
A New Target!

Xeshier University, the best and most established university in not only the USA, but in the entire world. Only geniuses amongst geniuses could attend the school, well mostly. Every school intrinsicly had a backdoor of some kind, or else how else would they all be so rich?

For Xeshier University, it was simple. The sons, daughters, and others of the richest and most powerful people in the entire world had an easier access to the school. A simple massive cheque, or maybe the donation of a building would do.

Currently, Zeka was inside his homeroom inside the University. This class only had 50 students in it and was called the X-Class. This was because only the top 35 students of the entire year were allowed into X-Class, while the 15 remaining students were comprised of those whom entered using the backdoor. Zeka was currently scouting the room using his golden plated glasses. Unbeknownst to the other inhabitants of the room, Zeka was currently looking through all the known knowledge of their life that could be found through the internet as his glasses was an anchor for Rama, his newly aquired artificial intelligence.

Zeka had been using his artificial intelligence glasses and after gathering information, he had found 5 targets in his university class.

However, the one he wanted to focus on the most was very rich person, a lady to be precise.

" Elizabeth Foltana, Princess of Austania." Zeka muttered. In this day and age, monarchy's were almost completely and totally eliminated and most countries went a more democratic route with voting. As such, the number of monarchy's in the world didn't exceed 10. Yet out of all the remaining monarchys present in the world, Austania was the most powerful.

Existing since before WW2, Austania rose to power rapidly after the second world war due to finding an absolute abundance of mines in there country. From oil mines, to diamond and gold mines, to bauxite and coal. Austania held a massive amount of mines within their large nation, and the massive value of these mines made Austania one of the richest nations in the world, with a GDP in the top 5.

But there was a problem, Austania, like China, was a rather closed off market. In order for most business to enter this market, most businesses would need to give up something considerable like shares. Yet alot of businesses did just that due to how influential Austania was. Due to this, Austania had great power in the business industry and could move mountains with just a wave of their hand with regards to the business industry. In order to stay connected to the Austanian market, many businesses would betray partners, or work together to bury other businesses whom opposed Austania. However, one business withstood it all.

Ryze Corp under the previous ownership however, did not budge to Austania, holding the mindset that they will simply take over the rest of the world with their superior products and service. And through the power of the market, Ryze Corp became the only business in the top 5 businesses in the world whom didn't have shares owned by the Austanian Royal Family, the Foltana Family. This made Austania and many competing businesses very aggressive towards Ryze Corp, which led to the situation were Ryze Corp's growth was slowing down before Zeka arrived.

Zeka, however, didn't like this. He wanted to have complete control of all possible factors in his life and wanted to grab influence in Austania through information gathered by Rama, his artificial intelligence. Zeka's plan was to use dirt Rama gathered to get influence in Austania with minimal to no negative effects to himself or Ryze Corp. He would threaten them while providing a suitable alternative that would benefit both parties. Zeka would simultaneously be taking Elizabeth as his woman as her mindset facsinated him. He would weave Elizabeth being his women somehow into the agreement, giving him complete control over the situation as she was the only female descendant of the Austanian Royal Family, and was loved and doted on by everyone.

In truth, Elizabeth's mother, the Queen was a full blown Nazi Racist. Her family was a rich family that originated in Germany and still held Hitler's deranged beliefs. Particularly, the family were extreme racists, who saw people who weren't white as completely inferior and to just be servants.Since Elizabeth was raised with the influence of Austania, she wasn't a full blown racist, yet she had some belief that white people were superior. Zeka absolutely wanted to conquer such a woman, neverminding her features, which was nation toppling.

She had supple white skin that looked like pure snow and beautiful elegant blazing red hair. Her eyes were dark blue and her figure was enchanting. At around 5'9 in height,Elizabeth had a distinctly slender yet curvaceous figure with enormous, bouncy breasts and sizeable buttocks. Her thin waist allowed her to have a noticable hourglass figure that only made her more attractive.Her clothing only seemed to accentuate her beautiful figure and her plump lips were covered in red lipstick. Nevermind her voice, a serene, elegant voice with a hint of power and superiority. Zeka's body heated up imagining that voice moaning like a slut under him.

Zeka looked at her body as she stood up and was the last person in the class to introduce herself, his heated eyes hidden. Zeka had found his new target!

"Rama, gather all the dirt you can find on Austania, leave nothing hidden, we're going hunting."


Moonlight Vigil!

Moonlight Vigil was a club owned by Ryze Corp. It was one of the most successful clubs in the entirety of Metropolis and was only available to the wealthy. Zeka, being the owner, invited all of his 49 other classmates for a drink.

None of the classmates dared reject his invitation. To the uninformed, Zeka was the most popular and smartest student in the University even if it was his first year. And he was also very rich judging by his car. Making an enemy out of him was foolish and would do nothing but make them an outcast. To the informed members of Zeka's class, Zeka was the owner of one of the top 5 wealthiest companies in the world, which held massive business influence across Earth, and rejecting his invitation was like sending a letter to Ryze Corp saying they didn't want to exist. They all came in hopes of making connections.

Currently, all 50 of them were in the most luxurious private room, drinking and getting accostomed with each-other. Zeka himself had also made a valuable friend, Tang Xiu. Tang Xiu was the only son of a rich Chinese business man, however, Tang Xiu had little confidence in himself with regards to women due to his average looks.Zeka, observing this, realized how beneficial making friends with Tang Xiu is and got three beautiful women to accompany him, but after a while of talking, Zeka genuinely befriended the man.

However, Zeka still hadn't lost his main goal in inviting them all to the club, and after secretly passing a note to Elizabeth, he walked to the top floor of Moonlight Vigil, his private room, where he awaited Elizabeth.

