50% Arrowverse: The Tale of Raphael Kedry / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The Beginning of an Adventure
Arrowverse: The Tale of Raphael Kedry Arrowverse: The Tale of Raphael Kedry original

Arrowverse: The Tale of Raphael Kedry

作者: G3neral_Kenobi4_

© WebNovel

章 1: Chapter 1: The Beginning of an Adventure




- 1:47 A.M September 1st | Starling City Grand Army of the Republic Cemetery -

A large well-constructed mausoleum stood tall inside of one of the many Starling City cemeteries. Inside the mausoleum sat a single crypt with a single well-made bronze casket. The casket was ornate with swords, shields, and guns carved into the ornate bronze. The inside of the casket was decorated as well with white velvet embroidered with a red and silver shield; a coat of arms. Also, inside the coffin was a set of brown bones that slowly over the course of the next few minutes began to change. The previously brown bones turned back to their pearly white, muscle tissue began to grow and form around the bones. Then organs formed out of nothing and fell into their natural place within the body. Skin tissue grew over the muscle tissue and organs, the skin was pale and once the skin all grew into place it revealed a well-toned and muscular body. After that hair began to grow and long silk-like hair grew on top of the now identified man's head. His hair was raven-black and as his final features formed his blazing ruby-red eyes shot open, the man sat up with haste and banged his head on the ceiling of the casket.

"Ahh! Damn, where am I?" The man asked confused. The air inside the casket was tight and suffocating causing the man to panic slightly. 'Where am I? Where am I? Where am I?' The man thought as his breathing became erratic and his eyes shot back and forth looking for a way to escape.

A few minutes had gone by since the man woke up and he was beginning to drift back off into the land of the unconscious. His eyes began to flutter, and his head would constantly dip back down to the casket before shooting back up again, continuing to look for any possible escape. 'Fuck it!' The man thought and in a desperate attempt of escape he started to punch his way out.




'What the fuck is wrong with my muscles?' The man thought as after only the minimalist amount of effort at escaping his muscles grew sore and with each punch would ache and throb in pain. 'Damnit! LET ME OUT!' the man screamed in his head as he ignored his pain and continued.




'I will... n-not stop...' The man snarled as the air flow seemed to cut off entirely. He desperately began gasping for air only to feel nothing enter his lungs. "Let... me.... ou-t... LET.. ME... OUT! GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" He screamed with all that he had left.

The man's eyes suddenly glowed red and a soft pulsing red aura enveloped his body allowing him one final punch. With a newfound energy the man threw his fist forward towards the lid of his cage.


The casket lid exploded upwards and got stuck into the stone ceiling of the crypt causing dust to fly everywhere. The man ignored the dust as he leaped out of the casket and sucked in as much air as he could.

"GASP... Gasp!"

"Am I in a fucking crypt?" the man rasped out. The man raised his hand and raised it to his throat. 'Ow that shit hurt! It feels like my throat is on fire and who was that? Was that my voice? It certainly didn't sound like me.' The man thought as he stood up and stumbled around in the darkness looking for a way out.

The man found the door due to the dimly lit moonlight that came in from the barred window at the top of it. He felt the door up and down for the handle, eventually finding success the man grasped the handle and pulled with all his strength. The door was pulled of its old rusty hinges forcing the man to drop the door and take a few steps back in shock at his strength.

Looking down at himself the man saw that a ruby red glow had enveloped him, giving him newfound strength, stamina, and agility. 'How do I power this down? Do I want to power this down?' he asked himself. The man decided that he would try later and walked into the open air of the cemetery, basking in the dim moonlight he moved through the cemetery in search of an indication of where in the world he was.

The man soon found himself at a tall steel fence that surrounded the cemetery and was about to try and scale it when he caught sight of a bright neon sign across the street. 'Big Belly Burger? What the fuck kind of name is Big Belly Burger and why does it find familiar.' He thought as he stared at the fast-food restaurant in confusion.

"Freeze!" He heard a man shout from behind him. The man with raven-black hair and ruby eyes jumped and swiveled around in fear and shock.

