81.25% Mushoku Tensei: Moving Forward / Chapter 39: Chapter 39 Fairy Tale

章 39: Chapter 39 Fairy Tale

Rudy [pov]

It's been a week since that 'tumultuous' day.

Everything went off without a hitch. Lilia's pregnancy was a normal one, all things considered, and I was able to welcome Aisha into her first day easily enough.

Life is good.

Life is boring.

Boring is good.

Everyone in this household is having the time of their lives. Yours truly included. After a day of a long needed rest, we got into a groove, and have a new schedule, revolving around of course the two princesses of the house; my sisters obviously. Can't say it's much different then it was originally except that with a baby around someone is always at deck. Babies demand a lot of attention.

Rudy is lonely.

Just kidding. I'm on baby duty sometimes as well at times, and seeing Lilia and Zenith's happy smiles when they're not with me helps me go through my day as well. At night time it's sometimes a competition of who gets who.

All in all. Life is great.

We are all over the moon.

"Awuu Ah-waa!"

But the liveliest of all is Norn.

Norn cried out from inside her little fortress of solitude, a.k.a crib, trying to get someone's attention. Norn is quite an excitable little lady.

Currently I am on baby duty, so it falls to me to step up.

So of course I'm going to nibble her all up.

"Where's my beautiful baby girl~" I said out loud. "There you are~ yes you are~ yes you are~" I dolt on her. I guess you can say it runs in the family. Can't help it. These beautiful treasures, my sisters, are God's gift to man, and I've been spoiling them hardily. Well, when their mothers let me that is.

"Who's an adorable little girl?~"

Aisha gives her a good run for her money in adorableness, but in pure liveliness Norn wins hands down.

I don't pick favorites. They're both adorable in their own way, but Norn is the livelier of the two, and as such gets the most attention, at least from me. That, and Lilia might be even more over the moon than all of us. You couldn't separate her from Aisha even if you wanted to.

You monster!

But they really make a picturesque beautiful scene when I stare at them.

Aisha is very quiet. Much so that If I didn't know any better I would assume she was an isekai protagonist.

Please don't tell me truck-kun sent her. That would lead to several… questioning scenarios.

Luckily she isn't. I checked. Spoke a little English. A little bit of Japanese; omae wa mou shinderu, and got nothing, nada, zip, no reaction. Just a playful laugh, and some drool. There's always the chance she reincarnated from somewhere else, instead of Japan or America, but… I doubt it. She's too cute. A baby's charisma stat is maximum!


That or I'm easy… probably a little bit of both.

In either case, Norn demands my attention at the moment.

"Aren't you a spirited little lady?" reaching into her fortress I brought her into my arms."What am I going to do with you when you're all grown up? Hope you don't grow too spoiled now."


"You're right! Screw what I said! I'll spoil you rotten! Now then," I lowered my tone as I tried to soothe once more with sweet talk, "everything is going to be alright. Just listen to the sound of my heart…" I rested her on my chest, "there there… So young, and already can't stand me. Big brother is hurt. Now let's see…" checking her underside for any bad smells, I find none. "You're probably hungry. Just need… your milk bottle?" looking around her cradle I notice a bottle that's fallen on the floor.

It's empty.

Little Norn is a voracious little lady.

"Well… that's a problem."

Deciding to clear up this problem, sooner rather than later, I make my way downstairs, in the hope of finding Lilia, before she heads out on errands.

Zenith had to do some spring cleaning, and made it key that she didn't want her daughter around any 'creepy crawlies,' so can't take her to her yet.

I should ask her sometime about the story between her and spiders.

She really doesn't like pests. Yet she still took Paul with her~


In any case, that limits my options.

Lilia took her little treasure, and went off to see the sights. Well, technically she went on an errand, but… she's clearly just showing her daughter off. Everyone is lively.

Which I totally get! What's not to show?!

She sure is radiant these days.

She's been smiling a lot lately, and I swear her hair is a little redder.

She was also in a hurry out the door today so perhaps she really does have something to do, lord knows until recently when I took over a few duties. She was walking into the town, village abode, and picking up a few necessities, as well as the mail, but… somehow I doubt it.

"Well… guess it's just us all by our lonesome?" I muttered to the bundle of joy on my chest.

She's nibbling my shirt.

"...Norn… that's a button, not a nipple. Not a nipple."

What a little munchkin?

Walking downstairs, I pick up one of the spares we keep in the drawer, but it's not as good as the source.

…I assume.

At Least she stopped crying.

I thought as she's munching on my shirt. Although, she'll probably start again once she realizes it's an empty well.

Ima munch on yah~

I gave her a few playful nibbles on her soft cheeks.

"Um-mum-mum~ hmm, our soft cheeks really are genetic aren't they? Who knew? Or maybe it's because you're a baby? Please keep them as you grow. They are our most redeeming attribute. Trust me. Your mama will agree with me. Speaking of…" I looked out to the sun high in the sky, "it is pretty late already. They're probably done cleaning by now. Let's go on a milk run."

Before Zenith goes through withdrawals.

