87.5% Mushoku Tensei: Moving Forward / Chapter 42: Roxy Reminisces

章 42: Roxy Reminisces

Roxy [pov]

Should one be taken by the wind, or be taken from the wind?

That's an expression I read in a book once.

Fools… I am the wind.

I did it!

After a successful flight, I landed myself a job.

Great job if I do say so myself!

I pump my fist in the air, pointing my staff to the sky. I want to scream into the air, but I might lose some admiration from the client if they were to hear me. I am standing outside the castle. Specifically the castle of the Shirone family of the Shirone kingdom. My good fortune has not ended yet.

I probably look smug to other people.

"He he~"

I've acquired a luxurious paycheck.


My pockets have been a little empty these days. Going through adventure after adventure, really hurts one's pockets. I thank my good graces that I'm a mage and not a swordsman. I can only imagine how poor I would be in that case, but I was starting to run low.

Once again I feel myself thanking Kant Sensei.

It's been an interesting series of months.

It was peaceful. For the most part. Nothing more than the occasional C-rank request, but mostly it's been a series of D- rank quests. The northern continent truly is the most peaceful continent in the world.

I made no money.

Well, perhaps that's hyperbole. It's not like I had no money. I made a good amount of coins everyday doing tasks, and never suffered. Although I wasn't making what an A rank adventure is expected to make, I will be fine, but… there's one problem.

Sweets. Sweets are expensive.

I had to limit myself to once a week to stay on budget. Mostly… sometimes I forget.

Peace is a cruel thing.

It's a paradox. What a cruel world.

I want to spend money to buy and eat more sweets, but the peaceful villages that produce it and make them cheaply don't have jobs available, and the places with the most jobs, have the most expensive sweets.

What is this tyranny? Who designed such a system?

How can humans invent something so grand, and not understand their value. Heathens! Or maybe they do, and that's why it's so expensive. Tyrants! It feels like I'm in an endless cycle of work and treats. Madness!

Is this how a horse feels?

…I'll apologize to the next horse I ride. I'll give him a sugar cube.

I blame that household. They spoiled me.

I didn't even notice it at the time, but after several months of being separated from them I realized the truth. They were spoiling me with sweets.

How kind! What nice young ladies!

I have been ruined…

The sweets not the family! Not that the family is bad! No, I'm not saying I choose sweets over people, but… um… ahhhhh!

I ruffled my hair. "Hahh…" I sigh.

It's been two years now, and they still come to mind from time to time. They really were a sweet family.

Those days seem like a distant dream, but back then every day there was a small pile of sweets saved up just for me. It should have been obvious they were made just for me. Rudeus likes sweets, but doesn't ask for them, Zenith prefers spicy food, Paul would eat anything, and the maid wouldn't make something for just herself. It was obvious who they were making it for.

Part of me wants to be angry for being treated as a child but… they really were too good.

It was nice being spoiled.

As fun as those days were, it's probably good that I left as early as I did. I feel I might have become a chubby girl if I kept getting spoiled.

'Eh Sensei wants to fly? I don't think your wings can support such a plump body.' The voice of a certain mischievous child comes to mind.

"I exercise!" I blurt out.

Looking around me, the streets are nearly empty, but there is still a vendor or two closing up shop. I earned a few chuckles for my antics.

Sometimes it's good being seen as a girl… It makes these moments a little less embarrassing.

…I might be a little overexcited.

For now I walk a little faster, covering my face with my hat, and avoid any prying eyes, as I make for the inn and pack my things.

A new job. New town. And a promise of fresh sweets. They even have a baker in the premises.

Sweeter days to come~

I'll make sure to exercise.

I look up to the sky. The sun is still out, but barely. The fading sun rays hitting my face. Where one sun sets, another rises. I'm looking forward to it.

After taking up a job under one influential noble, I would find work under another.

It almost feels like life is trying to push me in a certain direction. It's… unexpected, but I can't say I'm against it. Although I feel it's too soon.

