12.14% High School DxD: Scattered Cherry Blossoms / Chapter 36: Transfer Student, Flora Nanadan

章 36: Transfer Student, Flora Nanadan

Human World, Japan, Kuoh.

Another few weeks have passed, and Golden week has passed. The first month of school has been quite uneventful. A few things of note did take place, though. First of all, Sona, James, Tsubaki, and the girl who scored fourth on the entrance exams, Kusaka Reya, were all invited to join the student council. With the exception of James, the other three chose to join. Also, Rias tried to create her own club, but unfortunately, school rules stipulate that there must be at least three members for a club to be considered valid. For certain, if Rias had put out a recruitment notice for her new club, she would have had no problem gaining enough members. However, she intended to make this club the base for her peerage in the school. She considered asking James to join to fill the numbers, but with all the money James spent to create his own club, she knew the chances he would do so were nil.

James of course started his own club as well. And of course, it was the MMA or Mixed Martial Arts club. On the first day recruitment was announced, there were more than thirty students who applied. Though it was obvious many girls applied because of James' looks, while many boys applied because many girls were applying. In the end, James had to make it known that this club was a place for those with a serious passion for mixed martial arts. After James school wide declaration, the numbers dropped and only those who genuinely wanted to learn some form of mixed martial arts joined.

One thing James made clear to all those who wished to join his club. Although there are amateur MMA circuits, there are no high school level competitions. In the end, twenty members other than James, who brought the total to twenty-one, joined the club at a 4:6 ratio of boys to girls. Almost all the girls who joined did so because James explained that a lot of self-defense classes teach many of the same techniques. And many of the boys joined because they had experience in the past with being bullied and were ready for that to end. And then, there were those who joined simply because they wanted to participate in a fight within a controlled environment.

Something else of note, ever since Sona and Tsubaki joined the student council it has become rare to see them walking to school together with James. Although they both tend to leave earlier and come home later than your average student, they leave at different times. James tends to leave for and come back home from school later than Sona and Tsubaki. Which would make sense. The students are more willing to work up a sweat after school than right before it starts, even if there are shower facilities in the training hall.

Today, after giving some instruction to the students who liked to train in the morning, James entered his classroom and he noticed a restless atmosphere. Although he was unsure of what was happening, He knew the right people to ask.

"Yo, Rias, Sona, Tsubaki, and Akeno! Good morning." James said as he made his way over to the group of girls, then he realized Kusaka Reya was seated among them. "Oh, sorry Kusaka, I didn't notice you there, good morning."

The five girls greeted James in return, then James asked what was on his mind.

"Everyone seems kind of restless, what's going on." James asked while looking around the room at all the restless students.

"As perceptive as always, James." Sona said with a small smile.

Nodding in agreement, Tsubaki answered James' question. "Somehow it got out that our class would have a transfer student coming in today."

"Ahh, I get it now." James said with a look of understanding. "It's just like when a transfer student shows up in manga, right? Everyone is wondering if it will be a boy or girl."

Everyone, except Kusaka who was relatively unfamiliar with James, nodded at his analogy. Kusaka on the other hand spoke to James.

"I sometimes forget you're a foreigner, Alaverus-Kun." Kusaka said in amazement. "Your Japanese is so fluent, you and Gremory-San are really incredible."

Before Rias could allow her pride to make her say something she shouldn't, Akeno chimed in.

"Well, it would make sense that James is fluent. He's a world famous mangaka, after all." Akeno said puffing her chest with pride.

Skeptically, Kusaka looked at James and could not help but ask. "And which manga did you draw?"

Before answering Kusaka's question, James glared at Akeno for opening her big mouth. To which, Akeno only stuck out her tongue, sadistic pleasure at James' plight swirling in her eyes.

"*Sigh* Bleach and School Rumble." James said in resignation.

However, the skepticism in Kusaka's gaze increased rather than decreased.

Noticing Kusaka's skepticism, Sona stepped in.

"I know it's hard to believe, Kusaka-San." Sona said as she placed her hand on Kusaka's shoulder, she then continued. "James, Rias, and I have been friends for as long as we can remember, and both of us have watched in draw both of them."

In response to Sona's statement, Rias nodded her head furiously.

With Rias and Sona's confirmation, Kusaka's mind shut down for a few moments. When it rebooted, She drew in a deep breath. James could guess what was coming next, as a precaution, he spoke before Kusaka could shout or scream.

"Kusaka-San, please, I beg you!" James implored with his hands clasped together. "If you shout what you are about to, I'll never have another peaceful day at school."

Seeing the fear in James' eyes, Kusaka slowly released the breath she had been gathering. She could understand what James meant. Instead of shouting, she leaned forward and asked James a favor.

"If you're really the author of those two manga, could you sign my copies? I'm a huge fan." Kusaka said with excitement.

Scratching his head, James agreed. At that moment, Nekonomiya Shizuka opened the door and entered the class room.

