21.73% House of The Dragon: Dovahkiin / Chapter 5: Icefyre

章 5: Icefyre

Kingslanding; Crownlands; Fourth moon of 96 AC

General POV

The Great Hall of the Red Keep was fully decorated with Targaryen colors, as it had always been ever since its creation; Targaryen banners were flaunted on all walls and pillars. The Iron throne sat in the back of the hall with its thousand swords. Most nobles talked among themselves about the happenings of the past day, where the members of the Illusive House Dovahkiin came down from their frozen island atop their dragons with a fleet led by the most significant ship anyone had ever seen. Not much was known about House Dovahkiin's business as almost all of them were made in Driftmark and The North. Corlys "the Seasnake" Velaryon was very tight-lipped about his business in general, and Lords in the North didn't like the south enough to trade ravens about another Northern Lord. House Dovahkiin was known for supplying Westeros with glass; they also traded alcoholic beverages that were a success among nobles and smallfolk; and they had a fleet, although how large it was was unknown. It was also a known fact that House Dovahkiin provided food for half of the North, as that was one of the few things the spies in the North could recover.

Lord Dovahkiin, the tallest man anyone had ever seen, entered the Great Hall with his arms interlocked with his wife, a woman that probably towered over most lords in the room, curiously the couple had come from inside the Red Keep, which meant the crown allowed them quarters inside the castle. Lord and Lady Dovahkiin walked towards a nearby pillar, where Lord Dovahkiin leaned his back on; Lady Dovahkiin then leaned her back on Lord Dovahkiin's chest, and both of them waited in silence.

King Jaehaerys entered the Great Hall, followed by Queen Alysssne, Septon Barth, Prince Baelon, Prince Daemon, and, surprisingly enough, Septa/Princess Maegelle. The Kingsguard kept their vigil quietly, Ser Redwyne directing them to their post silently. The Queen sat in a chair on the left of the Iron Throne, and Septon Barth sat on a chair on the Iron Throne's left. Prince Baelon and Daemon remained standing by the Iron Throne's steps.

King Jaehaerys began the court as any other day. Calm and collected, he judged Lords and heard complaints about land disputes and petty issues, collected and calm; he solved those disputes and ended those petty issues.

" His Grace, King Jaehaerys Targaryen, First of his name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the Frist Men; Protector of the Realm and Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, declares today's court activities over." Septon Barth said. The King raised his hands, asking for silence and the whole Great Hall went quiet. The King's eyes moved around the hall, making many Lords uncomfortable, but none dared to point it out.

" As many of you have noticed, my daughter has fully recovered from greyscale. Something that has never happened in the history of the Seven Kingdoms. She bears no scar or deformity from the accursed disease. I've prayed to the gods every day, asking them to save my daughter." Jaehaerys said, " My prayers were answered. The Gods sent someone here to save my daughter's life. Lord Dovahkiin, step forward!" Jaehaerys noted, and the tall lord walked toward the Iron throne base. The Tall lord had an unsheathed sword in his hands, and the kingsguards at the bottom of the iron throne put their hands on the hilts of their swords.

" Lord Dovahkiin, you have saved my daughter's life, something any father would be grateful for, as I am. I promised that whoever saved my daughter's life would be able to ask a boon of me, a boon that, as long as it didn't break the laws of gods and man and was inside my power. I'm a man of my word, like you northerners are. So I ask my Lord. What would you want from me?" Jaehaerys said, his voice firm as it had always been.

" Your Grace, there's only one thing I could ask. I would like for the New Gift to be returned to The North. As it is now, The New Gift stands abandoned. The Night's Watch can no longer patrol those lands, and even if they were, they would be patrolling a land of ghosts and memories as all small folk left. With the New Gift Back to the North, the lands will once again bring something to the realm." Lord Dovahkiin said; his voice was even more powerful than Jaehaerys; he wasn't shouting or speaking loudly, but it was so deep it reverberated around the hall, making everyone hear him.

