68.75% Mushoku Tensei: Moving Forward / Chapter 33: Chapter 33 Zenith Wins

章 33: Chapter 33 Zenith Wins


Hmm, it hasn't breaked.

In. And out. In. And out…

I popped the glider in my arms over and over, testing it. I've been doing that for a while now. Almost hoping that it would break for me to recess on our deal, but I can't, since he helped up his end.

At first I was a bit doubtful, if he really could provide anything of value. This was the man whose idea of teaching terms involved Kablow after all, but turns out he's just an idiot when it comes to combat. When it comes to hands-on projects…

Well, no… he's still an idiot but he is unexpectedly useful.

He used terms like put the wheely hear, and using subjective terms like 'make sure it's just right,' but unlike toki where it is literally an alien concept to me, I can at least understand the basics of crafting, and so in exchange… In exchange I got to put Zenith and Paul in speaking terms.

I'm only setting up the meeting though, whether he fails or not is up to him.

…I still have mixed feelings about this.

He will help me out with the inner workings of some skills that would make me some money. As a way to test his skills, and improve something off the bat, we decided to work on my kite shield.

Or just kite now.

Unlike Sylphy whose kite is in pristine condition mine has…

Well… this is the third version.

Maybe I fly a little recklessly, or maybe it's the fact that I'm gaining weight. It's muscle I assure you. But I am a bit reckless with my creations.

Anyways, because of reasons my kite kept getting torn, and everytime it breaks down, I have to recreate it from scratch. No interchangeable parts or anything like that. I am lucky that it's a simple process, or was a simple process of replacing sticks and straps, hence no cost for me, but it leaves little to be desired.

Needless to say, kite 3.0 has had several modifications to it.

Thanks to Paul… I suppose.

The modifications we made were simple, but effective. It went from being one big piece that I have to carry around, to being four interchangeable pieces attached together. Unlike before they have a pulley system at key parts, making them easy to bend inward and outward. I now have the ability to fold it completely, and pack it away nicely.

It's essentially a pop-up book.

It is extremely useful though. It lost its ability to be a shield, but it was already thin to begin with. It was never gonna stop anything besides a stray arrow or two, and I much prefer avoiding an attack completely than tanking it. This one might not be a shield, but it does make a great glider, and seeing as it's collapsible, I can carry it at all times giving me diversity in combat..

Thanks to this little beauty.

Hmm, that's not a bad name; little beauty.

Name pending…

"In any case…"

Collapsing the shield one last time I tuck it away into my knapsack, and walk back home. I can only delay the inevitable for so long. Besides, I know that even if I did, I know Paul would not hesitate to throw me under the bus as a way to get on Zenith's 'good,' side while showing his parenting side. So it's a lose lose situation. I might as well get something out of this.

"I really don't have any leverage here do I. Don't make me regret this old man."

Still hate this though.

I learned a few other things. Sewing, crafting… speech, and a little bit of woodworking.

Now… now It's time to pay the piper.

"Here goes nothing," I opened the door, and got ready for my little mother-son bonding time.

…that Paul will 'coincidentally' interrupt later.

"Hahhhh…" my exasperation leaks.

How's that saying goes?

The road to hell is paved with good intentions?

Now I wonder… who fits that theme better, him, or me?

"Fuck my life," I lament. "Well… at least I get to spend time with Zenith, so that's nice. Just focus on the beauty beside you, and not the devil by your shoulder. Yeah… that's what I'll do."


Whoosh. Whoosh. Whoosh.

The kite dances merrily in the wind, as the wind dances it here and there. Well, technically I'm making it dance in the wind, but it's like anyone can tell.

It's good to have magic.

On a sunny day, with the scent of spring flowers me and Zenith are just flying a kite. A nice and relaxing evening.

So calming.

Just me, a beauty, and-

"I told Alice and Laws about the pond we visited that one time, and they seemed interested in visiting it," said Paul.


"Oh. that's nice." Zenith says absently as she concentrates on flying the kite with me as she stands over me, arms draped around me, hands intermingled.

She is currently using me as a shield against my father.

It seems I am not the only one dissatisfied with this turn of events, of which I am a little happy about.

Ok, maybe more than a little, but nothing I can do about it.

A deal is a deal.

