14.58% Mushoku Tensei: Moving Forward / Chapter 7: Fun-damentals

章 7: Fun-damentals

Rudy [pov]

Then there was fucking Paul.

"Ow," I winced in pain. 

Man is a practitioner from the school of hard knox.

"Jeez, I tell your daddy not to hit you so hard, but can he control himself?" Zenith complains as she performs Healing Touch on me.

Ah, so good. Best technique ever.

Healing touch; in essence just a healing spell, but with a… you know, touch. Being our own version of the classic heal spell applied in massage form it heals, and feels good too.

Thank you Lilia.

Apparently the ability to hold a healing spell for the duration of the massage is quite taxing, but needless to say, I made quite an effort to bring this spell into reality. 

Over the case of these 6 months studying with Roxy, and massaging Lilia. 

For medical reasons of course.

"What does 'real man learn through experience,' even mean? Does he forget you're still a child? Hmph!" Zenith voices her displeasure.

That was kinda cute. Now just tilt your head, throw it to the side, and I can enjoy the perfect tsundere meme.

I need this really. I'm not really sure how I'm doing it, but I'm still standing. Honestly I'm tired as hell, my schedule has been thrown to hell and back after 'that,' day's fiasco.

'Why not teach him swordsmanship in the morning, and Magic in the afternoon?' was it. Yeah, sure I don't mind, except…


Honestly, boom, wham, kablaming. Da-hell is Ka-blaming! Is that some advanced sword explosion technique?! Can I blow you up?! Please tell me I can blow you up!

"Ara, is that a white hair?" She questioned

I have a white hair? I guess blonde people do get platinum hair every once in a while if I remember correctly.

"Yosh, all done. All healed up Rudy, now onto your magical lessons. Roxy is waiting like usual."

Will do. Tight schedule or not, will always make time for magic.

"Hai~ see you later~" I wave as I sped out the door.

The secondary effects of rejuvenation after a healing sure can't be underestimated. 

Almost makes me sad puting Zenith through that, but… it's just too good to pass up. Stronger muscles, good health, and an energy boost, what's not to like. 

I'll have to find a way to make it up to her soon. 

I guess I could get better at dodging.

That, or you know, a certain someone can take it down a notch when sparring against a little kid. Damn, man child.


There were two large mistakes I made around Paul, besides the obvious one, that led to these 'intense,' lessons. The first being, I underestimated how much my body has improved through self-training, and Lilia's help. Although I am three, technically, my body is probably closer to that of a five year old. Basically I'm strong enough to hold a sword(stick). A fact that Paul is abusing.

Considering it's my own body, it's hard for me to notice. I am a man in a kid's body so it's hard for me to notice the difference between a 3 and a 5 year old, to me it's all childish.


See what I did there? 

Anyhow! It's enough for my father to start giving me sword training.


The other mistake is the really troublesome one though, and that is him finding out about Zenith healing me. 

I brought this on myself, but… damn.

Using healing magic whenever possible, preferably after Lilia has kicked my ass, I patch myself up with a little healing. My reserves being on the lower end, I went to my mother, and, using the forbidden technique; puppy dog eyes, I begged for her to show me the pretty lights as I learned more about it, and experience a good heal for all my efforts.

Can't deny the experts.

Apparently the shortcut I was using never occurred to my dad though. 

Since he didn't have the luxury of healing magic while he was training, he never got to see the benefits of using it mid-exercise. So when he found out that I was getting healed by Zenith every once in a while, he had the smugness of smiles I've ever did see.

I can punch him right?

…not that I have the ability too… but still!

That was the beginning of my troubles.

Do you think I'm Goku? I don't get Zenkai boosts from this!

In any case, my daily routine now consists of sword training in the morning, healing and eating at noon, magic training in the afternoon, and some nightly reviewing with little blue.

Amongst other things.

Unfortunately, my precious Lilia time is no longer in that schedule. 

…I'm sad.

Hmm. Really glad I got that healing massage though. 

A light body equals a light heart.

I actually do have the ability to do some minor heals on myself, but if I did that then I wouldn't be able to perform the magic lesson to the best of my ability.

Fucking Paul, I really, really hate… that I can't hate him.

