85.96% The Storm Pirate Luffy / Chapter 49: Akainu's Justice

章 49: Akainu's Justice

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The Following 7 Chapters are already available for Patrons.

Chapter 50 (Akainu Vs The Storm Pirates), Chapter 51 (Memories of Joy), Chapter 52 (Fire and Ash), Chapter 53 (No Joy), Chapter 54 (A Princess or A Pirate?), Chapter 55 (The Land of God), and Chapter 56 (Enemies of The God) are already available for Patrons.

Warning: Brutal Chapter

For a moment, there was naught but silence in the sea. Suddenly ten giant fists made of molten lava appeared in the sky, descending upon the dock with a fiery glow. Each fist was the size of a small house, and their descent illuminated the darkness with an eerie light. Akainu, watching the spectacle unfold. He knew that the Pirate Ships were docked at the Mock Town and that they would be obliterated if the fists made contact. He felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that once the pirate ships were destroyed, they would have nowhere else to run.

"I want no Pirate Prisoners," Akainu ordered his Warships as the first Fist Magma collided with the dock of Mock Town.

As the night sky was painted with an array of vibrant colors, a deafening blast echoed throughout the sea, signaling the end of the infamous Bellamy Pirates. The once mighty ship of the notorious group was reduced to nothing but floating debris as a fierce explosion sent lava rocks and magma fragments soaring high into the air, only to rain back down as fiery meteors, illuminating the dark waters below. The force of the blast was so intense that it created a massive shockwave, causing nearby ships to tremble.

The words echoed in the air as Akainu stood on the deck of his ship with his men behind him, cheering victoriously as they finally reached the docks of Mock Town. The full moon was high in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the scene before them. With a smug grin on his face, Akainu declared, "You have nowhere to go, Dragon's Son." The words were laced with a sense of finality as if the admiral had already won the battle before it had even begun.

The once mighty ship of the notorious Bellamy Pirates lay before the stunned onlookers, reduced to a smoldering heap of charred wood and twisted metal. The flames, fueled by the sea's fury, consumed the vessel with a ferocity that left nothing but ashes in their wake. The wood snapped and groaned under the intense heat, buckling and collapsing in on itself as if it were a living thing, succumbing to the inevitable destruction that had befallen it. The acrid smell of smoke and burning wood filled the air, while the deafening sound of the inferno drowned out the cries of the bystanders. The night sky was ablaze with the fiery embers, casting an eerie glow over the scene.

With a mighty leap, Akainu soared over the main deck of his ship, his powerful legs propelling him towards the dock below. As he made contact with the wooden planks, a resounding thud echoed throughout the harbor, drawing the attention of the entire crowd of onlookers. The pirates had gathered in a frenzied panic, scrambling to put out the raging inferno that had engulfed Bellamy's ship. Thick plumes of smoke billowed from the vessel, casting an eerie glow upon the surrounding waters. As it crept closer and closer to the other ships in the harbor, panic set in among the crew members. The flames licked at the sails, greedily consuming them before moving onto the wooden hulls.

As the flames engulfed the ship, a sense of urgency filled the air as hundreds of people gathered around, forming a sea of humanity. Each person was holding a bucket of water, sweat glistening on their faces as they threw it at the burning ship, hoping to quell the flames. However, the fire raged on, growing stronger with every passing moment, but the flames only grew stronger when Akainu approached.

As Admiral Akainu stood amidst the raging inferno, the intense heat of the flames caused beads of sweat to form on the pirates. The fire, which seemed to have a life of its own, was casting a red-dark glow on his face, making his features appear more menacing than ever before. The entire town was now engulfed in flames, and the heat was becoming unbearable. As the flames grew taller and hotter, the air around the town became thicker, making it difficult to breathe.

As Akainu approached with a fiery determination, his face was shrouded by the dense smoke that emanated from the flames he had summoned. The acrid scent of burning wood and ash filled the air, making breathing difficult. However, his eyes, the color of molten lava, glowed like a pair of red hot embers through the haze, piercing the darkness with an otherworldly intensity and revealing a fierce and unyielding spirit that seemed to emanate from the depths of the inferno, like a Devil rising from the depths of Hell.