We're flying kites over the hill where Sylphy and I usually hang out. It's a pleasant area with a nice view over the prairie. The perfect area where one can just come and relax, and run away from all their troubles, and enjoy the world. You can read, nap, fly in the sky. Well maybe not fly.

So if you're a poor mortal you'll just have to settle for kite flying.

Don't knock 'till you try it. It's excit-

Ok, it's kind of dull. But Sylphy likes it! So we've done this from time to time, and it seemed like a good activity to play around with Zenith. In this age of little to no entertainment apparently flying a kite is quite novel.

Hmm… I felt like there's a joke there?

Plus it's the type of activity you would expect from a child. I rarely get to act my age. So some childish fun would do us some good. Just a little goofing off.

Anyways, making use of the scraps from my woodworking sessions we can fly this spare kite in peace.

Too bad I have to share this peace with Paul.

True to my word, I'm letting him take his shot, giving him the tip that he wanted, and setting up the playdate. But that's it. I am showing him the door, but he has to walk through it, and if he just so happens to trip and fall as he goes through it… well that's fine too.

That said…

I didn't think being in the backseat to all this melodrama would be so annoying. Either seal the deal or get lost. I'm annoyed. I now know how parents feel when their children are fighting in the back seat.

Behave yourselves or I will turn this Isekai around!

Paul has been trying his best to get Zenith's attention, but has been getting less than stellar results. She has been giving curt responses. What can you say, except that no plan survives initial implementation.

Good luck Paul.

Just kidding, keep failing.

Buuut… he just keeps going, and going, and going…

I turn to look at him.

At what point does perseverance become annoying? I guess that all depends on her. I hope he remembers that I said if he hurts her, I get to hurt him.

Feeling my stare he looks back at me, and tries to communicate something with me.

Yeahh-no, this was our deal. You don't get any outside help outside of the set up. Now deal with it.

I wonder if I could communicate that to him?

Turning away from him I go back to minding my own business.

I'm ignoring you~ If I can't see you, you don't exist.

I wonder what Sylphy is doing? Must be a hundred more times for fun than this. She might even be zipping around somewhere enjoying some flight magic.

What does she do when I'm not with her?

As I'm lost in thought he keeps failing, and I just continue to enjoy Zenith's warmth as the kite keeps swaying in this nice spring breeze.

At least I have wind magic. It makes a good distraction, as I constantly adjust my kite, when bored, and make it do loops to distract myself. The thing is though my concentration is sometimes offset by their bickering, making me stumble.

That and… there's one… two more distractions upon my shoulders that's giving me mixed feelings.

They're pressing against me. Zenith's Zeniths are pressing against me…

Everytime Paul becomes particularly annoying, she hugs me a little tighter, and certain… assets of hers press against me. In essence every time she's bothered, she 'bothers' me, but in a different sense.

I have several mixed feelings.

Well… this too is part of spring.

…between heaven and hell…

As I'm battling my inner demons, I wonder what things look like from her point of view. This whole fiasco, one moment we're flying our kites for no reason, just to bond, and all of a sudden a wild Paul appears.

Horrifying… where's my pepper spray?

…note to self: invent pepper spray...

What a coincidence he came up with though.

He shows up midday, when he's supposed to be doing his round, and he just so happens to have his own kite to fly with us. At the exact time we're kite flying as well.


Don't know if he thought hard about the implications. He's obviously 'too' well prepared, but this was his plan, so who am I to disagree.


Zenith might be a little… on the naive side, but she's not an idiot.

Well, whatever, he agreed to this plan so it's his funeral.

"...so this summer-"

Oh! He was still talking.

"Me, you, Rudy, the babies, and even Lilia could go out with them, and make a whole af-... make a whole celebration of it."

I heard that. Even if I'm rootin-wait… even if I'm 'Rudy-ing,' for your failure.

Hmm nice, I'm getting better at these puns. Where was I?

Even if I'm Rudy-ing for your failure, What the hell happened to the guy that was dissecting the conversation last time?

He has a strong case of foot-in-mouth itis.

Well, it works out better for me, so don't let me stop you.

"Hmm~" she hums. "Rudy, are you sure you don't want to change locations?" she asked me.

She's getting annoyed.

Sorry, unfortunately, you have to put up with him, if only for a little while. It's part of the agreement. Stay strong.

