46.66% Marvel: The ghost / Chapter 6: CH-6: Happy birthday and have a sweet Nightmare

章 6: CH-6: Happy birthday and have a sweet Nightmare

CH-6: Happy birthday and have a sweet Nightmare

{ " " = talking }

{ ' ' = thinking}

{ ( ) = Author Explaining }

{ [ ] = System }

{ // // = Telepathically talking }

{| | = POV}

{ * * = time later}


Location: unknown Time: 4:35 pm 8/12/1998

|Unknown POV|


A: "come in"

B: "sir?"

A: "Did you found out who he is?"

B: "sir he is one Raymond Kenny From MIT with PhD's in network Security/Architecture and engineering with a bunch of other PhD's that have to do something with creating designing programs and or A.Is, his whole life he lived in New York, current residential area, Harlem."

A: "Is it really unhackable?"

B: "yes sir they I.T department said it would take a year just so they can crack the servers firewall, and there are multiple servers that create a proxy with randomized ips also as he said the A.I is also unreachable and unhackable"

A: "what about stark"

B: "he can't do it either"

A: "well Coulson, could you please tell agent Romanoff about her new target?"

Coulson: "Yes Director Fury"

And then Coulson went out of the office, then Nick fury in that empty office said "Who are you Kenny, where did you come from?" to no one.

================Somewhere else==================

Location: Home, Raven's room

Time: 10 am – 8/13/1998

|POV Raven|

Ugh, why is there so much pressure on me? … oh, mom sneaked into my bed again, 'I should lock my door from now on'.

"Mom? Mom wake up, mom I'm suffocating, Where is Mommy I Miss her! 'I'm cringing so hard right now, but For Oxygen'"

Mom: "Mom Is here sweety, … sweety? Where are you?"

Raven: "I'm Under you GET UP"

Mom: "*gets up from bed* …"

Raven: "Do you have anything to say to defend yourself?"

Mom: "I'm … sorry?"

Raven: "is that a question or an apology?"

Mom: "An apology"

Raven: "That's what I thought"

Mom: "I promise I'm goanna make it up to you on your birthday"

Raven: "You better, or I'm goanna lock my bedroom's door*walks out from bedroom*"

Mom: "*panics* wait*Follows after her*, no*She's not stopping*, Rachel you can't do this to me! *Puts her foot down*"

Raven: "Yes I can, …do you have to say anything to defend yourself?"

Mom: "Sorry I raised my voice; you won't take away my alone time with you today, right?"

Raven: "It depends if you be a good mom or not"

[Are you sure you are not her mom?]

Mom: "Are you sure you are not my mom?"

Raven: "I'm asking that same question from myself everyday"

[Me and you both sister]

Mom: "Me and you both baby"

Is it me or are you guys in sync?

[we are not in sync, she's just predictable for me]

Did she just read my mind? I thought she couldn't do that.

[I didn't read your mind; you are predictable too]

'Bitch did you just call me basic?'

[… I'm sorry]

'Yea that's what I thought'

The rest of the day went as usual, breakfast, Tv, Book reading with mom, went shopping for tomorrow and I bought the same close as usual, Black, Baggy Hoody's, black skin tight jeans that reach till my ankle, baggy t-shirt with a crow's picture, a pair of long black Sleaves that have a special place that the thumb goes in. 'I think Raven's love for black rubbed on me'

After shopping we ate lunch outside, went home watched a movie marathon then ate dinner and slept.

*Time: 9:13 am 8/14/1998*

Today is the day, what day you ask? Well, it's my birthday of course and I'll be officially 6, and get my limiters unlocked, you have no idea how hard for me it was, no adaptability, no healing regens, no leveling up, no good quests and more importantly no me saying or checking my status and I had to learn my skills, but no more of that bullshit today, nu huh, no sir.

[Hey Rea before we get to the happy birthday part, you might wanna go and see the active users you got so we can see who won the bet]


Saying that I went in my room, pulled out my laptop from under the bed and turned in on, I love my laptop so much, it turns on in just 15 second.

After it turned on, I putt in my 32-character password, and pulled up the page that monitors the active daily users.

Wow, … I mean I expected it to have a lot of downloads and users in the first week but I didn't expect it to have a million active users and 3 million downloads in only a few days, I mean even my old worlds Instagram didn't got this popular in a few days, Facebook and snap chats daily active users and downloads are in this range too, well I'll be damned even the 28th-year-old play boy, billionaire, philanthropist tony stark has an account on Instagram, well damn, I won the bet, 'Eve I won give me my fucking prize I'm tired of this boring routine'

[well, you won alright, even if you didn't have that much numbers ins users, you would've still won considering tony stark is on your app, okay here we go, ready?]

'Give it to me'




[You have turned 6, Happy birthday]

[Notice: because you have turned 6, your soul has matured]

[Notice: your soul is mature enough, Requirement met]

[Would you like to lift the restriction on your system and skills?]


[Confirmed, lifting restriction, please be repaired because it will hurt like a bitch]

'Wait what?'

