
章 4: Movie Queen 4

When lunchtime arrived, the Male protagonist Han Chu, came and visited while followed by people carrying snacks for the crew, especially for Meng Rou which earned a favorable impression to almost everyone there. They worked hard for continuous hours and the little gifts were very much appreciated as they are all tired and hungry.

Feng Shi knew that Han Chu is only doing this to improve Meng Rou's image on the set but unfortunately for him, as long as she and Feng Shi are on the same crew, they can forget getting the crew's favor!

Han Chu truly does deserve the title of heaven's favorite as he is even more handsome and attention-turner than any superstar. Even the Movie King, Lou Shan barely compares. His momentum and presence alone are also very hard to ignore, his entire domineering being commands an indistinguishable demand for attention.

Truly someone worthy to be the male lead. Feng Shi tsked at the obvious bias of this world's consciousness.

Whispers immediately broke out amongst the crew upon his arrival making Feng Shi roll her eyes at them and decided to ignore them for now.

When it comes to generosity, she knows that if she competes openly it would only arouse suspicion on her agenda and so, it is best to focus on ruining Meng Rou instead to the point that there is no longer a chance for her to turn over.

Han Chu coldly ignored everyone and directly went to Meng Rou's dressing room amidst the crew's chatters.

Opening the door, he walked straight behind Meng Rou’s chair. He bend over to kiss her lips as a greeting since she sat in front of the mirror.

"Hi baby" The gentleness of his greetings was a contradiction to his cold personality. His eyes softened upon seeing his lover and a small smile graced his usual aloof face.

It cannot be denied though that Han Chu had truly loved Meng Rou. Because to him, in his dark world full of plots and façades, the innocent and pure Meng Rou was his light.

But whether Meng Rou felt the same is up for debate.

Meng Rou acted surprised before smiling sweetly. "Aren't you busy?" She asked coyly trying her best to appear as demur as she can in front of her backer. After all, if she wants to get revenge on those who wronged her, she would need Han Chu's influence and backing.

Han Chu sat next to her and shook his head "I can never be too busy for my baby. Here, I brought you some food"

Meng Rou blushed timely as Han Chu opened the Lunch box. She beamed seeing the beautifully made lunch before having a brilliant idea and she even have the right ingredient for it.

"Do you still have another? I want to personally give one to my idol, miss Feng Shi" Meng Rou asked excitedly.

Chu Han took another lunch box from the side "How thoughtful. Let me join you. I want to see the person that my baby admires other than me". His voice held a teasing tone as he pretended to be jealous.

Meng Rou's eyes widen as a flash of panic emerged from the usual coquettish eyes before she shook her head "No need I'll be quick bye! Love you, mwah!"

Before Chu Han could even say anything she ran to the door.

She breathed a sigh of relief when she was away from prying eyes.

She looked left and right warily before hastily taking a small plastic containing some powder.

Meng Rou put the box down and opened her purse. Good thing she was prepared, she took out a mask for precaution. With a smirk, she sprinkled a tasteless and odorless powder on the food before closing the Lunch Box again.

Once again, she checked the corners before making sure that she is indeed still alone. Then she disposed of the plastic container and mask in a nearby trash can before heading to Feng Shi'a dressing room as if nothing happened.

Meng Rou knocked on Feng Shi's private dressing room and assistant Fu curiously opened it for her. Meng Rou smiled at her and handed the lunch box "Can you please give this to Miss Feng and kindly tell her that I'm one of her biggest fans as well"

Assistant Fu hesitantly took the box and nodded "Then thank you on behalf of Feng Shi miss Meng Rou" assistant Fu politely accepted as it was nothing new for newbies to try and curry favor with Feng Shi.

Meng Rou smiled one last time before she left and when she saw no one around Meng Rou, let out an evil smirk thinking that she would make Feng Shi suffer what she has gone through. The humiliation and pain she experience, all of it, Feng Shi would suffer worst.