I still feel like I have a lot to learn.

I've been training recently, and have tried my hand at silent casting, and 'upping the scales' as Rudeus would say, as I practiced my control going bigger, and bigger, until I started reaching King ranked magic, and started omitting words, and concentrating on the feelings.

It's been a success.

I am now a king rank mage.

Well… unofficially. Technically, I can't call myself that, and have to prove it to someone else, but the king doesn't know that. So I presented myself as a king rank mage, and got the job.

…is what I would like to say.

I would like to say that I got his job because of such things. Because someone got word about a beautiful, prodigious, and genius adventurer going about doing tasks around the dungeon, and got scouted to be a royal tutor for the prince of the kingdom. That the Shirone kingdom wanted the backing of a powerful King Rank mage, buuut… the truth is much simpler

The world is overrun with perverts.

I was flying really high, where no one should be able to see me, and going on a rush to go claim my reward for the last task. I thought the coast was clear.

Yes I was wearing a skirt, and no I'm not a pervert. At that height it should just be impossible for anyone to see me. People don't tend to look up more often than not.

No one should have been able to see me at that height. I was wrong. I let my guard down.

How was I supposed to know a noble would be using a spyglass at the time, and looking towards the sky in my direction?

How unfortunate.

I really have the weirdest luck with men.

The only men that look my way are too young, too old, or… too weird. Those are the worst.

I know I'm beautiful, but… control yourselves!

…is something I wish I could say, but… no one is running up to me for me to kick away.

I'm not giving up though. I'm not lowering my standards. But… I will take a break from adventuring for a moment… and flying. I have made it a rule for myself never to fly within a city.

My luck is the worst.

Wait a minute!

Did I just use my body to get a job?! How scandalous!

…some thoughts are best left abandoned.

"Hahh…" I sigh.

I've had enough of thinking about this, and romance. Amongst other things.

Is it too wrong to hope for a romantic adventure in the dungeon? I didn't ask to be part of your love comedy!

I might still be a little frustrated with my previous party. It's part of the reason why I was so open to the idea of a new job, one of many reasons, but definitely the most prominent.

During my last quests I got to accompany some of the royal knights along with a party of adventurers. It worked for a nice change of pace. Except… that party had 'circumstances,' and I was there to witness it.

I needed out.

Parties are a good way to fight off loneliness when one gets tired of the dreary and monotonous days of doing small and/or dirty jobs, but if I could do it again and choose between traveling alone, or being stuck in the middle of a love triangle, just looking in. I would rather go alone.

I was going to send someone flying.

Thinking back on it… the young noble was only looking my way, because I was in that party, so I suppose everything works out.

Still vexing though.

This is the break I needed.

Teaching is great, but part of me wonders if I'm ready to pick up such a responsibility once again. It was enjoyable, but in the end, I am an adventurer through and through. It's hard to imagine teaching again.

Then again, because it's so different, maybe I should. A break from the norm is good too.

Adventuring is my life's passion, but it does have its own downside. It's not exactly a stable profession. Sometimes the world is just too peaceful for its own good. At least the central continent. So while I'm low on funds, I might as well try that venture one more time. That and…

It gets lonely.

Sometimes, not often, but enough, I wish I had party members to explore with. Kill some boredom and join in on some laughs, and merry drinking, but it's only for a moment.

But eventually the party comes to an end.

Adventuring is not an easy profession, most adventurers tend to stick to the familiar, and don't go too far from their chosen city, and the few that leave for greener pastures, tend to never return. A person like me, is but grass in the wind. People like me are a rarity. I wish there were more people floating with the wind, so we could meet halfway, but I'm aware that I'm the outlier, and not the norm, most people want to settle their roots, rather than be carried away. At least that's what some of the more experienced adventurers have confessed.

How dull.

I can understand it, but It's not for me. Maybe someday, but not today.

I have yet to find someone worth settling with.