"Oh! Let's keep that term secret from mommy won't we?" I joked as she nibbled on my shirt.

"I'll take that as a yes." I smiled at her shenanigans. "Now that I think about it… There are several people that haven't met you yet, aren't there?" An idea pops into my head. "Let's show you off."


"Uwu indeed."

Lilia isn't the only one over the moon.

Have you met my sisters? They're the cutest!


Lilia [pov]

"And this is the local watering hole. This is where Rudy started becoming bolder and bolder."


"Indeed. When you can start running I'll teach you how to swim. Remember Aisha… your big brother is a bit out there at times, and it'll be our duty to bring him in line at times. Regardless, he cares deeply for us. Make sure to grow up big and proper and your brother will praise you."



I'm currently showing my daughter the sights.

I've been feeling quite jubilant as of late. My daughter was born a little over a week ago, and she has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. Even more than Rudeus.

I'm sorry master, but… I never thought I'd love someone the moment I held them.

The way she makes me feel. It's the way I feel when Rudeus holds me. It's like… like I'm enveloped in love. I feel like I'm in a spell. Like I'm living a fairy tale. Not since I was a little girl would I ever imagine me holding my child like this, and showing her to the world.

There's been a few whispers here and there by some rude villagers, but quite frankly I couldn't care less. The way she makes me feel… she just makes me overjoyed and happy to be alive. Luckily for all the bad whispers there've been plenty of kind ones as well.

Yes, she is indeed a very adorable child, thank you for noticing.

I've shown her the garden. I've shown her the place Rudy and I had our picnic. The place Rudy and I went swimming, and even the old training ground. All our favorite places. Mostly mine, but in the future, they'll be hers as well. I hope for her to create many happy memories enveloped by love, hope, and this beautiful scenery.

If I might be so bold… I'd like to go on a family picnic one of these days, before the weather changes, and indulge in this happiness with her… and him… and even madam.

I wanted to do something like that once upon a time.

My father wasn't the most affectionate of sorts. Quite the opposite in fact, but even he found time for his family every once in a while. Before our relationship got cold, when times were lively and happy, before the training, he, mother and I would go to pleasant areas like this and enjoy an evening meal.

It was simple. It was pleasant.

"I'm going to share this with you." I told my precious daughter.


"So adorable."

I know she can't understand me. But I'm confident my feelings can be understood. If there's anything I've learned from Rudy, it is that even a child is not to be underestimated, and that the feelings of the heart overrule any kind of barriers caused by language. I'm sure my feelings can be felt, of that I am sure.

"You're going to love things here sweetheart."

With warm feelings in my chest I hold my sweetheart close to my heart, expressing my heart, as I think of my 'heart.'

"I have so much to show you," I go into the village to pick up some mail as well as send my own, as I go through the rest of my day.

I want everyone to see my baby's smiling face.

Sylphy [pov]

"Awwww! She's so cute!"

"Auu!" Rudy's little sister cried out as I held her in the air.

What an adorable creature!

"Isn't she?!" Rudy exclaims, holding his chin up proudly. I know he's just playing, but… she's…


"Sooooo, ado-ra-ble!" I nuzzle next to her.

Rudy's sister has finally been born, and she is-

The most…

"The most adorable thing I've ever seen!"

Rudy came over to my house today. He promised earlier he was going to see me and we were going to have some fun and that he would even have a surprise prepared with him. I just didn't expect that surprise to be so lovable.

Wait a moment…



"Isisters… mom told me you had two sisters. Where's the other one? I want to see her too!"

"Oh her, well… they are a little hard to separate…" Rudy scratched at his cheek looking at the side.


"Well, mamas do love to protect their young, you know. Just having some alone time with Norn is difficult, you know. Aisha, my little sister, and Lilia are inseparable right now. She has her at arm's length at the moment. I think she's by the river doing laundry, or something, but yeah… good luck with that. If you can get your hands on her, and separate those two I'll treat you to something nice," he grabs Norn from my hands, and rests her on his chest once again.

"You promise?"

"...within reason."


I'll remember that later.

"He's right you know," mama snuck up behind me, giving me a hug. "A mother doesn't want to let their baby go ever, especially," mama poked my cheek, "when-they are-so-cute~"

"Mamaaa, not in front of Rudy!"

"Ha ha. Hello Rudeus."

"Hello Mrs.Dragonroad."

"Oh my! So civil. How unexpected. The way my husband and daughter talk about you, I'd though you would come in here shirtless, and brash."


"I can still take off my shirt if you want." Rudy says.

"Eeep!" I yell at his admittance.

"Pft- I'm joking Sylphy. Please have mercy on me."

"Ah…" throwing my hood over my head, I cover my burning face.

I love Rudy's company, but… he sure does like to tease.

"Ha ha… Well, I'll let you two be," Mom leans close to my ears, "try not to let your father see you flirting like this. You'll give him a heart attack." She leaves us alone walking away.

"Well… your mom seems happy."

"Yeah…." my face is still a little red.