I have been avoiding the man like the plague, keeping in contact with Zenith and Lilia, until recently, for obvious reasons, but I couldn't push it forever. Eventually me and him were going to have to interact in some capacity. It just happened earlier than I wanted. Me and Paul have started our sword training, and I have been spending time with him over these six months. It was alright. 

Can't say it was particularly fun, because you know; OW! The lessons are useful, but… I can't completely hate the guy.

It would make my life easier if I could.


I am aware of what he did, and the type of person he is. He is by no means a good person, and I SHOULD hate him, but… I've never seen it. 

It is at this moment that I am reminded of stories where you hear about a murderer or someone of similar level of heinousness, who gets defended by their family members, because they are unable to associate their family member with the crimes they committed..

I am aware he's scum, but I have a… disconnect from it. 

He is without a doubt a scumbag, as far as I know he never apologized to Lilia, but when it comes to his everyday life… he is… fine. He's a bit dim, but besides that he's a loving husband, perhaps too much in my opinion(let me sleep), but he is a good knight, and a good father.

…or at least trying to be.

Combine that with the fact that the common sense of this world would see his actions more as a misdemeanor, than a crime, and it's hard to view him at the same level of scum as I would someone from my old world. Because this warped world doesn't see it the same way I do.

That doesn't absolve him of his actions. I don't forgive him for his actions in any way, but it is hard to hate him, when the only Paul I can see is the one before me.

It doesn't help that I have the meta knowledge that he does get better, or that Zenith loves him so.

It's not that I know he can be better. It's that I KNOW that he will be better.

Unlike people that defend their criminal others, I actually have the gift of foresight(meta knowledge) to see things differently.

I don't know what kind of relationship will develop between me and Paul, but for the time being I decided simply to judge him based on his present. So I suppose my feelings for him are neutral.

Then again… I could always focus on the bruises. 

I always get a bit of rage when I do that.

Hitting him in the face could work to figure out my feelings.

Anyways, "Time to get magical up in here!" 


"If you activate Water Fall, Heat Island, and Icicle Field, in that order what will happen?" My teacher questioned.

"You will create Fog."

"Then how do you dispel the fog?"

"Reheat the earth again."

"Correct. Now once more, and we can practice the 'other,' magic."

We have moved on to Melded magic recently. Melded magic is exactly as its name implies. It is but a series of spells combined in one way or another to create a different effect. Fog, steam, etc.

Similar interactions like this happened over the last two months. 

Well, at least we got the boring part out the way. 

On top of the basics earth, water, fire, and wind, I already knew quite a bit, so I didn't have to waste that much time in arithmetic, or basic spelling structure. But that doesn't mean I knew everything. 

Roxy Sensei is a very serious teacher.

Apparently being my teacher didn't just include just magic, but as well as other topics, like geography, and history. Subjects I have little to no knowledge of. I don't see me using such knowledge much in the future, but I was taught then anyway, and besides it's not as a student I had much say in the manner. I just made sure to get through it as quickly as possible so we could get to the fun part. 

Besides, geography could be useful. 

It's good to have a map for the future. 

Luckily I didn't have to worry about being seen as too smart for my age now, or that my acting would be seen through. As there was plenty of stuff I didn't know/remember.

All in all my progress in magic has been… interesting. 

Or perhaps that's my impatience talking.

Roxy sensei is quite studious, but also quite cautious. 

Makes sense, I wouldn't want my pupil blowing up either.

But my heart and soul is that of a weeaboo, and he wants to cast some explosion magic. Not that it exists. I think.

Anyways, over the few months we went over the basics, one spell at a time. Luckily we didn't waste too much time, the basics were… well, basic. So I was able to zoom through many of the beginning lessons one after another. My mana control also gave me an advantage in my learning speed.

It was only when we came to the more complicated ones recently that I had to actually study, and practice.

I have no shame in admitting that I have no idea how fog is made. I vaguely recall it had something to do with a change in pressure and moisture, but the actual process escapes me.

As such despite being able to breeze through the beginning, I struggled at the later lessons. 

At times I would be completely stumped, and wouldn't need to play dumb, as I was, and depended on Roxy thoroughly; asking for help.

I think she was really happy then. It's hard to tell with her faint smiles, but I'd like to think so.

At others it would be more like remembering than actual learning, and be a little easier. Like today's fog.