*5 minutes later*


Right now, I feel like I was hit by a truck, I should know, I died by a fucking truck, 'wait where am I?'

[we are in your mind; outside your mind you are sleep on the ground, don't worry about it 1 year inside is 10 seconds outside]

[Restriction for Skill Adaptability [Lv. Max] is lifted]

[Restriction for Skill Regenerative healing [Lv. Max] is lifted]

[Restriction for Skill Spider Powers is lifted]

[Restriction for Skill True Freedom [Lv. Max] is lifted]

[Restriction for Skill Non-mortal Resistance [LV. Max] is lifted]

[Restriction for Skill Soul Invulnerability [Lv. Max] is lifted]

[Restriction for the use of the system's 'status' option is removed]

[Refreshing Player's Status]

[Restriction for the use of the system's 'Gacha' option is removed]

[Refreshing Player's Gacha Inventory]

[System Rebooting]

[System initializing]

[4 %]

[23 %]

[38 %]

[52 %]

[73 %]

[98 %]


[System Synced]

'Fucking finally Statues'


Name: Rachel Black {aka Raven} Age:6 {Mental age: 61 (Raven + Richard + Zatenna)}

Race: half-human/half-devil {Apex predator} Gender: Female

Level: 0 Occupation: ???

Classes: |Computer nerd|

HP: 200,000/200,000 {Regen: 100% of user health in 10 s}

MP: 4,475,000/4,475,000 {Regen: 54,900 per second/from zero to full 81 seconds}

STR: 150 DEX: 200 CONST: 400 VIT: 1000 {Normal Adult Human: 10}

INT: 358 {Normal Adult Human: 115} WIS: 1830 {Normal adult human: 30}

MP: 500 {Normal Adult Human: 0}

CHA: 102 {Normal Adult human: 10}

/Stat points: 0/


HP = VIT x 100 x 2

Vitality x 100 from normal base x from half-devil

HP- Regen = heals 100% of user's health in 10s


MP- MAX = INT x 10 x 2.5 x MP points

IQ/INT point x 10 from base of mana x 2.5 from half-devil

MP- Regen = WIS x 10 x 3 X 30

WIS point x 10 from base of mana x 3 from half-devil x skills

MP = Mana control level + mana sensitivity x 2.5

WIS = mental age x 30


If 1 point is added to Vit the health will go up by 10

If 1 point is added to MP the Mana max will go up by 10

If 1 point is added to wis the Mana regen will go up by 10


1 point in Str is equal to 10 kilograms of punching force/ weight tolerance

1 point in Dex means 10 mile per hour

1 point in const means one can tolerate a punch with a force of 10 kilograms

1 point in Vit means you have 5 more years' worth of life force

1 point in INT is equal to 1 IQ point



heal 4 times faster than a normal human.

have 5 times the limit normal humans have on their max mana capacity.

have 6 times more mana regen that normal humans have on their mana regen.



heal 1.5 times faster than a normal human.

have 1.25 more strength, speed and tolerance than a normal human

if they don't have a strength/speed/tolerance related power.



Gamer's mind [Lv. Max]

Gamer's body [LV. Max]

Adaptability [Lv. Max]

· Sub-skill: Body lock

Regenerative healing [Lv. Max]:

Spider powers:

-wall crawling [Lv.50]

-flexibility [Lv.50]

-Super strength [Lv.50]

-Advanced senses [Lv.50]

-Super speed [Lv.50] (not flash level a little faster than spider-man)

-Spider-sense [Lv.50]

- Bio-electricity [Lv.50]

-Invisibility [Lv.50]

-Advanced Durability [Lv.50]

-Accelerated healing [Lv.50]

True Freedom [Lv. Max]

Non-mortal Resistance [LV. Max]

Soul Invulnerability [Lv. Max]

Magic Library [Lv. Max]

Creation Magic [Lv. Max]

Body Customization [Lv. Max]

Abstract Comprehension [Lv. Max]

Programming [lv.47]

Designing [Lv. Max]

A.I creation [Lv.13]

Hacking [Lv.46]

Cooking [Lv. 9]

Cleaning [Lv. 7]

System points: 1000


-Gacha Gift package

Gacha menu


'Wow I'm OP'

[yeah, you're basically playing this in easy mode, now before I give you your present, I have to ask you a question, is that okay?]

'Sure, go ahead'

[What do your goanna do in this multiverse exactly?]

'You worried I'm goanna kill them all, aren't you'

[No, even if you are goanna kill the god who gave you this ability's I will support you, you are my family and best friend, so we will be together till the day we die.]

(Author: play "Toxic from boywithuke")

'Aww I love you too'

[but seriously you can kill that god you know]

'didn't he gave me the powers tho, how can I kill him?'

[because he was in a hurry and didn't have enough time to properly give you wishes he skipped a lot of procedures and just asked someone to give them to you, like your wishes are banned because you can get too powerful]

'… why was he in such a hurry?'

[His wife, remember]

'Oh yeah that bitch, but what do you mean he asked someone?'