"Well, she embarrassed me as well, so I think it evens out."

"I guess…"

You embarrassed me more, Rudy.

"So when can I meet your other sis?"

"Not yet. Not here. At Least not foooor. Well… a long time. Mama's really don't let go of their cubs you know. Until then," he smirks. "You wanna have some fun?"


Wait… no… I can't let Rudy know I've been missing him. Think noble. Yosh, here goes.

"Well, if that's what Rudy wants, I guess I could entertain you."

"...are you a tsundere?" he says.

"What's a tsundere?" I asked him.

"One of life's great mysteries. Anyways enough of that, let's go. I'm taking Norn to her mama, but after that we can mess around a little. You can tell me about everything I've missed along the way, and then we can finish up at my house. If we're lucky you might get to see the other bundle of joy in my life. She has red hair."

"Sure! I mean… of course. That sounds nice," I made my best lady pose. Turning my head away, and playing with my hair. Whisking it in a half throwing motion.

…I hope this is enough. The lady in the book had long hair when she did this trick. Does it still work? Do I need long hair?

I don't really know noble etiquette that well, but I have a lot of books, and there's a lot of ladies in them. Some of them even have pictures and in one of them I remember seeing a pose like this.

I look like a lady right?

I peek at Rudy.

"...so yes?" he questions, unaffected.

It didn't work.


…,maybe I really do need long hair?

"Oh, Rudeus, can you come here and help me with something real quick?" Mama called out.


"Oh, it's nothing sweetie. I just wanted a… 'nobles' opinion on something I'm reading. It's not often I get a 'nobles' opinion." Mama says tapping on a book.

"Um…ok," facing Rudy, he shrugs.

"Hey if you can't trust your mom, who can you trust? Here," he holds Norn up to me, "you can hold her while we talk. We'll be done in a moment. Probably?" he turns his head to mama.

"Yes dear," mama faces me making a teasing face, "Don't worry sweetheart. I won't get between you two too long."

"Mmmh! I'll wait outside," I run out the door, before mama says anything else.

"See you sweetie~"

"Oh, before you go, her stroller has some toys and stuff in the bottom if she gets bored, and there's a bottle under her pillow. Oh! You can also try healing magic. She likes the pretty lights."

"Mmh… ok, but mama said you won't take long."

"Gafah," he… says?

"That's what my mom says too before she locks me in her room several hours at a time. Ahem," he coughs into his hand, "I mean… are you saying you don't want some alone time with my adorable sister? How could you?! I am shocked. I am hurt! My feelings are in total-"

"Rudeus, fun and games are nice and all, but please don't overdo it under my household." Mama admonishes him.

"It's alright Mama. I'm used to it."

"...are you?" she stared at Rudy. "Perhaps we might talk longer than I thought."

"Ah, ha ha…" Rudy rubs his neck nervously.

"See you in a moment Rudy." I walk out the door.

Mamas just playing, but it's good to see Rudy for once.

"So locked in a room is it?" I hear mama as I'm closing the door.

My ears are really good for eavesdropping, but I can't tell anyone. They'll think I'm a bad girl.

A-and I don't do it often. Just when adults are keeping secrets.

Is that bad?

"Ah… yeah… sometimes I'm a little 'out there' and Zen-Mom knows how to real me right back in being a little out there herself."

"...I wonder how she'll react to being called out there."

"Please oh gracious host of mine I bequeath to you to have mercy on this poor morsel before you for he knows not what he says."

"...wow… you're actually a noble."

That was the last thing I heard, before I decided to stop listening. It doesn't see like anything bad is happening, so I won't eavesdrop on them.

That and…

"Heal~ Heal~ Heal~" casting healing magic over my hands I make pretty green lights for her to enjoy.

Rudy's sister is more fun than spying.

"So lucky," I whispered. "I wonder if I had a sister, if she would be this adorable. Would she have green hair, brown, or maybe blonde? I wonder… should I ask mama?"

I think dad wouldn't like that question.

"I wonder why I don't have a sister, should I ask mommy for one?" I shake my head back and forth throwing away stupid thoughts out of my head. Last time I had that kind of talk. It was… awkward. "I don't want to do that again." looking back home I wonder what they're talking about.

Actually… "....I don't hear anything."

I wiggle my ears in that direction, but… still nothing.


Getting closer I put my ear to the door, and try to hear anything. Still nothing. Except…


That means-Oh no! He's coming this way! I have to move!

"Ha ha ha…" I can hear Rudy's laughter as he comes closer to the door.

That was close.

It would be unbecoming of a lady to be caught eavesdropping. Scooting away quickly I air jump a few feet away, and go back to Rudy's sis.


"It's our little secret, right?" I said to her.

"Bau… buu…" she reaches her stubby little arms at me trying to touch my face. Smiling and drooling as she thinks I'm playing with her.

So cute!

"Hey Sylphy!"

"H-hey!" My body shoots up when it hears Rudy's yell. My hand,still on the crib, is too nervous to turn around.

"We can go now," Rudy says.

"Mmm… okay… did mama say anything strange?"