" Yes, such a selfless request. One I can't find myself to deny." Jaehaerys commented; he got up from the Iron Throne; his long beard shone brightly as the sunlight coming from the windows hit it. "I, Jaehaerys Targaryen, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the Frist Men, through this Royal decree, return the lands known as " The New Gift" to House Stark, to be distributed among their vassals as Lord Stark sees fit," Jaehaerys said, and the present Lords clapped politely. " I thank you, my Lord, for saving my daughter's life." Jaehaerys completed

" I thank you, Your Grace, for your generosity, but there is one more thing." Lord Dovahkiin said, and the hall went quiet. King Jaehaerys eyes narrowed slightly, but his expression was still warm at Lord Dovahkiin; he nodded with his head, signaling Lord Dovahkiin to continue.

"Your Grace, in owe brief talks; it might have seemed that I disliked Queen Alyssane; I would like to clarify that it is not the case." Lord Dovahkiin said calmly. " You see, Your Grace, there are few things in the World I hate with all my being, the chief amongst them is the act of rape. I see the right of the first night for what it was; rape, and if anyone says otherwise, then I challenge said person to fight to the death. Still, Queen Alyssane, with her great sense of justice, spoke against such practice, thus ending once and for all the only form of rape permitted by law. In my eyes, Queen Alyssane is THE greatest Queen Westeros has ever seen and probably will see, better than Visenya, better than Rhaenys. And you, Your Grace, stood by your lady wife's side to end this vile right when the decision to outlaw it could make many enemies for your house. So for ending the vile right of the first night that has for thousands of years plagued the minds of fathers, mothers, and maidens around Westeros. I would like to give House Targaryen a present, personally forged by me, a Valyrian Steel sword, to help to remind the Lords of Westeros what will come for their necks should they dare break Queen Alysanne's law." Lord Dovahkiin said, shocking many in the Great Hall as he presented the blade he was carrying to the King. King Jaehaerys eyes were wide, as were Princes Baelon's and Daemon's. Queen Alyssane had a slight smile on her face as if happy to be complemented by the Northerner Lord. Jaehaerys looked at Prince Baelon, who nodded and walked to Lord Dovahkiin to pick up the Sword. Prince Baelon unsheathed the sword, and like all Valyrian steel, the smoky ripples could be seen from far; the sword's blade had engravings of a Dragon chasing down men as it protected a small girl; the sword's hilt was a bronze dragon's head, the sword's sheath was a dragon's body, so when it was sheathed it looked like a small bronze dragon.

" Beautiful, simply breathtaking. Does it have a name, Lord Dovahkiin?" Prince Baelon asked

" No, your grace. I left that part for the King," Lord Dovahkiin said as he chuckled.

Prince Baelon looked at Jaehaerys

" Father? A name?" Prince Baelon asked.

King Jaehaerys seemed to contemplate for a moment before nodding to himself.

" I thank you, once again, Lord Dovahkiin. This act shall not be forgotten, not by not my heirs and me. You have been a truly honorable man, like those of your homeland. The Swords name shall be Icefyre, as a reminder that a Lord of The North presented this sword to House Targaryen." King Jaehaerys said, and all Lords clapped and cheered at the King, more out of stupor than anything else.

" My Lord… you said you forged this sword, don't you mean to say " reforged" instead," a random lord asked.

" No…" Lord Dovahkiin's voice broke through the crowd of lords " I forged the sword. Step by step. I shall forge more, one per year. They will be auctioned at the Iron Bank on the first day of the Fist Moon of each year, beginning next year." Lord Dovahkiin said, and the whole hall went quiet again.

" You will pay the taxes on every sword you sell, right?" Jaehaerys asked with mock seriousness

" Naturally… not paying taxes is a crime … and crime is a riverlander thing." Lord Dovahkiin said with mock seriousness as well. King Jaehaerys and Prince Daemon laughed out loud, Daemon more than Jaehaerys; the Great Hall laughed with the King.

" Yes… we need more people like you, my Lord. Will you sit with my family for supper tonight? Before you return to your Island up north?" King Jaehaerys said, and Lord Dovahkiin nodded

" It would be my honor, Your Grace." Lord Dovahkiin answered.