"G-guys, Run. T-That's Admiral Akainu, The Red Death," the pirate shouted in panic, pointing at the approaching figure. As Akainu drew closer, the pirates could see that his right arm had turned into liquid lava, dropping into the ground with each step he took. The sheer power and intensity emanating from the Admiral were enough to strike fear into the hearts of even the bravest of pirates. With a fierce determination in his eyes, Akainu continued his relentless pursuit of the pirates, determined to bring them to justice for their crimes on the high seas.

"My Men. Kill Any Pirate You Find. The Storm Pirates should be nearby," Akainu ordered his small battalion of men; the sound of his voice echoed through the town, causing the nearby buildings to tremble in fear. They all spread around to check other parts of the town, leaving Akainu alone against a sea of pirates.

As Admiral Akainu marched forward with determined steps, the sound of his boots echoed across the ground. The sea of pirates that stood before him was armed to the teeth, their weapons glinting menacingly in the bright fire. One of the pirates, a rugged-looking man with a scruffy beard and missing teeth, stepped forward and pointed a gnarled finger in his direction. "Kill him! He's alone!" the pirate bellowed, his voice carrying over the sound of flames burning the pirate ships. Immediately, fifty pistols and rifles were raised, their barrels trained on the Admiral's chest. But instead of faltering, Akainu kept moving forward, his gaze fixed on the pirate leader.

"FIRE!" The sound of their simultaneous firing of over one hundred rifles and pistols created a deafening echo that reverberated throughout the entire town. The air was thick with the acrid smell of gunpowder and smoke as the bullets whizzed right at Akainu's head and chest.

As the bullets relentlessly flew towards him, Akainu stood his ground, unwavering in his resolve. The sound of gunfire echoed throughout the town as the projectiles made contact with his body but to no avail. Akainu remained unscathed, his skin impenetrable to the barrage of bullets. As he stepped forward, the temperature around him began to rise, the air becoming thick and oppressive. The ground beneath him cracked and sizzled, the heat emanating from his body causing water to boil and bubble in the surrounding area.

The townspeople were frozen in terror as they watched the approaching danger, unsure how to stop the unstoppable force that was Akainu. Despite their best efforts, it seemed that the only thing that could stop him was the scorching heat that he radiated with every step he took.

An eerie silence hung in the air, broken only by the occasional creaking of old wooden shutters and the distant chirping of crickets. Suddenly, a deafening roar shattered the tranquility as flames erupted from the roofs of the old houses, engulfing them in a fiery inferno. The heat was so intense that it felt as though the very air was melting, suffocating the unsuspecting residents in their sleep.

As they struggled to awaken from their slumber, gasping for air and drenched in sweat, they were met with a surreal scene - the world seemed to be on fire, and their bodies were drenched in sweat as if someone had thrown buckets of water over them. Each breath was a struggle as if they were swallowing hot coals that scorched their throats and sang their lungs. Panic and chaos ensued as people stumbled out of their homes into the blazing streets, desperately seeking safety from the raging inferno that threatened to consume everything in its path.

The water everywhere had started to bubble and dance in a frenzied display of heat-induced agitation. The once-calm surfaces of rivers, lakes, and even puddles were now disturbed by the intense temperatures around the air, causing them to froth and churn like boiling cauldrons. It was as if the very elements of nature were rebelling against the sweltering conditions, with the water acting as a warning sign of the impending danger.

Many people feel as if they were boiling alive inside their own homes. With sweat pouring down their faces and their clothes sticking uncomfortably to their skin, panic set in as they realized they needed to get out before it was too late. Without a second thought, they rushed outside in a frenzy, not even bothering to change into their daytime clothes. They fled into the streets, clad only in their nightclothes, hoping to find relief from the oppressive heat that had descended upon the town.

As they stepped outside, the heat bore down upon their skin, making them feel as though they were standing in the middle of a blazing furnace. The rising heat waves created a shimmering haze that distorted their vision, and every breath they took felt like hot lava pouring down their throats, making it difficult to breathe.