"Hmm," he comes next to me, "nope, not at all. A few jokes at my expense, but she just wanted to make sure I'm treating you right, and not going overboard. You know," he shrugs, "mother stuff."

"I see. Well," I played with the ends of my jacket. "That's good. Yep… good."

I'm still a little curious about what they talked about though.

"Now then, he points his elbow out, and waited for…

What is he-Wait a minute! Isn't that?!

"Shall you do me the honors of blessing me with your company as we go down this road.

It is! It's that scene between Prince Azura and Lady Beatrice!

"It's rude to keep a gentleman waiting, you know." Rudy said with a smirk on his face.


Wait! Ladies don't 'eep.'

"Ahem," coughing into my fist I tried to hide my eagerness, "I mean… I wouldn't mind I suppose," and wrapped my arm with his.

So nice~

"He he~"

It's alright for a lady to smile, right?


Standing by the doorstep, Alice is looking over her daughter and son to be with a smile on her face. "I'm glad he's able to reel in his shenanigans at times like these. Hopefully you can keep my daughter smiling a little longer. A baby girl… how time flies."

She held a book under her arm thinking it's not that bad for her daughter to daydream like this a little longer. Luckily for both of them Sylphy's father wasn't here while the children were playing house. With a content smile on her face she goes back inside, for an evening read.

"Guess you're never too old to read fairy tales. The things we do for our children. I won't even get thanked for setting it up. Oh well, it's not like a parent does everything just to be thanked."

Although, it does feel nice, she admitted within her head.

With those thoughts she settled in for a pleasant evening.


Paul [pov]

"Sweeeetie!" My wife yells, running, as she dives into Rudy's arms.

It's been a while since she's been this active. She's regained all her energy and thensome since the baby has been born.

"Hey-muahba!" struggling to speak he dangles from my wife's chest, his mother holding him tightly, and his feet suspended.

A lot of energy.

…lucky brat.

"Um… sweetie… I think he needs to breathe," I noted.

"Oh dear," she says, letting him go, and Rudy flopping to the floor.

"Jeez… somewhere between heaven and hell," he mutters, getting back to his feet, wiping his knees. "Hey mom. Good to see you too. Anyways, It's a little early, but we're out of milk, and I can't find Lily, so I thought we'd go on a little milk run, and come visit you."

"...what you say?" My wife said hands on her hips, giving Rudeus a dubious look.

"I said I love you, missed you, and thought you would like to see your precious baby."

"Hmm…" she puffed her cheeks as she stared at him.

"I also said that my glorious mother wouldn't put it over me if I'm stupid at times."

"Yeah… that's what I thought you said," she signaled that she's watching him.

"Hai~" he yells. Playing ignorance.

They still have their little games like these. Although, I feel they might have become more frequent.

"We?" Zenith asserted.

"We," craning his neck, he turns to Sylphiette who is rolling a strolling in behind him, a stroller in hand.

"Hello there Mrs. Rudy's mom. I met your-" that's as far as she got before being pulled into my wife's chest. Her feet dangling as well.

"More babies!"


"I know, I know. It's so good to see you, Sylphy, it's been a few weeks. How are you? Are you happy? Is your mom doing well? I heard my husband bothered you a few days ago. Have you met my baby, the other one, well I say the other one, but I have three, or do I have four. Do you want to be my baby sweetie? I'm sure I could convince your mama-"


"Yes, dear?"

"Air," he points out. Literally, and figuratively, as he points at the struggling girl tapping my wife's side.

"Ah," she drops her. "Sorry. I got a little excited."

""Yeah, we noticed,"" both my son and I said simultaneously.

Looking at each other, I gave my son a faint smile as we shared a little inside joke at my wife's antics, but… no. As soon as it came, as soon as it went. Meeting my eyes he turns his head away, and goes back to ignoring me, before walking to check on his friend.

…there he goes.

"You good, Sylphy?"

"Rudy's mama is scary," she mutters, laying on the floor, breathing hard.

"And how!"

"I'm right here you know," my wife looms over my son.

"Doesn't make you any less scary."

"I'll show you scary!" and then she starts to playfully fight with him, pulling at his face, all the while the both of them are smiling.

All fun and games…

I hate it.

To make matters short; I messed up. Again.

And Rudy… Rudy saved the day… again.

It's been a few days since 'that' day, and I've been working hard on earning her forgiveness. Doing this, and that, trying to get in her good graces. For the most part I've succeeded. She didn't yell at me, hit me, or kicked me out of the house, but… the looks she gives me at times. They hurt. It's less anger, and more… disappointed. I've gone through hoops with her before, but this time the atmosphere was a little off.


Several days ago, on the night my babies were born I came home a little drunk and stumbling, only to come to the house and see an open mess. Everything was out of order. There were dishes left unclean. Cabinets left open, and things laying on the floor all over the place. It looked like someone had come into my house and made a mess of things as they were robbing it. Even before I had entered the house there was a mess in the yard with an oddly shaped hill in the front.

