85.71% One Piece Online : A Grand Journey / Chapter 12: Ch 12 Oni D Huey

章 12: Ch 12 Oni D Huey

Hanging from the cliff side with my legs dangling I reach up with my right arm to grasp a small hole in the mountain, I'm about a quarter of the way up and incredibly exhausted with no using my legs I have no way to rest my arms.

I think I'm going to drop soon but I'm going to push as far as I can, this is at least good training my STR and VIT went up by 3 each.

I managed to make it 8 more handholds up before I fall to the bottom.


I inhale sharply at the damage, my INT tells me that if I fall from 3-fifths up or more that it's a death sentence. This seems impossible at my current strength and I'm sure Huey knows this, meaning this might take a while.

Luckily I have high INT, so to start I'm going to make a parachute so I can start grinding my stats without fear of death.

When consuming all the knowledge I deemed important in the library back on Crossroads, there were no books on aviation or aerodynamics likely because of the World Government.

Meaning the crafting system and my INT won't help me when designing a plane, though I still plan to try in the future.

For now, I get to work on designing a parachute, due to a lack of knowledge it's hard but my INT keeps suggesting improvements.

I go back to the village to get supplies for the parachute and make sure to get surplus to make multiple versions or improvements if necessary.

While there I see BlazeMasters walking around albeit limping, still in his shades and leather jacket. He looks conflicted and nervous and Damien is saying to him.

"I know it's weird, but it will make you way stronger more than anything else on this crappy island"

"But it makes me look so lame with that ballet shit and the teacher is crazy" Blaze says.

"If you want to beat that asshole giant you need to get stronger" Damien tells him but then looks to the right to see me grinning at them.

"You're right I'm going to kill that Giant" Blaze proclaims with his fist in the sky, he then notices Damiens's shocked face and turns to look at me.

I slip on my left-handed spring knuckle and arm it then turn away from them towards a tree. I punch full force and release the mechanism.


The struck spot is caved in and 3 clear puncture marks stain the surface of the tree.

"I'm ready to fight anytime, I won't go easy on you again" I say without looking back.

Blaze turns to Damien and says "Ya I'll learn this Okama Kenpo thing" and walks in the opposite direction.

When I get back to the sight of the mountain I start sewing the fabric portion of the chute.

Suddenly Huey drops from above. "What are you doing?" Huey asks looking on confused.

"I'm making a parachute so I don't die when I fall from too high up" I reply.

"Smart, I'll allow it but no making anything to make the climb easier" Huey says.

"Yes Master Huey"

"Also when reaching your arms up for climbing try to make it a swift movement like a punch, it increases the difficulty but will increase your training speed later" Master Huey said as he 'climbed' up again.

After he left I finished the parachute V1 and climbed up the cliff a distance and jumped off.


It slowed me down a bit but didn't work as I wanted it to, I go back to work on the design and find that my INT is telling me more than before. It seems knowledge can be gained from more than just reading.

I run through 2 more tests and finally landed on the parachute V3, it actually lets me float through the air and land softly with no damage.

I strap on the chute and begin mastering this climb.

Attempt 1

I make it a third of the way up before plummeting down and pulling my chute. I see a nice view on the way down, I land and rest up before starting again.

Attempt 2

I almost managed to get halfway before I grabbed a loose rock and ended up falling.

Attempt 3

I make it to the halfway point before I get pelted in the head with a clump of dirt "You need to keep alert at all times in a fight" Huey shouts at me from the top and I fall I pull the chute.

Attempt 6

I'm now 3 quarters of the way up, it's getting colder and Master Huey attacked me more often now, speaking of which a hunk of dirt hurtles towards my face. I take my left hand out of the cliff and smack it away from my face, but behind it was another clump and I was knocked off again.

Attempt 10

I'm almost at the top now I look up to see another boulder coming down at me, I swing my body to the right and pull hard launching me horizontally and out of the boulder's path.

I keep climbing dodging everything thrown at me and finally pulled myself over the edge of the cliff and onto the top of the mountain. I take a minute to catch my breath then stand to see Master Huey looking happy.

"You're done faster than I thought and your body is much stronger now" he said.

I opened my Status to check my stats.

Eiichiro Oda

Knowledge Hunter, Achievement Hunter, Giga Brain, Tough Life


Level 13

Health 1200

STR 64

AGI 44

VIT 60

INT 62

CHA 25

Points 0

Looking good.

"Master, will I begin VI Step Boxing now ?" I ask.

"Indeed follow me" I'm told.

At the top of the mountain is this plateau where Huey has put a nice house and seemingly a training deck.

He steps onto the deck and says "Watch this it is the first Step, Speed Step"

Huey begins to move his feet rapidly and then unleashes a flurry of rapid blows so fast it looks like he has multiple fists.

