95.34% WASTED: Last Man on Earth / Chapter 39: That Kind of Guy

章 39: That Kind of Guy

Lucas was sat there in his cage. He could hear unintelligible speech coming from outside the tent. The voices were too far to know what they were saying. He could make out laughs, coughs, and yelling. It sounded busy out there. He wanted to go see what was happening, but if an immortal being were to break out of its cage and walk out unexpectedly, they would react the same way anyone would. They'd shoot it. So he figured staying in the cage for now until he finds a better way out would be a better plan.

Ben was asleep in the cage over from his. He was loudly snoring. Lucas found it annoyingly human. Lucas planned to never sleep again. Not until he got out of here at least.

He wondered where Stella was. He wondered if she was safe. He doubted she was put in a cage. They wouldn't need to. Stella is just a regular human. That would be a waste of a cage.

Lucas laughed at his own thoughts. "That would be a waste of a cage." As if it was right to put him in a cage. Lucas thought about that.

Lucas heard something from outside of the tent. The crunching of dirt. He looked up at the fold of the entrance to the tent. Someone was walking his way. He tended up. His eyes darted everywhere. He scrambled to the back of the cage where the manacles were and put his hands behind his back. He pretended like his hands were still bound.

He watched that fold. He waited. Suddenly two men with large guns strapped to their chest ran in. They looked like a two-man SWAT team. One pointed their gun at Lucas and the other ran toward Ben's cage and pointed their gun at him. By this point, Ben was wide awake and squirming around, startled by the sudden commotion.

The man opened Ben's cage and pulled him up, put his taser agains Ben's stomach and pulled the trigger. It took only ten seconds for Ben to pass out, and he was carried away after that. Out of the tent and out of sight. Lucas was worried they'd do the same to him, but the man in front of his cage didn't motion toward opening his cage. But he kept the barrel of his gun fixed on his head. Lucas hoped to god he wouldn't shoot him.

The man turned his head slightly and yelled

(Guard 1: "It's all clear!")

He then fell completely silent and moved to the side. The other guard came back in and went to the opposite side and pointed his gun at Lucas as well. They waited patiently. It was silent for a while. Lucas began to suspect like they were waiting for nothing.

(Lucas: "Who are you waiting for?")

(Guard 2: "Don't speak!")

(???: "It's fine guys.")

A voice penetrated the tension. A voice pitched higher than most, but it still gave off a sense of authority. Intimidating almost. And yet it was tranquil, and calming. It eased the tension between Lucas and the guards.

(???: "Put the guns down.")

They immediately put their guns down, following the order like obedient dogs. He heard the dirt crunch under the weight of someone's foot outside once again. It came nearer and nearer.

Without using his arm to push the fold at the entrance out of his way, he walked in head first into the tent. He wore a beanie on his head, which he then pulled off and threw it on an empty chair. It revealed his bald head, though the man had a mustache and some chin hair. What little hair he did have was kempt. Even his eyebrows, which were trimmed to look slim.

The man's facial hair was brown and he had blue eyes similar to Lucas. His eyes were wide, but it didn't seem unnatural. He had unremarkable clothing. It was similar to what the two guards were wearing. Heavy, warm jackets and brown pants. He dressed like anyone else, and yet, he still seemed different. He radiated confidence, and something about him screamed "leader." Perhaps it was the pure white gloves he wore, or the polished black pointed shoes he had on.

The man looked at Lucas. His eyes penetrated Lucas' soul. If eyes could kill, his were lethal. As he stared, he began pulling the gloves off. He pulled each finger out one by one. He threw the gloves where the beanie was. He looked back at Lucas and stood there. Neither of them said a word.

He was waiting for something. Lucas didn't know what he wanted. Did he want him to speak? Lucas looked at both of the guards, taking his eyes off of the strange man.

(???: "Where are you looking? You are to look at me when we are speaking.")

He spoke strictly like a father. This put Lucas off.

(Lucas: "I haven't spoken yet.")

(???: "And now you have. We are speaking.")

(Lucas: "Who are you?")

The man smiled. His grin showed only his top teeth, and no gums.

(???: "I'm so glad you asked. My name is Andrew Allen, but everyone calls me Allen. How about yourself? What is your name?")

Lucas told him his name.

(Allen: "Okay, Lucas. It's very nice to meet you.")

Lucas grimaced. He didn't know how to feel about this man. He suspected he was the one who put him in the cage.

