
The Annihilation of the Main Branch (1)

Inside the renowned Hokage's administrative complex of Konoha, Tsunade currently tapped her finger a little unsettledly at the large table full of various papers regarding this village's functioning, her pretty eyebrows frowning, 'Neji Hyuga, what are you up to? That guy was always so secretive...',

Her first assistant, Shizune, stood behind her sharing the same odd mood for some reason They both had an inexplicable feeling while they were waiting for those two to come back with the report. It was already two hours past the deadline Tsunade set for Neji Hyuga to be free of duty.

However, the person was now nowhere to be seen. She explicitly told him to report in those ten days, so he could get his new mission. Shinobi failing to report to their Kage, in the required time, could be instantly declared wanted rebels. After all, not everyone had many protections like Sasuke.

She now didn't know what to do. It was her first time encountering something like this after she became Hokage. On the one hand, Neji was an important member of Konoha's strongest clan, who completed many dangerous missions in the past two years, his previous sensei was the strongest jonin in the village. But, on the other hand, he clearly violated the village's law by being two hours late. That's why she sent her two assistants Kotetsu and Izumo to go and inform the Hyuga clan, and see if he was maybe there. They should also search the whole village for him on her orders.

And just then, Tsunade and Shizune heard hurried footsteps approaching the room and entering. Kotetsu and Izumo rushed in and reported in a nervous tone, "Lady Hokage, we went to the Hyuga clan, they don't know where he is and are also worried. And we also searched the whole village, however, he was still nowhere to be seen. We learned that no one saw him ever since ten days ago when you allowed him that break from missions...", Kotetsu swiftly reported in a worried manner.

'Since ten days ago...? This keeps getting worse and worse...', Tsunade massaged her temples, "What exactly did the Hyuga clan say to you? Who were you speaking to? Did they also appear surprised?"

"Lady Tsunade, we spoke to the patriarch himself. He also appeared genuinely surprised and a bit worried...", This time Izumo replied, in his opinion, the Hyuga clan really wasn't aware of anything.

'Well, I guess that patriarch should really be worried as much as we are, after all, that Curse Mark...', Tsunade analyzed peculiarly before asking the next question, "What about that chunin girl, Tenten Higurashi, how was she behaving?", Tsunade asked only about her as both Rock Lee and Might Guy, who also had connections with Neji, were currently outside the village on a very far away mission.

Izumo suddenly remember their previous encounter with her inside that famous shop, "Well, she was also genuinely surprised and even a little frightened. I don't think she knows anything as well!"

"Well, I need you to look after her secretly from now on. Report to me if you see anything suspicious instantly...", Tsunade sighed and finally gave her orders before the two exited the room.

"Lady Tsunade, what are you going to do?", Shizune who listened to everything asked in concern.

"To be honest, there are only two possible options. He is either stuck somewhere on a secret training or he... Defected...", Tsunade crossed her fingers across her face and stated critically.

Shizune covered her mouth in shock as Tsunade continued speaking, "However, as he is not of an ordinary origin, moreover he's already a jonin of our village, I shouldn't act rushed this time. I will give him another twenty-four hours before I send Anbu black ops and see what he's truly up to!",

"However, if that boy really deserted, then the only way that we could stop him, would be if we sent a Hyuga main branch member on a search team as well...", Tsunade spoke dangerously as she looked at Neji's resume and all the mission he performed exceptionally during the past two and more years. She felt like even peak jonins like Kakashi were not a match for him anymore. Maybe only someone like Might Guy was, but he also couldn't be sent due to his personal connection with the teenager or Jiraiya, who now trained Naruto. Only that Curse Mark of the Hyuga clan could now contain him, if it comes to worst, in her final opinion, 'Sasuke, Neji, just what is up with those big clan's kids?', She already guessed that the Curse Mark could be the only reason for his defection.


Inside Konoha's biggest and most visited weapons shop, on this day, Tenten sat behind the counter, her gaze empty and lifeless. She was like that ever since those two Hokage's assistants previously came in here to inquire about Neji. She instantly understood what was going on, it's just that she didn't expect for that moment to come so soon, and moreover for him not to even say goodbye.

Neji's behavior was getting more and more strange, he was increasingly closed in and distant from her during the last few years. They didn't even train together like before or talk all that much, to be honest. As he had his own missions, and she had hers as well. Only Lee and Guy continued performing missions together. She was now a chunin and Neji was a jonin. They grew quite apart.

And she was sure that he was secretly planning something big for quite some time. She was also confident that he didn't have any sentiments toward this village. He only had one goal in mind, the freedom against his clan's ancient juinjutsu, and he would do anything for it. It's just that she was always so sorrowful because he didn't speak about any of that openly with her, but now it was even worse than that, as he didn't even come to say a final goodbye to her, 'Neji, I'm really nothing to you? You don't even consider me a friend...?', Tears slowly started forming in Tenten's eyes again.

