'll take around two to three hours I guess?」

Hajime had immediately checked with the compass. He looked around with his gaze asking 「Should we go with teleport?」. They could have the talk even while walking to this so-called base. Walking while looking around the forest wouldn't be so bad.

But, doing that for two till three hours would be a bit too long. Some of them definitely felt like that.

「Aa~, do you mean we can return instantly to the village using the light screen before this?」

The skinhead uncle asked hesitantly. When Hajime nodded, he turned his gaze toward the flame poison dragon.

「Then, chief. We'll remain here anyway. We can't just leave that behind.」

「Ah, you're right. It looks like we can harvest precious flame poison dragon's material from it.」

Myuu's eyes lighted up. As though to say there was nothing exciting than the moment when checking the reward from the subjugation quest.

「If possible, it'll be best to bring it whole for research purpose too...」

「Then, how about I teleport it back too? In exchange, I'll be happy if you let my child to experience the material harvesting with you.」

「That's the greatest thing I can ask for, your majesty. Your highness too, please ask if there is anything you wish for.」

「Thank you nano, Dahlia-oneesan! Also, Myuu is Myuu! So please just call Myuu Myuu! Nano!」

「My! It is fine for me to call you by name? I'm glad, Myuu-sama!」

And so it was decided to go to the base with teleport. There wasn't anyone objecting, so Hajime immediately opened a "gate" with Crystal Key.

At the same time, Hajime was about to ask Yue to use gravity magic to float the flame poison dragon for transport but,

「...Hajime, can you go ahead? I'll catch up later with teleport.」

「Oh? I don't mind but...」

For some reason Yue proposed to act separately. Everyone wondered what was her reason for that and looked at Yue.

「If you want to go to toilet then surely there'll be some at Dahlia-san's base you know? Or if you want we can wait until you finish, so how about doing it around here?」

「...Drop dead, Bakaori」

The two did such exchange as naturally as breathing while Yue was moving away quickly.

「? Yue-san? What's──」

She grabbed Shia's arm tightly. As though to embrace her.

"?" Floated above Shia's head, but she froze after seeing Yue's smile. What an intense smile. Shia's cheeks were twitching.

「Y-Yue-san? It feels like there's no light in your eyes──」

「...I need to have a TALK with Shia.」

「T-talk? Ah, wai-, this is gravity magic!? Why're you making me float!? Where're you taking me desuu!?」

Yue-sama dragged the floating Shia to behind a bush. She didn't even pay any mind to Shia's question and replied with monotone voice. No, it was like she was just talking to herself.

「...Shia need a firm education so she doesn't become like a certain early years hero.」

「What do you mean!?」

「...It's also suspicious in the campus recently...you're indiscriminate the moment you see a girl-, geez! Geeez!」

「Just what in the world are you sayingg~~~~~」

「...Stupid Shia, idiott, cheaterrr~」

「Hajime-saan! Everyone tooo! Don't just watch please save mee~~~」

No help came. Everyone just saw off the two vanished behind a bush while their mouths were hanging open. Because somehow it felt like the atmosphere was one where they mustn't get involved. Like, there was this aura *Zumomomooo-* gushing out from Yue's back telling everyone to not get in her way.

It seemed, the "soothing" from Hajime above the cliff wasn't really effective. Yue-sama's love was always extremely heavy.

A second passed.

「Yosh, there isn't really any problem! Tio, can you take Yue's place?」

「Order acknowledged!」

Hajime clapped his hands in a prayer and gave the order to forcefully change the atmosphere. Everyone nodded 「O-oo~」 together. Sometimes, policy of noninvolvement was justice in this world.

「Really that Yue...she really like Shia too much.」

Kaori passed through the "gate" while muttering that with a look as though she was enduring a headache. Hajime and co were all smiling wryly in complete agreement.

...Somehow, they got the feeling that there was a rabbit's scream 「AAーーー♡」 from deep inside the forest.

Of course, they decided that they didn't hear anything.


「This base is more properly built than I expected...」

「Yeah, I had this image that it would look more like a village or like a camping ground...」

「This is practically a fortress.」

The voices of admiration came from Yuuka and co. Shizuku and Kaori were also blinking in astonishment. Liliana's words were also given hearty nods of agreement from Aiko and others.

「Welcome, everyone. To our base──alias "Village".」

Dahlia spread her hands open while being surrounded by forest creatures.

The place they were teleported into was truly worthy to be called a fortress.

It had the shape that sandwiched a large river in between. It was round and surrounded by a wall of large trees. There was a cliff from the east side until the south side, with a waterfall falling down for several hundred meters from the south side's cliff with a thunderous sound at the bottom.

There was a five-story building with its back facing the east side's cliff. This building too was basically made from wood but it seemed to be reinforced with metal. From there other buildings were gradually spreading like the foot of a mountain.