Ragnar pov

Ragnar looked at his wife; even after birthing three children, Dacey looked beautiful; her blue eyes and raven hair stood out with the silver dress she wore. Ragnar liked his small moments with her; she made him laugh, most of the time with her sharp tongue.

" Ragnar, will you?" Dacey said as she offered her back for him to tie her dress on the back. Ragnar got close and began tying the dress. Dacey had put her hair to the front so it wouldn't get in Ragnar's way. Fortunately for Ragnar, by doing so, her neck was exposed to him. He got closer to her and smelled her, his nose touching her neck, which made her gasp.

" What are yo-mhh." Dacey began but was interrupted as Ragnar kissed her neck.

" You know… you smell good. Winter rose. It's quite hard to resist you if you keep doing things like that… you never turn your back on a dragon; you might get bitten." Ragnar said as he gave a small bite on where her shoulders met her neck, making her gasp a little " Or worse…" he said as he grabbed the hairs on the back of her neck and pulled it gently "you can get burned… or in our case frozen," Ragnar whispered with a cold breath on her ears, he could see her eyes rolling to back of her head even with her eyes closed.

" Ragnar… humf, we- oh- don't have time… if we start this…." She began

" We are not going to be able to stop… " Ragnar said as he lifted her dress " But… there's time, there's time."

Ragnar loved how she shivered with every thrust or touch of his; he loved that, like in the training yard, their sex was like a battle, a battle both of them enjoyed, a battle that both of them knew how to the other's secrets details to help them win, unlike the training yard, this battle sometimes he lost, and fortunately the taste wasn't bitter, it was actually pretty sweet.

When Ragnar and Dacey entered the Great Hall to have supper with the King's family, they were a little late, but fortunately, the King and Queen weren't there yet.

Princes Baelon and Daemon sat together, talking in Valyrian about things Ragnar didn't care to listen to. Prince Viserys and his wife, Lady Aemma, talked in the common tongue about Aemma's day in court, the young prince clearly in love with his wife, who seemed to reciprocate it if her eyes were any indication. Princess Gael sat quietly and talked to no one as other than silence; her option would be talking to Princess Maegelle, a sister 20 years her elder. There were three chairs empty, two between Gael and Maegelle and one on Maegelle's left. Ragnar and Dacey sat on the two chairs between Gael and Maegelle. Ragnar sat close to Gael and Dacey close to Maegelle.

"Greeting, Your Graces. Lady Arryn. I'm sorry for being a little late… sometimes one loses track of time. Especially when a wife is involved." Ragnar said as he got Dacey's right hand and kissed it.

" Yes… it is pretty understandable. You are not late by any means, My Lord. My father and mother are not here," Prince Baelon said, and Ragnar nodded. Before Ragnar could say anything else, Princess Gael interrupted

" My Lord… how is Skagos? I've heard that you have a Dragon. Is it true?" Asked the short Princess

" Skagos? Well… Skagos has 4 Nobles' houses, including my one. House Stane, Crowl, and Seasworth are sworn bannerman to my House. House Dovahkiin's seat of power is Frostfall, a Castle bigger than the Red Keep, and Winterfell smaller than Harrenhall. Frostfall is located in Winterhold, my city. Winterhold has 350.000 thousand people living in it. House Stane's seat is Driftwood Hall, and House Crowl's seat is Deepdown keep. Giants and Children of the Forrest live in Skagos, enjoying the total protection of my House… and, recently, the North's protections." Ragnar said calmly with a smile on his face. " I do have a Dragon, but he's not like your family's… my dragon can breathe cold… or frost. I'm not certain of what to call it." Ragnar completed

" You don't have to lie, my lord. I'm not a child; I don't want to hear stories." Princess Gael said with a frown on her face. Ragnar raised his eyebrows and scoffed lightly

" Child, I'm not lying. You live in a city that houses firebreathing giants lizards… even if you are trying to make them smaller, but still, they are magical creatures." Ragnar said, and Gael frowned

