21.15% KanoKari: A Different Life / Chapter 22: Back to College and Weekend Plans *

章 22: Back to College and Weekend Plans *

The first week of the new semester of college was mostly uneventful for Kazuya.

He ran into Chizuru a few times and they greeted each other but that was it, there was no more interaction between them.

He could tell that Chizuru was keeping their thing under wraps and wasn't confirming or denying anything with her friends who were pretty curious about their relationship.

He was curious about the situation but didn't plan to interfere. He knew that if she was keeping things ambiguous then she was very conflicted about her decision.

Ambiguity was good. But he wasn't planning to go to her begging or anything. There was someone else he wasted to have fun with.

When Kibe asked him what was going on he just told the guy that he'd broken up with Chizuru over the summer break.

"So… yeah we broke up. It's fine, we weren't compatible. I guess-"

Kibe interrupted him with a sucker punch to his face which Kazuya barely dodged.

"What the fuck, dude?" Kazuya restrained his urge to beat his ass into the ground since he was familiar enough with Kibe to know that he only wanted the best for him.

Kibe didn't answer and tries to hit him again.

"Fucking hell dude. What's wrong?" Kazuya swats Kibe's hand off.

"What's wrong? Your dumb ass is what's wrong. I noticed back during the trip. You were acting flirty all the time with Mami. Do you think you're some big deal, two-timing on your girlfriend? Well, you're not, you sleaze. If you can't cherish her then how the hell do you expect to be with her."

"You done?" Kazuya's impassive face doesn't betray his thoughts.

"No, I'm not but I am tired. Why the hell did you keep dodging?"

"Cause if you hit me then I'd be obligated to hit back. You might've lost a tooth or something."

"Yeah right," Kibe scoffed, "What happened? She was the one who broke up with you didn't she?"

"Fine, you win. I'll tell you. The night we got back from the beach. She called me up and asked me to meet her. I was tired but I decided to go there anyway because she sounded serious. I went there she laid it on me and broke up with me. Said she wants to focus on her career or something. I was tired. I decided to respect her choice and left. I wasn't going to grovel at her feet for something like this."

They talk for a while before they separate for class.

A couple of days later, Mami pulled Kazuya into the dark and deserted auditorium of the college.

"Sex in the college auditorium. Kinky." Kazuya commented as he saw Mami wearing a pink frilly skirt going down to her knees with a blue half-sleeved top with white stripes that left her shoulders bare.

She playfully swatted him, "Of course not, silly Kazu-kun. I wanted to talk to you in private. I heard that you and your girlfriend are fighting. I don't want to make it worse by being seen with you in public."

'I'm guessing that Chizuru kept things under wraps. People only think that we're fighting. Also, Mami, if you don't want to make it worse then text me. Don't pull me into some deserted area of the college. Especially one that has no surveillance…'

"Yeah. It's been a little rocky after the summer break…"

"Would you like to talk about it Kazu-kun?" She leaned close to him and wrapped her arms around one of his arms, pressing her breasts against it.

'Forget it, my balls are blue to the point that they might burst. I guess that'll be the first instance of my making her my bitch… Let's discretely check for any recording devices first though…'

Kazuya guided her to the back of the auditorium, "Not really. It's just one of those bumps you know. It'll smoothen out eventually. I'm not gonna cry about it like a baby to everyone."

"Are you sure Kazu-kun? Talking to people about your problems is a very good thing. You shouldn't bottle up your feelings inside. You probably feel horrible on the inside."

'That might be true but I'm pretty sure that you aren't the most trustworthy person with that information.' He thinks that as he and Mami sit on two of the seats in the back row.

"You know, Mami… There are other ways to make me feel better. And we don't need to do much talking for that."

He noticed that Mami kept glancing toward his lips repeatedly, 'Good to know that the Master level kissing is helpful. She's still not over the feeling of that kiss from the pool.'

"Is that so Kazu-kun…?" Mami trailed off her words as she brought her face close to his face while tightening her hold on his arm.

'This is why I like her. She keeps trying to seduce me to feel like she's in control of me. So much fun.'

He pulls Mami's hand and brings her out of her seat and into his lap. She's straddling his legs as he sits in his seat with less than an inch of a gap from his face.

He brings both his hands to her waist and pulls her even closer. Then he leans his face forward and kisses Mami who feels an incredible jolt from the kiss.

