18.75% Starting Again In The MCU / Chapter 3: Chapter 3 (Rewrite)

章 3: Chapter 3 (Rewrite)

Sometime later after the Doctor had been and checked my wounds and on the babies I was allowed to leave with a script for pain medication, instructions to return in a week's time for a check up, and orders not to drive for four weeks. With a reminder to have the birth registration forms filled out soon I pick up my larger backpack, handbag and carry a child in each arm to finally leave the hospital.

Walking out to the car park I walked to my car a white 1995 corolla hatchback that is in the farthest car park where I left it before as there was no parking closer. With no choice I hold both babies in one arm while I get my keys out.

Unlocking the car, I open the back door and carefully put one of the babies in the car seat before moving around to the other side to put the other baby in his seat. Tightening the straps before checking the straps of Sage's seat.

Looking around for any camera's I put the backpack in the boot before checking to see if there is anyone around and see that there was no one I summoned Alfred.


[Confirm Summon Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth (Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice)? Y/N?]


[Use a Background Customization Card? Y/N?]


Up on the transparent screen the default information for Pennyworth is depicted as Bruce Wayne's loyal and tireless butler, legal guardian, best friend, moral compass, and aide-de-camp.

I look over the skills and abilities list:

Classically trained British Butler

Ex-Special Operations

Skilled actor

Trained in emergency medical techniques

Proficient with mechanical and computer systems

Expert in domestic sciences

Unflappable manner

Unlike Batman, perfectly willing to wield firearms and kill during times of crisis

After editing some details that made it so that my maternal grandfather saved Alfred's life when Alfred was a member of the SAS. Alfred came to help his grandchild in his now retired years after working as a butler for a wealthy American family. This will add a background for Alfred in this world.

[Confirm changes? Y/N?]


I wasn't sure what I was expecting but having a person appear out of nowhere with a suitcase wasn't it. Having Jeremy Irons stare at you while being Alfred is highly unsettling.

"Well Mistress Samantha, I'm sure you didn't bring me here to stare at me. How may I serve you? I certainly hope that you won't be like Master Bruce and go around being a hero in a bat costume." He delivers his line with his classic stoic face.

"Hell no! I don't like bats or spandex and please call me Sam." Grinning at Alfred I gesture to the driver's door. "All I need right now is a friend to keep me sane and someone to help me. Right now that means driving me around since I'm not allowed to driver"

Alfred smiles and goes to open the passenger door helping me get in before putting his suitcase in an already full boot and going around to get in the driver seat.

"Where to Ma'am?" He starts the car and gets himself set.

With Alfred's help we get to the cabin and get the babies inside. He has ordered me to sit and rest on the couch and feed the babies while he brings all the things in from the car including the car seats to make room in the car for shopping.

By this time it is 11:00 am. Alfred had started to list all the items that we needed for the next few days after checking what was already at the cabin. Starting with more nappies, food and bassinets.

"Here take these to sell at the pawn shop, take my phone and this card to get more money if you need it. Don't buy the most expensive things, I'm not a Wayne." I summon the ruby and watch from the cards and hand them over with the other items.

"Very good Mistress Sam."

After he left I fed and changed the babies before I put them on the rug on the floor and put a blanket over them to keep them warm. It wasn't the safest thing to do but until we get the proper stuff it will have to do for now.

I sit on the couch next to them to keep an close eye on them while I work. Pulling out the Computer Programming skill book card I summoned it. For now I want to focus on healing and getting a better income. I should be able to do something with computers.

Maybe make a website this doesn't exist here. Make enough money to start my own tech company. I have no idea's how to make anything. I could hire someone and get them to make what I am thinking about but the problem with that is that most experts already work for the other tech companies out there.

I have Alfred. He most likely knows how to make most if not all of Batman's tech. This is a big possibility but the money necessary to even get it off the ground wouldn't be a small amount. I plan on using Alfred's knowledge in tech once we have some form of capital.

I can't keep using the free rolls as that won't get me anywhere. I've been lucky so far but that probably won't last. Getting Alfred has to be the best thing that could happen to me right now. Allowing her to get things done while still healing. Plus he has experience dealing with households, businesses, heroes and spies.

