
Chapter 3

AN: Sorry for the late update, I could have sworn I posted here WAY earlier. Sorry about that, but to compensate take double updates ;)


The sword princess, Ais Wallenstein.

She was a unique existence, being the first and only half-spirit to have ever been born. That alone was noteworthy, but she was also the record breaker for fastest level-ups in the history of Orario and a well-recognized genius in fighting that could learn faster and better than virtually anyone else, had only a single wish and ambition in her life. It could even be said that her whole existence centered on that singular point and nothing else.

Kill the one eye dragon, the one who killed her father. This singular desire was the root cause for her to work so hard and for her to be willing to constantly risk herself to constantly challenge her limits.

Her desire and ambition were such defining traits of hers that the very first development skill she developed was Dragon Nemesis, granting her higher damage against dragons and the ability to sense anyone or anything with draconic energy in it. It was a super specialized development skill, but Ais was glad for it. Anything that could help her in killing that dragon was good news in her eyes.

That, however, meant that she became ever so slightly 'trigger happy' when facing anything with dragon energy in it, as proven by her actions against Wendel. She did not think when she attacked him, she simply reacted to someone with dragon energy near her.

After she calmed down she regretted attacking the kid, but she was still curious about why he had dragon energy in him even if he was not a dragon. She wanted to know what was going on, but was not allowed near him for fear she might react again and this time actually kill the child.

The thing was, when she was told of just what the magic of Wendel was that interested Loki so much, all her thoughts went to a screeching halt.

Dragon Slayer Magic. A magic that copies the power of a dragon, but was designed to kill dragons being the most effective magic against them.

Ais has never heard of such a magic and, if she had, she would have stopped at nothing to learn it. If even Loki's information network failed in knowing anything about it, then that sort of magic must be weak and just not noteworthy, probably just empty boasts.

But, Wendel survived several days on the lower floors, all without a falna or equipment. Such a thing should have been impossible, yet he did it.

She had to know, scratch that, she had to FEEL how strong that magic really was. She had to experience it to know if it could be the key for her to one day slay that dragon!

And yet, yet...

"He is late." Ais said with an irritated expression as she waited in the colosseum for the match to start. Tension was thick in the air as she concentrated on the fight to happen.


"What you think, Ottar?" Freya questioned her strongest child, one she raised since very young and the current strongest adventurer in Orario.

"I do not have a strong opinion either way." The huge 2 meters tall man answered. "I just know that, if this child interests you, then he must be special in some way."

Freya smiled at that, knowing that her favorite child was as steadfastly loyal to her as always.

"What of the other children?" Freya questions and Ottar nods.

"I already informed the others, they will watch over the Loki Family and not allow them to take the child you are interested in." Ottar informed.

Freya smiled at that, her thighs rubbing together at the thought of that child.

As a Goddess Freya has seen and experienced far too much, but what she saw in that soul was beyond everything she has seen to this day.

Freya was unique amongst Gods and Goddesses as she was able to 'see' a person's soul. That was how she could find and gather so many unique people in her Family, she simply could see those who were interesting and did her best to let them grow to their natural peaks. She lusted for it, to see a soul shine as bright as possible, to go further and reach its apex and see the path it would take, how brightly it would shine.

Her familia becoming one of the top 2 families was almost entirely due to that, she never truly cared for such a position, but it simply turned out this way in the end. After centuries of observing so many adventurers and unique people coming and going, the novelty had long since started to disappear. Having seen so many souls, some reaching the apex and others being snuffed out before their time, life had started to become dull again.

No matter how spectacular a view is, if it happens too many times it loses its luster.

She even started posing as a regular human, sharing the conscience with Syr (a woman she saved in the past) from time to time. She thought that seeing humans from a different perspective would be entertaining, and it was certainly more interesting than when he simply watched them as a Goddess. That was enough to satiate her desires, but then, she saw it.

A dragon, and a powerful one at that.

