Green hat antagonist in Dc: Arrowverse Green hat antagonist in Dc: Arrowverse original

Green hat antagonist in Dc: Arrowverse

作者: Taranpreet_TPSK

© WebNovel

chapter 1: what the hell?!

General pov

In an underground Basement parking, there is a Black luxury car, an Aston Martin Vantage Roadster. Some passerby glance at it from time to time in irritation. Why irritation you ask? Well the skinny Caucasian man on the driver seat, dressed like a geek with dirty blonde hair is playing loud music in the car with his head down on the steering wheel for quite some time now that is inconveniencing their peace of mind.

After 10 minutes or so, a young blonde women in a black overcoat with a alluring figure, like an angel, charming like a fairy, comes out of the staircase connected to the upper level of the building and reaches the destination of the black aston martin and knocks the door to alert the person of her entry.

As if the person was asleep, was jolted up from the sudden noise and poke from the beauty in work clothes, accentuating her curves... envy of most women out in the world indeed. She spoke out to the dazed man which sounded sweet and smooth in his ears, like soft honey.

???: "Hey sweetie! You awake? Don't tell me you overworked yourself again...haah.. your grannie will kill me if this she finds out."

Mc: "Huh?!...WHAT THE HELL!"


MC Pov

Feeling a shake on my body, I slowly opened my eyes to see the cretin who disturbed my beauty sleep, only to stop still in my tracks. i noticed the speaker of that sweet voice and it was like the world stopped. The woman in front of me was a bombshell alright...even all the woman I've been in a relationship with before. What made me dazed was not her beauty but who she was.

Mc: "...Huh?"

'How F*ck is Emily B. Rickards here and why is she dressed as felicity smoak from The Arrow tv show'. But the sudden feeling of intense Head pain brought me back from my thoughts.

Mc:"argh! WHAT THE HELL!"

Felicity: "What happened are you okay Coopie?!!"

The pain I felt was memories of myself(?) rushing through my brain like lightning and jolting through me at 300 volts enough to roast me alive.

Seeing the worry in Felicity's eyes, i don't know why but for some reason made my heart bleed ...so I decided to get my shit together and first understand my situation and circumstances.

Mc: "ah..ahem...sorry about that Felicity it seems that I experienced a muscle cramp due to this sleeping position of mine...my bad haha..."

Felicity: "Are you sure?... I saw that it hurt quite a bit for you of all people to scream like a little girl."

Mc: "Oh...is that how I acted...so embarrassing." my cheeks taking a hue of red dust.

Felicity: "Ah....you look so cute Sel-chan~"

Wait WHAT... why is she using Japanese suffix... and ... why does it feel so hot even though i am not an anime obsessed otaku?!! ... But why does this scene of her entering the car in those clothes seem so familiar...? Must be my Imagination.


Felicity pov

I had a hard day at work today...like...I mean how does a guy carelessly make a totally glitched program filled with thousand's of bugs and still not be kicked out of the company by the upper management .... he has horse-shit level skills... urgh...those old coots...nepotism first hand huh. Whatever, atleast today cant get any worse than this atleast.

A/n: ya just jinxed yourself lil'gurl hiyah hiyah ha

kuh! Why did i fell a shiver run down my spine...must be the cold...definetly...right.

Oh i see coopie's car...he's asleep despite the loud music...he looks so cute, i wish he'd let me recharge coopie power by squeeze those cheeks of his... jumpscare time babe

*siniter smile forming*


Narrator pov

After Felicity's little stunt ... the atmosphere in the car returned to normal until....

Hearing some rustling noise from behind ...Felicity and Mc's head snaps to the back seat of the car to see a hooded figure in green hunter-like leather costume covered in blood and still flowing...spoke in a quivering voice.

???: "I'm not gonna hurt you Felicity and ... Mr.Seldon..*pant*"

Mc | Felicity : "huoh!?" " " How do you know my name??!!" ".

???: "*pant*..huff...because you both know my name."


MC pov

My mind could only come up with one though at that instance...'yup. Shit just went from Zero to One Hundred Real F*ckin' Quick '.

Time to act here goes nothing...

Mc | Felicity: " "Oh." "

Felicity: "Wow.

Everything about you just became so unbelievably clear....You're bleeding."

"yup its pouring like a flood!" I remarked.

"I don't need to be told that." replied Oliver snarkily.

"Ugh...Listen felicity i'm gonna stop the bleeding with the first-aid i have in the car for emergency.you try to distract the attention of the passerby in order to keep this hidden. " I told her while ignoring oliver's tantrum ...god growup already... and getting ready for the procedure, I headed to the backseat.

"You need a hospital." Felicity said in a low voice but audible to everyone present.

"My...My father's old factory in the Glades." said Oliver in a tierd voice whilegetting patched up by me.

"No, you need a doctor, not a steel worker." said Felicity in her 'loud' voice.

"Felicity...Mr.Seldon you have to promise me that you are gonna take me to my father's factory and nowhere else."said oliver after getting patched up by me and me entering the driver seat.

"Yeah, promise." said Felicity looking at me with puppy eyes.

"Hmph...Mr. Oliver please put the destination of the place on my tablet and put on your seat belts because this is an emergency and i'm not gonna let my patient die in my own car...hah...Something tells me bloodstains are not covered under my Premium Car Care Service." I grumbled to myself while puffing up my cheeks. Which next second were squeezed by felicity murmuring 'adorable' with a light blush.

After that fiasco I zoomed of through the exit of the basement parking and into the streets being guided by the gps showing my previous life(?) street racing skills and into the steep and narrow alley way leading to the Queen's hideout while speeding in the glades and loosing the chase of cop cars behind me in to garage(?) inside the building.

Swiftly pulling out now unconcious Oliver, from the backseat of the car and instructing Felicity to inform whoever there is in the hideout to help them in carrying Oliver to the room with equipment so that he could treat them as he has become weak and doesn't have enough strenght to help Oliver alone.

Taking a deep breath in, he prepares his mind to the upcoming hell he is going to face due to Oliver's condition getting more critical by the second as time and tide wait for no man. Well said geeky me...


A/n: guys do you want Mc to be cucked or not ...pls tell in the comments below.👇🏻👇🏻



Taranpreet_TPSK Taranpreet_TPSK

Guys newbie author here with my first fanfic ever...pls sent honest feedback so I can improve and help in satisfying your thirst for entertainment even more...

Shameless Author Requests you to also do him a favor and donate a power stone/votes/golden tickets or 2 to this poor soul to survive in this cruel | dark world *greatful cry emoji*(is that even a thing...?)btw thnx.

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