The air was heavy and humid, making it feel like they were swimming through a thick soup of hot air. As they looked around, they saw people running around in terror and fear, their faces twisted in agony as they tried to find relief from the sweltering heat. Some were throwing water in their faces in hopes of cooling themselves, but even the water was too hot, scalding their skin and adding to their misery. The unbearable heat slowly began to turn their skin reddish like blood, the veins more and more visible through the skin, a sign of the intense internal heat that was building up within their bodies.

As Akainu advanced toward the group of pirates who had dared to challenge him, they quickly realized that their weapons were no match for the magma-based Devil Fruit powers that he possessed. However, even as they watched their bullets melt against his fiery body, the adrenaline coursing through their veins prevented them from feeling the intense pain that should have accompanied such a scorching encounter.

As the intense heat emanating from Akainu's Lava Devil Fruit enveloped the area, the unfortunate individuals who were closest to him could feel their skin turning a fiery shade of red at an alarming rate. Despite the excruciating pain that should have accompanied this phenomenon, their adrenaline was pumping so hard that they couldn't feel anything else. It was as though the very essence of their being was being scorched from the inside out, yet they remained standing, determined to fulfill their duty.

With a look of disdain, Akainu scoffed at the poor pirates, who were foolish enough to think that they could stop him. With a roar that sounded like a demon, he charged toward them with reckless abandon. The pirates were not prepared for the might of Akainu, and despite their valiant efforts of firing their guns and cannons, they were no match for the unstoppable force that was advancing towards them. The thunderous sound of Akainu's footsteps echoed through the air as he closed in on his targets, leaving the pirates trembling in fear. Despite their best efforts, they were unable to halt Akainu's advance, and they soon realized that they were no match for the might of the fiery Admiral.

The deafening sound of Akainu's voice echoed through the battlefield as he bellowed out the words, "Absolute Justice!" with unwavering conviction. At that moment, his entire right arm was transformed into a blazingly hot, molten mass of liquid lava, the intense heat emanating from it enough to make even the most battle-hardened pirates flinch in terror. With an effortless motion, Akainu hurled his fiery appendage toward the sea of menacing pirates, who scattered in all directions in a desperate bid to avoid the impending doom. But alas, none were fast enough to evade the scorching cascade of lava that rained down upon them, engulfing them in a fiery inferno.

The air was filled with the deafening screams of people as they ran for their lives, their skin melting away in an instant, leaving behind nothing but a trail of charred remains. The intense heat radiating from the lava caused the sweat glands to burst, adding to the already unbearable pain. In a matter of seconds, the once bustling street had been reduced to a sea of people writhing in agony, their muscles and tissues burning away like paper, leaving behind nothing but a dark, coal-like residue. Amidst this chaos, one voice stood out, a piercing cry of terror, "AAAAAHHHHHH. I'M BURNING!"

As the fiery glow of the lava pierced the darkness of the night, the air was filled with piercing screams of agony and terror as the once-solid bodies of the unfortunate victims before the molten inferno began to liquefy and dissolve in a gruesome spectacle of horror. The unbearable heat of the lava caused the eyes of many to burst out of their sockets, and their bones slowly began to melt and crumble under the searing, unrelenting heat, leaving only a ghastly, unrecognizable mass of flesh and bone as a testament to their tragic demise.

One was blasted in the face with a ferocious burst of liquid lava that seemed to melt his skin off in a matter of seconds, revealing the bone underneath and causing his teeth to fall out in a gruesome display of agony. The poor victim was left writhing on the ground, screaming in unbearable pain and begging for death to end his suffering.

His eyes began to bulge out of their sockets as if they were two balloons on the verge of popping. The adrenaline pumping through his veins caused his blood to reach a boiling point, with the pressure building up inside his body to an unbearable level. Suddenly, the veins in his arms and legs began to bulge and twist as if they were about to burst open like a dam under the strain. The pain was excruciating, and he could feel the blood rushing out of his veins in a torrent, leaving him weak and disoriented.

The ground was covered in a thick layer of blood, so much so that it created a small lake that seemed to flow endlessly into the sea. It was a haunting reminder of the hundreds of scorched bodies that lay lifeless on the ground, their blood now mingling with the ocean's saltwater. The air was thick with the stench of burnt flesh, and the silence was deafening, except for the sound of the waves crashing against the shore.