[he asked the omniverse's will and it delivered because it must've thought you were worthy and had the potential, and it gave you a better version of your wishes and maxed them, like for the healing power, because it was from Deadpool and he was a mutant, you would also be a mutant and your powers could be blocked, but it gave it to you without any restriction]

'Wow, if I meet him, I'm really goanna thank him, but wait if the omniverse granted me the wishes, then why am I in an alternate universe and a girl?'

[well although this is an alternate version of MCU, it is still the MCU and the omniverse probably decided it didn't have any danger for you but opportunities or it would have interfered with that god's wife, and because you had more potential in a male body that god's wife was forced to ask omniverse to upgrade your wish about Zatenna's and Raven's talents to a godly level but in order for it to work you had to choose the female body, so she used that as bait]

'Well, that kinda makes sense, now about if I'm goanna kill that god, no he's cool, but I'm goanna have a talk with his wife so he can divorce her, their marriage isn't healthy'

[I agree too]

'And about this multiverse, I'm goanna get stronger and protect my mom till canon starts, then maybe participate / fuck up in some parts of it'

[okay, so you are not goanna be a hero nor a villain, correct?]


[but if you see someone on the streets that needs help, you help right?]


[Occupation: Anti-Hero Received]

[Happy birthday Rea!]

'You are making me love you more and more'

[Aw … I love you too]

'let's see, Status'


Name: Rachel Black {aka Raven} Age:6 {Mental age: 61 (Raven + Richard + Zatenna)}

Race: half-human/half-devil {Apex predator} Gender: Female

Level: 1 Occupation: Anti-hero

Classes: |Computer nerd|

HP: 200,000/200,000 {Regen: 100% of user health in 10 s}

MP: 4,475,000/4,475,000 {Regen: 54,900 per second/from zero to full 81 seconds}

STR: 150 DEX: 200 CONST: 400 VIT: 1000 {Normal Adult Human: 10}

INT: 358 {Normal Adult Human: 115} WIS: 1830 {Normal adult human: 30}

MP: 500 {Normal Adult Human: 0}

CHA: 102 {Normal Adult human: 10}

/Stat points: 6/


'This is the life man; I can start practicing my magic now, right?'


'Good, I'm kinda defenseless right mow'

[Gamer's mind deactivated]

When I deactivated my gamer's mind skill I was hit with a wave of emotions, sadness, anger, loneliness, depression, joy, happiness, appreciation, etc.

So what I did was putting my head on my pillow and letting it all out.

After that I woke up, went to take a bath, and when I saw myself in the mirror I gotta say wow, I'm now at a solid 5'1, I have a lean body build that screams flexible with a six pack.

When I took my clothes off and went in the bathtub.

*20 minutes later*

After a relaxing time in the bathtub, I tried getting up, keyword tried, because when I was getting off the bathtub my hand stuck, so I quickly used assassin spider-man's experience and fixed it, 'that was a close one, I really should try and synchronize all the experience I have, after getting a Gacha of course'.

After wearing my close I sat on my bed in a lotus position and said 'Gacha menu'


Gacha points: 0

Gacha selection

Gacha Inventory


'Gacha Inventory'


Gacha Inventory:

-Gacha starter pack


'Open starter pack'

[Gacha starter pack opened]

[100 Gacha point obtained]

[2 Free character token obtained]

[1 free item token obtained]

[gift package contents ended]

'Eve, I want to use my 2-character tokens'

[please specify the worlds name and the name of the character you want]

'Marvel cinematic universe, Taskmaster'

[MCU, Taskmaster: "A super soldier capable of executing anything that he's saw" Accept?]


[please specify the worlds name and the name of the character

you want]

'Watch dogs, Raymond Kenny aka T-bone'

[Watch dogs, Raymond Kenny: "A genius I.T specialist that created the bellwether algorithm" Accept?]


'Use 1 item token'

[please specify the worlds name and the name of the character

you want]

'The NTZ from the world limitless'

[Limitless, the NTZ drug: "A drug that lets the user sue 100% of their brain" Accept?]

'The side effects won't work on me, right?'

[the drug doesn't have any side effects on you]

'Ok that's good I want it, Open Gacha Inventory'

[Gacha Inventory:

|Reymond Kenny Card| |Taskmaster Card| |NTZ drug x2|


'Use task master card'

[Assimilation for character "Taskmaster": 49% time remaining: 6 hours]

*6 hours later Time: 3:38 pm*

[Assimilation for character "Taskmaster": 100%]

[Assimilation complete]

[New skill Photographic reflexes [Lv. Max] obtained]

'Okay now it's time to absorbed all the experiences'

*Time: 5:51 pm*

Knock-knock, Knock-knock

Weird mom has key's and doesn't really know how to knock, who is it this time of the day, Kaity got up walked up towards the door, me walking behind her, and it was then that everything came crashing down

Kaity: "Yes?"

[Gamer's mind Activated]

'I fucking hate my life, …'


Word Count: 2595

DarkWriter18 DarkWriter18

1 chapters are going to be released tommorow

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Like it ? Add to library!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