[ POV Change! Elizabeth Foltana ]

I currently stood outside a large door. The room was the private room of Zeka, the owner of Ryze Corp and my new classmate. When I had stood up to go to the bathroom, a note had fallen out of my pocket which was an invitation by him to his room for a discussion. I was very surprised, firstly at how he had managed to put that note there without me witnessing. All Austanian Royalty were given intermediate training in order to defend themselves, and I simply couldn't believe I couldn't have noticed him putting something in my pocket.

Secondly, Austania and Ryze Corp were widely known to be on bad terms, so I had no understanding as to why he would invite me.

'What is your plan. Heir to Ryze Corp!' I thought as I slowly entered the door. A decision that forever changed by life, for better...or for worse!


Elizabeth had entered the room and closed the door, however, with a click, the door closed automatically. After entering the dining room, there she saw him, Zeka, a beacon of attractiveness and masculinity. Zeka had changed his clothes, and was now wearing a red suit that perfectly accentuated his fit and attractive body while also managing to make him look completely serious.

He was sitting at the head of the table, a delicious meal present before him and a large pack of files on the chair next to him, yet he paid no heed to that as he stared at Elizabeth until she sat in the chair opposite him, a plate of food already infront of her.

The duo sat in silence, occassionally taking a bite of the delicious food. Until 5 minutes later when Elizabeth finally cracked, " Did you call me here to eat? Get to the business boy!"

Zeka simply chuckled to himself before replying, " It's no secret to anyone that Austania and Ryze Corp are enemies and it's also no secret that the second largest monarchy in the world, Valheria, is currently growing closer and closer to being equal to Austania while you guys stagnate. I even heard that Austania is considering marrying you off to the Prince of Valheria, in order to tie him down and strangle Valheria's growth since you have no other way of dealing with the rising nation..It's said that the Prince, Damon, already has 5 secret concubines and has sex with a variety of women. It's also known he's abusive, beating and hurting his women whenever he wants and has killed 3 ladies whom he felt weren't satisfying, It's also said.."

"ENOUGH!" Screeched Elizabeth. Zeka had hit her right where it hurt, and she was tired of listening, " STATE YOUR PURPOSE!"

"...What if I had a way to solve all your issues with your country and not let you be married to that jerk." Zeka finally stated his purpose and Elizabeth's pupils dialated.

Since the marraige proposal from Damon had arrived, Elizabeth had been terrified. Such a crude man had never been to her taste and she was even more worried of potentially dying there. Worse, her family wouldn't be able to avenge her due to political reasons. She was basically going to become a sacrifice, now it seems she had a way out, and Elizabeth instantly bit,

"How?" She inquired immediately.

"Easily, Yourself!" Zeka responded, looking at her questioning face before continuing," Give yourself to me, you'll be my woman, Ryze Corp's power will help your country grow and will help Ryze Corp be more politically secure as we continue to grow while you don't marry Damon."

Elizabeth was shocked at the appeal, and immediately looked Zeka up and down as if he was crazy," Ryze Corp and Austania had always been enemies. There's no way my family would ever agree to this without at least half the ownership of Ryze Corp. Besides, what could you bring us?"

Zeka chuckled and took the files on the chair next to him, shoving them across the desk to Elizabeth who looked confused," What is this?"

"Documents. Documents which document many things your family definitely wouldn't want public. These documents state things such as your mother, the Queen's racism and her family's dark history. They also talk about the Crimson Blinds, the assassination crew your family has secretly controlled for decades to kill lots of people. There are lots of other terrible things your family or your mother's family did to rise to power. Can you imagine the outrage if this was released. At minimum, the United Nations would sanction your monarchy into oblivion and your family would lose basically all power. Your mother, father and many other family members would be instantly killed due to how many people who find out that they used Crimson Blinds to kill their friends and family. And worst of all for you, Damon would still get his hands on you. After all, with no status or power, who can protect you." Zeka said, and Elizabeth's face turned pale as she read through the documents, her body trembling and tears threatening to fall.

"Make the choice girl, tell your family and be my woman. My information gathering power alone can take Austania to new heights and protect you. You know I'll never sell my shares, but alongside not revealing these things as part of the bargain, I'll make your family have a strong say in Ryze Corp's Board of Directors. How many billionaires want this opportunity, and I'll give you it for free. Better yet, on the last page of that file holds the location of a Mine, one more valuable than any your family controls. I know of two more such mines within Austania, and I'll give them all to your family when the deal is accepted." Zeka said and took out a contract stating the terms, shoving it to Elizabeth and standing up, as she stood up as well, although trembling greatly.

" Tell your family and sign the agreement. I can destroy everything in your family or take you all to new heights. I can make you Damon's plaything, or my well respected woman. You and your family know the right choice. I've shown my sincerity and you becoming my woman is just the final key to secure the deal for my sake, I don't need you or your family." Zeka said as he walked towards her trembling body, pulling her in his arms. His hand wrapped around her elegant waist as he caressed it, feeling how supple it is. His other hand caressed her face before he planted a kiss on her lips, enjoying the moment for a short time before letting her go.

" I expect an answer by tomorrow. The decision is very easy so I'm sure you and your family can come to the correct decision, my beautiful princess." Zeka said before walking off and leaving the room, leaving one last message," You can stay in the room until tomorrow morning."

And with the sound of the door closing, Elizabeth fell to the ground, tears escaping her eyes as she realized the situation. Her family's destruction depended on her being given to another man. She told herself that he was much better than Damon and that he would treat her well and after 20 minutes, she finally calmed down.

With a shaky hand, Elizabeth dialed the phone of her father, The King of Austania, ready to talk about what happened.

StrikerAuthor StrikerAuthor

I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C9
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