The man raised his eyebrows, hiding he hands behind his back and leaning forward. He was waiting. He took one hand and twirled it around in a circular motion as if to say "hurry up."

(Lucas: "Nice to meet you too?")

(Allen: "There we go!")

He threw his fist in the air in celebration. Lucas was nothing if not confused.

(Allen: "We're getting somewhere. You're a lot easier than your predecessor.")

Lucas wondered what he meant by that. Was Ben hard to talk to? He didn't think so. Perhaps he acted differently toward humans than fellow immortals.

(Allen: "Welcome to the Riverbed! I'm very honored to have you here. You should be honored as well.")

Allen stuck his hand through the bars. He wanted to shake hands with him. Lucas didn't know what to do. He didn't want to reveal that his hands were free. But then Allen spoke.

(Allen: "I know you're hands aren't cuffed. No need to pretend.")

Lucas was in disbelief for a moment. How did he know. Was it really that obvious? He saw the guards trying to peek at his hands to see if they really were free. Not even they noticed, but Allen had this acute ability to see through what's on the surface. He knew from the moment he walked into the tent that his hands were free. There was no explanation. He just simply knew. It made Lucas ponder what else he knew just by seeing him.

Lucas clicked his tongue and put his hands up for the guards to see. He slowly pulled himself up, holding onto the bars. He walked over to Allen's arm. He hesitated.

(Lucas: "I could kill you.")

A smile creeped back onto Allen's face.

(Allen: "Then I trust that you won't.")

Lucas shook hands with Allen. Both of their eyes were fixed on each others. Allen's blue eyes didn't see him, however. They seemed to look right through him at the bars in the back.

(Allen: "Amazing. I think this will be a very prosperous relationship.")

He looked at the two guards behind him.

(Allen: "Don't you guys think?")

Lucas suddenly pulled Allen into the bars. Allen raised his elbow and his arm took the impact. Lucas pulled his other arm into the cage as well. He held both of them and hid behind him. He used him as a shield against the guards. They wouldn't shoot if he was in the way.

(Lucas: "I told you, I could kill you.")

(Allen: "You don't know what you're doing.")

Allen's voice was strained. Having his arms bent behind his back the way they were hurt him, but he didn't fret.

(Lucas: "I know exactly what I'm doing.")

(Allen: "I don't think you know exactly what will happen if you kill me.")

(Lucas: "I don't care what will happen.")

(Allen: "You care about that girl, don't you?")

(Lucas: "Is that a threat?")

(Allen: "It isn't! I'm just telling you that if you value human life at all, you'll let me live.")

(Lucas: "What do you mean?")

(Allen: "If you let me go, I'll explain.")

Lucas looked at both of the guards.

(Lucas: "Tell them to stand down.")

Allen listened and nodded his head at both of them. They both put their guns down. Lucas let go of Allen. He slowly stabilized himself, rubbing his arms. He looked up at Lucas.

(Allen: "Do you know how many people are here?")

(Lucas: "I don't.")

(Allen: "There are over a hundred people here in the Riverbed. Do you know who keeps all those people safe?")

(Lucas: "You?")

(Allen: "Hah! No! I couldn't do that all by myself.")

He pointed at the two guards.

(Allen: "These are the people who keep this place safe.")

(Lucas: "Just those two?")

(Allen: "No, Lucas, there are more guards than just these two. The reason why they are here in this tent is because I arranged it that way. I believe in order. And without my direction, there will be chaos. There is enough chaos in this world already. Chaos is what got almost all of humanity killed. Without me, all these good people who live here will all die. I mean, you can understand that right? You had that girl with you. In a way, you kind of did what I do everyday. Without your direction, she would've surely died on her journey here. But because of you, she lived.")

(Lucas: "What do you know about our journey?")

(Allen: "I don't know your journey, or what you've been through or seen. But it's always the same. Every time someone comes here, they're never alone. Those who travel alone tend to drift. They don't survive. You always need someone who is willing to take control and direct their team on the right path. I think you are that kind of guy.")

Allen's words resonated with Lucas. He had never thought about it that way. He never saw himself as a leader. He still didn't. But he saw his point.

He had calmed down and sat in the middle of the cage.

(Allen: "I'll speak to you later. I hope to discuss some more pressing things. I may have a job for you soon.")

With that, Allen left the tent, the two guards following him out. One came in a minute later with Ben and threw him in his cage. Lucas kept hearing Allen's words echoing in his mind.

"I think you are that kind of guy."

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C39
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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