"AHH!" He yelled as he quickly swiveled around to face what he found out was an old elderly man most likely in his early sixties wearing a security guard outfit with a small golden badge highlighted in blue placed on his upper chest.

"What are you doing out here young man? And why are you naked!?" The elderly man exclaimed as he refocused the flashlight to only illuminate the younger man's upper torso. 'What I wouldn't give for a body like that again.' The old man thought jealous of the younger man's abdominal muscles and muscular upper arms.

The man went to respond and tell the man that he didn't have a single clue about where he was, but nothing came out. All the man could get out was incoherent grunts that caused serious pain in his throat. Figuring out that words wouldn't work the man began flailing his arms about trying to indicate that he didn't know where he was.

"I'll ask you again young man, why are you here?" The old man asked annoyed at the lack of response he got from the younger man in front of him.

Still unable to speak the younger man waved his arms around animatedly and began mouthing the words that he wanted to say aloud. 'Where... am... I? I don't... know... how I... got... here.' He mouthed towards the elderly guard.

"... You're not lying?" The old man asked unsure.

'I promise you old man.' The younger man mouthed causing the old man to almost drop his flashlight in shock as well as going slack jawed and wide eyed.

"Raphael Kedry." The old man said shakily.

'Who is that?' The younger man thought as he tilted his head in confused at what the old man had said.

"Your name is Raphael Kedry born in eighteen thirty-seven to the duke house of Kedry. The last known noble house in the United States and some of the first people to move in and build in Oregon Country. Later in life he entered the American civil war at the age of twenty-four and survived through the entirety of the war until in eighteen sixty-nine at the age of thirty-two he was found assassinated in his Kedry estate. Due to him never having kids he was the last true Kedry and as such a few years after his death the ducal house was disbanded. The government and other local businesses moved in and took the spoils. But... That's impossible! You shouldn't be alive!" Over time as the old man explained his skin grew paler and paler, he also began to shake until eventually it seemed he couldn't take it anymore and fainted after finishing his explanation.

'Come on old man, that doesn't explain where I am.' The younger man thought as he made his way over to old man grabbed his flashlight helped him up and went in search of where this old man came from. Eventually he found his way to the entrance of the cemetery and into the security check point where he found a fresh set of security guard clothes and a bottle of water.

He eagerly devoured the bottle of water withing seconds, threw it into the nearby recycle bin before fitting himself into the security guard clothes. He laid the old man down on the office swivel chair turned around and walked out. 'Sorry old man, but I'm going to keep this flashlight.' The man thought as he went back out into the cemetery in search of the mausoleum.

- 30 Minutes Later -

Raphael found the mausoleum where he had woken up and conducted as much of a thorough investigation as possible. 'The old man was right. It seems I am Raphael Kedry the last duke of the Kedry Duchy.' Raphael thought as he stared at the nameplate bolted on to the mausoleum door that still lay on the ground inside. 'Though I can't figure out where the hell I am? And I can't get that fast food restaurant out of my head! Big Belly Burger. Big Belly Burger? Big Belly Burger! I remember now! It's from The Flash, Arrow, and every other CW superhero show! I'm in the Arrowverse, though I guess that would make sense because I think I would remember a Ducal house in Washington State. I was a Seattle resident after all, though I guess now I would be a what? A Starling City resident, then again, I am supposed to be dead.' he thought as he sat on the well-kept stone stairs leading down into the mausoleum.

After a while of sitting there calmly thinking, the red glow that had still been enveloping him slowly faded away, resulting in Raphael immediately dropping to the floor unconscious, as the mysterious power was the only reason he was conscious to begin with.

- 9:13 A.M September 1st | Starling City Grand Army of the Republic Cemetery -

Raphael groaned as the memories of last night flooded into his head, it also didn't help that he entire body was sore due to sleeping on the dusty cold stone floor of his crypt.


Hearing a soft melodic chirp next to him he turned his head over to look at his left shoulder causing his neck to pop. There on his shoulder was a small bird coarsely patterned with gray and brown, and with reddish-brown wings and tail.

