66.66% Rotten Tofie / Chapter 2: [] CH 1 NTR CODE:114783

章 2: [] CH 1 NTR CODE:114783

[] The story begins at near the end arc of the code. The image has been used as the photo for this story.

[ It's harder to be good in here than it is to starve and die.]

Have you wondered why you get emotional over something like NTR. I don't really understand it myself.

I tried to, but something about it seemed strange—-.

In fact I stumbled on a NTR code by accident.

It just had to always be the vanilla looking girl that just baited you.

Sometimes life was really fucked up.

" I cum from drinking masters semen."

Like who the fuck says semen in sex.

The very idea of feeling anger towards someone you have never met, never seen before is very bizarre.

You have read hundreds of pornwhas, so it shouldn't be strange for you to be used to watching this pretty girl being fucked by a jacked rich man with dark skin and edgy white hair.

Most of us wouldn't feel anything other than ecstasy when a girl is ravished right?

But when you are forced into the perspective of someone fat, someone who you know has a very fragile personality and not only that, someone who has a close relationship with her.

It confuses me.

I a fat No-Life, trash personality, and no friendship with girls loser, can't understand the sh*t I read.

What's with all this shit of depicting fat people as weak and stick figures as Alphas?

The fuck?

Most of the NTR just seemed far too bland or maybe it was just the repeating image of a good girl with a healthy relationship, then tricked by lustful fiends and falls into a spiral of rotten depravity and then somehow at the end of that long boring tunnel.

The only work experience she get's on her resume is.

The very image an animal who'd be r*ped by someone fucked up.

In fact I could say that there is no difference between the two.

If you replace the bitch with a pig, I know it would make the same noises, the same expression.

Just like how the whore is looking at me right now with that drunken look on her face.

Her and her fucker having the time off their lives on stage.

" I'm gonna cum, I'm cumming, give me a deep—"


" Kazui—nii san, say something or else I."

The bitch talked a lot for a retarded pig.

You'd believe finding yourself in a pornwha would be good and all right?

You get to meet the whores you r*ped with your hand in the flesh, breathing, heaving with her chest bouncing up and down and her skim tight bra falling off her large breasts.

It's fine if this was heaven, but this was NTR after all.

Of course you'd always wake up at the worst part of the story.

And I remembered this part, where the mc cried like a silly bitch, for this whore, this drunken swine.

" Aha—"

It was like I could see that fat whale in my head, the things he did, the way he fucked her and he loved her.

You silly piece of shit, how could you fall in love, aha.

It's only natural that you always don't invest in pretty chicks.

They are fucking disease, but this fat mother fucker, you falling in love with her.

" Do you like it baby, do you like it how I stir your thick cock like this—"

" I love you, I love—"

Every time she bounced on that fuckers cock.

" Aha—"

I felt his pain. His twisted sad mother fucking pain, but I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

I never liked the girl the moment I saw her in the cover photo.

Pretty, tits and thighs thick like a balloon.

The worst was how this guy didn't r*pe her, fuck morals, hentais are known for their bad endings.

You may not see it, but I swear on my name that every beautiful girl with the sexy asses and plump breasts, somewhere out there is getting fucked.

And here my chest was aching really fucking bad, and all I could do was wipe my tears and laugh as they went on and on.

The worst part was how suffocating it was getting for me.

I could drop and resurrect through 15 heart attacks because of these useless emotions.

And these fucking memories roaring through my head.

I've experience far more wicked shit in my life and this trash is making me feel things.

Fuck off.

The losers emotions tried to stir my conscience.

I watched them fuck, just to vex the son of a bitch who left behind these memories, these feelings.

I stared at them hard, because it felt good, in a way. I was hurting that little bastard.

I didn't care, but inside my chest.

I still only felt rage.

This girl, had history with this body, but fuck loyalty right.

The shit I'm seeing right in front of me. Is the same shit that fucked up my life.

" Fuck—"

All these men surrounding the stage were just standing, with their dicks tents, enjoying the sight of her body being ravished by this black fuck.

Racist, who gave a shit.

I didn't like the way they looked at her.

These Jap fucks were both rapists in fiction and real life.

No… They aren't people, not even animals.

They are just—

" Master~"

I walked on stage.

" Hey." I called out to the two, breaking their little game of hump the chicken.

" Kazu—" I sneered at the name she called the fat fuck.

Without warning I punched the bitch with the tip of my knuckles and the feeling of her right eye being in pushed.

" AH! AH!"

These fucking shit feelings.

These memories.

Watch how I condition you.

You hate seeing the girl you love being fucked?

Then let me ravish her for you.

Watch how I fuck up that whores face, the whore you love, watch as I almost kill her, then how will you feel.

You weak mother fucker.

You get off on her being ravished don't you.

All you fucking losers are the same.

