2.12% Wolf king hegemony / Chapter 1: chapter 1 : a whole new world
Wolf king hegemony Wolf king hegemony original

Wolf king hegemony

作者: DualCultivator69

© WebNovel

章 1: chapter 1 : a whole new world


Five more minutes, for the love of god that's all I need.


Ughhhhh. Why did I buy this stupid alarm for again? I should've just gotten something nicer. Something that would've woken me up without sounding like a fucking moving truck is backing up on my skull.


"UGH! Fine! I'll wake up! Stupid ass alarm." After I said that, I flailed my arm in the general direction of my alarm, and beat it until it stopped. How the thing still worked despite the fact I've punched it every morning for the last 3 years will always elude me. When the thing stopped tormenting me, I groggily woke up and shambled my way out of bed.

(Stupid mornings are stupid.) Internal grumbling and cursing my alarm aside, I moved my legs towards the bathroom, and started my morning. I turned on the faucet, and did the whole brushing my teeth thing, and making sure I didn't have any sleep crap in my eyes. The silver and black orbs that looked back at me always did make me feel better after staring at them for a bit.

Yup, you heard me. I had both silver and black eyes. Heterochromia is a gacha roll I won for free. It made up for the fact I couldn't grow a beard for the life of me. I really wanted a beard. That thought aside, I finished dealing with brushing my teeth and the other shit I did, and started walking to the kitchen. Only good thing about living in an apartment complex was that the kitchen wasn't that far from my bathroom.

Now, you may be wondering why I haven't been shouted at to wake up, or had someone wake me up themselves instead of have an alarm do it. The answer to that would be the fact I'm an orphan. That, and the fact I'm a legal 19 year old adult. The orphan thing was recent. Well, 5 years ago is a while ago, but still recent enough for me to still feel like shit when I suddenly remember something my mom or dad would do, and then remember they're gone.

I'd still cry like a bitch sometimes, but I was doing better. I hadn't cried when that happened for atleast 6 months, so new personal record. Though because of that whole incident, I was kind of jaded towards life as a whole now. I only really cared about my parents and their memories. Thinking along those lines made me let out a self depreciating chuckle. "When life give you lemons, you throw em at peoples eyes." Or in simpler terms, feel better by thinking of dark humor or other shit like that. It works for me.

Though I never really got that saying. Life didn't give us lemons. We literally selectively bred them and gave them to ourselves. Though I did like blaming life for shit we've done ourselves. Anyway, what was I doing again? Oh yeah, breakfast. Being an orphan led to me needing to learn how to cook so I didn't starve or eat convenience store food for the rest of my life. I had to stay in shape and all that.

Oh? I was in shape? Damn right I was. Being 5'10 with a swimmers build was always something I was proud of. I might've gotten my genes from my mom and dad, but I worked on it myself. I even got my dad's Irish tendencies of being a fine wine appreciator. No, we were not drunks, we just appreciated wine. And Liquor. And Scotch. Well, neither of us had an addiction to it, so that was a plus.

Oh yeah. I never really described or said who I was now had I? Whoops. My name's Maccillian Thorn. Though my friends called me Macky. I didn't mind the nickname, it was fine. I already said my height and all that, but i didn't mention the ponytail i sported almost daily. When you've got natural gray hair, you tend to like seeing it out and about. I had a bit of a tan, mostly from swimming alot, and with the rest of my description, you get the general picture.

With that whole introduction done, I went back to cooking. I didn't have the time to be fancy or anything, so I was just going for some scrambled eggs. "Didn't I have eggs yesterday? Maybe I should've made something else... Eh, I'll just get something else later." I didn't mind thinking out loud. I lived alone, who was going to hear me? The roaches?

I laughed at that. "I'll just squash em if they sell me out." I laughed again, and finished making my eggs. Breakfast was always me eating, checking my notifications, and then going to get dressed when I was done. Was getting dressed AFTER I ate inefficient? Definitely. Did i care? Fuck no. I repeated the usual routine, then put my plate into the sink for later. I wasn't a slob mind you, my place was actually pretty clean, sink and all, I was just lazy in the mornings.

