73.02% Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 259: War on the Frozen Shores Final Part: Vicious Duel, the Final Clash Between Lords

章 259: War on the Frozen Shores Final Part: Vicious Duel, the Final Clash Between Lords

(General POV)

Location the Norscan Shores, the Lands of the Graelings-Outside the Ruined Port/Battlefield-Dark Legion Vs World Walkers, Duel Sight between Ixion/Laharl & Wulfrik

The duel between Ixion/Laharl and Wulfrik was still ongoing.

With the Wanderer, having lost his great shield in the middle of their fight, as he now held his Torgald in two hands and was slashing at Ixion/Laharl with blind, berserk fury, a pale comparison of the duelist that he was before in this fight, as well as all the damage he suffered courtesy of Ixion/Laharl.

As Laharl easily made Ixion block and parry all of Wulfrik's attacks, and even manage to land of few of his own blows in during their brutal exchange.

Despite the Chokeslam and Bastita Bomb that Wulfrik suffered before he still wants to fight, and is incredibly bloodthirsty at the moment.

Rising his Torgald over his shoulder, and performing a short leap forward to deal a powerful downward slash on Ixion.

Only upon performing the attack, his opponent blocks it with his own sword and counters with the damned morningstar.

Laharl made Ixion deal a strong right swing of the Wailmaker aiming to hit the left shoulder of Wulfrik, as he was in very, close range and unable to respond with his greatsword in another deathlock with his own sword, the Hellbane.

But to the Dark One's surprise, he has severely underestimated his opponent, despite the position he was in Wulfrik instead of backing down, or trying to force his way to evade or parry the oncoming attack, he instead delivered a brutal shoulder tackle, straight to his avatar's face.

The shoulder pauldron, smashing into the helmet of Ixion, rattling the avatar and making so the supposed coming blow of the morningstar was useless.

Not stopping his assault, Wulfrik grabbed Ixion's head and started to pummel it with the sword's pummel over and over.

After the seventh head bash, Wulfrik was about to slash off his enemy's head only for Ixion to finally react and counter him.

The way Ixion did this was a frontal Spartan kick knocking Wulfrik away, stumbling backwards until Laharl made Ixion to deliver a follow-up attack, first a blow to the right thigh with Wailmaker.

Wulfrik screamed as the power of the morningstar surged through his leg, along with fresh blood.

Then Ixion/Laharl swung Hellbane horizontally across Wulfrik's body not a fatal slash, but still painful and blood gushing.

Now the Eternal Wanderer was bleeding, while his enemy hasn't bleed once not even when he was hit by his late Frost Chaos Dragon, this was inconceivable to him, he has faced and killed many enemies from all the races in the Old World and they all have bleed for less.

Tightening the handle of his Torgald, this was getting very interesting and exciting seems that the Gods have heard all his prayers, about sending him a truly worthy opponent at last he'll prove himself worthy of joining the halls of the Gods, upon his death but first he must kill Ixion...for the reward that has always eluded him for countless years, he rised his greatsword chest level, pointing straight at Ixion.

Ignoring the pain on his leg and thigh, all the Wanderer desired is to fight and kill his ultimate opponent soo he charged in eager to resume their duel.

Location the Norscan Shores, the Lands of the Graelings-Outside the Ruined Port/Battlefield-Dark Legion Vs World Walkers

Both armies were admist of clashing and slaughtering one another, with previous bombardment from Enzium many World Walkers and Darkoath Savagers have perished amongst them the commander of the World Walkers.

With this the Darkoath Warqueen was now in complete command of the entire forces of the World Walkers, as her tribesmen were cutting down the weak enemy marauders.

Her God-speakers were casting spells to strengthen her warriors, just as she cleaved straight through the helmet and skull of a weak Chaos knight with her great-axe, she heard a vicious roar turning as the largest Slaughterbrute came rushing towards her, crushing and tearing apart her warriors and Wulfrik's to reach her.

Rising her axe high, she yelled, "In the name of the Gods!!! I shall claim this beast's head!!!" the Warqueen, bravely charged at the slaughterbrute daemon of Khorne.

In another part of the battle, another vicious duel was being waged between the shi'lanorai Dark Wendigo and the Darkoath Chieftain.

Both matching one another strength, and ferocity with the chieftain covered in claw marks bleeding across his body, while his opponent the horned werebeast had some wounds of his own.

In various part the Dark Wendigo was cut and chopped by the Chieftain's axe especially the left shoulder that had the worse wound, a deep axe chop that almost reach his bone, cause of the depth and severity the dark wendigo's dark, violet tinted fur was drenched in his own blood.

As the Dark Wendigo howled and pounce at the darkoath savager, with the chieftain bravely standing against his vicious prey as the death duel resumed...

They swiped and swung weapons against one another, blocking, parrying, and taking the other's attack, riddling their opponents' body in more wounds and causing blood to spill onto the snow.