Hearing Meng Rou's voice outside her door, Feng Shi did not react but still glanced over when the door shut.

Assistant Fu handed her the Lunch box without suspicion. "That little actor has quite a promising future with her looks. Don't you think so, sister Feng?"

She didn't reply to that and simply opened the box curiously as she wants to know what Meng Rou wanted to accomplish.

Xiao Wang, who was rolling around the couch, looked at her upside down, his furry belly quite tempting to ruffle, his head hanging on the couch and all paws in the air. It was quite an adorable sight until he sniffed something and was immediately startled. With a threatening growl, he leaped from the chair and then jumped into her table.

He angrily pushed the box away from her with a growl. "Master don't eat that it's bad stuff. The food contains a drug that will make your stomach hurt really bad and makes you gassy"

She froze before she nonchalantly hummed at such a petty trick. Should she thank Meng Rou that it wasn't a deadly poison or an aphrodisiac?

Feng Shi directly threw it into the trash, losing interest in it. She expected more from Meng Rou but alas.

"Assistant Fu go order me a decent lunch this time make sure it's not tampered with. Get some milk and some meat for Xiao Wang too"

"What do you mean? Is it drugged?" Manager Xin asks in anger not towards her but towards the person who dares to scheme against her artist. As a responsible manager, it is her responsibility to take proper care of her artists after all. Assistant Fu turned pale before apologizing profusely and nodded at Feng Shi's order before she went out to do as she had said.

"Exactly as I said. You can go check the food if you want. Xiao Wang was trained to detect poison or drugs in my foods" As everyone knew instead of being like other artists who are really and truly friendly artists or even like others who are pretentious just to get more fame. The host has been known as the cold star so they are used to her Icy and short way of talking already.

In order to fill her curiosity, the manager decided to check it out later as she understand her artist well and that Feng Shi has, unfortunately, no sense of humor so she wouldn't joke around.

Manager Xin has to make sure that if Meng Rou is a threat, she could keep an eye on her if she does want to harm Feng Shi. She couldn't be careless on this matter as even a small matter might just get out of control and might even cause Feng Shi's fame to take a huge blow.

When the testing came back negative, the Manager was ready to throttle that scheming bitch trying this plot with the recent accident.

Fortunately, Xiao Wang was a good well-trained pup. Feng Shi must have obtained him from those soldiers that train special canines. She should get her other artists' similar pets. Wonder where Feng Shi bought hers?

The host's cold nature is consistent with Feng Shi's even colder personality but unlike the host who only has a poker face when she is not in front of the camera acting a role. Feng Shi tends to always have a smile no matter how small, it is still a smile that carried a sinister feeling whenever she found something amusing or when she found something or someone ridiculous like the Female and Male protagonists.

Feng Shi went back to filming directly after eating while Xiao Wang slept on her couch but that is only at the surface instead of sleeping his consciousness is on the internet exploring it to pass the time. He doesn't even have to appear and just turn invisible and only Feng Shi could see him but he likes being visible where Feng Shi could also openly pet and hold him in public.

She knew Xiao Wang's abilities but she doesn't mind if he is visible or not as either way works. Holding and brushing his fur which is so soft and fluffy also calms her down and is something she does often now as she likes the feeling of his fur. Xiao Wang also knew this so he always grooms his fur to be soft and extremely clean as well as beautiful and shiny.

Han Chu was already gone when she came out and they are filming a scene where the villain will antagonize the female lead.

At the end of the movie, the villain will also end up saving the female lead so it will garner a lot of fans instead of hatred. The character would turn out pitiful and such a character would tug at the viewers' hearts.

The director made everyone ready for the scene and Meng Rou also got ready to watch Feng Shi humiliate herself in front of everyone.

Everyone went to their position and the camera was pointed at Feng Shi while the cameraman adjusted a little to get a better shot "Action!"

"Why-Why did you betray me?" Feng Shi acted as if she immediately went into character. In this scene, the villain told the clan about her plan to run away. The female lead is from the main branch while the villain is from the side branch. They started as best friends as the female lead is disfavored and the villain is bullied, ridiculed, and always beaten.