Cry like a bitch and do nothing.

Not even dying for your own girl.

Fucking deviant.

And those trash who say go to the gym, fucking losers.

You should have went to the gym before you lost your girl.

Watch how I make her pretty in my image.

" Get—off her." I elbowed the fucker in the nose and reached out for her throat and I squeezed and fell with her to the floor.

Every time she tried to resist or talk. I hurt her.

I didn't feel anything.

What they did to her was just same as I was doing.

They broke her mind.

So who cares if the body is damaged.

This bitch is already lost to fiends.

I grabbed the dildo he shoved up her ass and ripped it out, I smashed it into her face.

I kept stabbing until everything I saw on that little pretty face, was just blood and patches of purple, with the stench of sweat and blood.

I realized how much I ruined her when she could barely reach out to cover her face.

With the way she flinched and her body shook.

This looked like murder, but she wasn't dead.

Prison? It was the first thing that came to my mind after the feeling of thrill and excitement, the rush of blood to my head was slowly fading after hearing her cry.

But that's the important thing to know when you do something like this.

If you are going to do it bad, go all the way, because why the fuck would you spend years behind cell for small bruises?

The worst part is how these fiends always get the good ending, they enjoy peace with your brain dead girl, mocking your existence for the rest of your life.

If breaking someones mind is not a crime.

If manipulating someone into depravity is not a crime.

Then why the fuck should a few bruises matter.

" You silly little bitch."

I wrapped my hand around her throat.

She did not say a word, and just look at me, with same mindless eyes she had while being fucked.

" Dirty shit, what? Is this fun to you?" I squeezed and she just let go.

" What. You wanted get your pussy fucked while being choked?"

" Aha—"

I felt tears falling down as I laughed.

They get to live out their whole life like this and I rot in prison, because I couldn't accept the injustice done to some fat pig who is already dead.

Walk away?

Fuck off.

" I've had enough of seeing, you whores breaking and breaking and breaking."

" Every fucking time."

" Are you not a fucking person!"

" No—"

She looked at me, her tears falling, she never blinked.

" You know." I tried to stir her sanity, and I combed a strand of hair in her eyes behind her ear.

" I think you made me jealous." I looked down to her pussy.

" How many times has your pussy experienced someone elses cock—" I reached down my tongue and licked her eye ball back to her lids.

" But you know what baby."

" Thank god I never loved you."

You get to live out your whole life as a whore getting fucked like one.

You fucking weak loser.

I will show you how to get hard off violence

And the anger inside me.

Wanted to let go.

" Please stop!"

" Stop!"

I looked down to her pussy as something wet creamed out from her thighs.

" Holy fuck! You got off that?" I gripped my fist and beat her.

The bitches piss and cum leaking out.

Without even think I raised my fist and punched her stomach as hard as I could.

" Ah!!!"

" You're fucking crying?"

" Why?" I hit her as she covered her face squirming to protect herself.

I punched the side of her stomach and her pussy just kept oozing piss all over the floor.

I couldn't stop laughing.

I pulled her close with my cock smashing hard against her filthy vagina that smell it gave off.

" You fucking pig, are you trying to mark me with your shit?"

I grabbed her pussy tight.

" Don't forget, this is what you get for fucking with me." She cried and I reached down into her pussy and with my fingers inside of her.

I masturbated her loose vagina, in and out, holding her inner wall.

It felt disgusting being in there.

I ripped her hands away from her face and I kissed the dirty bitch and grinding against her, she didn't want to open her mouth, when I licked her teeth.

So I stopped and bit down under her neck.

She moaned rocking into me with her hips slowly grinding.

Every time she tried to look away from me. I humped her harder, and harder, my cock wasn't inside of her, but it was like real thing.

Only it hurt for me because someone decided to where jeans.

"You are one lucky bitch."

If I had a knife or a gun. I'd shoot you and everyone in this fucking place.

Down to the last life.

" Get him."

Someone ripped me off her and something sharp hit me from the back of my head.

I couldn't remember how I was on the ground and, but it was just for a moment, I opened my eyes.

Something heavy was keeping my body from moving and then I saw a fist.

The black guy who fucked her had a bleeding nose and just kept punching my head.

It was hard to breathe.

My arms held to the side by his friends and he just kept punching with some steel he wore on his knuckles.

I had the thought that I was going to die, from the way he just kept punching for the middle of my face, and the looks in his eyes, that anger.

He didn't plan on stopping.

I had no energy to fight and if I did. I'd still not be able to do anything to him.

I used all of my strength humping and hurting the pig.

" You touch my fucking girl!" He just kept hitting, with those strong punches.

After breaking my nose, he pushed down on my throat with the tip of the steel and punched it.

I watch and suffocated, panicking because I couldn't breathe. Like a doll I was tearing in any direction I could force myself too, just for air, but they always pulled me down again.