"Um… no, this is the best spot. I don't think I'll get a better view of the village than here. It's all plains everywhere else." I offered.

Realistically, I can fly a kite anywhere. I have wind magic after all, but hopefully she doesn't pick up on that. Sorry Blonde Fairy. Just humor this idiot, and I'll make it up to you later somehow, just not now.

Back massage?

"Fine…" she mutters.

"So dear, speaking of babies, how are you feeling these days? Is morning sickness still a thing? Has the baby started kicking? Oh! Do you have any cravings, I remember when-"

"I'm fine!" she hollers.

You're coming off a bit strong, their old man.

"Rudy, the wind is hitting me from this angle, do you mind if we move over there?"

"No, not all."

She grabs my hand, and leads me off to the tree in the distance and we stand with a tree to her back, and… suddenly someone is outside of view.

I see.

There is a tree now in between Paul and us.

"The wind huh," I said in a low voice.

"You said something dear?" she said

"Nope. Nada, just talking to myself."

Standing under the tree, a gentle wind blows through. We are now standing under the tree's shadow, her hands on my shoulders, as I continue to dance the kite in the wind.

You can almost ignore the third wheel. Almost.

"Dear?" Paul's voice carries from the other side of the tree. Poking his head to the side to talk to her, he decides to walk around the tree, nervously, and keeping a distance.

Guess he hasn't lost all his senses.

Should I praise his instincts or his guts?

"Yes? D-E-A-R?" She emphasizes every letter. She's smiling sweetly, and still holding me, but… her smile doesn't reach her eyes. Her eyes are closed. She does not have any of the warmth you usually associate with her at this moment.

Uh… yeah… you should really abort old man. In fact if you don't I'm sending you off. I'll be doing you a favor. Your life is in danger!

Well, probably not, but you're starting to get on her nerves. Her grip on my shoulders is tight.

"Um… nothing. I just thought I told you I… ah… made you something?"

"Oh? What did you make me exactly?"

Well, not you exactly for you, but… our baby, the next one.

Her hands are still on me, and so I feel her grip lessening as he speaks.

I see…

"If you follow me I can show you. I'll show you something I think you'd like."

Zenith's hold on me tightens.

"Hahh…" a sigh escapes my mouth.

People's hearts are mysterious little things.

A person's heart is a hard thing to understand, in any era, in any world, close or not, but feelings can still be understood somewhat through touch. I don't know her exact thought process, but I felt that through our time together, I've been able to learn a thing or two about her from these little things.

Caressing the back of her hand gently, I remind her that I'm here.

As per my deal, I can't really say anything, but this much is possible. Sometimes a touch is all one needs.

Or at least that's my experience.

I hope she gets the message.

Her grip lessens, and I can feel her ease, "hmph, can't you see that this is our precious Rudy/Zeny time, you can show me later?"

So there's a later?

"Of course… dear," he says with a smile on his face.

…it looks like he noticed it too.

Can I punch him?

Maybe I really should retake those sparring lessons he offered so I can strike him.

I have… many dissatisfactions…with…this, but… I can endure. At least her mood is better.

Looking over me to Zenith on my shoulder, I look upon her to get a good read on her face, only for her to notice my stare and return it, looking down at me with a smile on her face.


She's happy that is all that matters.

That said…

I summon a wind, chantlessly, and direct it towards Paul's kite, blowing it away.

"W-what is-oh, no!" he yells. Running in the direction of the kite was blown, he quickly recedes from view.

Your time is up.

All good things must come to an end, and you got what you wanted now it's my turn. This is mother-son bonding time after all. Shouldn't have gotten distracted, and lessened your grip. Now watch as it flies away.

You got five minutes of heaven. It's my turn.

Hmm… I felt like something was off with that mindset.

In any case, sayonara Paul!

"I thought he'd never leave," I muttered.

"You know your father," she moves her hands from the kite string to my shoulders. "He can be… invasive."

"You know you could have denied him."

"Weren't you the one that wanted to stay?"

"Well, yeah…"

But couldn't you fight me on it. As long as I have some leeway I could have kicked him out.

It wouldn't be that hard to convince me you know? It would have looked weird to him. If I had set this date up, and then backed off on our deal so early into it, but if you had fought me on this, just a little, he wouldn't have been any wiser.

Well he's gone now.