As amazing as Mami feels, she has realized that a simple kiss isn't going to cut it with this Kazuya.

After the last time, she was sure that he wouldn't start blubbering like an idiot any time soon if she didn't up her game.

These were her surface thoughts but the thoughts that even she didn't accept were the ones that told her that she wanted him. She wanted him to make her feel like that again.

Between her kisses, she says, "Kazu-kun's… hair has changed… You look… So much… manlier now."

"I'm glad… you like it… Mami."

"You've been… working out… haven't you… Kazu-kun?" She ran her slender hands over his toned arms.

"You noticed…" He kissed her back and this time they didn't pull away from each other.

They deepened the kiss as Kazuya expertly slipped his tongue into the mix.

Mami was also grinding while she straddled his lap, stimulating his cock.

Slowly it grew to full mast and poked her where she would feel it most.

"Mhmm~" The stimulations were enough for Mami to moan into Kazuya's mouth.

She didn't stop grinding on him though and just enjoyed the feeling of the hot makeout session.

At this point, she wasn't making any plans to control him or manipulate him. She was just genuinely enjoying how he played with her body.

Seeing as Mami didn't stop grinding on him, Kazuya decided to be bolder and pulled Mami's top out from her skirt's waistband where it was tucked.

He slipped his hand in and started gently caressing her bare stomach and waist.

She was startled at his actions but didn't say anything and just moaned into his mouth.

He ran his fingers over her bare skin in an agonizingly slow fashion. Mami couldn't help but hold him tighter and get more aggressive which he enjoyed a lot.

His fingers finally reached up to her bra and he skirted around it, snaking his hands to her back.

The next moment Mami felt like her chest had been freed from her confines.

"Kazu-kun~" Her words were a little slurred as Kazuya pushed his tongue into her mouth, wantonly exploring it.

He brought his hands to the underside of her now free breasts, jiggling them a little.

He cupped them and gently molded them, he brushed his fingernail against her nipple, making her feel jolts of electricity in her pussy.

He played around with his new favorite toys as he pinched her nipples from under her top.

"Mhh~" She moaned again due to the mix of pain and pleasure she felt from his actions.

They kept going like this for almost half an hour as both Kazuya and Mami skipped their lecture.

Soon enough, Kazuya felt Mami's body stiffen up a little, knowing what was about to happen, he gave her nipples a strong pinch as he pulled back and bit her ear, saying, "Do it Mami. Cum!" He whispers in her ear with his warm breath while he grinds his shaft right on her covered core.

She bit into his shoulder to muffle her cries as she held onto him like there was no tomorrow and shook in her spot.

"Mmmh~" With her moan, Kazuya felt the lower half of his pants get a little wet.

'Oh, I am not letting this girl go. She just squirted from an intense makeout. There's no way I'm going to let her away from my clutches.'

He decided possessively as Mami pulled away from him and looked into his eyes while still straddling his legs.


"Don't leave me hanging Mami. I'm dying here." He pointed to his painfully erect shaft.

She gets a hesitant look on her face and bites her lower lip seductively with her red cheeks, making Kazuya want to rip off all pretenses and defile her right here and now but he holds himself back.

"What do you want me to do Kazu-kun?" She looks into his eyes with a vulnerable expression.

Knowing that it's too early to ask her to blow him he decides to ask for a simple hand job. From what he knows about her, she's a pretty sheltered girl whose first kiss itself was with him. This made him notice a bit of a disturbing pattern that was shown by both Mami and Chizuru.

Both of them are virgins with basically zero sexual experience. It's the basic plot of almost any romance anime though. The female leads are somehow always completely pure and untainted.

He didn't mind since it fulfilled his darker desires to completely own the girl but it was weird nonetheless.

He holds her hand with one hand and guides it to his pants, specifically to his erection.

She can feel its heat even through the pants.

"Open it." Kazuya guides her as Mami follows and opens his pant, revealing his underwear-covered erection.

It's difficult for her to get a good angle so she decides to slide down and kneels between his legs. Her reason was already out the window and her body only followed her instincts along with Kazuya's instructions.

'Holy fuck girl, I might just end up using your mouth if you act like this.'

Kneeling between his legs, she brings her hands back to his shaft and lowers his underwear, completely freeing his shaft.

She is surprised and sucks in a breath as his cock bounces while standing completely erect.

