7.94% Jumping Through the Omniverse as a Conduit / Chapter 16: Chapter 16 - Breakthrough

章 16: Chapter 16 - Breakthrough

—Two Hours Later—

Lying on the ground gasping for air, Mirko was still refusing to submit even though I had temporarily paralyzed her. Shaking my head at her, I said that she was one stubborn rabbit. Giving me a grin, she said she would take that as a compliment.

"Ugh…I will let you win this time buster. Don't think I will go easy on you next time.", Mirko sighed as she calmed her breathing.

"Sure, whatever floats your boat Mirko.", I stated hitting the points on her back to restore her movement.

Helping her back up to her feet, she offered me some water. Accepting it from her I chugged it down in one breath.

"Where did you learn that pressure point stuff? They don't teach that anywhere that I am aware of, and I know for a fact no one in your family doesn't use it either.", she asked.

"I am self-taught, I can use it in conjunction with my electricity to quickly and quietly incapacitate someone.", I remarked, "It comes in handy when you need to be stealthy."

Agreeing with that, she proceeded to ask me about the martial arts style I used. As a well-rounded martial artist, Mirko was taken aback by how fluid my movements were and the devastating blows I could dish out. If I told her the truth, she'd have laughed at me and called me an idiot. My martial arts was a combination of a lot of animes I watched as a kid and adult, I had been cultivating it over the past three hundred years so it was unmatched at this point in the game.

"Just a mix and match of stuff I watched on tv and read in books.", I lied with a smirk.

"Whatever you say.", she answered with a shrug, "So what do you think of Japan?"

"It's a beautiful place and a breath of fresh air. People here actually refer to me by my name or Hero name, I am not the Bolt Family Heir here.", I laughed.

"Fair enough, I would have gone insane if it were me.", she stated.

Telling her I was used to it at this point, it was still nice not to deal with it now. Asking me what I had planned for the rest of the day, I told her I was probably going to do some patrolling now. In reality, I finally had a breakthrough with finding a lead for the grunts giving All For One bodies. Based on a tip that came into the Hero Association, someone reported seeing bodies being loaded into an unmarked vehicle behind a morgue. Saying she wanted to join me on patrol, I gave her a concerned look.

"You okay!? Did I scramble your brain on accident!?", I playfully teased her.

"Fuck off, I am trying to be nice!", she spat, "If you don't want to just fucking say so."

Replying that I didn't care one way or the other, she said she'd meet me downtown in an hour. Retiring to her home, I headed back to the mansion to wash up and get photos from the morgue's security cameras.

—An Hour Later—

Meeting at the coffee shop we first met at, the first thing she asked me was why I was part robot now. Letting out a sigh, I explained what each piece was for and how I used it. Telling me that she thought I was already strong enough as is, I told her that it never hurt to be prepared just in case. Asking me where I was intending to patrol today, I pulled up a map on my phone and showed her an area on the outskirts of town.

"Huh, that area is pretty heavily patrolled as it is. Do you really want to step on other Hero's routes?", she questioned.

"No, today I intend to check up on them. The number of villains caught in that particular part of town is far lower than it should be.", I told her to cover up the real objective, "It's almost a full ten percent lower than should be expected. Remember, none of the top one hundred Heroes in the area patrol the area so it should be a hotbed for criminals to hide out. It's almost completely residential so if a group bought a few houses together no one would ever notice what they were doing."

Saying she was willing to give it a shot, I placed my hand on her shoulder and zipped over there through the power lines. Arriving on top of an apartment building, one of only a handful in the area, we looked down on the streets below. There wasn't anything unique about this area so a lot of the homes looked similar to a certain degree which was rather boring. Looking around the area for a vehicle that matched the images I had, we ended up finding a crime right in front of us.

Seeing a thief trying to break into a car, in broad daylight, Mirko and I were at loss for how stupid this person was. Seeing a group of Heroes walking down the sidewalk at the same time, we expected them to do something but they just walked right by like they didn't see him. Looking at each other, Mirko was the first to speak.

"What the heck are they doing!? That's an easy catch right there!", Mirko growled.

Watching an older woman run out of a nearby house, with her curlers in her hair, she made a beeline for the car. Shouting at the thief, she told him to leave immediately. Telling her to screw off, the lady took her sandal off and started beating him. Shouting out for the Heroes to help her, I was a bit shocked by what they had to say.

