28.43% In Marvel as The Hive / Chapter 29: Chapter 29 - Killing Some Mutants

章 29: Chapter 29 - Killing Some Mutants

She couldn't possible allow him to burn himself alive, she needed his body in a relatively whole state in order to get as much information from him if she wanted his skills.

Especially since she wasn't quite sure if eating a mutant gave her their skills to begin with, so she didn't want to risk it. Even if the skill was kind of useless for the most part.

But she also wasn't rash enough to just rush in and try to stop the man from burning himself because she know she would just get burnt like that.

Her body at this current level wasn't able to resist such levels of heat, as such she needed another method, one that used range.

The good news was that she had the perfect projectile to use right next to her.

The body of the dead mutant.

Sure it might be damaged somewhat by the flames if she were to use it, but all things considered she didn't really need the man since she had feline DNA already, and she would much rather try and preserve the flame ones.

As such, when she noticed the man suddenly start burning more and more, she grabbed the body of the man with a strength that wouldn't match her petite body, and flung him at the other man.

The fire man didn't seem to expect that his friend would suddenly be thrown at him, who would, so he wasn't able to react in time to block the impact of the man crashing into him with great force.

The impact seemingly knocked the man out, because the girl noticed the flames had lost their heat and was quickly dying down.

'Great, that solves that.'

She thought to herself as a small smile decorated her face, somewhat proud of herself that she came up with such a great plan to her problem.

'Oh right, the other two.'

She suddenly remembered she hadn't actually finished wrapping this all up yet because she still had to capture the girls that had ran away, and eat them.

She quickly made her way over to the passed out fire man and used her claws to slit his throat. His body as still warm from the flames, so it felt odd to cut his throat but she was in a hurry, so she ignored it.

Once done with that she quickly started to run down the tunnel to find the girls that had left.

They couldn't have gotten far because one of them was unconscious and the other had to carry her, not to mention she was rather young looking so she didn't have much strength to carry the other girl.

Just like she had thought, she caught up to them pretty quickly since they weren't very far ahead. As she did she noticed the girl struggling to drag along the other girl who was still passed out.

Once she got closer to them, the girl seemingly noticed her and stopped in a panicked state. Because this means multiple things, her friends where probably dead, and that she was going to be next.

"How about we make this easier and I can make this as painless as possible. I don't personally feel very, good, killing someone so young."

It was true, while her human emotions may have dulled from her change, or reborth rather, she still had the memories from when she was human.

She still knew the morals that humans had, and to an extent, she wasn't very pleased with having to kill such a young person.

That wasn't to say she had any intentions to free her or spare her, because above all her prime objective to consume drove her very being.

"You monster! What did you do to them!"

Well she wasn't wrong, by human definition she would technically be a monster, so she didn't feel insulted by the words, instead she replied to the girl, since doing so would cause her to lower her resistence.

"I killed them, as it was necessary. Keep in mind you attacked me first."

It was true that they had attacked her first, but she was originally planning to attack them anyways so that was a null point. But the girl didn't know that, so why couldn't she lie?

"Why? Why us?"

She grew tired of listening to the girl, plus she didn't want to spend too much time here. Others use this tunnel as well, she didn't want more mutants to see her and spread the news.

Worse yet she didn't want a strong one finding her currently.

"Sorry but we need to cut the chit-chat."

She said as she dashed towards the girl, her right leg kicking off the ground with an impact of stone shattering with how much force she had put into the dash.

It was much faster than the girl would be able to react to, she wasn't even able to react to it until she was directly in front of her. The sudden closure of distance caused the girl to stumble back and fall down, dropping the other girl.

With the uncounsious girl now within range, she decided to quickly get rid of her by cutting her throat using her nail. It was quick and painless since the girl wasn't aware of it, she died without pain, a mercy she showed to the girl because of her young look.

She then turned to the other girl who was struggling to try and run away, her legs seemingly having given up on her at the sight of her friend being killed and bleeding out right before her eyes.

She was sacred, it was clear, her body and eyes shaking as she cried streams of tears running down her eyes.

The girl couldn't help but sigh at the sight, the remenants of morals within her pained by the sight, but she didn't hold herself back because of that. She slashed her claws forward, only for them to be blocked by something.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C29
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