"Hahh… stupid couples…"

I was just looking for some people to talk to, not to be a witness to your love triangle.

Wasn't adventuring supposed to be a man's romance? Go away! That is why inns exist! Stop showing off! Could one of you just make a move already?! You have any idea how painful it is to be in the middle of your shenanigans!

It was time for a change of pace.

I don't want to look at another idiot couple.I can do without romance for a while.

Uwaaaah… I sound like an old crow.

Nonono… breathe, I am a calm mature lady. I am forever fifteen. Yep!

I haven't given up on my knight in shining armor, this task is just a… break. Yup, definitely. Just a break from romance. Yeah… that is all. He's still out there, looking for me, waiting to sweep me off my feet.

Yeah! Definitely. Probably… I hope…

Who am I trying to persuade?

There might be one thing that worries me though. This will be my first time teaching someone of royal descent. Teaching Rudeus was one thing, but I don't think that should count. He was a noble, but barely. He most certainly didn't act it. As such, this would be my first true test of teaching nobility.

I hope it goes well.

Looking for normalcy among nobility sounds like a contradiction, but at the end of the day my funds are running low, and I don't exactly have anywhere going for me. So might as well.

Honestly, despite saying teaching is not my passion, I am not completely against it. I had a great experience teaching the first time around, that a big part of me is actually looking forward to it. The ability to mold someone into a stellar mage. The pride one gets when they mold someone into someone amazing. It's amazing.

The bakery is a plus as well.

Despite my worries, I want to give it a try, and see where it takes me one more time. I might just make another Saint Rank mage.

Or am I being too greedy?


Thinking back on it, comparing the me of today, and the me of yesterday, a lot has changed when it comes to my feelings about teaching. I used to think talent wasn't a good thing. It makes people envious of you, and can shame your master, if your talent overshadows theirs.

'Master, how dare you call me your master, with your skill. Aren't you actually laughing at me? How imprudent.' I remember my masters saying.

I wasn't… but he wasn't listening.

I was too talented to be taught.

I'm n-not arrogant! That was just a fact! That's all it was! And nothing more…

I hated my own talent.

Or rather I didn't see the appeal. Talent has never brought me anything in life. What good was all the power in the world, if I couldn't use it? If I was hated for just having it.

That was the type of thinking I had back then.

I was in a bad place.

So I ran away. I had just had a fight with my teacher, but enough was enough, and I decided to take to the winds once again.

Though, I'll admit I didn't know where I was going, but I never had.

I simply picked a direction, and traveled in that direction until I reached a village. Kept doing that, picking a little copper by doing small tasks, and then, by a pure chance of fate, a teaching job appeared, and my pockets were running low…

It was a whim.

That was where I met my students.

Rudeus like a storm blew all those discernations out the water.

It's not about talent. It's how you use it.

Sometimes having an abundance of talent can make your own teacher look bad in comparison. It's almost comical. Like a child trying to be a parent. I suppose such a thing could happen, but for it to happen, several things must have gone wrong to have gotten there. It must make that 'parent,' look comical in comparison. I must have shamed Halfas sensei.

But that was never my problem.

My sensei's worries were his, and his alone.

I should have stayed back then and at least air out my feelings. We all have a burden to share, and Sensei's insecurities were never mine to bear. But that's in the past.

Or rather… if it wasn't for him. I might not have met those two.

The whims of fate are a curious thing.

Walking down the road, it goes from dusk to night quickly. Now alone, with nothing but my thoughts. An image of a young boy and girl pops to mind.

I might really be an old crow with how nostalgic I'm getting.

In a small village like that, he might be getting bored, or…

The image of a floating Rudy casting thunder among a village laughing maniacally appears in my head.

…somehow I can't completely deny the possibility.

I didn't teach Sylphiette much during our little encounter, but she really had a surprising amount of talent. Part of me wants to return just to see where they're at.