"Well. Hello there little one." Raphael greeted the bird as he moved to stand up. After standing up the bird had yet to leave his shoulder, and he moved his arm and began to slowly stroke his fingers down the bird's back.

The bird began to sing in contentment until eventually something near the back of the crypt made a noise frightening the bird and sending it flying out of the crypt. Raphael looked over and into the darkness of the crypt that was barely illuminated by the light outside.

"Who's there?" Raphael asked as he slowly stalked forward into the darkness. After taking a few tentative steps forwards he spotted something small on the floor, it was gold, shiny, and shaped like a lightning bolt. 'What is this?' He asked himself as he picked it up and held it in the limelight of the morning sun that snuck its way in through the open doorway.

As he twirled the thunderbolt in his fingers, a beam of lightning ranging of all the colors in the rainbow suddenly shot down from the sky and surrounded him, and just as the beam of lightning touched the floor and enveloped him, the beam, as well as Raphael, was gone.



Splitting apart and being put back together again.

Atoms separated before forming back up into different molecules.

Bones snapping before resetting themselves as if nothing happened.

Muscles being torn apart before getting rebuilt stronger, more durable.

"GASP!" Raphael sucked in as much air as his lungs could allow as he dropped down onto his hands and knees.

'Where am I?' Raphael asked himself as he took in his surroundings. He was in the middle of a road in the middle of nowhere, all around him were corn fields as far as the eye could see.

"Hello there." A deep voice said from behind him.

Raphael maneuvered his head around so that he could get a good look at the figure as he struggled to push himself up off the concrete road. As Raphael slowly gained balance again and was able to get a good look at the figure he inhaled sharply, and his jaw dropped at the figure standing in front of him.

"D-Dad?" Raphael asked shakily as tears threatened to break free.

"Sorry, but I'm not your father." The figure said with a slow shake of their head.

Raphael pushed his tears down at the revelation that the being standing in front of him who looked exactly like his father was in fact not his father. 'I'm hallucinating! I have to be... but the pain I felt was so real?' Raphael thought to himself as he continued to stare down the being who was supposedly 'not' his father.

"You're not hallucinating, Raphael." The being spoke calmly, "The pain you felt was your body adapting and accepting the power that we have granted you."

"H-How? What are you?" Raphael asked, perplexed, what was happening to him. First, he woke up inside the Arrowverse or at least what he thought was the Arrowverse and now he was standing in front of some... being?

"Raphael we're in need of your help." The being said taking a small step closer causing Raphael to take three steps back.

"Sorry, but could you change your form or something?" Raphael asked with a slight shake in his voice.

"Sure thing, do you have a preference as to what form I should take?" The being asked with a small smile.

"Umm, someone I looked up to or idolized, I guess? I don't really have one to be honest." Raphael responded honestly. 'As long as it doesn't look like my father then we're fine.' Raphael thought with a small frown.

With a quick flash of light forcing Raphael to cover eyes otherwise he might've gone blind, he looks back to the being and his jaw once again drops down in shock.

"Well, is this better?" A new gruff voice asked. There stood in front of Raphael was a figure that shared the same quality of pride in what he did and who he was that Raphael himself had. Not only that but his favorite character from Dragon Ball. The Saiyan prince, Vegeta.

"Yeah, definitely better." Raphael spoke up while fervently nodding his head in favor of the change.

"Good, now what do you know about your situation?" Vegeta asked as he folded his arms over his and focused his solid opal-colored eyes into Raphaels blood red.

"I'm in some version of the DC universe and I have powers?" Raphael answered with a small shrug of his shoulders.

"Correct to some degree, the powers that you have is called the speed force. I trust that you know what the speed force is?" Vegeta asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course! That means I'm a speedster, right?" Raphael asked eagerly, like a kid in a candy store.

Vegeta chuckled before unfolding his arms and swiping at the open air. The surrounding scenery suddenly changed from a peaceful country landscape to the open vacuum of space. They now stood near the moon as they watched as the earth burned.

"What the hell!?" Raphael shouted, shocked.