" Dragons are real…." Gael began

" And so are the Children of the Forrest and the Giants… The North holds ancient magic; The North holds true to the blood of the Frist Men, mostly uninfected by the invaders from andalos; Some people don't like magic and try to destroy it, but that doesn't mean magic will die. Or that magical creatures will simply die because petty grey men want them to. If you want to go to Skagos to see them, feel free to go, you will have our hospitality." Ragnar said, and Gael nodded reluctantly

" Pardon me, my lord, but did you say Winterhold has 340.000 people living in it? Wouldn't that make it the biggest city in Westeros? Oldtown has only 300.000 people." Prince Viserys asked, and Ragnar nodded

" Aye… 340 is bigger than 300. It seems The North has the biggest city in Westeros. That is almost poetic justice. Winterhold has more than 200 wairwood Heart-Tree… it seems the City of the Old Gods is bigger than the city of the statue gods." Ragnar said; he noticed Princess/septa Maegelle getting uncomfortable with the topic, he would comment on that, but the King and Queen chose that moment to arrive.

Kings and Queens, true Kings and Queens, have this unique air about them; they know how to hold attention and are extremely elegant. It was like that with Ulfric and Elisif. Ulfric was more of a leader than Elisif, but the Queen of Skyrim was more of a diplomat than Ulfric; they would've made a great couple if not for all that: "fus roh dah, my sword in your husband's throat" business.

Jaehaerys and Alyssane were the epitomai of Kingship and Queenship, in Ragnar's opinion, elegant and imposing.

Ragnar and everyone at the table stood up so the King and Queen could sit. They both did, and so did the table; Alysaane had a small smile on her face

" Well, well… what were you talking about? It seems it was a fun topic." The Queen said as the king greeted them by nodding his head

" We were talking about Skagos, grandmother. Which brought on the City of Winterhold." Viserys said, and the Queen's eyebrows scrunched

" Winterhold? Don't you mean Wintertown?" The Queen asked

" No… Skagos has a city called Winterhold; 340.000 people live there." Ragnar said, and Viserys nodded

" Is that so? I don't remember hearing about said city. Why was the crown not informed of such a big city?" Jaehaerys asked, his tone calm a carefree

" Your Graces didn't ask," Ragnar said as he shrugged

" Shouldn't the Maester at Frosfall inform the Citadel about this city? So they could include it in the maps or use it to give accurate lessons to the children?" Queen Alyssane asked

" I don't have the habit of allowing spies to report to their masters. I have a little problem with the Citadel and their policy of withholding knowledge… so I withhold everything I can from them… has The Grandmaester spoken about how the North's Maesters haven't reported at all in the last three years? My fellow northern Lords don't like spies as well… The Maester up north are on thin Ice… quite literally, for if Lord Stark finds out anything compromising, then heads will roll." Ragnar said calmly

" You don't trust the Maesters?" Maegelle asked

" Do you? They are in every castle; they control the only way of information in Westeros, and most of them are counselors to their Lords… they are dangerous, like a disease." Ragnar said

" But they swear vows to serve only the castle they serve at," Maegelle protested

" You've seen four and thirty name-days… you are a Princess of blood and, more importantly, an educated person… You can't possibly use "they swore an oath" as an argument. In the south, words are wind. People here would betray their neighbors to bandits for a gold coin." Ragnar said, still calm

" There are very few recorded events where a Maester betrayed their vows…." Maegelle said

" They record history, Princess… if they want to record Your Grace, the Kings as a second Maegor, then in 100 years, he would be a second Maegor for everyone," Dacey replied for Ragnar, who had a disbelieving expression on his face.

" You northerners are a bold butch, aren't you? You distrust one of the oldest orders in Westeros history." Daemon said,

" You should do the same; the Maester's dislike for magic is well known… and your house is a House of magic… I would be extremely weary if I were in your place." Ragnar replied

" The Maesters are good company, however. They are very wise," Ragnar commented

" Really?" Gael asked

" No; not really…." Ragnar replied flat faced, and Daemon chuckled

" Very good… I like this one," Daemon said, and Ragnar bowed his head mockingly


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I loved writing it

Next update will be on GoT: Dovahkiin!

Thank you for your support my fellows

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