No, no that wasn't quite right.

It may look and feel like a dragon's soul, but it was human. The power was that of a dragon, but the soul was entirely human. It would be as if a human soul had its 'essence' tainted or modified to look and feel like that of a dragon, but there was no rejection.

There was no pollution or changes to the inherently human soul, despite it being entirely tainted by dragon energy. If anything, there was something 'more' about this human soul that made her think back to the most glorious heroes of old she has seen in the past. Even without considering the dragon taint in the soul, it still shined brighter than any human soul should possibly be able to. Only a few legendary heroes of the past had souls that shined as bright as that, and even then it was not normal whatsoever.

It was an impossible reality, but it was what she saw clear as day. And, she wanted it.

No, 'want' was not the right word here.

She NEEDED that soul, that person, to stay by her side. To see him grow, to see how a human with a soul so similar to a dragon but still human would develop and grow.

"Are people betting in this fight?" Freya questioned, but it was more a statement than anything else. In Orario things like this fight are somewhat normal and betting pools would be created nearly instantly no matter how she thought about it.

"The Ganesha Family has opened the betting pools, yes. The chances are 50 to 1, the 50 being Ais winning and the 1 being the boy you are interested in." Otar said dutifully and Freya nodded.

"Bet twenty million in the boy, Ottar." Freya said in a rather dismissive fashion, money meaning little to her and this being more about showing her support for him. She then smiled slightly and said. "Also, make sure everyone knows that Freya Family is betting on the boy."

Ottar nodded, understanding the 'bad taste' of his Goddess. He knew that other Families would normally not bother with betting all that much in such a match, but by saying that Freya was betting other Gods are sure to follow suit, even if just to join in the fun.

But, they are shortsighted and would not bet on someone without a Falna, so the number of people and money being bet on Ais would raise further, increasing her chances yet again.

If the Freya Family won the bet, then they would get a nice sum, and even if they lost, they would not lose more than what Ottar alone could earn in three days in the dungeon at most. That, at least, was the thought process of Ottar, Freya just wanted to spice things up and show support to the one she just met and was already turning obsessive about.

As Ottar went to go make the bets, Freya continued to observe the situation from up above, her mind wondering how things would play out in the fight. Even if the boy lost, it would not trouble Freya in the slightest, as long as she could see just what was it that made him special.

"Show me, show everyone just what is it about you that is so special.


On another place of the colosseum, Loki was sitting excitedly beside Astrea, the two Goddesses wanting to watch the show.

Loki turned to the goddess of justice beside her and couldn't help but ask.

"Astrea, since it seems we have some time until the fight starts, could you tell me what exactly happened between your family and Evilus?"

As the leader of one of the two strongest families in Orario, it should be natural for Loki to get involved in a situation regarding Evilus. But, she did not like such bothersome jobs, and Astrea's familia was relatively strong and actively wanted to do that tiresome job so she left it all in Astrea's hands.

However, Loki had received news regarding the near extermination of the Astrea Family due to Uranus informing the Gods of what happened.

Uranus was the guild master and the highest-level God to have descended into the mortal world. Not only that, he was the main reason why the dungeon's monsters did not invade the surface and his connection with the Dungeon was enough to ensure that he could observe some of the key events happening inside. The birth of a Juggernaut was naturally one such event, and with it happening when the Astrea Family was on the lower floors fighting with the Evilus, Uranus had already predicted the disaster.

That some of the members of the Astrea Family survived was a huge shock for the God and he was relatively sure that, even with the loss of so many members, the Astrea Family would at least get a few points stronger thanks to what has transpired.

But, even if it was all but ensured that the members of the Family who survived the fight would level up, the Astrea Family would now lack far too much in terms of numbers to fight the Evilus. The other Families would need to pick up the slack and do their part too, much to Loki's chagrin.