"Now what the hell do i wear today?" That was the question wasn't it? I had a job interview in 2 hours, but I didn't know what to wear for it. I was going to try out being a teachers assistant. I didn't exactly WANT the job, so that made my decision harder.

Now, you might be wondering, why am I going for a job i don't want? Well, my mom was a teacher. I wanted to see why she liked doing it so much, so I was going through this to try and find out what she saw in teaching a bunch of brats. When or if I found out, I'd quit and go for the job I actually wanted... Though I had no goddamn what that was. I was focused on this first, and that second. I was a short term person through and through.

"The dress pants are a no brainer. I could just throw on some comfortable shoes so that's easy... But what shirt do I want? Should i bring my jacket? It's not cold, but it's my staple at this point..." Hmm... Maybe that's says something about me. A hoodie that says 'oppai' was my staple. Saitama had good taste. I really debated wearing it, but I ended up giving up. I couldn't wear it.

With that decided, I grabbed a button up white polo shirt, the dress pants, and some minorly scuffed sneakers. I changed out of my sleepwear, a white shirt and boxers, and put em on. No I wasn't going commando, I just didn't mention the other pair of boxers or socks I put on.

Looking in the nearest mirror, I whistled. "Looking good. Maybe i should do that whole male model thing Maddy brought up." That thought was entertaining. Who wouldn't want a confidence booster like that anyways? "Now if only I knew how to shut the fuck up." That was something I'd need if I was actually going to model. Who'd want to work with the guy that had dark humor and wouldn't shut up?

I hummed with that thought in mind, and just shrugged my shoulders a bit later. "Eh, they'll figure something out. Now to get to this interview." I got all the things I'd need, phone, keys, a jolly rancher for later, and my wallet. I put em all in my pocket, and went out the door. I locked it, I had to make sure I did, the lock on this damn thing was a bitch and sometimes wouldn't lock fully.

I lived on the 8th floor, and I'd rather deal with going down the stairs then deal with piss smelling elevator or an annoying tenant. I made my way down the stairs, and opened the door to head out. The sun shined into my eyes, and I almost cursed. (Fucking sun. It's MAY! Why the fuck are you out like this? Clouds, where the fuck are you!?) Again, I wasn't a morning person.

Cursing the sun and it's continued annoyance, I made my way out of the complex, and started walking to the nearest bus stop. There was one real close to my building, so i just walked to it, and thanked god that no one was sitting there. I wasn't socially awkward, I just didn't want to talk to people in the mornings. I looked around for a bit, saw no one else was coming, and popped my headphones in.

I checked my playlists, I had different ones with different music depending on my mood, and shuffled my pop playlist. When my music started, I relaxed and just waited for the bus. I had time, and unless I was really unlucky, I'd get to where I needed with 45 minutes to do spare.

I kept listening to my music, and 5 minutes later, the bus rolled up. (Thank fuck. Looks like today's my lucky day.) I got onto the bus, paid with my metro card and everything, and went to an empty seat in the middle. I was on an accordion bus, and always liked the middle for no reason at all. I sat there, and just relaxed as the ride went on.

I made sure to know where I was in regards to where I was and where my stop was, and knew I would be there in record time. Traffic just seemed non existent for today, and I wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. The ride went on, and when I was 3 stops away, I heard something. Now considering I had my music on full blast, the fact I heard something was already surprising.

When I looked up from my phone, I saw some people at the front starting to panic, and they must've had some lungs on them cause holy fuck were the screams they were letting out hurting my ears. Then that made me think. (The hell are they screaming for?) Then another bus rammed into the front half and exploded. (Oh... That makes sense.)

My last thoughts weren't exactly impressive, but what else was I supposed to think? One second I'm confused, the next I'm dead. Not much time to really think inbetween both did annoy me though... And that got me to think again. (Why am I still thinking? I fucking exploded. There's not a fucking chance in hell I lived through THAT!) And considering I couldn't feel or see anything, I was betting on not being paralyzed, cause that'd fucking SUCK.