The opposite side seemed to be built with battle in mind. There was one splendid flip-up type bridge connecting to the opposite shore. There was almost no building around it, in exchange there was an open space where defensive fences, pitfalls, and large ballista were set up in numerous amounts.

In that "Village", a screen of light suddenly appeared and the village chief along with her men came out from there. Many men and women were witnessing that sight with their mouths hanging open.

There were humans and also beastmen. Most likely there were also demons mixed in among the humans. The demon race in this world was merely distinction due to the different country. After all the demons were nothing more than humans who lived in the demon kingdom.

「It's a splendid place for something that has only been built for two years.」

「It's a great delight to receive your majesty's praise.」

Dahlia's face broke into a smile happily. The skinhead uncles who also passed through the "gate" fearfully from behind were also smiling innocently like children whose effort had been recognized.

「For now, I wish to put down this fellow...where wouldst be a good place to do that?」

「Ah, sorry, put it at the training ground there...yes, that's right. The opposite bank. It's fine if you just put it anywhere there.」

The "gate" suddenly widened considerably and the flame poison dragon's huge body floated through like balloon. Screams rose from here and there throughout the Village. Perhaps they thought there was an attack.

Tio looked apologetic as she transported the flame poison dragon until the opposite bank. She softly placed it near the bridge.

Meanwhile, Dahlia clapped her hands. Like an expert singer, her voice spread through clearly even without using something like megaphone.

「Everyone, there's no need for worry! These people are the relatives of the savior! Shia-sama is, umm...there's a bit of emergency so she isn't here but, she'll arrive soon!」

Right? Dahlia asked with a worried glance toward Hajime. Hajime shrugged and said 「Maybe」. Yue and Shia would catch up depending on how long it would take for Yue's heightened Shia love to disperse, so it couldn't be helped that Hajime couldn't give any specific time.

「Shia-sama has come here to see me as a friend, which is an extremely great honor. This too must be because the gods are watching over us! And so please just act as you usually do without shame, however, without any carelessness too!」

*Mutter mutter* The people were getting noisy. There was too much information so suddenly that they felt bewildered.

However, Hajime felt impressed inside because the amount of explanation Dahlia gave was just right. Suspicion would be born if she carelessly hid their identity, but it would cause great commotion if she extolled them excessively.

(Even if she'll tell them more details later, she's letting the people here to observe the situation on their own for now. With that the level of commotion can be suppressed, and she isn't making us waiting with this...her plan is something like that I guess?)

If Dahlia was choosing her words based on that kind of awareness, then it was an amazing thoughtfulness. Dahlia herself seemed to guess what Hajime was thinking when she saw him observing her intently. She responded with an elegant smile and a bow. It seemed that he was right.

Very good job. It deserved additional score on the evaluation sheet...

「What are you writing down there?」

「It's nothing. Really.」

Liliana peeked at his hands. Perhaps she had somehow sensed that he was doing something sneaky. She really had sharp eyes.

Hajime quickly put away his memo book while ignoring Liliana. He returned his focus toward Dahlia.

「It's the sudden visit of outsiders. What's more, the hero is a being that is connected to the goddess. Tell me if it looks like things will get chaotic. Our Aiko is an expert in stabilizing mind after all.」

「I believe that there will be no problem but, if such time actually come then please allow me to accept your majesty's kind offer-」

「Request accepted-. Please leave it to me-」

The two splendidly synchronized in making the clenched fists pose. It was a warming sight.

「Bones, I'll leave the flame poison dragon to you. Also, please tell the staffs in the kitchen to prepare food and drinks for welcoming our guests.」

「Roger that! To be told to prepare food for the savior...haha. I wonder whether those guys will be depressed from nervousness or be enthusiastiac instead.」

The skinhead uncle laughed in amusement before bowing to Hajime and others and turning around. It seemed that his name was Bones. But he was already skinhead uncle inside Hajime and co, so perhaps they would keep calling him skinhead uncle even from now on.

The other warriors also bowed before following the skinhead uncle's order and dispersed.

「Now everyone, over here. Your group is quite big so allow me to show you to the place that we usually are using as the meeting room. This Dahlia will use her all to prepare tea for you.」

Dahlia-san clenched her fists again to show her enthusiast. Myuu made the same pose while replying 「We will be in your care-, nano!」. Perhaps she had gotten infected by the habit, or perhaps she was just copying the gesture because she thought it was cute.

Hajime and others felt relaxed and calm seeing that while being led to the meeting room that was located at the highest floor of the fortress.

「I see. Existences who aren't at the level of spirit beast but have evolved to be more than normal animal, huh.」

The tea that Dahlia prepared was unexpectedly similar to green tea.