My biggest concerns right now are making money, keeping my kids safe and getting stronger. Saving the others will have to wait for now. I spend the time until Alfred returns to start on the skill book.

Alfred wasn't expecting to be in the service of someone other than a Wayne. He believed he would die helping Bruce be Batman. The never ending nights. The constant work needed to run the household, and making sure that the business kept on going.

After he died he was hoping to rest. But a voice spoke to him asking if he would help this young woman in her mission. It promised laughter and joy to what had become a rather bleak life that he had lived.

He had agreed without much thought. He was used to working. How could he lay to rest now when someone needed him.

Seeing her tired but happy face had been a pleasant surprise. He wasn't sure what he had been expecting but Samantha was not her. She was short, about 165 cm (5'4") and looked almost Elven-like. Pale hair and skin. Her eyes are what drew me in. Large and honest, showing a deep fear behind them that I doubt she realizes herself.

Right now I am doing the tasks that she asked me to do. Simple, easy to accomplish tasks that would have been nothing to Bruce, but I could see the relief when she had someone to help her.

After negotiating a good price for the watch and gem, $11,400, that watch was expensive. I buy myself a cell phone to be able to connect with Mistress Samantha and a baby monitor and move on to the baby store to get the bassinets and stroller before going to the mall to purchase the rest of the baby items and our groceries. After Spending $1,200 on everything that was needed. I head back to the cabin we are currently staying in.

Hearing a knock on the door l turn to check who it is before carrying a still feeding Levi over to the door and opening it wide for Alfred to bring in the things he is holding. I had already moved Sage into a little fort on my bed I had created after feeding her.

"How did you get on with everything Alfred?" I'm curious about all the things he bought.

"I believe I was able to get everything we needed, Ma'am. We can go through everything after I have it all brought inside." He props the door open and starts bringing everything inside in record time.

Levi has finished feeding now so I burp him and rock him to sleep. When he's asleep I place him next to his sister in the little baby fort. Leaving the door open so that we can keep an eye on them I headed back into the small main room.

I pick up the bags of food from near the door leaving the heavier one that I'm not allowed to lift and carry them to the kitchen and unpack them onto the counter. I won't put them away as Alfred will just change it all anyway but it gets some of the things out of the way. Folding the plastic bags I put them on the table before moving on to the smaller and lighter looking bags.

Baby clothes. Plain onesies and some nice going out outfits, nothing too much as we don't have a lot of money. I start pulling off labels to get the clothes ready to wash. Under one of the bags I notice a laundry basket and pull it out to put the new clothes in to be washed.

It's a strangely normal feeling. Just a mundane activity. In another world. Together with a person from yet another world. It was a weird slice of life story that was happening to her so far. This is not a safe world, nor was it an easy world. But I was going to make it a happy one for my little family.

Alfred finished bringing in all of the shopping, locked my car and closed the open door behind him before putting my car keys on the kitchen bench. He then quickly put the cold and frozen food away.

"I didn't want to put it away as I figured that you would prefer it all in a certain spot. So, I just moved them closer to the kitchen itself" I nodded towards the groceries on the bench.

"That wasn't necessary, but thank you very much ma'am." Alfred gave a formal smile and nod.

I know it will take a while to build up the necessary affection. At the moment we are just familiar strangers in an employer employee relationship. It shouldn't be hard to gain his affection. He has a soft spot for children in the comics and cartoons. I doubt he's much different in the movies. Though, I don't really remember too much about him from the movies. I was always more of a Marvel fan. Nothing wrong with DC, just found Marvel more interesting.

My biggest issue. I don't remember everything about any of the fiction I have read or watched over all my years. The system gives me some information but it's not everything. It will have to do until I can get a skill book for better memory or intelligence or a character but even then I might not be able to remember thing for my past life.

After I finish pulling the labels of the clothes and Alfred has finished with the food we work together to build the bassinets, remove the sheets it's packaging and pull the mattresses out for airing before later use. Alfred gathered all the laundry, laundry detergent and some change and went to the caravan parks laundry room.

Pulling the clean clothes out of my bag I put them in my room. I then put my dirty clothes next to the front door to be washed later. I put my toiletries in the bathroom and pull out the maternity pads packets and put one in my bedroom and the others in the bathroom.