"Yup. You died, so don't worry about the whole paralyzed thing." Oh great, a fucking ethereal voice. I've seen enough anime and read enough manga to know where this is going.

(Though this'll be interesting. How much was bullshit and much was actually real?)

"Most of it's bullshit. Anyway you're not panicking so that's good. Now, I gotta do the whole spiel about you being dead and to calm down, yadda yadda yadda. Though you're not freaking out so this makes it easier. Now then. Ahem, you're dead. Pick your perks or wishes or whatever, and go do the isekai thing. I'm kinda busy so make it snappy."

(Huh? Repeat that please.) I know what he said. But the whole perks and isekai thing threw me off. I wasn't expecting the perks part. I thought it'd either be random, or I would have to find out on my own. But i got to choose? Oh hell yes!

"Ughhh. You died, pick the shit you want and go onto another world. I've got better shit to do then ferry souls along." I felt like I should be offended at that, but let's not antagonize the god overseeing our soul.

(How many perks do I get though? And do I get to know the world I'm getting sent too?) I didn't mind the whole isekai idea. Other then some friends that I never really connected too, I had nothing left for me back on earth. I lost some friends after my parents died, and I lost a few more after i drowned in booze for a few months.

"You get 3. And no. You'll figure it out when you're there." Oh well. I'll just take gods word for it. Though now I had to think. The hell did I want? I dived into my anime and manga knowledge, and found the answer.

(I want a Gamer system. For my 1st wish.) The Gamer. The thing that could make me a broken fucker that could stand atop the world and future worlds to come. If I got that I'd be se-

"Yeah... No." What? My brain..? Thoughts. My thoughts stopped, and I was confused. Did i just get denied on my 1st wish? The hell?

(Why?) I had to know. Why the hell couldn't I get The Gamer? I'd be set for life with that thing.

"Someone else from that crash requested it. We only get 1 system every few decades. The Guild of Gamers don't hand us systems all willy nilly. Unless someone specifically asks for it, we have to hold the single copy we get until it's gifted and then wait till they get us another one."

What? There's a guild? And someone else asked for it? That lucky cunt. If it's like those fanfics I read, the asshole probably got his own multiverse to fuck around in now. Ugh. Fucking great. What else could I ask for... Hmm... (Even if it's not a system, could I get something that shows me stats and shit and let's me travel the multiverse? I don't need the quests or the perks, just the stats and the traveling.)

Now, you might wonder why I'd ask for a stat sheet. There's a bunch of answers for that. First, if I was ever debuffed, I'd have a sheet to check, and see just what's wrong. Or if I went around getting magic or a fuckton of spells, I'd need that sheet to figure out what I've got, and to keep track of everything.

"Eh, probably. Though that'll need to use 2 wishes. I can't just give you both of those in the same package, that's just cheating. Anyway, last wish go go go." I could live with that. If I could travel, i could just go to a world with magic and learn there. And with what I had in mind for my last wish, I would already have a decent start.

(Muzaka. I want to look like and have Muzaka's powers. Instincts and all.) That dude was probably my favorite character from all the anime, manga and manwha I've read. His backstory was sad, sure, but the dude was a fucking BEAST!

"... That werewolf? Eh, whatever. Though we've got a little issue here man. The world you're going too is mostly normal until that whole apocalypse goes down. If I sent you down with that dogs full power, you'd just steamroll the world and fuck off the who knows where. That'd just be boring. I'll fix that up, and give you something special."

Huh? Apocalypse? Where the fuck am I going?! And what does he mean he'll give me something special? Did this fucker just take over my wishes? I didn't even get the chance to think at him about it before I heard the snap of his fingers.

"Alright, we're done here. You're heading off now dude, sooo see you never. Try not to die again and all that jazz." I didn't know who this guy was, but I just knew I didn't like him.

(You're an asshole.) I heard the guy scoff at that, and then I was off.