Akainu watched as a man's skin was melting off his body, and as it peeled away like a layer of wax, the muscles and organs underneath were revealed in all their grotesque glory. Despite the excruciating pain, the man was somehow still alive, his body writhing in agony as he let out bloodcurdling screams that echoed toward the heavens. The poor soul was begging for someone to end his suffering, to put him out of his misery and allow him to finally rest in peace.

As the searing hot magma flowed towards him, the intense heat causing his skin to blister and his senses to reel, the individual's survival instinct kicked in, and he frantically searched for a means to escape the impending doom. Amidst the chaos and confusion, his eyes fell upon a pistol lying on the ground nearby, and with a burst of adrenaline-fueled energy, he summoned all his remaining strength to crawl toward it. Despite the overwhelming pain and agony, he managed to grasp the weapon tightly in his trembling hand. With a steely determination in his eyes, he raised it to his temple, fully intending to end his suffering. However, as he pulled the trigger, a deafening silence filled the air, and he realized with a sinking feeling that the gun was empty, leaving him alone and defenseless in the face of the scorching inferno.

"SOMEONE KILL MEE!!" The man's screams echoed across the fiery landscape as the molten lava slowly consumed his body, burning his skin and melting his insides, leaving him in excruciating agony. The intense heat of the lava scorched his belly, causing his body fluids to boil and bubble while his eyes bulged with pain and horror. Despite the unbearable torment, the man continued to scream for someone to end his suffering, his voice growing weaker with each passing moment.


As the dying man lay on the ground, his screams of agony echoed through the air as a bullet penetrated his skull, instantly silencing him forever. Akainu quickly turned his head to see the source of the gunshot, only to find a cold-blooded pirate standing before him, still clutching the gun he had just used to execute the helpless victim. Akainu's eyes narrowed as he assessed the situation, wondering if the pirate would fight or flee, but his curiosity was quickly answered as the man pointed the gun at his own head, his expression vacant and emotionless. Without hesitation, the pirate pulled the trigger, sending a spray of crimson blood splattering across the wall behind him as his lifeless body crumpled to the ground. The scene was one of utter carnage and despair, a testament to the brutal reality of life on the high seas.

The heat on the island had already reached an unbearable level. However, the situation became even more dire when Admiral Akainu stepped forward. With a fierce determination in his eyes, Akainu shouted out his move, "Burning Air!" and as he did, the ground beneath his feet began to crack and sizzle. Within seconds, steam erupted from every pore of his body, creating an enormous cloud of hot vapor that rose high into the sky. The temperature on the island skyrocketed, causing even the most experienced fighters to sweat profusely and struggle to catch their breath.

As Akainu relentlessly marched forward, his fiery presence engulfed the surrounding area, causing a sea of terrified pirates to scatter in every direction, frantically searching for any means of escape. However, their desperate attempts were in vain, as Akainu's wrath knew no bounds. With a swift and calculated motion, he threw a massive comet of molten magma that soared through the air like a shooting star before crashing down upon the hapless pirates below. The impact was catastrophic, sending shockwaves rippling through the ground and instantly obliterating countless lives. Amidst the chaos and carnage, the few survivors writhed and convulsed in agony, their pitiful screams ringing out like a chorus of death knells until the final release of oblivion mercifully claimed them.

As the night crept in, an eerie silence settled over the town, broken only by the frantic footsteps of those fleeing in terror from the other side of town. The once-peaceful atmosphere had transformed into a scorching inferno, with the temperature rising to a dangerous degree that caused beads of sweat to form on the forehead of those who dared to venture outside. The old houses that once stood tall and proud across the town were now nothing more than a pile of ash, consumed by the raging flames that licked hungrily at the darkened skies above.

The scorching heat was unforgiving, causing the elderly to collapse onto the parched earth, writhing in pain as their sweat poured out in copious buckets, drenching their clothes and making their skin glisten with moisture. The temperature had risen so drastically that even the slightest movement caused their sweat to instantly transform into steam, leaving them with no respite from the sweltering heat that seemed to be relentlessly increasing with each passing moment. Despite their desperate attempts to cool themselves down, whether by fanning themselves with whatever they could find or dipping their feet in any available water source, the heat remained unrelenting, leaving them helplessly gasping for breath in the midst of this seemingly never-ending heatwave.