"I had to stay here, but you didn't. It only takes one person to fly a kite."

That's my story, and sticking to it.

"And miss out on our mother-son bonding time. Never!" She squeezes me tightly.

…they're pressing against me…

After sleeping with her for so long, I've long since become familiar with that feeling, but I'm usually too sleepy, to think too hard about it, and it's only for a moment, but I really have been sleeping with this supermodel for four months huh.

That said… There's a third bump that takes notice at this moment.

"Are you sure you should be hugging me like that, isn't it hard on your belly?"

Her baby bump is pressing against me as well.

"Not really. I just have to arch my back a little to hug you. Besides, if I put a little pressure like this," I feel a pressure against me as her belly is pressed slightly more against my back, "I get to hug both my babies simultaneously!"

You are… an angel.

"I guess… he did make one good point though. How is the baby? Has she started kicking?"

"She? Guess Rudy wants a baby sister," she says joyfully by my ear.

Something like that.

"What can I say… it's fate."

Or plot… whatever you prefer.

"Heeeh~ fate huh," she says. Even without turning around I can hear the smirk on her as her voice carries into my ear.

"The baby is fine. She is, or he, is starting to get lively. A while ago she started kicking, it happens from time to time, want a feel?" She walks over to my side, rubbing her belly in invitation.

"Uh… sure," I accepted, kneeling down, and laying my hand on her stomach, rubbing her belly bump.

To think there's a life in here.

"She's quiet," I mutter.

"Or he," she corrected, "but yeah… it's a little early. She gets a little active at night though. You're usually asleep."

"I see…" I continue rubbing her belly.

Norn… Norn is in here. I wonder what life she is going to be born to. The future is unknown. The future is terrifying. But still… I'm kind of excited. I'm…

I'm going to be a brother… again… but… I won't be around for them. So… much to think about, BUT, for sure, I will be there for her infancy. Maybe one day Zenith will tell her she has a famous brother that is out adventuring.

Parenthood really is something else.

Should I move out of the way, and let Paul do his thing?

That puts a sour taste in my mouth. Perhaps I should, but…

I look up at Zenith's smiling face for at least another three months. I can be a bit more selfish. For just a little longer. I won't be here their whole lives, so I should make sure these years are the best.

"You know… I don't see Paul near here, I don't think he'll notice if we leave."

Plus if we leave now, while he's away, I have plausible deniability that we simply decided to leave for clearer skies, and he can't say otherwise.

Magic really is the best.

"I thought you said the wind was best here."

"My mistake," I open my hands letting go of the kite string that was in between her stomach and my palm, creating a small gust of wind, and with a twist of my wrist sending it flying. "It seems the wind is stronger in that direction," I give her a wink.

"Rudy, that's so…" she turns her head from side to side as if looking for someone, before bending down and whispering, "lets go quickly before he returns."

"Ha ha…" I kiss her on the cheek. "I love you."

I grab her hand and pull her along, as I lead her to quieter plains, before feeling resistance, and turning around to see what happened. Zenith is standing stock still, standing there frozen in place with her eyes wide open.

It confuses me for a moment, before I decide to reset her, giving her a small squeeze of her hand to wake her from her stupor. "What are you waiting for? Are you going to let him get between us? He could be back any minute. Let's go!" I pull.

"Y-yes, l-lets go," she followed along, tripping a little on the first step.

This is nice.

I promised him his chance, and I did. Now it's my turn. Until our next deal, I'll be monopolizing Zenith's time exclusively. For at least three more months. After that…

Who knows?

Better luck next time Paul.



Zenith [pov]

"Hmm~ mmh~ Hmm~"

This isn't half bad. I am currently the most popular woman in the household-no, the village, and… I like it.

A couple weeks ago, Paul finally decided to up his game, and started to try and woo my favor. It was slightly annoying at first, but… I don't dislike it. I kind of like the attention, all of the attention.

Including Rudy's.

It's been an interesting couple of days.

For a second I had thought Rudy would have taken the first opportunity to escape such situations. Lord knows he looked uncomfortable making a face as if he just ate something sour everytime Paul made an appearance, but despite that he stayed, and let Paul try to make things back to me.