'This is supposed to go inside…?' Mami's thoughts are centered around his almost 9-inch cock as she's a little apprehensive about it.

'Are all guys this big or is it just him…?' (A/N: This is canon.)

Looking at Mami's dazed face while looking at his cock he is a little proud as this was the only thing that the original had going for him.

"Bring your hands around the shaft, don't squeeze it, just gently pump it," Kazuya instructs her again.

'God, inexperienced virgins are the best. You get to teach them everything and it's the norm for them because they don't have much to compare to other than porn.'

She brings both her hands around his shaft and starts lightly pumping it, making Kazuya feel amazing.

He used his hand and guided her to give him a better handjob.

Kazuya looked at Mami kneeling between his legs, her face inches away from his cock as she is completely focused on his cock. That expression along with her position almost pushes him off the edge.

"Mami, I'm close. Try not to get your clothes stained." Mami doesn't slow down but increases her speed as she does something that Kazuya couldn't have expected in any situation.

She enveloped the tip of his shaft while still pumping it as the warm feeling of her mouth on the top makes him erupt into her mouth.

He brings his hand to her head instinctively as he lets it rest there while he fills her mouth.

When he's finally done, he notices that Mami has drunk all of his semen.

He caresses her hair and says with a deep breath, "Good girl, Mami. You're the best."

He realized that she didn't bring her face up and was trembling a little after his words.

"Mami?" He holds her by the shoulders and pulls her up to look at her face but she doesn't let him look at her and hugs him tightly, pressing her face to his chest.

He feels a warm wetness on his chest and realizes that Mami is crying.

'Was I too rough? I doubt it… Why would you cry though?'

He rubs her back gently and says in as soothing of a voice as he could, "I'm sorry baby. I'm sorry for making you drink it like that. Please don't cry. I promise-"

"It's not that." She interrupts him with a muffled voice and shakes her head in his chest, "It's not that." She repeats.

"What was it then, Mami? Tell me. It pains me to see you cry like that." He cringed inwardly at his own words.

"It's nothing. Just let me stay like this for a while…" She rubs her head on his chest.

He realizes that Mami won't be telling him any time soon so he just listens to her and holds her weak-looking frame in his arms.

He puts the thought of her crying at the back of his mind since there was no point.

'I can have so much fun with her… This was one of the lighter times but I have to go slow. Even if I want to make her my bitch, she shouldn't feel like that's what I'm doing. The process should go as naturally as possible for her.'

When they were done they both separated from each other and fixed their clothes.

Mami made a very good decision by drinking his cum because it would've been a big problem if any of it got on her clothes.

"It was a little salty but I liked it Kazu-kun. Let's do it again." She left him with this line and he couldn't tell how this girl could be so seductive yet so pure at the same time.

'It might actually be me who's in her clutches…' He joked inwardly.

He walks away with this thought and a smile since he finally got the relief that he was craving for so long. It was still far from enough but it was a start.

After the first time, it'll get more and more frequent. At least that's what Kazuya thought but Mami didn't even come to college after that.

They'd started texting every once in a while, so she'd told him that she caught a cold after that so she'd be coming back to college the next Monday.

Kazuya was happy that at least it wasn't another progress reset like what usually happened with Chizuru. He'd have to start from zero with her always.

He knew that he could corrupt Mami and convince her to do all sorts of perverted things with him since she didn't have much experience yet. He wasn't going to call her to his new apartment so soon since he didn't want to overwhelm her but that was going to happen sooner or later.

Soon the weekend arrived and he got a call from his grandma that his family of four had planned a weekend retreat at a hot spring resort.

He agreed since he didn't have much to do over the weekend. He'd already finished 30 out of the required 50 of his freelance projects and had planned to take a break over the weekend since he's been working so much over the summer break.

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2670 words.

Extra long chapter guys. I usually get carried away writing R-18.

This was the regular chapter for the day. I've scheduled the promised extra chapter to post in 4 hours.

Keep up the consistent power stones that keep the book in the first place and I'll keep up the extra chapters for the rest of the week.

Some constructive criticism would be helpful. If I made any mistakes please let me know, and I'll fix them. I'm only human, I make mistakes.

I post 10 advanced chapters of the book on my Patréon along with some exclusive R-18 scenes. Check it out.

I'll do a 5 Chapter mass release when I reach 50 patrons.


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C22
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