He stops and then calls me closer to watch as he runs through the steps more slowly and after observing him then repeating the steps I get an announcement

Brawling LVL 28 —----> VI Step Boxing LVL 1

I an unexpected announcement but not that big of a loss.

I begin running through the steps faster and somehow I find my punches flying faster, but I'm feeling weaker I look at my stats and see.

Eiichiro Oda

Knowledge Hunter, Achievement Hunter, Giga Brain, Tough Life


Level 13

Health 1200

STR 64

AGI 44 X2

VIT 60 X0.5

INT 62

CHA 25

Points 0

Interesting the Speed Step is like a temporary buff that only works while I'm doing the steps, also I can't run far while performing the steps meaning I can't use it to travel fast but instead to better attack the enemy.

It halves my VIT, looks like I have to trade on for the other.

I spend all day practicing the step and my punches before Huey calls it time to stop, he offers me a cup of sake, and I take it with pride.

I've taken the first steps to my pirate adventure this fighting style plus a strong Devil Fruit will take me far, I wonder what the other 4 steps are.

"Master Huey, I can tell you also hate the World Government did you used to be a pirate?" I ask Huey.

"No I was never a pirate, but I still oppose the World Government" Huey says looking straight ahead"

That could mean he's a former marine, though I have a feeling he might be a revolutionary.

"Master Huey, does that mean you are a revolutionary?" I ask expectantly.

"Ahe that's true, have been for just over 15 years" Huey told me quietly.

--Achievement Unlocked--

First to meet a Revolutionary Army member

+10 Stat points

"I thought you were special ever since I heard your name" I say.

"You know about the will of D huh" Huey tells me.

--Achievement unlocked--

Marine secrets Will of D +5 INT

"Ya I heard about it, so as a revolutionary member you must know a lot of secrets hidden by the marines, can you tell me some know thy enemy and all that" I ask if I can get more INT it can only help me.

"Sure I'm always willing to uncover the crimes of the marines, the day everyone knows the truth is the day we win" Huey tells me.

Through talking, I get 7 more Achievements.

Marine secrets Slavery +5 INT

Marine secrets Buster call Ohara +5 INT

Marine secrets God valley +5 INT

Marine secrets CP0 +5 INT

Marine secrets Void century purge +5 INT

Marine secrets Celestial Dragon true nature +5 INT

Marine secrets Amber lead scandal +5 INT

I'm so close to 100 INT.

Current Status

Eiichiro Oda

Knowledge Hunter, Achievement Hunter, Giga Brain, Tough Life


Level 13

Health 1200

STR 64

AGI 44

VIT 60

INT 97

CHA 25

Points 10

"Have you learned enough Oda?" Huey asks me.

"I more thing as an inventor, do the marines have any special scientists?" I ask probing for Vegapunk info.

"Yes, the marines have a Dr. Vegapunk who invented many of the marine's advancements for example he made it so an object can eat a devil fruit" Huey finishes.

--Achievement Unlocked--

Marine secrets Vegapunk +5 INT

--Achievement Unlocked--

Marine secrets Devil fruits in object +5 INT

--For reaching 100 INT--

X2 all skill gain

--Achievement Unlocked--

Galaxy Brain Title

--For being the first to reach 100 INT--

Skill Analyzing Touch

Wow, I now have 107 INT, now my skills should level quicker and non-combat skills should now level at X4 speed.

I try to activate this analyzing touch skill and instantly I can see and feel every inch of the sake cup in my hand I think I can tell exactly how it's made and could replicate it with little work.

"Thank you for sharing with me Master Huey I feel much more knowledgeable and my reason to oppose the World Government has grown greatly" I say showing my appreciation.

"Good I hope you have your parachute on because when training with me you'll sleep on the ground floor" Huey says as he picks me up and chucks me off the cliff.

"See you back at the top tomorrow, good night" He shouts down as I plummet down.

I pull the chute and start floating down, I use my analyzing touch on the parachute and see the whole structure from the canvas to the ropes to the harness.

I can see the ropes attached to the left side of my harness are close to tearing and will probably break in the next two uses. Additionally, my INT is now suggesting many improvements including a much more accurate directional control system and how to add an emergency chute.

I land and start heading back to the Inn in the village to sleep and upgrade my chute.


Elsewhere on Karate Island

Rocky69 walks out of the ocean onto to island's beach, he takes off the breathing apparatus made of shells attached to his face.

He looks back to the ocean he emerged from and then down to his well-worn hands and smiles in satisfaction.


It's morning now and I walk back to the cliff face in order to climb up again to continue training.

I climb up again and Huey doesn't give me a break and continues to hurl rocks at me but now he's throwing them faster rather than just dropping them.