It was a little annoying at first, but now that I've buried things with Lilia a lot of my anger has dissipated, so I was willing to hear him out. At least a little. It reminds me a lot of the early days, when Paul was trying to woo me. It was annoying back then, but it's quite endearing to look back upon, but the best part is… Rudy is jealous.

"He he…"

I'm a bad mama~

For a moment I thought of just shutting Paul down, but there was an unintended side effect to his doings. Rudy has been getting possessive. Everytime his father comes along, and tries to woo me, he does something to carry my favor. Paul brings a kite, he brings his own while performing tricks that can only be done with magic.

Did he really think he could fool me? Since when do kites go in loops, in one place, for no reason.

Paul would bring in sweets, Rudy would help me cook. Paul would show me the stroller he made for the baby, Rudy would show me stories he's prepared for them. Paul would do some of the chores to help ease my burden, Rudeus would give me a foot massage after a long day.

It's cute to see him competing.

"He he~ I'm being spoiled~"

And I love it.

Does this make me a bad mom?

Don't care!

Right now I have two men going through hoops to please me. It's… thrilling. It's unfortunate one of them is my own son, but that doesn't change the fact how nice it feels to be attended to.

I put my hands to my face, as I can feel the blood rushing to my face.

No good… the smile on my face won't go away.

Honestly, it's difficult to hide my smile at times. I'm almost happy that my Rudy time usually comes after my Paul time..

But seriously no good… at this rate I'll become a sloven woman.

I look down at my belly.

I-it's fine. It's a baby bump, and that's all it is! I'm not fat!


"Yes, Zenith."

"Kya!" I jerked up, off guard. "W-Where did you come from?"

How does she do that?!

"I've been here the whole time ma-Zenith."

"W-Why didn't you say anything?"

I almost said some embarrassing things! Please tell me when you're here!

"You looked quite jovial. I didn't want to interrupt it."

"W-Well… you're right, just… ahem," I cleared my throat, "please tell me next time."

"Of course," she tilted her glasses.

Is she… smiling?

"Mhhhu! Anyways! I'm bored. Let's do something."

She flinches.

"Ah… madame… that's fine. I can do everything myself," she states.

"That's fine Lilia. I want to do something. I've been a little… lazy lately. Oh," I clap my hands, "I know let's tend to my garden. It's spring already. It's time we started moving some of the flowers we stored away, and started preparing for the coming season."

"Um… those pots are a little heavy, I-I'll tend to it. There's no reason for you to force yours-"

"Nonsense, I love gardening. I want to do it."

"I… see…" Lilia looks over her shoulder.

Something is off?

"Is something wrong Lilia?"

"No, nothing. It's just…" she looks behind her, before returning to face me, "...I am just talking to myself. I didn't say anything to you madame, but… the young master ordered me to not let you do any heavy lifting… including gardening."

"Heavy… lifting?" I asked.

"Heavy lifting." she restated.

"My flower pots are hardly heavy."

"He was… insistent."

"Well," I put a finger on her lips, "what Rudy doesn't know won't hurt him?"

"B-but Zenith-"

"It's fine. We'll only grab the little one's. We'll save the big ones for Rudy. That should be fine right, everyone wins."

"I… I don't know," Lilia looks down crestfallen.


Is it really that bad?

"It's not that big of a deal is it? I'm pregnant, not handicapped. Rudy has a tendency to… overindulge me at times."

"That's true, but I promised," she raises her head to look at me. "I must insist that we don't do that."

I frown.

"...please. If that would be alright with you Zenith," she bows her head slowly.

How can you go from overbearing to meek in a heartbeat?

"Fine… but you have to help me find something to do. Something to keep me busy, not games."

I'll get fat at this rate.

"Leave it to me!" She raises her head with a fierce glare in her eye.

Is it really that important to you to yell?!

…I almost feel bad that I already started preparing my garden earlier. I didn't think she was going to say no. The ground is already tended to. All it's missing is the plants to go in it.

Thank god Lilia was busy.

Now, I just gotta convince Rudy into working in the garden with me. I wonder how I should go about it.

Ah! I got it, maybe I'll hint during the next Paul session, after he leaves that having my garden tended to would make me quite happy. That should make Rudy happy.

No wait!

Then he might just do all the gardening himself.



"Nothing. Just thinking of how I'm going to-" I tap at my chin, then halt. "Wait a minute," I turn to the charming redhead beside me. There's another woman Rudy attends to, if to a lesser degree. "If we team up, we can convince Rudy to do what we want."