"Okay, everyone please be seated. It's time for class." Nekonomiya said cheerfully. "Before we get started, though, I'll be introducing a transfer student. Nanadan-San, you can come in"

Hearing that, the tension in the classroom rose. All the students were wondering if the new student would be a boy or a girl. And, they did not have to wait long to find out. When the door opened again, a beautiful, curvaceous, blue-eyed girl with long flaxen hair pulled back and pinned to keep her hair out of her face with side bangs styled into drills entered the room, and stood next to the teacher's lectern.

Seeing the beautiful new addition to the class, the boys lost their minds. And although the girls were a bit disappointed that the new student was a girl, even they were a little captivated by her beauty.

Seeing all the student's reactions, the new girl smiled cheerfully. But before the class could get out of hand, Nekonomiya spoke to restrain the students. Please hold any questions you may have until the break. Now, Nanadan-San, please introduce yourself."

Nodding her head in understanding, the girl took a deep breath and then she began her introduction.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Flora Nanadan, and I transferred here because my parents were relocated due to their jobs." Flora said with a radiant smile, as if changing schools did not effect her at all. "I hope we're all able to get along."

At the end of the introduction, the class applauded.

"Okay, that's good Nanadan-San." Nekonomiya said, also joining in the applause. "How about telling the class something about yourself. Like the things you like."

The boys ears perked up at that, thinking they might be able to impress the new pretty girl.

"Well..." Flora paused for a second to think. Then her eyes lit up as she thought of something. "My two favorite things in the world are boys and martial arts."

Hearing Flore's self proclaimed favorite things in the world, the boys deflated immediately.

"Damn it! That bastard is going to get another one." One of the boys in class cursed, just loud enough for the class to hear.

"Why is life so unfair?" Another boy lamented.

"Is life even worth living?" A third boy cried out in frustration.

This of course thoroughly confused Flora. At the same time, James hid his face in his palms because he knew the boys were talking about him. Even though he had not done anything.

Seemingly not noticing the heavy atmosphere, Nekonomiya, in her cheerful tone, directed Flora to take a seat in the back row, next to Tsubaki. After Flora took her seat, the homeroom commensed.

===Break between classes===

During the break, Flora was surrounded by her fellow students. Both boys and girls alike. They were asking her simple questions like; where she was from originally, what she liked to do in her spare time, and what her old school was like. After the barrage of questions ended, one of the girls asked.

"Nanadan-San, what did you mean by you like boys and martial arts?"

"Well, I meant what I said." Flora answered straightforwardly. "I really like spending time with boys."

After sayingher piece, she looked around with a predatory gaze. At the same time, the girls around James, mainly Rias, Sona, and Akeno had a bad feeling all of a sudden.

"That girl is going to be trouble." Sona said as she adjusted her glasses.

"There's gonna be another one that will fight over James' affection in the near future." Rias said with a huff.

"Fufuffu." Akeno giggled with a hand covering her mouth. "This might be fun."

Back at Flora's desk, the same girl from before asked her other question.

"And what about martial arts?"

"I've been trained in kickboxing and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu since I was five years old." Flora responded casually.

"She really will end up with him." One of the boys lamented again.

"I heard everyone saying some stuff like that when I was giving my introduction." Flora said with confusion while cutely tilting her head. "What does everyone mean."

The same girl from before took it upon herself to answer Flora's question.

"You see that boy over there, the handsome one with the caramel skin?" the girl said as she pointed a finger at James.

"Yeah, what about him?" Flora asked. She then licked her lips when she took a good look. "He certainly is handsome, but why are you pointing him out?"

"Well." The girl paused momentarily for dramatic effect. Then she continued. "He's the captain of the Mixed Martial Arts Club."

Hearing that, Flora's eyes lit up like she found a treasure. She then stood from her seat and parted the crowd, making her way to James' desk.

While James was seated at his desk, he was surrounded by Rias, Sona, Akeno, and Tsubaki. They were talking about the funny, little things that have gone on around the school. Nothing particularly serious, though. That's why, when Flora drew near, they noticed her approach immediately. Before anyone could speak, though, Flora placed her left hand on her hip, and pointed her right hand's index finger directly at James.

"I want to join your club!" Flora said excitedly with a smile.

Returning the smile, james replied simply.

"Okay, come to the MMA training hall after school, then you can fill out a club registration form."

Seeing James' bright smile from receiving a new club member, Flora was dazed. As were many of the girls in class.

"OH, wait, you'll have to get a signed permission slip from a parent, too." James said as he remembered belatedly. "Thems the breaks when you sign up for combat sports, unfortunately"

"That's fine!" Flora said with excitement. "When I come to get the forms, it would be okay if I watch though, right?"

"Sure, I don't see why not." James responded casually.

"Okay, I'll see you after school." Flora said, then she turned and returned to her seat.

Feeling threatened with Flora's upfront attitude, Rias decided to speak.

"Since I'm not in a club, It's alright if I come and watch your club today right, James?" rias said nervously.

"I'll be coming, too." Akeno said firmly.

Sona looked like she wanted to join, too. But with her student council activities, that would be unlikely.

'I can feel a headache coming.' james thought to himself as the bell rang signaling the beginning of the next class.

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The first of two chapters. I wouldn't be surprised if no one took the time to watch the anime Flora came from. Either way, she's the new crossover.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy.

Comments and Reviews are always welcomed.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C36
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