I wonder what my students are doing? I hope Sylphy kept him in check. I gave her tips just in case, but you never know. In fact…

An image of a little girl holding a spear making it thunder appears in my head..

…somehow… I can't completely disregard that either.

I hope Rudeus doesn't mold that girl into him… that's frightening in its own right.

Those students of mine… they helped me out a lot in ways I never expected.

Looking down the road I can see the inn I'm staying at. Where one door closes another one opens.

First there is Sylphiette. She was my second student, but the sweeter one. Sylphiette was a nervous little girl with a heart of gold, and an eagerness to learn magic that could match even my own. It was like looking into an old mirror, worries and all. Her love for magic. Her enthusiasm. Our time together was short, but It was an absolute pleasure teaching her.

When I first met her, I am ashamed to admit, I was a little scared. I had never met a girl with such vibrant green hair before, even in the demon continent, but she was nothing like what I expected. She was just a little girl. A lonely one. It wasn't that difficult to convince me to stay just to teach her, if only for a little while longer. I got to know her, and it was one of the best decisions I've made. I got some much needed rest, and clarity as I helped broaden her world. I was taught that you shouldn't do anything for free ever, that doing so will lead to situations where you will be taken advantage of, but meeting her on the dirtside the way I did, I wanted to make an exception.

Luckily I was able to push the bill onto Rudeus, and protect my adventuring principles, but that's besides the point. I got one more student, an adorable one.

She was shy at first, and a little… maybe a lot… scared of Rudy, but she came around, and was able to put her in the same path I am on; the path of a mage. Just as my teacher once did for me. She reignited my love for magic. The rest is history.

It was the second time I've been a teacher, but I think I fell in love with magic all over again. One can grow while helping others grow. It was amazing.

Maybe one day she will be adventuring too, and we'll meet again?

That will be nice.

"I should write her a letter, And while I'm at it… I suppose I should write one for him as well."

Then there was Rudeus.

Rudy is… is. He's complicated.

I never quite figured him out. He was an enigma, wrapped up in a quandary, covered in sas, so much sas, with a tinge of anxiety, and at the center of it all there was the kind boy that contradicted it all. He was awkward, but I felt summarizing it like that wouldn't be accurate.

He was lively, exuberant, and annoying, so very annoying. But… It was fun. He really did make life an adventurer.


I've had plenty of jobs that were less headache inducing, or heart pounding than that little noble's actions. I felt many times my heart was going to pop out of my chest. He was always moving about, like a young puppy that was just born, running through the fields with a smile on his face, running rampant among the village; picking fights, flirting with maids, experimenting with magic, trying to steal horses, and… peeking at my skirt.

It's always the young ones…

"Hahh…" a sigh escapes me. "I have no luck with men."

Despite his eccentricities though it was impossible to hate him. When you see someone trying so hard to live, it makes one want to live too. It was amazing. It was terrifying. It was… exhilarating.

It was an adventure.

He was the boost I needed back then.

I won't tell him though.

He'll get a big head.

But underneath it all, he was just a lost little boy in a hurry to grow up. He just needed a little patience, and guidance.

If young Sylphiette reignited my love for magic, then Rudeus Greyrat reignited my love for adventuring. Practically by force.

He shattered my world view. Almost casually. Innocence is scary.

I learned there was much more to teaching than just academics. I learned there was much more to talent, then accomplishments, but overall I learned that life in itself is a treasure, and I shouldn't be so held up about the little things.

It's scary how easy it is to see your own mistakes when seeing through someone else's eyes.

I should live life a little recklessly, if only a little, else I'm wasting it, but… not to push it so much that I make people worry.

A student, a teacher; we are all people before we are anyone else. We should look at everyone for who they are, as a person, and their talent second.

That's what I learned. One should always be striving for greater heights.

…that's what a sensei would say, right?

When I left that household I decided I would mirror my student if only a little, in my pursuit of life.

But only a little! Sometimes he's just too much.

Goodness gracious. Good enough, was alway never enough.