"He he~"

We can wrap Rudy around our finger. I'm such a bad mama~



My intentions must be leaking.

"Lilia~" I hugged her.


"Let's go. Show me what to do so we could… ah, stay busy." I muttered looking at her with doe-like eyes.

"...yes, Zenith."

Maybe it's not so bad to be spoiled every once in a while.

Then again…


I rub my cheek against hers. So soft. "Lilia, your skin is so smooth. Are you sure you're not a healing mage?"

"Y-yes I am sure. I just… take care of myself thoroughly. Good diet, and exercise."

"Wait, did you say exercise?


"So you admit, being active is good for you."


Did… did I just win one?

I squeeze her arm, as we walk along, rubbing my cheek next to hers. "You're so cute Lily!"

This is nice too. Doing the spoiling is also nice.


Rudy [pov]

Well… that's a beautiful sight.

Making my way to the kitchen I see the women of this household cleaning plates. Zenith just humming to herself, and Lilia just wiping the dishes as their passed over. It's funny how Zeny finds pleasure in these menial things, when she could just rely on Lilia. When Zenith was in charge of her clinic her and Lilia split their duties. Lilia's first and main job was to take care of me, her secondary, and the housework would be split.

Zenith enjoyed cooking, and as such wouldn't let anyone take that away from her.


Now that she can't be a medic she's going full housewife mode.

I wonder what they're talking about. Getting closer, but not too close to break their moment, I lean by the entrance wall, and eavesdrop on them. I walk behind them, slightly hypnotized by them as they stand there, bathed in the sunlight coming through the window, enlightening their figure. Lilia's normally maroon hair, sparkling red today, and Zenith's blond looking golden. Their figure, their curves, their-

No, wait wait. Stop that! I just want to eavesdrop. I'm getting lost in… I'm lost.

Let's see what they're doing.

"...then he went running off looking for some persimmons," Zenith said.

"But we don't have any in this region," Lilia responded.

"I know, isn't it hilarious."

"And master Rudeus?"


"Well… at least we have those. Did you even have a craving?"

"I did… for some entertainment. Let's keep this between us.

"You're incorrigible Zenith."

"Don't mock it 'till you try it. You have to admit, having the ability to push around somebody, with love of course," she finishes.

"Of course," Lilia agreed.

"Is a bit tempting. I know you don't enjoy being around Paul, but you enjoy being around Rudy right. Sooo… how about next time you give it a try?"


"Come on, don't you want to boss Rudy around a little bit. I think he has a weakness for pregnant women. Try it. What's your favorite snack?"

"...I like grapes…"

"Oh Rudy, Rudy~" she put a hand to her forehead 'dramatically,' "I am feeling so famished. Can you bring me some grapes? I think there are some in the village. Pleeease. If you bring some you will be the best son," she halts her dramatics, "well in your case master, but still!," she composes herself and resumes her act once more, putting her hands together in mock prayer, "ahem, you'll be the best master ever. Please~" she wipes her hands at her sides before talking in a regular state. "See? Easy, peasy."

…what did I just walk into? If I didn't know any better I'd say she's…

"...I don't think I have the gall to be as bold as you Zenith."

"Come on. It's just between us girls. You're telling me you've never dreamed of pushing Rudy around just a little."

Yes Lilia. Do tell. Have you ever dreamed of pushing me around?

I take back everything I've ever said about Zenith being an angel. She's a demon.

Stop corrupting Lilia. That's my job!

Let's see what she says.

"...please…grapes," she whispered. In a voice too low for me to hear, with her head tilted down she whispers something.

"Not like that he'll never fall for that. Come on just a little bolder, it's not like he's here."

Yeah! What she said! I'm not even here!

"Please Rudy. I'm peckish." She even made the praying poze. "Will you please buy me something?"

These two…

Walking from behind, I snuck from behind them, hugging them from behind, wrapping my arms around them, and inserting my head between them. Lilia on my left, and Zenith on my right.

"Kya!/Eep!" they screamed respectively.

"Well, since you asked so nicely," I muttered.



"What are you in the mood for?" I asked.

They quietly turned their heads to me, and then slowly turned them back, looking at each other, as I waited between them.

What? Why so quiet?