Feng Shi inwardly grinned and used her domineering pressure to suppress Meng Rou without causing too much attention.

This is a little trick she learned from the previous host. To put pressure on your opponent with your aura or suppress them with your acting.

As expected, Meng Rou continuously stutters or forgets her lines. They took a lot of takes making Meng Ru frustrated as she memorized her lines. How can she still forget at the end? Even Feng Shi's stomach didn't hurt. She planned to outshine Feng Shi not the other way around!!!

As things did not go to her expectations and getting NG'd instead. Meng Rou started to sweat nervously and fidget on the set irritating the Director.

"Cut!" the director angrily yelled "Miss Meng your wasting daylights here! This isn't the only scene that we have to shoot. You've wasted too much time already. Go back and memorize your line. You better get it right next time!" The director raged angrily before turning his attention to the background staff.

Meng Rou felt embarrassed having been reprimanded in front of everyone "Sorry Director Zou" She uttered before leaving for her dressing room.

Being just a new rising star, she shouldn't even have a private dressing room which made a lot of artists feel dissatisfied with her but who made the other party's backers so powerful? They could only complain in their hearts and seeing her humiliated and scolded in front of all of them they didn't feel even the slightest pity just ridicule. So what if she had a huge backing?! She is still humiliated just like that, her acting only amounts to that.

Meng Rou could see their amused and sneering expression. She could also feel their ridicule and hear them snickering at her which made her angry. One day she would step on all of them. Let's see who would be laughing then!

Han Chu is a very powerful man in the entertainment industry. He is the CEO of Bright Star Entertainment Company the leading company in the entertainment circle and Silver Cloud Entertainment which is its contractor of Feng Shi is just slightly behind them.

Feng Shi smirks while watching Meng Rou being humiliated. An eye for an eye. Meng Rou wanted to humiliate her that's why she humiliated her instead. Feng Shi isn't that easy to bully. She is, after all, not a soft persimmon and instead is a very hard rock.

The director called Feng Shi over so she slightly frowned and went to him. The director smiled at her "Feng Shi you acted great but can you try to accommodate Meng Rou's acting after all she is still learning"

She coldly stared at him before opening her mouth "I'm just doing my job if she can't properly do hers it's not my problem. She shouldn't have picked up a job she can't handle"

The director felt awkward as what she said is right. He could not refute it as her acting skill is simply amazing and he should instead be happy for having such an amazing actor.

Lou Shan came over as well and put his hand on her shoulder "You should be thanking little Shi for doing a great job for your movie director Zou. If that Meng Rou can't do the job it has nothing to do with her"

Lou Shan's hidden meaning is that Meng Rou doesn't deserve the role at all being a newcomer and all. It would have been fine if she can do it just fine but she clearly can't. It should have been given to someone with more experience. Meng Rou shouldn't have picked up a role that she can't even do properly.

In Fact, Lou Shan only has a few scenes in this part and that is when he was being chased and when the female lead saves the female protagonist. He didn't have to stay but opted to accompany Feng Shi here.

The director did not say anymore knowing that this little ancestor Lou would make his life harder if he argues further.

Feng Shi finished the other scenes first while Meng Rou angrily watch her act. Aside from a few instances, Meng Rou didn't try any underhanded means.

As long as they act together Feng Shi always pressures Meng Rou with her aura but she didn't make it too obvious so no one could blame her instead they put all the blame on Meng Rou's incompetence earning a lot of displeasure from the crew who have to also get drag down with her. And the one who could see through her actions was loyal to her.

Lou Shan, as an actor on the same stage as Feng Shi, how could he not tell that she was directly suppressing Meng Rou? But Lou Shan was biased toward his friend and firmly supported her. In his eyes, it was Meng Rou who bullied his little Shi by stealing her scripts. Feng Shi has every right to take her revenge.

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ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