So an uneasy feeling in my heart I ran up the stairs, and started going through the rooms hoping that it wasn't what it seemed. Going straight towards Zenith's rather than my own, I hoped to ease my worries, but instead I found… another mess… and blood.

"Zenith!" In a small panic at that moment I started running around screaming her name, but that moment of worry only lasted a second before…

"Waah! Waah!"

A crying echoed in my ears.

"...Is that?"

Preparing myself, I placed a hand on my blade at my waist, and made my way to my room from where I heard it. Opening the door slowly, and tiptoeing in, I readied to strike at anyone that dared to steal from me, and found… everyone, fine and healthy, and… sleeping on the floor.

"What is going on?" looking at my room, I see like everywhere else in this house; it's also a mess, but…

Where did my stuff go?

And empty.

Forgetting such thoughts at the moment, the only thing I was wondering at the time was; why is everyone sleeping In the middle of my room, on the floor? Spread on the floor, they were all snuggling comfortably.


Except for one.

Turning my head to the source of the crying I see a… crib in the corner.

"Hnnn…" Rudy, groaned, before he struggled to get to a sitting position, "...Paul? What are you doin-"

"No, that's my question! What is going on here, and is that?" I point to the corner.

"Wahh! Wahh!"

"Eh? Right… babies." he moved, struggling to get up, and out of his mother and maid's grip, he ruffled around poking and sliding his way out of their hands, and walking to the crib.

"...yosh yosh. Hush little baby everything's going to be alright. Momma will be with you… wahh," he yawned, "...soon. Just hang on…" grabbing a crying baby with blonde hair, he rests her on his chest, before petting her back and bobbing up and down. "There there… I'm here. Just a moment."

"Rudy? Is that?"

"Oh right…" he looks at me with heavy eyes, "...you're here. Hahhhhh," he sighs a dispirited sigh, "I'd like to have some words with you, but… honestly… I'm too tired to care right now," he says to me before turning his attention to the baby on his shoulder. "There there. Don't cry. I'll cry too, you know. Who's a big brave girl? Who's a big brave girl?"


"Yeah… figured. You won't let me rest will you. Oh," he turns his head to me, "and yeah, if it wasn't obvious. She's your daughter," before he turned away, and walked over to the mattress, where Zenith had started spooning Lilia.

"Mama~ Mama~ someone wants attention."

"...mmm…Ru… de… baby?" My wife muttered as she woke up. Stopping her spooning, she comes out from out of the covers sporting her common white blouse, and rubbing her eye, as she struggles to figure out where she is. "Rudy? Oh, I see…" she says, seeing the crying baby in Rudy's hands, "here… baby, sweetie."

"Hai~ here," he handed my daughter to her, before she disrobed, revealing one of her breasts, and breastfeeding her baby. Our baby.

I have a baby girl.

"I have a daughter," I said to myself, as the reality of the situation finally started sinking in at the moment.

"Oh, and Paul's here. I'm going to Aisha," Rudeus said before going over to the cradle again, and-wait.


"Yeah. Daughters. Both of them were born today. Lucky you Practically twins," he said, never bothering to turn around as he did. "Heeey there Aisha~ did you miss me?"


"Abu to you too."

"Paul?" I turned my head away from Rudy and towards my wife.

"Ah… hey dea-"

"You're sleeping on the sofa tonight," she says giving no room for rebuttal.

"...ah, yes."

"We're also commandeering your mattress."


"And we're going to have a very important talk later."


"But… for right now… come here and hold her. You missed out enough. Come say hello to our baby girl. Your punishment can wait."

So punishment is already decided…

Walking over to my wife I stand behind Zenith as she feeds my… "my daughter. My… daughter. One of two. Wow… she has your hair."

"Yep, she's gorgeous isn't she," my wife said.

"Yeah… yeah she is."


Excluding that night, I slept alone for the rest of the week.

I was forced out of my own room, but considering my screw up I wasn't going to fight it. Things are easier on me once I realize I screw up, and accept my punishment. We talked a lot the next day, by that I mean mostly me begging on my knees, and her questioning me at where I was, but I managed to sleep on the sofa rather than outside.

Always the same, yet always different.

Rudy has been a godsend. The reliable son anyone could ask for, but he's too reliable. So reliable that it puts my position in question. If I'm not allowed to shine in front of Zenith's eyes, then is she even looking at me?

A roof, money and security, that is what I bring, but Zenith is a noble. She doesn't technically need all that. In the worst case scenario, if she ever wanted, she could just go to Millis and be cared for, her needs met.

I can even imagine a scenario where Rudy starts receiving coins for hunting monsters around here, and at that point; what do I bring?

During the time I was earning her forgiveness, I had to change a diaper… or two, but… well… it's not my thing. I've tried several things in the meantime to have her look my way with pride. Cooking, cleaning, playing with the children-

Or trying too, they won't let go of them.

But it's been an uphill battle.

'Rudy knew how to do this on his first try,' my wife said at that time, as well as; 'Rudy is taking care of the babies tonight.' 'Did you see Rudy's stroller?' 'He made our babies a storybook, isn't he the best?'