So yeah, magic lessons have been a rollercoaster like experience. 

Still fun though. 

Oh, there is one particular high I am quite happy with.

"Roxy sensei, almost out of mana, can we start the other lessons now?"

"Fine, let's go," she bequests.

We move on to my favorite part of the lesson. Recreational magic, a.k.a recess, from her point of view not mine…

From my point of view, it's where I can truly let my inner weeaboo out. 

"Trace on!" I shouted as I spread my energy through a rock.

I get to do magic; thaumaturgic version! Kinda. 

Crack. The rock broke. 

Needless to say If I can reproduce some magic from some of my favorite fictional characters I would. Unfortunately, bringing fictional techniques into reality has been… difficult.

"See, it can be done." I told her.

"All I saw was a boy breaking a rock with his mana. Make that rock as strong as a stone bullet, then I'll be impressed." 

Yeah, reinforcement has been a dud. 

For now.

Simply put… I'm dumb. Or at least not as smart as I thought. 

I did not pay enough attention in physics, like a certain cheat mc, to be able to cheat my way to the top in this world, and as such didn't need to pretend to be a dumb kid, as I really didn't have a clue what she was saying.


Luckily, I remembered the basics like the atomic structure, H20, heat is friction of the molecules, etc, etc. So I wasn't completely out of tricks, but for the most part I really did have to re-learn quite a few things.

Regardless, I've gotten the fundamentals down by now, and have a good feeling, literally, on how the elements feel. So I can now cast elementary spells of all the fourth spells unconsciously. 

As for intermediate spells, it depends on the spell. I've given precedence towards Ice shard, and Swift step, but others need work.

I am the bone of my sword. 

Just kidding. 

But I am shamelessly ripping off a certain fate franchise character, or trying to at least. 

With my mastery of basics, and minor understanding Physics I thought it was the right time to pick it up a notch.

Results are questionable.

Apparently I had some radical Ideas, at least in Roxy's opinion, when it comes to magic.

I think it's a bit of an exaggeration. I mean this world follows a similar logic to fate in many cases. There's even summoning magic. So I didn't think my childish, her opinion, antics are beyond the realms of possibility.

I didn't exactly have the reserves, or knowledge, of the fundamentals to be able to experiment properly at the beginning. As of last week that's changed though, and nowadays my final hour of training ends with us diving into research.

Three cheers for thaumaturgy, hip-hip!

  Although, from her point of view, she's just entertaining me. 

Is this a playdate? Kya~

"…well then, how did your 'analysis' go?" Roxy queries.

Right… questionable results, step number one; Structural analysis.

"...Nothing… but I do get a feel of things."

"Sigh, that's to be expected… out of curiosity what did you get a feel of?"

"It's hard to explain. It's like I remember the feel of how my mana hits against something. Like…" I tried to find the words, "when it bounces against something particularly hard, it means there's more Iron here than the rest."

"Hmm, sounds like you're making progress with the advanced spell Metallurgy. Although not the intended result, it's still progress."

The Fun-damentals, fate version, have been a mixed bag. 

Shirou Emiya's basics; Structural analysis, Reinforcement, and Projection. These are the 3 magics that I am working hard to pioneer. Structural analysis being the most important, and first step, in order to get a handle on the other three, and consequently begin my OP journey. 

It hasn't quite worked out that way.

Rather than structural analysis, I created something more similar to metallurgy. I am not analyzing the object as much as… feeling, like waves under water.

I throw my mana into an object or area, keep it connected and steadily flowing from my body, and focus my concentration on the 'feel,' of the object. 

The massages with Lilia have helped quite a bit for this technique. Not only have I been training my mana, but experimenting with structural analysis.

Unfortunately, it wasn't enough.

The cheat, that is magic circuits, can't be underestimated. 

To have a monster level understanding that you can 'read,' an object's atomic structure, not to mention its history is something that for now, remains in the realms of impossibility. For now. When used on Lilia the results I was getting were… inconclusive. 

There's something there, probably the curse, but that is all.

In essence; my understanding of magic needs work.

Still though… I'll take what I can get.

"So, have you tired of your gam-experiments yet?" Roxy asked.

I heard that.


"I see. How is the rest?"