He was honestly too much at times. Luckily I fixed that. He needed a little talking too, and so I put him in his place. I feel I might have grown a little as a sensei. Teaching is amazing.

So in conclusion…

"I'm amazing."

Taking a glance around me there's no longer a crowd outside, and I'm the only one here. I puff out my chest proudly.

Good. No one to disagree with me.

"I am pretty amazing. I wonder if I should write a book? All the greats do that. If I teach another saint class mage, I could do that right? I'm already king rank… I just need to reach S-rank, then… hmm…"

'Sensei's nose is growing.'

I flinch.

Looking around me there's no one around. I'm hearing things. Troublesome. He picks the worst time to pop into my head.

L-Leave me alone. Your sensei has her moments too!

That does it… Time to celebrate.

At the inn's doors I slap the doors open, and make my way inside walking to the counter.

Wine is sweet too.

"Oh, it's the little lady." A customer greets me as I enter. "Didn't work today?"

"I'm actually an adventurer."

"Really? Around here?" He turns his head to his friend next to him. "We have quests?"

"Uh-uh," he shrugs. "Probably. Something like pest control or something."


The customer stands up a little and starts patting my back.

"You have it bad little lady. Care for a drink. It's on-"

Suddenly he's pulled down by his friend, and pulled back down. Struggling to speak.

"Sorry about that Miss Roxy. This guy doesn't know better. I'll have him under control. Please enjoy the rest of your night."

"Uh… sure." I bow my head walking away.

"What was that about?!" I hear yells after I leave.

It's always rowdy here.

In between jobs I've worked here as a maid from time to time, so whether by name or by reputation a lot of people know me by name, even If I don't know theirs.

Wait a moment…

"What was my student's name again?" A shadow looms over my face, as I realize in my stupor I completely forgot to ask the name of my student. I might be a little rusty at teaching.

If I just say Shirone I could get away without asking can't I?

For now let's forget about it.

Tomorrow! Tomorrow I am a teacher. We can introduce each other properly then. For tonight, just tonight, I can be an imprudent adult. To celebrate my new venture. To my new job! To my new student! To treats!

A new adventure awaits!

"Welcome back Roxy. You look jovial this evening. Good mission?" Kana asked me.

To the kind barmaid.

It's been a short while, and she doesn't speak much, but she was generous enough to let me accumulate a tab, and pay late.

Speaking of which…

"In a way. Oh, here," I dropped three gold before her, "for all the… damages I've made. The quest was… normal. We got the mission done, but that's not why I'm happy."


"Guess who got a job as the royal tutor?" I puffed out my chest proudly.

"Ah… you're the one."

"One?" I questioned.

"There's a rumor, about a girl sinking a small garrison of men by the castle today."

"Oh… that. There was a misunderstanding, but it's been cleared up. It's all water under the… castle? The problem resolved itself. I now have a job thanks to it."

"I see. You do have the most peculiar luck."

"I do?"

"It's not everyday someone can attack a garrison, and come out of it with a job?"

"There were circumstances!"

She pours a glass of juice, and slides it over to me.

I wish she let me drink alcohol. For some reason she treats me like a little girl even though she knows my age.

"Care to talk about it?"


…i'd have to explain the spyglass incident.

"Anyway," she tucks away the bag of coins. "It looks like everything is in order here. Should I take this as a sign that you will be moving into the castle?"

"Yes," I bowed my head. "Thank you for everything."

"...all I did was give you a job. You earned it like everyone else."

"Even so, thank you. If I hadn't found this job, I probably would be flying off again, and would have missed out on a good job opportunity. Without any good adventuring opportunities I would probably be going somewhere else again, and the only place I can think of going is exploring the seas, but… I need some money to build up, before I go to a new area."

"Just what do you spend your money on? Even if you don't have much money, theirs not many expenses around this area."


"...and?" She narrows her eyes.


She continues to stare.

Sweets are expensive!

…but they're not that expensive.