The best…

Again and again he steps up.

Who is the father and who is the son?

I hate this.

It's not as bad as it was the day of the affair, but somehow this feeling is worse. It doesn't feel like Rudy is angry with me, but that kind of pistes me off even more. There is no hatred in Rudy's stare, just acceptance. He really isn't thinking anything about me. He doesn't care. That's not something I want from my own son. To be so… uncaring.

It's scary, but that's not the worst part.

The worst part is Zenith mirrors him at times.

She doesn't look at me with hatred or anything. Nor does she shun me, but I feel… something, or lack of something from her at times. It's like I lost a lot of her respect in one day. It wasn't like this before.

Or maybe it was. At the beginning. At the very, 'very' beginning. I have taken a major step back.

I can still win her back. I'm confident in that. I will never give her up. It will never be too late to fix things. To give up on her… I would rather die… but it shouldn't be this difficult, should it? My love life shouldn't be an uphill battle.

Looking at my son surrounded by beauties at every corner. I see him dolting on his sister, as she smiles, as well as the ladies next to him. How envious.

"Who's the cutest baby in the whole world? Yes you are. Yes you are~" he dolts.

"Rudy is such a spoiler. At this rate all your sisters are going to grow up spoiled princesses."

"You're damn right they will! I will buy/make them the best toys in the world, take them to all the grandest of places, and spoil them rotten," Rudy admitted, holding his head high.

"That wasn't a compliment Rudy."

"Rudy really likes his sisters doesn't he?" Sylphy asks my wife.

"Like you wouldn't believe. He's been fawning over them whenever he gets the chance."

I know. He's been rubbing it in my face all week.

While everyone is enjoying their happiness, no one is looking my way, and I'm free to see everyone going about their business, unrelated to me.

Rudy has to go.


"Paul?" my wife looks at me with furrowed brows. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah… my stomach just hurt for a moment."

It's hard to swallow, but Rudy's happiness is coming at my expense. I need him to go. That type of thought comes and goes at times; If Rudy wasn't here, how would life be? But it's been popping more, and more lately, and it doesn't seem like such a bad idea anymore.

It shouldn't be like this.

Fatherhood wasn't this difficult the first time around, but so many things have happened I don't know if it will ever go back to the good old days. I thought Rudy would be the easy one to win over. I thought that by relying on him I could kill two wyverns with one swing. Use his playful shenanigans as a bridge to bridge the gap between Zenith's heart and mine, all the while getting in Rudy's good graces.

But it didn't work out that way.

Again and again… no matter how I put it over inside my head. My instincts always come to the same answer. If I want things to change… then I have to change things. In order to change the game sometimes you have to change the players. Drastic decisions are sometimes your only decisions.

It's not him. It's me. I simply can't grow with him here.

I've taken a good long look at myself, and I hate to admit it, but…

I wasn't ready to be a father.

I knew that, but not really.

I'm really starting to see what that actually means.

Ideally we should be growing together. Learning from each other's mistakes, and working things out, but it's clear as day that Rudy has no intention of doing that, and combined with his new popularity in the house, there's very little I can actually force him to do. He has all but won Zenith over to his camp, and, so long as he doesn't overdo it, can win any argument through her. In this household Rudy's word is above mine. My position is being taken.

Rather than growing alongside me, he's growing in spite of me.

He'll marry the maid. My wife would probably begrudgingly agree with whatever Rudy says, and spoil him, and as for my kids, my daughters, would probably grow up looking up to their reliable older brother. A happy household.

As for me.

I will just be there. Outside of it, looking in.


Unless I do something that is.

"Rudy, what's this?!" My wife's voice breaks me from my thoughts holding a… wing? In mid air.

Where did she get that?

Getting closer to get a good look at it I look at the weird light it makes as the sun bounces off it.

Isn't that a monster wing?

"Oh, that. That's a spare project I was working on a while back. I didn't have time to finish it, so I just attached it to the bottom of the stroller, until I figured something out. Sorry it's not finished yet."

"What is it?" Sylphy asked.

"It's a mobile, or a toy if you think about it, but it's a failure I tried to make something pretty, that reacts to mana, but every time I put mana into those dragon wings-"

"Dragon?!" Sylphy exclaimed.

"Dragon fly. Anyway, putting mana through them does make them pretty, but it also makes them sharp. It's a failure. Although, I can still play with her like this," Rudy starts waving the wing in the air, having the light bounce off it, making a flowing rainbow.

"Kind of dangerous to put underneath a stroller Rudy," my wife commented, not liking the idea of a monster appendage just resting underneath her child.

"No, not-"

"Not really," I grabbed a wing from Rudy's grasp as I put it to my eye. "These are Winter Whistle wings. They're sharp, but only when mana is flowing through them. Without it they're as fragile as leaves."

"Uh… yeah, what he said." Rudy points his thumb at me before going back to ignoring me.

That's how it is.

Sending him away is not something I considered heavily at first, but when I see him like this it feels like the only option. I've been debating with myself for quite a while now.