Riiight~ the other two. Reinforcement and Projection. 

"Reinforcement is… interesting, but…"

"Still, not as good as Toki," she wisely answers.

She is unfortunately right. For a moment I thought Toki was just mana used internally, and I still haven't given that up. I refuse to believe ordinary bones and muscles can cleave boulders.

Are you a super-soldier?

But yeah, Toki is very… primal. 

It's done unconsciously and as such there is no thinking, just feel. And although I've been able to empty my mind quite a bit, it's never empty, not truly.  I am conscious of my efforts, I 'know,' what I am doing.

Toki doesn't work like that. You have to give into it full heartedly, otherwise you get half measures.

Which is what I developed. 

I can't really call it reinforcement, or if it is, it's at a very weak level, but I can't call it Toki either as I have to consciously activate it, and remind myself to keep it going. The concentration doesn't have to be constant, but I do have to remind myself, making it something… else.

Kind of like cranking a wheel. It will continue to spin if you stop cranking it under its own momentum, but it will stop if you don't remind yourself to 'spin,' it.

So yeah, I developed a boot-leg version of Toki. 

Still something though. I bet any mage would still kill to have it.

Dying of envy yet. Eat your heart out Dumbledore.

And lastly, Projection. 

Yeah, that was a complete failure. No other way to go about it.

Projection magecraft is supposed to be the materialization of the mana into a physical form. You are supposed to use the knowledge from the previous two techniques, to create a stable image.

The funny thing is though, I've already been doing that, but without even thinking about it. I'm running on Harry Potter logic.

Didn't notice it at first, since I was so focused on the atomic structure when creating a water ball, the good oh H two O, that I didn't realize I was overdoing it, but the realization started setting in when I had to perform other magics like earth bullet. 

And I did… easily too… way too easily.

I imagined an earth clump, and there it was. 

Didn't have to think about its structure, the fact that it's composed of minerals, it simply was. 

That was when I realized just what kind of cheat this brain truly is. This body may not have any magic circuits, but it does have an amazing recall ability. I don't need to think hard about what I'm doing. I simply do, and it'll happen. Having the knowhow helps, but I've realized that it isn't really a requirement. In essence; this brain skips steps one and two, and goes straight to three.

Which is awesome! But, still though… all my effort.

"Sensei… I'm pooped," I muster out. After playing all day, it was time to call it quits.

"To be expected. You have been training non-stop."

"Even if you say that… I don't really feel like I'm moving forward at all."

I still feel I could do more. Just a little bit more. Just… more.

All these setbacks are starting to get to me. No, it's not even that. I'm just at a standstill. And I hate it. I feel like I should be running forward instead of… well… this. 

It's all too slow.

I still have some time before night classes, after a meal I could probably, sneak off and do some privat-



A nosebleed. Again. 

It's been happening more and more lately.


Crap, distract. I don't think she saw it.

I wipe the blood on my side of my slacks, and carry on. "A-ah, it's nothing, so now what sensei?"


She stares at me for a bit.

"Sit," she orders.


"Night classes are canceled today."

"EH? Ah, sure…" What is this about? We barely started night lessons.

She sits next to me in a seiza position. 

"Sensei, is there something…" 

She grabs my head, and drags it down to her.

"Eh?" Following the momentum, I fell onto her lap. "Sense-"

"Stop pushing yourself. It's alright to slow down, you know? Just… take a rest. Your sensei will look over you."

I mean I get that, but there is still more to do. All my magics came back inconclusive. There are still avenues to explore, I haven't read about metallurgy. More things to learn, more things to practice more-

I get petted on my head.


She continues petting me silently, despite my complaints.

…it's strangely pleasant.


I… guess I'll allow it… 

I don't know what's going through her head, but this feels nice, and… I suppose I could humor her. Just… for a moment. 

Just another item off the bucket list.


A boy slept silently, contently, in the middle of a prairie field on top of a blue haired girl's lap.

"To be called a master from such a child. Idiot disciple, you worry you're master. Just be a boy for once…" she said all the while patting him.

"Being a teacher is more about academics isn't it…"

Silently she and her disciple enjoyed the late evening before she decided to carry the boy home. He did not wake once.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








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  • ストーリー展開
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  • 世界の背景

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Stone -- 推薦チケット
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