The scorching heat was unbearable as the heat beat down mercilessly on the parched earth, causing sweat to pour down the faces of the people who were running around in fear. Amidst the scorching heat, a man was seen gripping the sides of his head, his screams piercing the air. His body was writhing in agony as he tried to find some respite from the soaring temperatures that were causing him unbearable pain.

With no other option in sight, he threw himself into a nearby well, hoping to find some relief from the heat. Unknown to him, the water inside the well had reached boiling point due to the relentless heat; the water inside the well rippled and churned, seemingly alive with the intense heat that radiated off the earth, and the moment his body hit the water, he was engulfed in a searing, the scalding hot liquid that was boiling him alive. The man's screams echoed through the air as his body was wracked with pain, and the man's flesh began to bubble and blister as he thrashed about, struggling to escape the scalding liquid that was slowly cooking him alive.

The bustling town was once a haven for pirates; their ships docked along the coast and their swords at their side. But the peace was short-lived as the marines led by the formidable Akainu descended upon them, chasing them through the narrow alleyways and crowded streets. The pirates caught off guard, scattered in all directions, hoping to outrun their pursuers.

But as they fled, they found themselves surrounded by Akainu's soldiers, including the skilled swordsman Shini, who stood tall and proud, his blade glinting in the moonlight. With a swift motion, he drew his sword, the metal ringing out in the commotion, and expertly sliced the head off of one of the pirates. The sound of the blade slicing through flesh and bone was followed by a spray of crimson blood that arced through the air, leaving a trail of red droplets before splattering onto the soft sand. The remaining pirates were left stunned and disoriented by the brutal attack, realizing too late that they had underestimated the power and skill of Akainu's forces. As they looked on in horror, they knew that they had nowhere else to run and that their fates were now sealed.

The arrival of the soldiers made the pirates stop in their tracks as Shini pointed the tip of his sword at the large group of pirates with a wide grin of satisfaction.

"Kill them all!" As soon as the words left his mouth, the soldiers sprang into action, their swords drawn and ready for battle. With lightning speed and precision, they cut through the bodies of 100 notorious pirates like a knife through butter, leaving no one spared. The sound of swords clashing and screams of agony echoed throughout the battlefield as blood spilled into the sand, turning it into a gruesome red. The pirates tried to fight back with all their might, but their efforts were futile against the highly trained soldiers who were prepared to take on any challenge, even ones with 100 million bounties.

As the dust settled after the gruesome massacre, Shini stood among the sea of lifeless bodies that lay scattered before him. He gazed out at the carnage that had been wrought upon the battlefield; his heart filled with a strange mix of horror and awe. There must have been at least a hundred corpses strewn across the ground, each one bearing the marks of the savage conflict that had taken place.

Despite the gruesome scene, Shini could not help but admire the sheer beauty of the brutality that lay before him. His eyes darted from one dismembered limb to the next, his lips curling into a wicked smirk at the sight of so much carnage. His sharp teeth gnashed together hungrily as he longed for just a small taste of the blood that soaked the ground beneath him. But as quickly as the urge had come, Shini pushed it aside. "Good Job. Now, find more pirates." He shouted at them, and they all scattered away, finding and killing every pirate on their way.

The once lively and bustling main saloon of the notorious Mock Town was now engulfed in an uncontrollable inferno, with the flames soaring up to the heavens as if reaching out to touch the stars themselves. The intense heat radiating from the burning wood was almost suffocating as the crackling sound of the fire echoed through the deserted streets, shrouded in an eerie orange glow. Red hot sparks danced and flickered in the night air like a swarm of fireflies, their fiery trails illuminating the destruction and chaos that had consumed the town. It was a scene straight out of a nightmare, and the only thing left to do was to watch as the once vibrant Mock Town was reduced to ashes, a mere memory of what it used to be.

As Akainu strode through the once-peaceful town, his powerful presence evoked fear and awe in those who witnessed him. He moved with a purposeful stride, like an unstoppable demon, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. The heat emanating from his body was intense, and behind him, every house was engulfed in flame, their bright orange and red tongues licking at the night sky, painting it a shade of deep crimson.