As Loki's question rang in the air, Astrea's face looked about to break in sadness as she explained what has happened. Loki couldn't help but pity the goddess. Even if the two were far from being friends, mostly because their personalities are too different for them to be more than cordial with one another, Loki was still able to understand how heartbroken she must be with so many of her precious children to die on her just like that.

"... You are strong, Astrea." Loki said somberly. "I don't think I would be able to stand back up and try to repay my debts so fast as you are trying to do now."

Astrea gave a weak smile. She knew better than anyone how much it hurts for her to not be beside her Family members right now, but it was Alice and Kaguya who told her to come and help Wendel in what way she can. The two were far too exhausted, both physically and mentally, to do much right now, but they understood how tough a situation Wendel would be at soon enough.

As two 'justice freaks', like many in Orario called the two, how could they turn a blind eye to the one who saved their lives just like that?

"What makes me more curious, though, was this weird new monster you mentioned." Loki said. "I have been in the lower world for centuries and have never heard of such a monster, maybe it is some new experiment of Evilus or some yet unknown aspect of the dungeon itself. In either case, we can't let those no-good Evilus idiots walk around with this information. Who knows what they might do with this knowledge?

If they can make such monsters that should not lose to a level 5 or even 6, then they are extremely dangerous, and if it is a yet unknown capacity of the Dungeon, then letting those people study it could result in the deaths of everyone who goes deep in the dungeon."

As Loki said this her eyes opened and an extremely malevolent and dangerous light could be seen in them.

"Anyone and anything that risks my children, I will eliminate it." At these words, everyone in a twenty meters radius felt shivers down their spine, but as Ais looked in her direction the dangerous mood vanished as Loki returned to her usual cheerful self and started jumping around. "Ais, Ais, make a pose for your favorite gal! You look awesome!"

Everyone sweat dropped at the turn from 'dangerous goddess' to 'crazy yuri fangirl'.

It was quite a 'Loki' reaction, though.


As Wendel entered the Colosseum shouts could be heard everywhere and jeers and cheers rang in all directions. He took a look around as people shouted for him to lose and some yelled for him to win. It was a chaotic mess and he found it ever so slightly troubling.

"Sorry for taking so long." Wendel said to Ai who just stared at him emotionlessly before taking out her weapons.

"Show me what you can do."

Before they could start an announcer decided to hype the situation further before he yelled.


As soon as the word came out Ais moved her blade and got in a stance, magic overflowing from her body.

"Tempest." She said, wind rolling around her body as she dashed with the wind pushing her faster, reaching Wendel at a fast speed.

"Vernier." Wendel said, his speed increasing just as well, even if not for as much as Ais. That, however, was enough to let him evade the tentative sword attack from Ais.

Taking advantage of the close proximity he moves his fingers in her direction.

"Sky Dragon's Crushing Fang." Ten blasts of wind as if small tornadoes are dispelled by his fingers, pushing Ais back.

Her Tempest blocked the damage as the two sources of wind canceled each other, but it was still more than enough to push Ais away much to the delight of many who wanted to see more.

Seeing that she did not need to hold back as much, Ais used a higher speed to dash and try to slice at Wendel.

"Sky Dragon's Claw." Wendel yelled as he kicked towards Ais, his kick generating a large hurricane that hit Ais on the side and sent her flying, but not before Ais's strike to hit Wendel's side slicing a large wound on his side.

The crowd was going crazy at the sight of blood, the sword princess quickly left the ditch she was on in the walls no worse for wear but Wendel was crouching down holding on to his injured side. Ais looked slightly disappointed if that was all that Dragon Slaying magic could do, but she figured that someone without a Falna having reached this strength was already quite good.

She was about to end the match, not wanting to perhaps kill the kid, but she was stopped from doing so as she heard his next words.


As Wendel's words hang out many stare in shock as the air, of all things, was used to clean the wound and energize the cells in such a way as to close the wounds he has received. Ais did not attack as Wendel was healing, simply watching on as after a few seconds he stood back up, his torn clothes revealing that his flesh was healed at a speed that was not much worse than most potions out there.