I tried to stir and bite on one of their fingers, but I'd just get hit by one of the their boots and lose all feeling again.

He kept pushing and pushing, murder seemed to be there, I was suffocating from facing them.

I tried to think, but I felt myself unable to stay focused.

… If I had known that these guys were like this.

I would have just broke the back of her head.

" Why the fuck are you smiling~ You piece of shit!"

He slapped me.

" I'm going to kill you and your family, and your—"

"— I'm going to r*pe them, and them I'm going to sell them to my—"



So what.

I stared at the mother fucker right in the eye. And even if my throat burned, I tried to lift my head to show how much I didn't give a fuck about my life.

Do it then.

I don't give a fuck.

And it was funny.

It pissed him off more when I showed I still had energy after all his beating, one of them stomped my head into the ground.

I felt something split the back of my skull. Something small and sharp.

I felt warmth crawling, soaking the back, falling down my neck.

They just looked at me, some with anger, some weren't phased.

" That's what you get you fucking bitch."

Someone spat on my face.

And I watched as my eyes closed on it's own.

I couldn't understand what happened with my eyes.

The voices were very far away.

I could not feel pain.

— You have died.

[ Your time in this world has ended.]

[ You can relive this moment by syncing your construct with this worlds code in your next transfer.]

[ Please wait for this duration until your next transfer.]

[ 24:00:00]

I couldn't seem to find any anger inside of me.

What I did was pretty shitty, really really bad, but I did regret not putting my dick inside her.

The feeling of hurting her overwhelmed the lust.

Even now I still see things I could have done to her.

At least I don't feel burdened by some trashes weak memories.

If I were going to visit this place again.

I needed my own drugs to keep me in check.

If there was one thing that I'm glad about.

It's that girls like her were being beaten, r*ped and then shot by some mother fucker who just hates woman or someone who has been hurt by them.

I don't hate woman, but I do hate learning of the shit men make them do in pornwhas.

The girls shouldn't be blamed for becoming like that, but I guess I don't give a shit, most girls don't become functioning pigs with an addiction to cock.

In reality every girl I knew who ended up that way became broken for life, not the kind of broken where she is drugged up on memory lane or standing on the side of the road for cheap cash.

They stopped functioning like a person, and ended up as a retard with a cognitive disorder.

It's terrible to see, but that's what happens when you lock up in your head. Time does not heal shit and most people will rarely get out of it.

It was good thing I hurt the bitch, I couldn't give a fuck if I went bat crazy, but girls were like that, she deserved it in my books.

She was just some fucking whore from a crack manga. So I don't mind as long as I ain't fucking the real thing.

It felt good, maybe if there was loyalty in NTR I wouldn't have to do it, but since it happened it happened.

And I don't think I will ever regret.

In the end, there was always something missing about NTR.

These people were forgetting there were extreme consequences in others and not everyone will just allow shit like that happen to them.

They were lucky.

I just decided to hurt her.

Why waste your time with the NTR Bastards or trying to live some fucking normal life in their world, just to fuck some whore, build a life in a pornwha?

Waste your life too what, grow a bond just to fuck her?

It's far more fun when you can simply break their play toy at least when death comes to greet you-

--- Always be ready.

[ Your inability to survive has led you into receiving a job recommendation.]

[ Drug Smith: The lowest of the drug trade. You have the ability to create low quality drugs.]

[ Drugs can be sold for currency to your modification system, it can be used in Code Worlds.]

[ To grow drugs, A dimensional section is required.]

[ Low grade drug recipes can be purchased on the GUI SHOP.]

[ You're modification system will update.]

[ Your system is under maintenance.]

[ Please wait for this duration until your next transfer.]

[ 24:00:00]


I will need to edit the chapter, but I will post it up now and then come back when I get data to edit the chapter hope you enjoy.

SAUCE CODE: 114783

[] Authors Note: At the end of the day I decided to masturbate to the manga in a different language. It made the whole experience much better, would recommend this little tip when reading ntr and just ignore the mc, we know what happens and yes the girl will be with another, so wtf are you investing in the mc every time?

Let that little bastard get all emotional, just fuck off to the beautiful art work and don't invest in the story.

Remember, NTR MEANS: Fuck Off, Don't Invest. Not. I'm scared, must avoid because I'm emotionally glassed.

PS Where I'm from hitting a woman can get your arms broken or worse courts, but my morals got fucked as a no life, so it won't matter to me unless the law walks in and say bring that ass here.

No-Lifes don't interact with humans, we eat, shit, repeat and wait for life to kill us, but a fair warning to my readers. Please don't think or do the shit I write, one action can destroy your life.

And I've had many fuck ups.

You see only I'm allowed to do the stupid shit for you, because I write fan-fiction.


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