After that night happened my greatest fears seemed like they might be coming true. Zenith started spoiling Rudy more and more, hugging him tighter than ever. If there ever was a debate of him getting spoiled, it's over now. It's clear with anyone with eyes that he's going to grow up spoiled rotten at this rate. I can't even remember the last time he picked up a sword. If he were to stay here he would run wild with no one to hold him back.

Lilia has been fawning over him excessively. If there was a distance that she was afraid to breach, I can't see it anymore. She's practically throwing herself at him at this point. I've noticed how she unbuttons her blouse a little slower when Rudy is in the room, and even bends down at certain angles giving him a better view.

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one that notices these things. Me and Rudy that is.

He's been peeking. At both of them.

Any other man, and I would have slugged him. Luckily he's just a brat, but this rate of growth… How long do boys stay boys?

It's frustrating.

The worst part is I can't even hate him for anything. Everything he's done has been for his sisters, mother, and others. I can't fault him. He's doing everything right, and I'm… I'm just doing everything wrong. No it's not even that. It's just that he strikes at the most opportune time. Since he's always doing the right thing, when I do something wrong, his good acts just stand out all the more. It's praiseworthy. It's commendable.

It's infuriating.

I've been thinking alot about Rudy, but the truth is. The biggest fear is about myself. In the solace of my own mind I can admit that.

I… I might start to hate my son… at this rate that is.

Yeah, that is all…

I've been thinking thoughts like that more often than I would like to admit, inside my head or not, but the very fact that I'm thinking them at all means… I've screwed up somewhere, and badly.

If Rudy were to stay here, he would grow up to be a no good man, and… so would I.

I've come to realize how I can't accomplish anything with him here. The differences in talent is a divide, and it's dividing our family. Even if I'm not out of the house; I'm not home.

He's lost all respect for me. In order to fix things ideally we would have a serious talk, man to man, but that's just not possible anymore. Inorder to have such talks both people have took at each other's like equal and… in my son's eyes, I see nothing that hints at that. He doesn't care much for me.

At least with the way things currently are…

I've debated with myself for so long if this was the only way, but when it comes down to it, my gut tells me it's the only decision.

Sometimes it's best to retreat.

I've had plenty of fights over my life, and won many of them, but not all of them were one in the one day. Sometimes… sometimes you need to take a step back to step forward.

This is one of those times.

If it was just about Rudy, and me, I would just bear through it, and force my way through, but I can't risk that anymore. My family of three has become a family of five… and other.

Should have been obvious, but a father should consider everyone, and that includes my daughters. If there's one thing I've learned in these years, it is that the early years are the most important ones for growth. If I had established a proper bond with Rudeus when he was born, we probably could have avoided this mess from the very beginning. I could have become someone different in his eyes.

That is in the past now. I can't change the past, but… I can prepare for the future. My daughters don't know of their father's past mistakes, and don't harbor Rudeus's eyes… or sometimes my wifes, in time I can have them looking my way, but I need time, space, and opportunity. All of which Rudy controls greedily.

Sorry Rudy, but if you won't give me a chance. I can't let you take my second chance away.

Two heads can't share a body.

The truth of the matter is I feel I might turn into someone I wouldn't recognize. Someone who doesn't deserve to be recognized If Rudeus were to stay.

I want to send Rudy away for his own good, but I 'need' to send him away for my own.

This is a precautionary measure. Before I turn into someone my daughters would never want to look at.

"Hahhh…" I sigh.

Looking at his best friend and mother in their own little world I see Rudy leaning against a wall a few feet away looking at them contently.

He really does look older than he actually is. Too mature.

Walking over to him, he is distracted, and doesn't notice me coming to lay on the wall next to him.

Or maybe he's just ignoring me?

Both are possible.

Now how am I going to breach the topic?

Maybe I could send him off to school?

"That's right, Rudy. About school would you-" the words die in my mouth, before I could finish.

School? Really? What am I thinking? He already knows how to read and write, and if I threw Rudy into a school full of study nobles, he would… eat them alive.

The image of Rudy standing over a pile of students, while using one to rest his feet on top of, appears in my head.

"On second thought… never mind."

"Huh?" he turned his head in my direction, "you said something?"

"No. No I did not."

"Riiight. Whatever," ignoring me once more, he goes back to looking at them from afar, back to silence.


And like that we stand for a while; neither one of us talking to the other, and just standing in awkward silence.


"You have a lot to make up for, you know that," he breaks the silence with a low blow.


He knows where to strike. He might be mature, but he's still an ass.

"Mom is in mother hen mode so she won't be paying much attention to us for quite a while. Don't fuck things up in the meantime, and try being quiet. I'll blast you otherwise."

"Is that anyway to talk to your father?"

He looks at me with a deadpan expression.

What's with that expression?

"Don't be like that. Your mom will be sad if she catches us fighting."

Rudy looks back towards her.

"She looks pretty happy to me."

"Let me rephrase that… she will be happier if she saw us get along."