"Sooo… I heard my name mentioned. Wasn't there something you wanted?"

"...nothing in particular, master," Lilia said.

"...grapes?" Zenith stated.

You shameless, you!

Give me back all the worries I had! Turns out she was fine! Here I was worried about the ethics of using someone as a pawn in this game of love, without the person in question knowing, and battling with my conscience if I'm doing right by her, or am I just selling out for comfort and skills, but no… My worries were nonsense!

While I was considering biting the bullet and just confessing about my monster slaying shenanigans, she's here playing her own game.

I've been played!

My heart is more fragile than a maiden's you know!

Just kidding.

Subtle you are not. You are lucky I already noticed what you were doing a while back or else I might actually have been peeved off.

…but I didn't think she roped Lilia into this as well.

She really does love her games huh.

"I didn't realize you liked grapes mom. You wouldn't happen to want some tangerines to go with them?" I said while staring up at her.

"Um… tee-hee?" she placed her knuckles on top of her head.

How do you know that?

"...you get a pass."

You're so lucky you're adorable.

"Lilia…" Zenith makes eye contact with Lilia, and stares for a second, trying to silently communicate something.

What is she trying to-

"Rudy…" Lilia says quietly.

"Hmm, yes?"

Slowly she raises a fist to her head, and… bops it, mirroring Zeny.

"T-tee-hee…" she says in a very low voice, that if I wasn't right there next to her I would never hear it. A blush starts spreading on her face, starting a rosy pink, into a passionate red, matching her hair. Her face is red, her eyes are slightly teary, and she's having a hard time looking me in the eye. I think she's even shaking a little.


That caught me off-guard. If it wasn't for the context. I would assume this is the appearance of a maiden in love.

Maybe she can corrupt her just a little.

"Pfft-" I turned my head, and hid my face in Zenith's side, before I could burst into laughter.


"N-No, s-sorry. T-that just caught me off guard, ahem, yeah… um… you also get a pass. Also, that was adorable… please do so again."

"I know, wasn't she!" Zenith yells.

"...you're both incorrigible…" Lilia whispers, turning her head away.

"Yeah, but you love us anyway don't yah," I told her as I hugged Zenith.


Turning to face me, her face matches her hair one more time as she looks us over, before turning her head away once more.

Hey she pulled a Zenith.

I think I changed my mind. You can definitely corrupt her, just a little Zeny.

"So Rudy, why did you come here? It's still early in the day. Aren't you going to play with Sylphy today?" Zenith asked.

"Oh, that…"

Funny thing about that, before I realized your shenanigans I was worried about how you were doing so I cut my Sylphy in half for the time being, and we've put our training on hold.

"We just play these days, and you can only play for so long."

"Oh? That's too bad. I haven't seen Sylphy here in a while."

And invite her to this mess! I think not. If I had to combine taking care of you, along with being alert of Paul, and Sylphy feeling left out all in one sitting, I'll die of stress!

My family drama is convoluted enough without inviting a precocious elf.

"You're unfair…"

"Ah… sorry?" Zenith apologizes, reaching down with her hand, and prepares to ruffle my hair as usual.

I dodge.

Nice try, but I know your game.

In fact… I just had the greatest idea ever; two birds one stone.

"Li-Li-Ah~" Avoiding Zenith's grasp, I move away and latch myself onto Lilia to my left, putting her between me and Zeny.

"Eeep! Ru-Rudeus?!"

"Lilia is so much nicer than Zenith. She's so nice and comforting, and doesn't make me do everything on a whim. I don't know if I can sleep in mama's bed tonight. I should sleep with Lily instead~"

There, take that!

Two can play this game. If you're going to play around with me, I can tease you a little as well.



…I think.

What's with the silence?

I look behind me and see Zenith looking at me with wide open eyes, her hand frozen as she reaches out to me, before I look back at Lilia, looking up at her face as I held on to her waist.

… and seeing her blushing face, a hand frozen in place, as it was reaching below me.

"...I was joking, you know. Why is everyone being so stiff?"

They continued staring at me.


Crownedclown Crownedclown

I sure hope this chapter made it obvious, but things won't go as many people expected, including Paul LOL. Their's a very small few that can predict certain things in my writting, but even they never see most of what I have coming. Anyways... expect the unexpected.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C33
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


