
章 9: Chap.9 Team problems

Granted, previously I had some doubts as to whether my presence was going to cause a butterfly effect or changes beyond my control, but I think there is definitely something wrong with this world, even before my arrival.

But I will not deny that I have acted as I considered most appropriate. For example, Choji always had a self-confidence problem that wasn't fixed until pretty much the end of the series. With my advice and daily interaction, he now doesn't mind being called fat and even though he doesn't go around kicking heads, he is much more focused on what he does. His doubts have been greatly reduced.

Choza couldn't help but shed a tear when he found out and patted me on the shoulder so many times in thanks that I lost feeling for a few minutes.

Also… he may have influenced the others a bit, but let's leave that for another time.

What is the reason I am ALMOST sure there is something wrong with this world?

This morning I have been assigned to my team and to my complete surprise I joined team eight. The original team had Kurenai as their captain and the three members were Shino, Kiba, and Hinata.

Yeah, I never understood why they assigned a genjutsu expert like Kurenai as captain of a team that never used genjutsu. At least I don't remember them using it even once. It was a team focused on tracking and espionage, so they SHOULD have learned even a little bit of their captain's specialty. Kiba would be a hopeless case, but the other two I think could have gotten something out of it.

But I digress.

The first problem I thought of is: Which of the three did I replace and why?

Maybe Shino did a flea attack on Kiba and Akamaru and it was too effective?

Well, I didn't take long to find out when I was called to training ground number twelve and saw my future teammates.

"Tony-kun~! We're here," one of them calls.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the one he's calling me is Hinata. I couldn't get her shyness out of her since we met, she's too ingrained in her, BUT I got her to stop stuttering. She now she speaks clearly or she faints, there is no middle ground. I admit it's not my best work, but hey, an improvement is still an improvement. You wouldn't expect me to turn her into a lioness, would you?

"Tony?" Cool! We won't have to worry about food during missions.


Kiba and Akamaru are surely the ones who are most excited about me joining the team, I've practically tamed them with food even though they try to deny it. They were part of the rambunctious part of our promotion, but since I left them without sausages for a week after they played a practical joke on me, I was never one of their targets again.

And now comes the million dollar question:

—I haven't seen Shino in any of the teams, do any of you know why?

"I have no idea, but Akamaru is glad he doesn't have to worry about fleas from him again."

Wow, did they really have that matchup? Too bad I missed it.

"I know a bit," Hinata said. I swear that even though I was the one who made him get over his stutter, now I feel weird if he doesn't use it— The Aburame clan has discovered an insect that is a very aggressive and dangerous species near the village, so they have had to take everyone in the clan to be able to handle the problem.

Do you know what kind of insect it is? Tony asked.

"Just that it seems to be a type of bee," Hinata replies.

Goodness! For a second I thought they were the chimera ants I recently hired. If so, the Aburame clan would face extinction. Although I don't like his insect techniques, I'd feel a little bad for it.

Side note, Shino became friends with me. But because of a misunderstanding!

Since Shino is kind of a combination of a walking anthill and a walking hive, I felt uneasy knowing how many insects were around me, so I made a habit of checking where he was often, with the idea of ​​not letting him scare me. with his bugs. It is likely that she believed that he was being considerate of his weak presence and was slightly moved, which led to the current situation.

By the time I understood what had happened, it was already too late.

"And do we know who our captain is?" Tony asked.

Come on, I knew it would be Kurenai, but I have to make some small talk until I got here to kill some time.

Two people and a dog exchanged glances and shook their heads. It seems that they also received the message with the meeting time and location just like me, but not from Kurenai. How odd…

Maybe my memory is failing me, but aren't we supposed to be waiting in a classroom where Naruto will burst in showing off the diadem, before being told by the jonin that he will be in charge of us?

"Aw~, look at you. Fresh out of the academy and you already think you're a full-fledged genin. I think I will enjoy crushing your misperception in this Trial.

A female voice reverberated throughout the training ground and mystified almost everyone present.

Tony's eyes widened when he heard that voice.

Because he recognized the voice!

And it wasn't from Kurenai!


Why the FUCK was that person here?

Can not be…

Cadenadeaventuras Cadenadeaventuras

Who could it be?

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C9
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