The leaf was obtained from this forest and it seemed to have exhaustion recovery effect. The familiar and cherished taste combined with the brewer's expertise resulted in an exquisite tea.

Hajime enjoyed the delicious tea with relish while ruminating on the story that Dahlia slightly told while on the way to this meeting room.

...Actually they didn't head straightaway to the meeting room. The group got attracted to the weapon workshop, the facility to mix rare organism, ore, and plant, and other facilities. So the group would whimsically stagger to over there, then stagger to over here, making a lot of stops on the way.

Dahlia would give explanation with a smile every time without any protest, so the group had gotten some degree of understanding about this land and the huge beasts before settling down in this meeting room.

By the way, Yuuka and co had also finished introducing themselves on the way here. The boys and Myuu were getting high spirited all over the place, so the girls were deepening their interaction with each other at the meantime.

「Spirit beast is animal that can use spirit's power right? In other words, that lightning ability, or the flame or the poison aren't spirit power? Is that something even crazier as a living thing?」

「Well, there are poisonous animals or something like electric eel even at earth though. If you think of the beasts here as the evolved version of those then isn't it relatively normal?」

「Ah, now that you mention it that's right.」

Nana and Taeko were speaking while sending slightly cold gazes toward Atsushi and Nobori who were ignoring the tea and the talk in favor of talking about souvenir or staring ecstatically at the weapon they received.

Ultimately, the lightning horned beast and the flame poison dragon were both that kind of thing.

Perhaps they ought to be called a step short from the spirit beast. They weren't as strong or intelligent as spirit beast. And it was even more so for their communication ability. They were still living creature that relied on instinct.

But, if the world hadn't gotten to its current state where the spirit element was extremely thin, they were living creatures who would evolve into spirit beast after some decades, or perhaps some centuries.

「So originally, the spirit beasts in this land were..."the evolved" was it?」

Dahlia nodded to Aiko's question while preparing teacake.

Existences that evolved from normal animal. However, they couldn't evolve further to become spirit beast. Dahlia and others apparently called these existences as "the evolved" with both meanings filling it.

「The spirits beasts were acting as a dam so the evolved won't pour into human world.」

「Human who stepped into here would get driven away by the spirit beasts, or they wouldn't be able to return alive──that's why this land is called land of confinement.」

Aiko's words were continued by a nodding Yuuka to affirm her own understanding.

The gaze that Yuuka was looking Dahlia with became filled with respect.

「And so, Dahlia-san and everyone here are taking the place of the spirit beasts. ...That's amazing. Even though you've lost the spirit art, you 're still holding out here for the sake of human world with just your wits and technology.」

「Your praise honor me, Yuuka-sama. But, to say that we're replacing the spirit beasts is too exaggerated...after all we're mainly just monitoring and investigating this land.」

Above all else, this was human's just dessert for making light of the spirits, so this was one of the trials that human ought to overcome. It wasn't something that they could take pride of.

Dahlia said that with a smile as though it was nothing at all.

「Dahlia, being too modest art also problematic. Thy archery was truly splendid. The skill of the warriors art also considerable. I couldst not imagine just how much effort thy hath accumulated for that...」

「Yep yep-, it's just as Tio-san said! If it's me I won't be able to even think about fighting that kind of vicious beast without maigc.」

「I wanna to give that a bit of try though.」

The animals in this land were still in the middle of a power struggle right now. The situation was like a turbulent time to decide the shape of the new food chain in a world without spirit beasts.

Therefore, the risk of the evolved pouring into human world wasn't something urgent.

It wasn't but...Dahlia seemed to estimate that it would change in several more years. Because just like how the lightning horned beast was recognized as the west leader, the order of this land was becoming settled.

Little by little, little by little, those who couldn't obtain a turf, or perhaps those who didn't need turf were changing to take unique as well as proactive action.

And apparently, the fields of activity of that kind of evolved were all getting closer toward the human world.

「You're still hiding this information right now aren't you? So as to not cause chaos in the human world that is in the transition period.」

Liliana let out a satisfied sigh from the delicious tea while asking confirmation. Dahlia nodded while saying 「Yes」.

That was why she was that zealous in subjugating the "turf disturber" and asking the lightning horned beast to return. Because if the ecosystem became chaotic, she would have to investigate and deal with the change even more urgently.

「I'm thinking to gauge the right time for sending the investigation report to all the countries so they can work out countermeasure for the future together.」

At the same time, she was also sending back useful materials to Eric and others, contributing to the development of technological level.

Also, Dahlia's flying dragon was increasing in its capability apparently was because of the animals and plants in this land. There were a lot of plants and animals with effect that couldn't be found in human world, and when they realized its ability had improved.