I hadn't felt anything when I was thinking or stating my wishes, but now i felt like I was in a super car going 300mph. I fucking zoomed forward, or downwards, I had no goddamn idea, and just started screaming. "FUUUUUUUUUU-"

I stopped for a second when I suddenly blinked, which i wasn't able to do before, and saw a forest coming in fast. I was kind of freaking out, and went back to screaming my head off. I was so going to figure out how to be a god and beat that asshole black and blue for dropping me from the FUCKING SKY! I wasn't Sora or his loli sister!

"I'm so fucking dead!" Then I hit the ground. It was like belly flopping into a pool, but 100x worse. But hey, I wasn't dead! Though I was too buried to open my mouth without eating dirt, so I settled for the next best thing. (HAHAHAHA! FUCK YOU GRAVITY! I'VE WON THIS DAY!) No one could hear it, but I was cackling like a madman. It wasn't everyday you get dropped from the sky and crash into the ground without dying.

I wasn't sure how long I laid there, cackling in my mind, but I decided it was time to actually move. So I moved my arms and legs, tried to figure out how to get out of a Muzaka shaped hole, and figured it out after a bit more struggling. (Hopefully no one saw that.)

Though now that I wasn't in unbelievable agony, I got to think clearly. I died. Bus crash and subsequent explosion did me in. (Talk about going out in a bang.) I chuckled at that thought. But really, I wasn't exactly freaking out as much as I should be about the whole thing. Though, thinking about it, I didn't really have a reason to freak out either.

I didn't have a pet. No girlfriend or boyfriend, I was straight though so the latter was a no brainer. I didn't really have close friends either. Acquaintances and that was it. I didn't care about them enough to worry about their reactions to my death.

But this? I had a new chance at life, the chance to explore the fucking multiverse. I was a Werewolf with a dimensional passport. And I was going to enjoy that till the day I died. Again.

After I was free, I looked around, and saw it was just a normal woods. No magical elf forest for me. With my surroundings taken in, I looked at myself. I could tell I was wearing Muzaka's coat, and I saw enough of myself and his scars to tell I was him. Though I was a bit curious about what else I had. So, hoping it was still a cliche, I said the thing. "Status."


Name - ?

Age - 19

Strength - Amount of force able to be exerted - E

Dexterity - Capability to coordinate ones body and use it effectively - E-

Vitality - Healthiness and ability to resist illness, disease, poisons and heal - D-

Intelligence - Capability to learn, speed of learning - E-

Wisdom - Ability to retain, use, and organize learned knowledge - E-

Charisma - Physical looks, ability to charm others, influence others with speech - D

Luck - Chance of lucky encounters, games of chance, and general positive events - E-

Abilities - Werewolf Physiology (Passive), Regeneration Stage 1 (Passive), Werewolf senses stage 1(Passive), Werewolf strength stage 1 (passive), Werewolf form (Locked), Werewolf instincts (Passive), Gray Wolf Transformation (Unlocked), Wolf King's aura (Passive), Wolf King's Wisdom (Locked), Wolf King's wrath (Locked), The One True Wolf (Locked).

World jump - Locked. Complete objective [Slay 0/1,000,000,000 Zombies.] Bonus objectives 250,000,000. 500,000,000. 750,000,000. 1,000,000,000. Extra features rewarded depending on completed objectives.

"Huh... We'll I'll be damned... But why don't i have a name? I know my name... Motherfucker, it's one of those 'new life new name' things isn't it... Hmm..." Did I want to change my name? That was the big question. Though it really wasn't. "Maccillian. I'm keeping that as my first name... But that last name? I'm going for Zaka. Maccillian Zaka, I like it."


Name - Maccillian Zaka

Nice. So... "A fucking Zombie apocalypse? I'm being fucked with. That's gotta be the only answer." I didn't notice it when I was screaming for my life, and saying status, but I even sounded like Muzaka. Cool. Anyway, back to the fucking ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE, i was kinda screwed. Well, not about the zombie's... "Unless I'm in Resident Evil and they have all those super zombies and bullshit like that." I'd probably be screwed. I'll just cross my fingers and hope for the best.