As the scorching heat blasted behind him, Akainu remained unbothered, his powerful Devil Fruit ability granting him immense resistance to even the most extreme temperatures. With every step he took, molten magma flowed beneath his feet, marking the ground with permanent indentations that would remain for years to come. Though the intense heat threatened to overwhelm even the most seasoned individuals, Akainu remained steady, his blazing footsteps creating a trail of destruction behind him that served as a testament to his power and tenacity.

Akainu stood tall, his eyes scanning the horizon as he used his Observation Haki, honing in on any potential threats. As he surveyed the area, he quickly realized that the Storm Pirates were nowhere to be found. The absence of their ships on the water made him wonder where they had gone. However, he couldn't dwell on this for too long, as suddenly his Haki alerted him to an imminent attack.

Akainu turned his head just as a knife hit his face, but it didn't even penetrate his face. The intense heat radiating from Akainu caused the metal blade to liquefy and the handle to burn away, leaving nothing but a puddle of molten metal on the ground.

Akainu saw a pirate landing in front of him; the man had short blonde hair, tears rolling down his cheeks, and a look of fury in his eyes.

"You destroyed my Ship. You killed my crew. You took everything from me," In a fit of pure fury, mixed with a deep sadness that seemed to seep from every pore, Bellamy shouted at Admiral Akainu, his voice ringing out across the land, the pain and anger evident in every word he spoke. Tears streamed down his face, hot and salty, as he remembered the crewmates he had lost, the ship that had been his home, and the life he had known before this moment. It was all gone - taken from him in a brutal attack that had left nothing but destruction in its wake.

And yet, despite the devastation that surrounded him, Admiral Akainu stood there with a passive look on his face, almost bored, as though the loss of so many lives meant nothing to him. Bellamy glared at him with a burning intensity, his eyes filled with a mix of hatred and despair as he struggled to come to terms with the reality of what had happened.

As Akainu approached Bellamy with a dismissive air, he scoffed, "I don't even know who you are." His words dripped with contempt as he marched towards the man, his muscular frame radiating intimidating energy. As he neared, his right fist began to transform into molten lava, an ominous sign of the power he wielded. Bellamy, seething with anger, gritted his teeth and braced himself for the impending attack.

Bellamy's voice boomed through the night as he shouted with conviction, "You Will!" His eyes blazed with an intense fury as he activated his Devil Fruit powers, causing his legs to transform into powerful springs.

With a mighty leap, he soared through the air, bouncing from one rooftop to another with incredible speed and agility. His movements were almost too fast to follow as he darted around Akainu with lightning-fast reflexes. Despite the danger of his opponent, Bellamy never wavered, his determination unwavering as he vowed to claim everything from his enemy. As he continued to bounce around, his eyes remained fixed on Akainu, waiting for any sign of movement. But the enemy stood still, his stoic expression betraying nothing.

He couldn't help but smirk as he watched Akainu struggle to keep up with his lightning-fast movements. Bellamy knew that his strength lay in his speed, and he was determined to use it to his advantage. Akainu may have had brute strength, but Bellamy's agility was unmatched. With every move, he felt hope filling his heart, knowing victory was within reach. With a sudden burst of energy, Bellamy leaped into the air, his muscles coiling like springs. He soared through the air, feeling the wind rush past him as he landed behind Akainu.

As the Admiral stood there motionless, Bellamy could feel his heart pounding in his chest, the adrenaline coursing through his veins. He knew that this was his moment - the perfect opportunity to strike and claim victory once and for all. With a determined look on his face, he summoned the power of his devil fruit and leaped towards the Admiral's back with lightning-fast speed.

As Bellamy soared through the air, the wind rushing past his face, he could feel the power of his knife in his hand, its sharp edge glinting in the moonlight. He was so close now, just inches away from his target, and he could almost taste the sweet taste of victory on his lips. But even as he closed in on the Admiral's back, his knife raised high and ready to strike, Bellamy knew that this was no ordinary opponent. Akainu was a formidable foe, a true warrior of the sea, and Bellamy would need every ounce of his skill and strength to defeat him. With a fierce determination burning in his heart, Bellamy pressed forward, his knife poised to strike.