Wendel smiled as he felt that his wounds were closed and nodded to himself.

"Thanks for not taking advantage of my weakened state." He spoke first before continuing. "I understand you want to see me doing my best, so I shall show you just what it is."

As Wendel spoke until here Ais got in a stance, ready to defend herself from some burst of wind, but that did not happen as Wendel instead concentrated and magic energy rolled around him as a magic circle appeared on his feet and he took a stance.

"Momentary Wind, Ile Vernier, Ile Arms, Ile Armor, Deus Corona, Deus Eques." Wendel said, her power rising to a level that Ais felt was no lower to most regular level 3s and even the weaker level 4s out there.

She was not the only one that felt this as most Gods and higher ranking adventurers, those who had enough experience in the dungeon, sensed it just as well.

"I can only maintain this state for around three minutes before my magic is exhausted, but I feel it is not enough to defeat you. So, I will go to my final form. I am not used to it, so I won't last long, if you want to face me at my best then do YOUR best as well while I am in that form." Wendel said and Ais's eyes narrowed.

Most other level 5 would not take such words to heart, but Ais was not like the others and she did just as requested then and there.

"Lil Rafaga." Ais said, her energy exploding in all directions and making even some of her fellow Level 5 feel a bit fearful of facing her. In that state the winds of Aerial were further concentrated in Ais, increasing her speed to an impossibly large level and making her a much worse threat.

Most Loki Familia members were a bit nervous that Ais was using that, but that was nothing when compared to what they felt next.


As Ais said that and her body began to glow red her Family members stood up.

"That idiot." Finn said with gritted teeth and everyone was either worried or wondering just what was making her use that skill.

Avenger was easily the strongest attack skill this world has seen. It had the highest explosive power out there, it was so strong, in fact, that it would usually break the weapon Ais was using when fighting with it. Using it in a sparing match was not only overkill, but it was also wasteful to the extreme since any weapon that Ais would use was always of top quality and with a matching price.

They would have gone down to stop her, if not for the power they all felt coming from Wendel at this time.

His blue hair started glowing slightly and changing colors and growing a bit, going from its normal deep blue to pink, scales that seemed almost like feathers grew from his back and wrists and his eyes glowed brighter. What was more shocking though was the energy he was releasing did not lose to Ais's current state.

The two stared at each other as they dashed at incredible speeds, the two colliding over and over again and explosions of air echoing all over. The crowd no longer even cheered as the two combatants kept their clash and most could not even follow their movements.

Finally, after a long time, they stopped their attack and released their strongest power.

"SKy Dragon's Roar!" Wendel yelled as a blast of wind and something else was launched at Ais who released Avenger just as well. The two attacks hit in the center of the arena and a fierce struggle could be seen until-


The sword of Ais was no longer able to hold on, it was not her actual sword after all, and was only a sparing blade. It was just not made to hold so much power and its breaking made Ais's attack end just as well.

Thankfully Avenger was able to counter most of the power from Wendel's attack and what was left was not enough to endanger the life of Ais. It was, however, enough to hurl her out of the arena and into the stands. The people in the area ran away to avoid being hit and when the dust settled Ais wanted to get up, but her magic energy was exhausted when she used her skill and everything just like that and Wendel was still in the arena, if barely standing up with his exhausted magic reserves.

He may have the magic reserves of the original Wendy Marvel, but his control was far from hers and he wasted far too much magic energy with his attacks. If Ais's weapon did not break then he would certainly have lost, but 'ifs' did not matter much right now as what does matter is that he won.

Someone without Falna won against a level 4 adventurer who could go to Level 5 whenever she wanted, such news was an impossibility until today but now it was the reality in front of the eyes of most Gods in Orario and a singular thought echoed in the heads of basically all of them.

'I want that.'

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