"...repairs, damage to property, toll, new magical staff. I… sometimes act before thinking."

Kana flinches. "Ah… yeah. You do look like the type too ah… explode when pushed."

I flinch as well.

There was an incident here once involving a pervert, and I threw him… too hard, and into the counter, spilling a lot of alcohol. A-lot-of-alcohol. It's the reason I have such a big tab despite not drinking.

Well no more! Time to fix that.

"Speaking of paychecks…" I take out some more coins. "I want to celebrate!"

I got paid in advance as incentive… or bribe if you prefer.

"...um…" the barmaid makes an uneasy expression. "How exactly do you want to celebrate out of curiosity?"

"What do you mean? Drinking! It's time to get-"


"I'm not a little kid!"

"This has nothing to do with that!"

"Then why won't you let me drink!"

"A… did the little girl just say drinking?" "Yeah, she definitely did." "No, not again." Several customers started weighing their opinion.

"I don't want to fly!" Someone yelled.

"Every man for themselves." One person even ran out.

"Hey, you can't leave! You're buying!" While his friend was left with the bill.

"...dear customer…" a waitress begins to address the one person still on the table.

This place sure does get loud sometimes. Also, they're rude.

How many times do I have to tell everyone that I'm a young woman?

"I'm going to leave anyway. Just let me have a drink this once before leaving."

"You did drink once. That's why I won't let you-"

I spotted a waitress coming this way. In a flash before I could be stopped, I grabbed the drink on her tray, dropped the coin in its place, and down the drink in one fell swoop.

"Gulp, gulp…"


At that moment everyone shared the same thought.

She dranked it.




Several hours later…

"It's a party!"

A drunk Roxy was flying around the roof, singing merrily, while adventurers who had just experienced being tossed in the air were puking at the curb, and the staff was running around trying to catch her. All the while an intoxicated Roxy thought they were playing a game.

"...this is why there's a rule not to give Roxy any alcohol." Kana was chastising a waitress for letting her guard down.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," the waitress bowed her head repeatedly.

"It's fine… this is the last time afterall, but… you have to do all the cleanup, less it comes out of your paycheck."

"...sorry…" She whispered, as she went to pick up the drunk little lady, who had finally collapsed after the whole debacle.

"...she brings in a few customers, but she chases just as many away." Kana sait to herself.

"Hic- yay, horsey… hey does anyone want to-hic, read my new book." Roxy hollers waving around a menu.

This time, just like last time, she ran around making a mess with everyone. At least unlike last time when she tried to pick a fight, she is in a jovial mood this time around.

Alcohol tends to lower one's inhibitions making one a little more lively, or more depressed depending on what they're letting in.

Today Roxy seems to be in a good mood.

Rather than insulting every couple she sees, she's playing teacher and student with all the customers. Ordering everyone around, and asking for placations, from being her own personal footstool, to being her 'horse.'

She's queen of the establishment. At least in her head.

"...Rudy… when did you get so tall…"

"I'm not-"

"You're fired!" She blasted him away, sending him rolling.


"Now I need a new, hic, student. Syyyyylphyyy, come here." Rox hollers one more time, summoning a wind and pulling in a waitress into her arms, as she started patting her.


"Don't grow up like him. Hic, all men are the same. He might look nice now, but when he grows up he'll want to do this and that." She grumbled as she patted the brown haired waitress.

"I-I-I u-understand."

"Good girl. Good girl." She pats her affectionately.

This is why you don't give her alcohol, the staff thought.

The young blue-nette might consider herself to be dancing in the wind, but in the eyes of spectators she was seen as a wild storm. Calm before a storm, and wild when let loose.

Roxy likes to cut loose.

She was later given a hefty bill for her troubles.


Rudy [pov]


I… regret… many things… I regret… not saving my magic. I regret… not bringing bandages, but specifically… I regret… not noticing my broken ribs… probably… I think, but most specifically; I regret horses.