"For My Cre-" Bellamy's heart raced as he tried to finish his sentence, but before he could even utter the final syllable, he was suddenly interrupted by a tight grip around his throat. Akainu's hand was like a vise, constricting Bellamy's windpipe and leaving him gasping for air. In a desperate attempt to break free, Bellamy punched at Akainu's arm, but the grip only tightened, crushing his windpipe and leaving him feeling helpless and trapped. As Bellamy struggled to breathe, he could feel his consciousness slipping away.

As the haze of confusion dissipated from Akainu's mind, his eyes locked onto Bellamy's face, and with a sneer, he spoke those words, "I recognize you now. You're Doflamingo's Pet." Bellamy struggled to break free from Akainu's grip and only grew more frantic. The grip tightened around his throat, making it difficult for him to breathe, and his vision started to blur.

Suddenly, he felt an inexplicable sensation creeping up on him as if an invisible force was slowly enveloping his body. His skin began to tingle, and he could feel his temperature rising steadily until it escalated into an unbearable heat that felt like his flesh was on fire. Bellamy's instinct was to let out a blood-curdling scream, but his vocal cords were paralyzed as a strong hand clasped tightly around his neck. He desperately tried to pry it off, but the grip was unyielding, and he felt his consciousness slipping away as the air supply to his lungs dwindled.

Bellamy felt like he was trapped in a scorching inferno as the searing heat radiated from Akainu's body. The temperature around him was rising, getting warmer and warmer, until Bellamy could barely breathe. Despite the unbearable torture, Bellamy could not scream from the pain. His vocal cords were rendered useless from the tight grip. His body was writhing in agony, his skin blistering and peeling, as if his organs were being boiled alive. Bellamy's mind was consumed with the excruciating pain, the sensation of his entire body burning and melting away. Strangely, there were no flames to be seen, only the intense heat that seemed to be emanating from Akainu himself.

"You are born a Pirate. You die as one." Akainu spoke before turning his left arm transformed into molten lava, scorching everything in its path, and with a swift motion, he punched through Bellamy's chest with ease, leaving a gaping hole in his chest that seemed to bleed forever. The sight was gruesome, and the blood flowed like a river, staining the green grass with a deep crimson hue. Bellamy's body convulsed for a moment before going still, and it was clear that the fatal blow had destroyed his spinal cord, killing him instantly.

As Akainu released his grip on Bellamy's lifeless body, it plummeted into the crimson pool of his own blood, sending ripples through the viscous fluid. A plume of smoke bellowed from the gaping hole in Bellamy's chest, creating a hauntingly macabre atmosphere. Amidst the chaos, Bellamy's expression was etched with pure terror, as if he had witnessed the very depths of hell. The deafening silence that followed was a poignant reminder of the fragility of life and the unforgiving nature of the world they inhabited.

Monkey D. Luffy

As they emerged from the tree line, their eyes widened in surprise and horror at the sight that greeted them. Before them, the once serene landscape was now consumed by chaos and destruction. A raging inferno blazed across half the island, its fiery tendrils licking at the sky with a fierce intensity. The flames had engulfed Mock Town, reducing buildings to mere ashes and leaving nothing but devastation in their wake. The sound of crackling flames and the acrid smell of smoke filled the air, creating an eerie, surreal atmosphere.

"O-Only one can do t-this?" Robin's voice was filled with fear, causing it to tremble like a leaf in the wind.

"Who?" Luffy demanded, knowing this wasn't an enemy he could take lightly.

As soon as the words "A-Admiral S-Sakazuki!!" escaped Robin's quivering lips, her entire body began to tremble uncontrollably, and her legs threatened to give way beneath her. The entire crew of the Straw Hat Pirates, who had come to know Robin as a fearless, unflappable member of their team, were utterly stunned by her sudden display of fear and vulnerability. The mere mention of Admiral Sakazuki's name was enough to strike terror into the hearts of even the bravest pirates, and Robin's reaction only served to confirm the crew's worst fears: they were in grave danger.