「Yes, Myuu-sama.」

Myuu usually didn't like green tea that had astringent taste perhaps because of her kiddie tongue, but just now she had finished draining her third glass of tea enthusiastically.

It was thanks to Dahlia who had anticipated the preference of a small child and casually added sweetness to mellow the flavor. Myuu's stomach was completely bloating. One more glass!

「Eric-oniisan and others are really worried nano. They also said sorry. ...Are you still not able to show yourself to them? Nano」

「My, Myuu-sama...you're really kind...」

She was looking at Myuu fondly while asking Hajime 「As I thought, your majesty has met with Eric and others first before coming here correct?」.

When Hajime nodded, Dahlia showed a thinking posture for a little bit.

...Yuuka and Kaori whispered 「J-just now, did she call her own king without any suffix?」「Perhaps because they're childhood friends, I think?」. Next Shizuku whispered 「Come to think of it, she's casually calling Hajime your majesty...」, and Liliana said 「He's stealing again isn't he? A capable retainer from royalty」 with reproachful gaze toward Hajime.

While they were having such conversation,

「...And, what'll you do?」


Yue-sama showed up out of nowhere. It seemed she had teleported to behind Dahlia.

Actually she already could link up with everyone since some time ago. She had been listening to the conversation through a communicator too. She was giving punishment of forced lap pillow & patting from Shia while looking for the timing where she wouldn't interrupt the conversation.

When she questioned by whispering to Dahlia's ear because of her mischievous intent which was the second time today, Dahlia clasped her hands tightly in front of her chest while jumping in surprise.

As expected it was a wonderful reaction. An exemplar shocked reaction. There was also a lot of winsomeness in it due to the maid uniform. Yue was greatly satisfied.

「Ou, welcome back...you're looking glossy for some reason?」

「In contrast Shia art...what? Thy face art red. And thy look a little withered.」

Hajime squinted his eyes, while Tio blinked looking at Shia who was standing beside Yue with their hands holding each other.

「Ah, I'm feeling déjà vu seeing this scene.」

「What a coincidence Kaori. Me too.」

「It was when we went to the empire for the first time wasn't it? This is the same like when Yue-oneesama and Nagumo-kun returned from questioning the jail guard.」

In other words, it was that. The post-sucking kiss state.

「...Nn-, I enjoyed Shia after a long time. It was extremely delicious.」

「E-enjoying Shia-sama!? Delicious!? Detail please-」

Voice with awfully enthusiastic tone echoed inside the room.

Of course, even Yuuka and co who didn't know about the empire sucking kiss incident (?) knew about Yue's sucking kiss habit. She would do it every time there was a chance with Hajime, so they had witnessed it frequently.

Therefore, they could immediately guess what had been done to Shia.

Then, there was only one person here who would give such a shaken up reaction.

Hajime and co looked toward Dahlia all at once. As expected she was leaning forward while clenching her fists in front of her chest.

「W-what have you done? What in the world did you do to Shia-sama──ah, there's red mark on Shia-sama's neck!? I-in other words the two of you...have that kind of...even girl to girl is fine...」

Hajime and co looked at each other. Eh? Could it be Dahlia-san, is getting something off track inside her? They thought.

One's memories about someone who they harbored a lot of adoration and gratitude and all kinds of other feelings tended to get beautified. It would be even more so if there was a long period of time where they couldn't meet.



As expected, even Shia who was all withered from getting sucked too much by Yue returned to her senses.

She was staring dubiously at Dahlia who was looking full of interest with bright red face so much that Yue became slightly put off.

She got a faint feeling of bad premonition.

All the Shia lover bunch until now──whether it was the pervert forest princess Altena, or the empire's mad dog princess Tracy, or the battle maniac oni woman Hidzuki, most of them generally had two or three loose screws in their head.

A similar sign to them was...

「P-pardon me-. Good grief me, that was an unsightly behavior that I was showing everyone!」

It vanished! Dahlia stood her ground! Maybe!

Dahlia pressed her hands on her face from shame and apologized. Shia saw hope. Not yet-, Dahlia-san is still fine desu-, she thought.

「Dahlia-san. Yue-san is a vampire. It's a race that can obtain vitality from sucking blood. At the same time, blood sucking is also an act to show affection for her race.」

「...Come to think of it five years ago, she also did that to his majesty's neck when transforming the world...so it was like that. My deepest apologies for losing my self-control like that.」

Dahlia politely bowed her head with a look of earnest self-reflection. Shia made a guts pose seeing that.

Her friend was still a normal friend! She wasn't moving to the side of those deviants! She could still be saved! Shia thought.

Therefore, she swore inside her heart.

「Dahlia-san, normal, normal is the best desu.」


She absolutely wouldn't let Dahlia turned into a maid of madness!

Just like Yue-san said, I need to be more careful with my conduct, she thought.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C420
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