"The earth you know as the Arrowverse is one where the majority of the earth's superheroes and supervillains never existed. Earth-1 has superheroes such as the Green Arrow, the Flash, the Legends of Tomorrow, and a few others. Though compared to the vast majority of other Earths, Earth-1 is certainly lacking. The hero known as Batman was the last hope for this Earth, but when he disappeared a few years ago, things took a turn for the worse." Vegeta spoke in a sorrowful tone with a frown on his face.

"What? What the hell do you mean by that? The Arrowverse was able to survive! Hell! They made Oliver Queen sacrifice himself to become the Spectre, whatever the hell that was?" Raphael yelled out, confused.

"Yes, well, you see, not all universes have what you call 'Plot Armor.' They even recruited heroes from other Earths, but they weren't able to stop the coming crisis, but you can." Vegeta said, turning towards him and gracing him with a brief smile.

'That does not look right on Vegeta.' Raphael thought to himself as he processed what he had just been told. "Wait! What do you mean, me?"

"You know how the universe played out. We need you to ensure that it plays out how it did on your earth. It doesn't have to play out the exact same, so Oliver Queen doesn't have to die as long as you can defeat the anti-monitor and any other threats that may plague your new home." Vegeta told him before once again swiping his hands, causing the scenery to change back to its country surroundings.

"One Question," Raphael said with a raised hand.

"Shoot," Vegeta responded simply with a nod of his head.

"Can you get rid of Iris; I mean, she's just a bitch." Raphael complains with a sneer on his face.

"Pfft, sorry, but no can do. Barry needs her in his life so that he can become stronger and grow into his role as the Flash."

"I highly doubt that, but whatever.' Raphael thinks with a mental shrug of his shoulders. "So, do I already have powers, or will they be given to me when I go back?"

"You should be able to use the basic powers of a speedster now, but the more advanced abilities will be locked to you as you're too slow to use them right now. You'll have to train if you want to be the fastest man alive." Vegeta says with a smirk.

"That a challenge?" Raphael responded with a smirk of his own.

"Is it?" Vegeta asked with the smirk still plastered on his face but now with a slightly raised eyebrow as well.

'So, I'll need to train my powers, that makes sense. How would I train them, though? I can't just run around and fight crime, I mean I guess I could, but I feel like Barry or Oliver would find me and try to recruit me. Sorry, but no thanks, I don't plan to follow their no-killing rule bullshit. I understand not killing the minions but their bosses? The only sentence they should receive is death. Especially since Batman apparently exists here now, if that's the case, I'm sure all his villains exist as well. Joker, Penguin, the Riddler, Bane, and all the other freaks who murder out of pure enjoyment.' Raphael thought to himself before suddenly an idea popped into his head. "Hey, what if you sent me to another earth so I could train? Not a normal earth but more or less a primitive one with monsters or beasts and the like." Raphael asked with a gleam in his eyes.

"... I guess that could work, but you would only have a month or two to train until the events of what your earth called Arrow season 4, Flash season 2, and Supergirl season 1 will occur. In correspondence with your wishes, we'll send you to Earth-276. It is an earth filled with Hollywood monsters such as Dracula, Frankenstein, Werewolves, and other supernatural creatures." Vegeta said with a neutral look on his face.

"Great! When can I go?" Raphael asked excitedly, ready to take on the world with his newfound superpowers.

"Now." Vegeta announced with a smirk and with a swipe of his hand. A swirling blue portal was opened in front of Raphael, and he was sent flying into it. Raphael flew through the other side of the portal and quickly rolled onto the forest floor before jumping up and entering a low crouch.

'So, I'm in a world filled with monsters? Epic! Now where are they?' Raphael asked obliviously as thousands of monsters suddenly caught the whiff of a long-lost food source. Human.


A/N: A New idea that's a little different from most other Arrowverse Fics. I hope you like the first chapter but don't expect weekly chapters like my 100 fanfic if you're coming from there. Right now, I'm focusing on schoolwork as well as other things so this will probably be a once every two weeks kinda thing. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it and thanks for reading!

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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