That aside, I couldn't help but look around some more. "For a zombie apocalypse, I'm not seeing smoke or hearing much panic... Am I before it happened or something?" If I was, I'd have to figure out what the fuck kind of world I was in first. I decided to search for the way out of the forest, and figure out just where I was. Though I almost tripped when I walked forwards. "Yeah... New body and all that."

I spent who knows how long, the moon was out so even if I COULD tell time based on the sun, I couldn't tell the time. Muzaka didn't have a watch in his king outfit, so I just let myself assume.

After 10? Minutes of walking, getting used to punching and extending out my claws, cause I had those, even if they were short, I got used to moving and using my new body. With that done, i decided to check my abilities

Werewolf Physiology stage 1/1 - As a Werewolf, you are superior to most beings. Werewolves are immune to all forms of disease, unless specifically targeted by said disease. Werewolves are capable of creating members of their pack with a bite, yet this does not forcibly bind them to you. You are a Werewolf and all that entails.

Regeneration stage 1/4 - Werewolves are famed for their ability to shrug off anything that's not silver. You don't have that weakness. You heal, yes, but not as fast. Natural regeneration accelerated. Superficial wounds heal quickly, debilitating wounds heal depending on severity. Fatal wounds are survivable.

Werewolf Senses stage 1/4 - Werewolves are hunters. Masters of preying on all manner of beast and creature. They hunt, they smell, hear, track, and savor their prey. As a Werewolf, your base senses are more advanced then a humans.

Werewolf Strength stage 1/4 - Werewolves are superior to their wolf cousins and humans. You are capable of rending steel and destroying concrete. There is more to this strength, but you are still vastly stronger then them all.

Werewolf Form (Locked) - What is a Werewolf without their form? All perimeters tripled in Werewolf form. Ability locked until requirements met.

Werewolf instincts 1/1 - As a Werewolf, you are a beast in human skin. You are a Werewolf and all that entails. Capable of knowing how to use your powers, how to hunt, how to be a creature that runs through the wilds.

Gray Wolf Transformation - As a Werewolf, there are forms such as their cousins that they choose to be when human form is too boring. You're wolf form is a Gray Wolf. Capable of becoming a Gray Wolf and switch forms on a whim.

Wolf King's Aura 1/1 - The king of Werewolves is easily recognized. You are a hunter among hunters, a beast amongst beasts. Lesser creatures with any kind of wolf blood will recognize this. They may be easily cowed and follow their king based on your strength.

Wolf King's Wisdom stage (Locked) - As a king, you understand more then ruling with an iron fist. You understand how to rule, how to wage war, and how to achieve victory. Ability locked until requirements met.

Wolf King's Wrath (Locked) - Werewolves do not claim the seat of king peacefully, you understand this and you have reached the strength to claim the throne as your own. Unleash the wrath of the Werewolf king on any who stand in your way. Ability locked until requirements met.

The One True Wolf (Locked) - You are a king amongst kings. You are a Werewolf with no equal. Your strength is enough to raze continents to the ground and tear the world asunder. Ability locked until requirements met.

"Holy shit... I NEED that last one. I NEEEEED IIIIT!" I was damn near drooling at the final ability. That sounded like some shit i'd use to fight something on Raizel's level. But those locked skills and the ones i need to advance... How do i get those?

Regeneration requirements - Heal from 1/200 major wounds.

Werewolf Senses requirements - Track 0/30 scents, trails or prey to their current location.

Werewolf Strength requirements - Slay 0/150 zombies.

Werewolf Form requirements - reach stage 2 in Regeneration, Senses, Strength to unlock stage 1.

Wolf King's Wisdom unlock requirements - Lead a pack against your enemies 0/50 times.

Wolf King's Wrath unlock requirements - Slay 0/10,000,000 zombies for stage 1.

The One True Wolf unlock requirements - Slay 0/1,000,000,000 zombies.