One of these exchange was the dark wendigo swiping his razor sharp claw onto his prey barely connecting, as the Chieftain went low, receiving a shallow wound on his back and returning the favor, by deliver a wide rising slash that cut into the dark wendigo's chest splashing blood onto the barbaric Chaos follower.

But in return, the shi'lanorai bit down on the left arm of the Chieftain, taking a couple of blows for the savage werebeast to release his deep, fang grip onto his appendage, but that arm was utterly mangled and torn apart by the Dark Wendigo's teeth.

The Chieftain's left arm was dangling and bleeding on the side, making the darkoath forced to fight completely with one single functional arm.

He rise his Great-Axe high, and was prepare to fight to death in the name of the Dark Gods.

As the Dark Wendigo sharpen his claws against one another, and growled at his prey the Chieftain despite his wound and beaten body stood proud and strong, ready for their final exchange...both looked straight into the eyes of their opponent, and charged!!

The Darkoath Chieftain with his axe in a wide stance to deliver a vertical slash, and the Dark Wendigo scrapping his claws throught the snow covered ground to deal a cross swipe, all meant to kill the other in one more blow.

Once each of them was in range they swung their respected weapon to deal the mortal blow, as a splash of blood gushed onto the snow, and they each ran pass the other...after a short movement the dark wendigo, shi'lanorai coughed out blood and held his belly from the deep wound courtesy of the darkoath savager chieftain.

But the chieftain fell on his back choking on blood and his life fading from his body, as his opponent dealt a serious fatal blows to him...apart from his mutilated and mangled arm, he has several deep, and seriously bleeding claw mark all over his muscled chest.

Some of those slashes managed to gashed the neck and throat of the darkoath warrior, hence the swiftly approaching death of the Darkoath Chieftain.

Unable to move or anything utter than choke and watch as the dark wendigo came over to him, standing over his head looking down at him as he said, "You were a worthy prey."

With that said, the shi'lanorai Pack Leader of the Shadow Hunters, rised his right bloodsoaked razor-sharp claw high and stabbed it into the heart area of the human, killing him at last and ending his suffering.

Now the victor, the Dark Wendigo let out a victory howl that was heard across the snow cover battleground all witnessing the victory of the highly Carnage mutated frost eldar, soon his howl was joined by his shadow hunters, and their wolves and hounds.

This was a mayor blow in morale to the World Walkers, but it heated the blood and hunger for battle for the Darkoath Savagers, that double their efforts in killing their enemies.

Location the Duel Sight between Ixion/Laharl & Wulfrik

Their brutal duel was still going but also reaching its inevitable climax...

Wulfrik slashed and went on a relentless onslaught against Ixion/Laharl, even managing to slash his opponent's right leg damaging the armor that blow forced Ixion to bend his knee which allowed Wulfrik to slash at his enemy's head.

Realizing Wulfrik's move Laharl forced Ixion to lean back quickly evading most of the incoming damage, but the forehead horn of Ixion Carnage state helmet was cut off.

Making the avatar stand quickly the Dark One notice the horn laying on the snow, reaching up to feel the horn on the helmet was indeed cut...Wulfrik seeing his rival wasting time on a simple armor decor, rushed in to swing his greatsword again at his target's head.

But instead of hitting its mark, a strong clank was heard and Wulfrik just witness something completely insane for him...Ixion was holding tightly onto the blade of Torgald, having just caught in mid swing!!

The Eternal Wanderer tried to retrieve his greatsword from Ixion's grasp but despite his super-strenght it wouldn't budge from the Chosen's grip.

Then he heard Ixion speak in a low tone, filled with complete anger, "You know how many souls I'll need to repair this armor? Do you? Cause your about to wish to have never piss me off!!!!"

Khorne and Nurgle felt their brother anger boiling and rising from within the Ixion, aside from the time that cursed Anathema has harmed his wives this was slightly lesser than that...but still it was clear, Laharl was mad!!!

Both Warp Gods assume it must be related to his divinity of [Creation], seems greatly damaging something that he has created or aided in it creation will set off their older brother.

As they watched Laharl intimidate the mortal warrior, Wulfrik.

Laharl was releasing a smidgen of his dark aura with Ixion's abilities dialing back the overall force of the Dark One's power and anger.

Laharl commanded Ixion to deal a brutal knee strike to the belly of Wulfrik, without restraining it physical power.

Hitting the Wanderer with its full force making him cough up blood and air, soo much was the blow that he actually let go of his blade, with Wulfrik no longer holding onto it Laharl/Ixion drop it into the snow, and reached out and grabbed the Norscan Warlord's beard.

Holding tightly in his hand, Laharl/Ixion started to punch Wulfrik's face over and over without mercy.