"...you're a good girl Caravaggio, but… I wished this road was smoother."

I don't know what's wrong with me, but something is definitely not in its proper place. Everything was fine until I got on that horse, but then it started trotting… and then pain.


I am not in good shape. My Aura spell started fading out at the end, and I was being kicked around like a soccer ball. Combined with that tumble through the trees, and the few lucky nips the dogs got. I am… well… I've seen better days. I have a dull headache in my head. A pain in my gut. My mouth is salty, and I need water. I'm in pain, dehydrated, and… I haven't seen my own appearance, but I wager I'm filthy. I did dive into a pit.

I was more injured than I thought.

"I need a wash up."

The good news was I no longer had to worry about passing out on my way home, and falling off the horse. The combination of irritations keeps me awake.

The bad news is I might be stabbing myself with my own rib cage.

I should invest in armor.

Fuck life. Ow…

I felt pain everytime the horse galloped.

Don't know what it was, but something is definitely not in its proper place..

Good news; I'll make it there. Bad news; pain. Even more bad news… dog meat is horrible.

Needing to clean up the mess that is my body, I took the plunge and ate a piece of dog meat, raw, in the hope of raising my reserves.

More bad news… it takes time for your reserves to build back up from zero.

It's a waiting game now…

F my life…

Did I say that?

I'll make it there, but… now that I'm thinking better, I wonder how I'm going to cover this up.

…I guess I'll stop by the riverbed.

Staying awake is a mixed blessing at the moment. Considering there is still a talk to have, but at this hour, if my luck holds I might…

Uh… who am I kidding? What luck? Today is not my day.

"Now that I think about it…" looking to the sky, it's dusk now. "Even if I'm able to sneak in. Paul is sleeping in my bed, and I am sleeping…"


All roads lead to Zenith.

"Should I sleep in the shed? No… that's suspicious ass all hell."

I can only bite the bullet, and talk tomorrow.

One day, just one day, I would like to go on an adventure, and not come back a mess. I wish I had party members. A white mage would be nice. Sylphiette knows some healing magic. Ghislaine really is looking tempting too.

I could use someone to pick up the slack… and the eye candy.

"...I need to sleep. Paul infected me with his Pauliness." With that I galloped a little faster, to where my home is.

Ow… I'd settle for someone with bandages at this point.

At least I can breathe now.

If I'm lucky Lilia could open the door, and keep things district.

If I'm unlucky… I might have to pay the piper.

Maybe I should just pass out.

Crownedclown Crownedclown

Took a week off. Really needed it. Got sick, but besides that it was all smooth sailing. Anyays, might aswell share something about my creative schedule.

In order to present the experience of a protagonist that remembers the series, but doesn't remember every little detail. I watched the series, checked the wiki, and Reread volume one to remember some little details here and there. But Everyone that writes knows that your series isn't made from your big moments, but your little ones, so I intentionally avoided reading volume two, so as not to get out of the mindset of volume two, and I keep some ignorance, so I can write that later.

So here's the thing. Consider this a heads up for the future, but when I finish volume one I will go on a hiatus for who knows how long. As I would need to reread all of volume two, bounce it off the characters I make, and not come back 'till I finsh an arc. That will all take a while.

That's still in the future though.

For now I still have about 4-5 chapter to finish up volume one, but considering the hiatus that comes after, I thought I'd throw in the question. Would you rather I not post for a while, and I'll just post the 4-5 chapters all within days of each other. Or just weekly.

Sidenote: I do try to post weekly, but... sometimes I just can't. I either get writter's block, or... I come to the toughest decision that an Author can make, and... Delete a chapter.

It might not sound big, but when you make every chapter flow into each other. Deleting a chapter, means reworking what comes before it, and scrapping your plans for the future. It's a tough decision, but sometimes it's nessesary. That's how we get this Roxy chapter.

Anyways, that's it.

Have fun, and post your ideas on this chapter. It's been a while since I wrote about Roxy.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C42
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