I am hoping to get a health potion of something soon in order not to have to deal with this for a long time. Actually that's probably a bad Idea until I've been cleared by the doctors. I don't want to get on Shields radar yet.

Grabbing my laptop out of my bag I bring up google and check the latest news. Nothing interesting. Just Tony sleeping around again and the Ratatouille movie is about to be released in the cinemas. Nothing major.

I start googling names. Reed Richards nothing. Charles Xavier nothing. Doctor Doom nothing. Seems this is a pure MCU world. Earth - 199999. I then start googling soulmates.

The information I have is the same as what I find on the net. There is even a website that can help people find their soulmate/s. Every person with a soulmate has a tattoo to represent them on their body. Soulmarks usually appear on the body from ages 5-16. There are rare cases of getting them earlier or later but the standard age is 5-16.

When soul-sibling find each other it feels like being with your best friend that you have know forever. Some even say its like a warm blanket on a cold night. Some people even state that they would rather have a soul-sibling than a soulmate.

When a person finds their mate the mark feels like it's burning. Even if a person is missing a limb or the mark has been removed the person will still know. The burning will stop when the mates touch or they get too far away from each other.

I stop researching when Alfred returns.

"Welcome back," I smile at him.

"The washing is on the line. Are you hungry Ma'am?" He smiles at me before checking on the twins.

"Yes actually."

"How about a sandwich?"

"Perfect. I'm not that fussy. So how much money did we make by the way?" I watch Alfred as he moves from the bedroom to the kitchen to make us food. I know it won't be long before the kids are awake again to be fed and changed.

"$10,200 after all the purchases Ma'am. I also took the liberty of purchasing you a breast pump and some baby bottles so we can share the night shift. I'll wash it after lunch."

"That's a good idea. Thank you Alfred."

"Perhaps you could tell me how you are able to just make things appear, Ma'am?"

"Sure, I have no problem telling you. I woke up with a new ability that's called a Gacha system." I spend the next few minutes telling him about the system and answering his questions about it while I watch him make food. He comes over with two plates with sandwiches on them and puts them on the table.

I stand up and sit on one side looking towards the bedrooms. Alfred sits across from me. We eat in silence.

"Well, we need to get the children registered as soon as possible with the Australian government and the US embassy. Since we will need at least a few months to get everything ready, what do you want to do about accommodation?"

"If we can, maybe this place will let us stay here until we move. If not then I want to find a short stay apartment. They won't care about job history or where the money comes from."

"I will start working on that then. May I use your laptop Ma'am?"

"Of course Alfred. We'll have to get you one later." Alfred gets the laptop and starts working on the paperwork and taking his phone he rings the front desk to see if we can stay a short long term period.

The twins wake up crying so I get up and change them one at a time and pick them up to feed them on the couch. I use the Breast feeding pillow that Alfred bought to feed them at the same time.

Listening in on the phone conversation it seems like the park owner is ok with us staying as long as we are paying the money which is fine for us. Alfred agrees to pay the money for each week at the beginning of the week.

The rest of the day is spent with Alfred doing household chores and playing with the kids after getting the washing off the line and going to the library to print off the necessary paperwork for me to fill out. I have it filled out and posted in the post-box out in front of the park by the end of the day.

Alfred helps me think of a Middle name for my Children. Levi Dominic Johnson and Sage Thea Johnson.

Alfred tells me funny stories from Bruce's childhood and teenage years and me telling him about myself.

Night comes and we take turns getting up to the twins. When Alfred is asleep I dig out an older notebook and start on the list.

Eric Stevens

Ava Starr

Hank Pym


The Ten Rings Afghanistan

Wanda and Pietro


Snake shield


Samantha Chrissie Johnson

Race: Human

Character Assimilation

Fully Assimilation:


Currently In Progress:

-[Ty Lee - 19%] -[Empty]

Summoned Characters:

- [Alfred Pennyworth (DC BVsS) - Affection 02]




-The One Above The One Above All Favor (5% Increase In Luck) - Time Limit 364 Days

Equipped Items:



-[Computer Programming - 25%]

GP: 0

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