When I get to the top Huey offers me a hand and I take it, he grabs my hand and uses it to push me off again.

"Son of a bitch" I shout as I fall down again.

I use my chute to float down again but now I have much better control over my direction and use this opportunity to have fun floating around in circles, learning more first-hand knowledge of aerodynamics.

After some time has passed I now made it to the top again he gave me his hand again but I ignored it and got myself up.

"Welcome back Oda ready to learn step 2" Huey said completely ignoring his past betrayal.

"Sure" I say giving him a heartbroken glare but he just starts laughing.

"Come ill show you the second step, though it's more of a move" Master Huey says as he takes a fighting stance and stands before me I mimic him.

He charges in and hits me with a quick left jab to my face.


Not too bad but I know he's holding back a lot, I go to hit back but without moving his right arm he steps forward and elbows me in the center of my forehead.

I try to move but my head is spinning and my moves are sluggish after about 1 solid second I get my bearings and move but his right fist is already in my face, and he stops an inch away.

"The Double Tap is a move where you punch and then step forward and quickly slam your elbow into the center of the opponent's forehead to stun them and then you can prepare to deliver a heavy blow"

The move seems to be a stun, I wasn't expecting to gain a CC move that wasn't devil fruit based.

I spend the next couple of hours practicing the Double Tap, I should mention he's not just teaching me these special steps but also different punches and guards as well as how to move and the best places to aim for damage.

While practicing the first and second steps I haven't gained any skills for them but my VI Steps Boxing skill keeps leveling up, especially with my new X2 skill gain.

Afterward, he showed me the Third Step called Strength Step which gives X2 STR and Half AGI. This form is better for when you are straight in front of your enemy and don't plan on running away.

When I was in town I bought some expensive sake for Master Huey since he refuses to accept my money, better a gift than a payment.

He accepted and we started drinking together after many cups and many laughs I asked.

"So Master Huey why did you join the Revolutionary Army?"

He made a sad face then looked away from me and said.

"When I was a young man in my twenties I was wild and unruly I thought I was untouchable, I spent my time starting fights and drinking"

"Soon enough I outstayed my welcome back on my home island and traveled to Baterilla about 16 years ago and met my Maxime. She was beautiful and she tamed my heart"

"Life from then on was a dream I started cutting trees and selling lumber on the island and spent my days with Maxime, eventually she fell pregnant and I couldn't have been happier" Huey continued still looking away.

"Around that time there was another world-changing development, news got out that Gold Roger King of the Pirates was executed and of his proclamation of the One Piece"

"It didn't affect me though I was happy just being a husband and father. unfortunately, Tragedy struck and Maxime died in childbirth but she gave birth to my son whom I named Max after my fallen angel"

"It was tough raising Max alone but I worked through it and Max gave me strength, though I had lost Maxime what she gave me was a son to raise in honor of her" Huey sounded so happy when he said that but then his shoulders slouched and he started quivering.

"Then the Marines came to town, I was home feeding little Max when suddenly the Marines broke down my door and stormed in. A marine looked at Max and said black hair do it and suddenly the Marines grabbed Max and me" Huey is now openly sobbing.

"They took a knife and killed him in front of me, I broke free and launched at the head Marine to kill him I got one good punch in before they restrained me and locked me up"

"They took me on the ship and I was told they were going to sell me into slavery, but luckily the vessel was attacked by the Revolutionary Army South Blue Commander Lindbergh. He saved me and offered me a place in the revolutionary army, I took it and the rest is history" Huey said finally calming down.

"I know you plan to be a pirate but I can offer you a place in the Army as an associate, you can still sail about doing your thing but you get access to the Revolutionary Army intelligence and must screw with the World Government whenever possible" Huey said eyes still red

He offers his hand and I take it. I planned to do so anyway but now I get free info.

--Achievement Unlocked--

Title First Member

+15 Stat points

Nice 5 free levels of points my status now looks like.

Eiichiro Oda

Knowledge Hunter, Achievement Hunter, Giga Brain, Tough Life, Galaxy Brain, First Member


Level 13

Health 1200

STR 65

AGI 48

VIT 60

INT 107

CHA 25

Points 25


Voice of all things LVL MAX

Memorization LVL MAX

Healthy Body LVL MAX

Super Strength LVL MAX

VI Step Boxing LVL 21

Engineering LVL 38

Doctor LVL 36

Chemistry LVL 22

Blacksmithing LVL 14

Archeology LVL 12

Navigation LVL 14

Ship Wright LVL 13


A nice long chapter

Some good training and the first 3 steps

As well as Oni D Huey's backstory what do you think?

Tried to make it sad like One Piece

Also with the VI step boxing and Spring Knuckles, I took a lot of inspiration from Arcane if you having trouble picturing mc fight watch vi fights

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C12
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