"Whatever…" he mutters.

"Speaking of which, it's been a while since you and I have talked like this, hasn't it?"

"I guess…"

"Well… I've been wondering. Won't it be nice to have a few sparring sessions again?"



"You suck at teaching. I've hit the limit of what you could teach me. I'd learn more just watching you slash a boulder than anything else."

"I see…"

He really won't make things easy on me, but that was expected. Well… a little 'nope,' never stopped anyone, at least not me.

"That can be arranged," I put on a dashing smile as I look at him.

He's still not looking my way.

So stubborn.

"You did say something about Zenith not paying attention to either one of us for quite a while right? And there's more than one way to teach. So how about going on one of my patrols. No girls allowed. Just a boys night. You've been hanging out with your mother long enough as is by the way. You can't fight your battles behind your mother's skirt. So how about it?"


He gives me another deadstare.

He really does spend a lot of time around her. He has her stare down. Scary…

"...I promised to play with Sylphy this afternoon," he ultimately broke his silence. "I remember somebody once telling me a man is only as good as his word once. I wonder who told me that?" He raised an eyebrow looking in my direction.


So now you decide to listen to me?

It's probably for the best anyway. I'm just throwing ideas out there until I figure out a way of attack. Can't talk to him if I can't reach him. Can't even teach him, because he doesn't understand my methods.

"You think teaching is so easy I'd like to see you try it?"

"I have," he points in front of him, "remember?"

Huh, what could he be… wait a minute,

I looked at Sylphy who he is directing at.

Now that I think about it, Laws did say his daughter is able to read and write, and then there's the magic… and… now that I think about it… wasn't Uncle looking for a… teacher?

"That's it!"

"Honey?!" "Rudy's dad?!" two voices yelled out at my sudden explosion.

"Hey don't look at me," Rudy waves his hands in front of him, "he just got lost in his own world, and screamed all of a sudden?"

"Oh, don't worry I believe you dear," Zenith said sweetly to him, before turning to me, "sweetheart," my wife looked at me with a smile that didn't quite reached her eyes.

"Yes dear?"

"Thank you for controlling yourself today, while we we we alone, but," she narrowed her eyes, "don't scream like that indoors while our baby is present. You don't want to be punished right?"

"No… ma'am… sorry ma'am. I'll quiet down. I just got excited over me and Rudy's playdate coming up," I said, grabbing my son's shoulder. I emphasized how 'close' we are.

"Sweetie?" my wife said looking at Rudy who was staring daggers into me.

"Ah… yeah… something like that."

"Aww~" she bent down and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "thank you sweetie. It means the world to me that you two are getting along again."

"Ah… yeah… well you know me, ha ha…"

She gave him another kiss on the opposite cheek this time.

"Um… what about mine?" I asked.

She rolls her eyes. "Control your inside voice, and maybe."

"Yes dear."

Walking away from us she goes back to playing with Law's kid and the baby in the corner.

"...that was dirty," Rudy muttered.

"Rudy… when you get to my age you realize there's no such thing when it comes to your loved ones?

"...I suppose I can agree with that."

"Anyways," I turned to look at him, "a few days? You me, and a little old hunting trip. Sounds nice right? I think we should bond while we still can. We have a lot to talk about."


"I can ask your mom for us to have a father/son bonding seccion right now if you want, but that might cut into your little date?"

He slaps his forehead with his palm. "...fine." walking away, he goes back to frolicking among the ladies.

Children really are reflections of their parents.


A plan started forming in my head.

Personally I would have preferred him becoming an adventurer over a teacher. He did have such ambitions now that I remembered, but I can't let go of this opportunity.

Maybe one day he could be both, but for now I'll settle for what I could get.

Last month, when I was doing my monthly reports, I was reporting my daily goings on, and reported that everything was ok, while I was doing so I remembered hearing the rumor that Phillip's daughter had scared away another teacher.

And if those rumors are accurate…

"A teacher… hmm… that could work," I muttered.

I turned my head to Rudy's best friend.

"Well… there's only one way to find out"

I think it's about time I've had a good talk to talk with my future daughter in law. The best plans always involve a little grunt work. I might even be able to pry a secret or two out of her. If those rumors are accurate, then I might have to have a word with Phillip next.

If you can't rely on family, who can you rely on?

"Heloooh~ Syyyylphy~" I called out to her. I was a little out of it last time we met, but I do remember how she tried to defend my son's honor for a moment. "Can you tell me all about the magic Rudy taught you?"

By all means Sylphy teach me everything you know~

Crownedclown Crownedclown

Hopefully I can post the next chapter within the week, and although it's passable as it is, I don't really wanna settle for 'good,' but great. I was sick a good part of last week, and couldn't write/edit, the chapter with a clear mind. I feel I can improve on it. Hopefully I'll be done by next weeks time, but just be ready for a... well, I do foreshadow heavily, you all know what you're getting into.

Edit: The next chapter is a big one, if you've been reading a while take a break here, before continuing. You'll want to read it fully freshed, and giving it your maximum attention.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C39
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