After of while of bashing Wulfrik's face in, he realsed his beard gave one last strong right cross to the face tossing him to the snow.

Watching Wulfrik struggle to stand and coughing Laharl commanded Ixion to gather energy through the right arm of his, as he was about to finish this fight with a [Chaos Strike] to Wulfrik.

Still squirming and forcing himself up, Wulfrik barely heard his rival say him, "Get up...I'm not done with you yet. GET UP!!!!" refusing to lose or surrender the Eternal Wanderer, pushed through the pain and managed to stand...batter, bruised and bleeding.

Wabling as he stood, he walked towards Ixion with a violet energy coating his right arm, struggling to walk or stay conscious Wulfrik made it to Ixion's face.

Panting and still bleeding a bit out his mouth, he swung a lazy punch at Ixion which did nothing as all the strength of Wulfrik was quickly leaving his body and they both knew this...

Looking at him, Wulfrik tried again and again but he was just hurting himself instead of Laharl.

That's when Laharl had Ixion grab Wulfrik by the collar, lifting up the snow for Wulfrik to grab onto Ixion's arm and spit blood at him, saying with a bloody smile, "It was a good fight. Glory to the Gods. Hahehahee." Laharl scuffed through Ixion as he threw him high into the air, and as he fell catch him with a charged-up Chaos Strike to Wulfrik's chest.

The impact held such force and power that it sent Wulfrik flying, as he stood straight he walked back to retrieve the dragon head, the swords, and the cut horn, once he did so, the Dark One started making Ixion walk back to the main battle.

Location the Norscan Shores, the Lands of the Graelings-Outside the Ruined Port/Battlefield-Dark Legion Vs World Walkers

The fighting resumed and the Warqueen was having a difficult time harming the slaughterbrute that charged at her.

All her axe strikes were utterly useless against, of course she has no idea she was not fighting a Chaos Monster, but instead a recently made khornate daemon.

Dodging the slaughterbrute's claw, she was about to attack rising her battle-axe high and letting out a battle cry when...

The sound of something crashing into the snow and ground was heard by all.

As a crater formed in the middle of the battlefield, a couple of World Walkers and Dark Legion warriors looked inside the crater to see the mighty warlord and champion of the Chaos Gods, Wulfrik the Wanderer beaten, covered in bruises, cuts, and Blood.

Still alive but it was clear he was beaten...

Shocked at the state of the great Wanderer, as a powerful and angry presence was making it way to the battlefield.

It was Ixion/Laharl showing some signs of damage and clear anger, holding his sword Hellbane in one hand, and the sword of Wulfrik, the Torgald in the other hand.

Making his way towards where Wulfrik landed, all his followers mortal and immortal bowed and made way, so did the World Walkers that once were in the middle of fighting they also hastily made way for Ixion/Laharl to pass.

Standing proud over the beaten and battered Wulfrik unconscious and broken in the snow, he tossed the Torgald inside the crater, landing beside the broken man, it was clear to all that Ixion Daemonhart, and his army of the Dark Legion of the Damned have won.

As Laharl calmed down and apologized to his brothers, not understanding why he lost control of himself like that, until both his brothers explain it must be a connection to his [Creator] as this the first he personally experienced one of his creations receive such extensive damage...which made a lot of sense to him.

That's when Whiptail landed next to him, his master, rubbing his lion head beside Ixion/Laharl petted the exalted manticore before addressing all that stood there, "We've won!! The Gods favor us, over Wulfrik!!! I give all a choice...serve us and our Dark Legion, or perish under our wrath. Choice quickly."

The remaining World Walkers all kneeled before Ixion Daemonhart, swearing to serve him and conquest, turning to the Darkoath Warqueen that made her way through everyone.

She presented a run rock, the ones used for their sacred darkoaths she cut her other hand and splash blood onto the rock, swearing to the Gods and Ixion/Laharl that the Darkoath Savagers shall serve as the loyal blades of the true Chosen of the Gods!!!!

Being the God of Oaths, he bound them to the oath, as he rised his sword, as a sign of victory all cheered and praise Ixion...

After that he commanded all to enter Enzium, for their conquest is far from over, as the entire Dark Legion headed to the Living Daemon Fortress to rest and wait for the next battle, Ixion/Laharl stared down at the beaten Wulfrik he was very close to killing the bastard if he didn't have his endurance, he for sure would have died from that last blow.

Regardless he gathered the power of the Void and swallowed Wulfrik and his sword into it, then tossed inside his tower shield having called it fort, as well all the while from up in the sky, the Speaker, Zxaie-xie watched everything unfold.

Once again the faker has came out victorious and stronger than before, enraging the Speaker, as he flew back into Enzium he must know what happened to Wulfrik and how Kholek became a Daemon Prince?

That knowledge and power should solely belong to Lord Archeon, as the Speaker continues his schemes to depose Ixion...

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