"We aren't getting paid to deal with petty theft lady!", one of the Heroes laughed, "Our duty is to fight villains, not burglars. Call the cops and have them deal with it!"

Watching the theft push the woman to the ground, I had seen enough of this. Giving Mirko a nod, I jumped off the ten-story building to catch him myself. Using my Ion Thrusters to slow my descent before hitting the ground, I grabbed the man by the shoulder.

"How many times do I have to teach you old bats!?", the thief shouted as he turned around, "Do I have to kick your-"

Seeing me standing there, his mouth puckered up like he had licked a lemon. Giving me a sheepish smile, he immediately put his hands up in surrender.

"What were you going to do her?", I questioned with an irritated smile, "I want to hear you finish that sentence."

"Uh…nothing, I wasn't going to do anything!", he stated turning pale.

"Sure you weren't, just like this isn't going hurt one bit.", I laughed before sucker punching him in the face and knocking him out cold.

Watching him hit the ground, I turned around and helped the woman up. Apologizing for showing up late, she wasn't the least bit upset about it. Instead, she was grinning ear to ear with joy.

"It's about time the cops asked a Pro Hero to come to clean this place up!", she said patting me on the shoulder, "We have been asking them to deal with those hooligans for months now."

Having not seen anything about that in Hero Association servers, I quickly checked the police servers too. Finding nothing about any reports in the area outside the normal burglar alarm or Hero calls, I asked her if she happened to have any emails regarding her request. Telling me to give her a moment she went to print them out for me. Hearing the thief start to groan, I planted a firm kick to his gut to make sure he stayed under.

"Here you go, sir!", she shouted coming out with the printed emails.

Looking up the email addresses she had been emailing, I realized she had been emailing the local police lieutenant and a few of the Hero Agencies downtown. Taking several screenshots of the emails, I sent them over to Togo so he could deal with the officer in question. As for the Agencies, I couldn't really do anything to them directly…so I would leak some of the emails from other residents in the area to the news and let them screw with them.

"If anyone else has emailed other Agencies, please send them to this email. I will make sure that this gets permanently moving forward. Till they get some permanent Pros here, I will add this area to my patrol route.", I assured her as I handed over a burner email address.

"Wonderful, thank you so much!", she said with excitement, "I will have my neighbors email you everything."

Thanking her for the assistance, I called the capture in and told the officers where to pick him up. By now Mirko had caught up to the three Heroes that had walked away. Berating their attitude to the job, I could tell the idiots weren't taking her seriously. They must not have paid attention to who she was because one of them was stupid enough to push her. I watched her lay the guy out flat on his ass with a shoulder throw.

Restraining the other two men, in short order, she dragged them over to where I was. Hearing her grumble about them being weak, I could only smile with amusement. Feeling my phone vibrate, I took a look and saw Togo's response.

"I will take care of this personally, I grew up in that neighborhood.", Togo replied, "We will beef up patrols as well."

"Just so you know, we got three Pro Heroes here too that just walked away from a crime. They were quote "not getting paid for burglaries" per the Heroes.", I texted back.

Sending me a devil emoji back, he told me to hand them over to his men. He'd ensure they'd understand the meaning of protect and serve one way or another. Grinning at the Heroes, I told them I hoped they had good health insurance because they were going to need it. Asking what I meant, I said they would find out downtown.

Roughly ten minutes later, officers pulled up to take the four men away. Seeing the nervous sweating they were doing, I figured someone's head was about to roll. Once we gave our statements to officers, we continued on foot to patrol the rest of the area. As we were looking down side streets, I spotted the vehicle in question. Pulling up the photo on my phone, I asked Mirko to confirm they were the same car.

"Yep, that's a definite match…what's this about?", she inquired.

"Anonymous tip came in a few days ago with this photo, the individual reported bodies from a morgue being loaded into it. It's not marked with any of the required identification so let's check it out.", I replied.

Nodding her head, both of us headed down the road towards the car. Getting up to the car, I quickly confirmed that we weren't being watched before I fried the car security system. Picking the lock, Mirko looked at me like I was some sort of criminal.

"Don't judge my hobbies.", I chuckled, 'You know how many damn chests I have had to unlock!'

Opening the back door, we found a total of twelve bodies still in body bags in the back. Looking at the corpses in shock, she asked me why someone would go out of their way to steal bodies. It wasn't like they were going to get money from the organs, or intended to ransom them off. Calling Togo directly on this one, I wanted to see what happened when I hit the hornet's nest.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C16
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