Huh, looks like I was going to be here for a while. Oh well. With all that done, I was excited to try shit out, so I thought about the 'Grey Wolf Transformation' and used it. Right away, I could tell i was changing. I instinctively dropped to all 4s, my clothes went... Somewhere, and I changed. I grew fur, my hands shifted to paws, and I could see a snout sprout from my face. I even felt the ears and tail grow. When all was said and done, I was a wolf. And as wolves do, I howled into the sky.

I didn't know how to put it into words, but... I felt... Unchained? Free? Like I just took a mountain off my back and threw back a shot of scotch on warm day. This just felt amazing. And I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to run. So i did.

I ran, and gods it felt amazing. The ground beneath my paws, the wind whipping through my fur as i maneuvered through the woods, between trees, over roots and through bushes. I felt so free, it felt like I had no worries in the world, and I loved it. I loved every second of it.

I didn't even feel tired as I ran for what felt like an hour, though I did want some water. So I looked for some. A while later and there I am, at a pond. I trotted on over to it, and i went to take a sip. But I paused. Looking into the pond was a wolf, duh, but it's eyes. There was a silver and black orb looking into the water, and I just paused. (I still have them... Oh my god I still have them... Thank you god, if you're listening to me, thank you so much.)

My eyes were all I really had left of my parents, and seeing that they followed me to this life just made me so incredibly happy that I couldn't keep myself from howling again. My howl of joy echoed into the night, and I basked in it. When I was done with that, I greedily drank from the pond, and did so until I had my fill.

With that done, I started to sniff around. I was getting hungry from all my running, and I wanted to chow down on something. I smelled around the pond, looking for a trace of anything else that came by for a drink, and found a scent. I looked in the direction of the animal, and ran off towards it. I didn't really mind what it was, and just hunted for my food.

I tracked the scent for a good 3 minutes? And came to a stop at a tree. (A squirrel? Probably. Wonder if it tastes like chicken...) That thought aside, I looked up at the hole in the tree, and hummed. I hadn't tested if I could climb in wolf form, so I just opted to change back. The shift was interesting. It wasn't painful, just a small bit annoying. A second later, where my clothes randomly came back somehow, and I was looking up at the hole.

I tested bringing out my claws again, and when I was satisfied, I stuck them into the tree and started to climb. It was like being a kid again, playing on the monkey bars. I could just reach out and I would have no issues with getting to where I wanted. I made it to the hole in record time, and peered into it.

I saw a squirrel sleeping inside, and grinned. I reached out with a hand, and clutched the sleeping rat in it. It woke up with a squeal and reflexively bit me. The pain was hardly there, but I still clicked my tongue. I crushed the little rat's head in my hand, and brought its body out towards me. I looked at the gory body, and scrunched my brows as I thought. "Now what? Do I eat this thing raw?"

I probably could do that too, so it was an actual option. But the thought of just eating raw squirrel didn't really sit right with me, so I did a pro gamer move. I climbed down from the tree, enlarged my claws, and sliced into it. I wasn't going to eat it with its fur and tail hair, which was what it was, so I had to take them off. I butchered it, and took the small bits of meat and few organs that I wanted, and just left the rest of it by the tree.

Cycle of life and all that shit.

With my meat in hand, I laughed at the way I thought that, I went to grab some fallen branches and twigs in the other. A few minutes later, and I'm starting a campfire. I put the squirrel meat on the branch, and held it over the fire. I watched it cook, hummed the monster hunter music for cooking, and took it back when it was done. I looked at my squirrel meat skewer, and just took a bite.

"Hm... Nothing like chicken. But it's fine. Maybe I should find some seasoning or something like that? Thoughts for later I guess." I ate my relatively good squirrel skewer, and put out the fire after I was done. I didn't want to burn the forest down after all.

Satisfied with my small meal, I started to feel a little tired, and was even contemplating just waiting till I found civilization before I slept. Though the call to sleep won out. So I shifted back to my wolf form, and searched for a place to sleep. I spent a good 5? Minutes looking, got fed up that i didn't find any empty ones, and just said fuck it and dug my own. One cozy burrow later, and I started to drift off to sleep. I'd deal with finding my way out of the forest tomorrow.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