As soon as the name Sakazuki reached Luffy's ears, his eyes widened with a sense of dread and foreboding. Luffy knew that he was now living on borrowed time. It was as if the clock was ticking, and he had to act fast before the inevitable happened. Flashbacks of his grandfather's words echoed in his mind, reminding him of the advice given three years ago. His grandfather had warned him that out of all the Marines, Admiral Sakazuki was the one to avoid at all costs. The older man had emphasized the need to stay far away from the admiral until Luffy was certain he had enough power to defeat him. Luffy couldn't help but feel a sense of unease wash over him. He knew he had to be strategic and calculated in his next move if he wanted to come out of this alive.

"Everyone on the Ship Now! We Are Leaving!!" Luffy suddenly ordered with a sense of urgency; his crew, except Robin, were taken aback by the sudden urgency in his voice, but Zoro quickly followed his Captain's orders.

"Everyone to Going Merry. We are leaving." His declaration was met with a sense of urgency as the crew immediately began scrambling towards their beloved ship. The sound of their hurried footsteps echoed through the dense forest, stirring up a flurry of leaves and twigs. As they emerged from the woodland, the temperature seemed to skyrocket, and the air became thick and oppressive. It was as if they had been transported back to the scorching deserts of Alabasta, only this time; the heat was five times more intense.

"What is going on? What is this heat!?" Vivi questioned, her voice trembling with fear as she gazed up at the night sky. Despite being raised in a city surrounded by deserts, the intense heat was almost too much to bear for even someone as accustomed to harsh weather as she was. Beads of sweat trickled down her forehead, causing her to wipe them away with a shaky hand. Looking around, she noticed that she was not alone in her discomfort. Everyone was sweating profusely except for Nami, Nojiko, and Luffy, who seemed completely unaffected by the blistering temperatures.

The salty ocean breeze filled the air as the Straw Hat Pirates approached their beloved ship, Going Merry. As they drew near, they noticed the familiar figures of Cricket, Masira, and Shoujou standing in front of it, their expressions tense and anxious.

"Straw Hats, what's happening?" Cricket questioned as he cupped his face with his hands to sound louder, sweat rolling down his face.

"We All Need to Leave. Get in Our Ship." Luffy ordered the three monkey humans; they all could hear the urgency in Luffy's voice and knew better than to question it; whatever was happening, it was definitely bad.

The atmosphere was tense as the Straw Hat Pirates were getting ready to jump on the ship and set sail on their beloved ship, Going Merry. Suddenly, a deafening sound echoed through the air, and the crew looked up to see a massive ball of fire hurtling toward the ship. It was as if the heavens had opened up, and a fiery meteor had been sent down to destroy everything in its path. The fireball was so huge that it dwarfed the ship, and the crew was left with a feeling of dread as they realized the danger they were in.

"Going Merry!!" Usopp screamed with wide-opened eyes as he tried to run towards it, knowing the ship would be destroyed; Zoro was unsheathing his swords to cut the fireball before it hit the ship; Sanji was prepared to kick the fireball away; Nami quickly formed the set of wings, ready to use her own body to take the hit head on, Nojiko slapped her hands together, ready to use her own ability, but Luffy was faster than all of them.

"Gear Second: Lightning Man." His skin turned into a bright shade of red, and his muscles bulged with immense strength as if he were a god of thunder. With lightning speed, he soared towards the colossal fireball that was about to consume his beloved ship, Going Merry.

In a split second, he positioned himself in front of the ominous blaze and thrust his fist forward, unleashing a dragon made entirely of red lightning. The dragon roared with fury as it collided with the fireball, creating an enormous explosion that resonated throughout the night. The impact was so intense that small fragments of debris flew in every direction, some of them landing on the deck of Going Merry and chipping away at its once-pristine woodwork. Despite the destruction around him, Luffy stood tall, his lightning-infused body crackling with energy and his fiery spirit burning brighter than ever before.

With the agility of a panther and the strength of a raging bull, Luffy barked out his orders to his crew with a sense of urgency and determination. "Everyone on the ship," he commanded, his voice booming with the force of a hurricane. Steam billowed from his body, adding to the already intense atmosphere on board.

In the distance, the Marine Enemy Ship was quickly approaching, and standing resolutely on the bow of the ship was their formidable foe, Admiral Sakazuki.

If you want to read the Following 7 Chapters, Check Out the LINK Above

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C49
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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