However, just then, she heard the sound of the bells at the entrance of her shop, so she quickly wiped her tears and took a look at the visitor, but just then she opened her eyes dumbfounded.

The daylight accompanied Neji's figure as he confidently entered. His long black hair still freely descending beside him, and he still wore his same white kimono outfit, however, on his forehead, now there wasn't the Konoha's forehead protector, Tenten's was used to, only that mysterious and odd swastika green curse mark remained. But, what startled her the most, was Neji's intoxicating and bold smile. It was the first time she saw the usually cold and withdrawn Neji behaving like that.

She unconsciously came in front of the much taller Neji, and they both stood there and looked at each other silently. Neji still had that joyous expression on his face, while Tenten looked at him in an enchanted kind of way. He suddenly looked at her red eyes and wiped away her remaining tears.

"First, I'm sorry for avoiding you all this time. I needed to perform a really dangerous procedure on myself. It occupied all of my attention. Also, yes, I'm free of this thing now, so I wanted to share it with you!", Neji smiled and then pointed his finger at the green seal on top of his clear forehead.

Tenten looked at him feeling amazed and delighted that he explained all of that to her just now.

"However, I know that you, you especially, understand me better than everyone in this world. You probably know that this is just the first step. I still didn't get revenge for all those years of shame!", Neji's white eyes suddenly turned ferocious and it looked like even his hair started flying upward.

"That's why, I'm sorry, but I still give you what you desire, Tenten!", Neji suddenly tapped on top of her cute twin hair buns, to which she reacted like her soul left her body in shame and happiness.

"That Main Branch won't go down easily... I know better than everyone... They hold many secrets that the world thought impossible. It may even require me to spend some time until I get revenge!"

"I truly don't know what will happen next after I go and attack them now! But, I must learn what they have up their sleeves!", Neji's expression turned serious and full of killing intent and hatred.

"Moreover, your parents are still important members of this village! You should know what I mean. I'm concerned about all your safety. Now isn't the time for me to take you with me. Be patient..."

Tenten listened to him and didn't know if she was dreaming, her whole face was red, tears of joy filling her eyes as she listened to him, 'I-It seems that he knew how I feel all along! And he even possibly f-feels the same!? But he won't take me because he feels for my and my parents' safety...?'

'And he said that I know him better than anyone in this world? And he trusts me with saying all of that information...?', Tenten cried full of joy. If that was a dream, she didn't want it to end forever!

"Why are you crying, Tenten? Do you think I'm that dumb to not notice all of your careful concerns for me during all those years we knew each other? How you always secretly kept my secrets without telling anyone! I'm grateful to you Tenten. You're already the closest person I have in this world, so don't cry now!", Neji suddenly even went forward, grabbed her by her shoulders, and then hugged her full of emotions. Those emotions were always there, he realized it, it's just that he couldn't express them before due to all the concerns he had for the Curse Mark, his strength, and many other things. But now, it was mostly solved, he would truly be an idiot if he still chose to ignore it.

Tenten cried even louder than before and strongly gripped his sturdy back, "Neji, I love you! I will wait for you no matter how long it takes! Just remember to be safe! Without you, I would die too!"

Neji patted her lovingly on her petite back too. Tenten buried her head in Neji's neck feeling like she was on cloud nine. However, at this time, on the roof of Tenten's shop, were already Izumo and Kotetsu with large holes in their chests as their hearts were destroyed. It was his small warning to Tsunade to not play around with her once he leaves this village and destroys the Main Branch.

"Tenten, I love you too! I will come to you when the time arrives! Be safe and be happy!", Neji suddenly held her arms as they exited their embrace, before pecking her on the mouth a bit.

While Tenten finally gathered herself from the surprise, with a red face, Neji was now nowhere to be seen. The only proof of his presence there a tingling sensation on her lips and his familiar smell.


At the same time, inside the Hyuga clan's huge compound, at the main branch's higher-rise living residence, a meeting between Hiashi and main branch elders was being held regarding Hokage's messengers and Neji. Hiashi was seated in the head position, while other elders were beside him.

"We always told you to pay better attention to him before, Hiashi! He was always wandering off somewhere like this! You shouldn't have left him to his own devices, to begin with! Look how he embarrassed our main branch in front of the Hokage now!", One elder indignantly spoke to Hiashi.

It was true, Neji was always respectful and well-behaved toward the main branch members, so they never controlled him much. And it was the first time today that he caused a scene like this one. Also, Hiashi continuously vouched for him and his personality and also brought up how he couldn't possibly escape their clutches due to "that thing". That thing that was about to be possibly awoken.

"Don't panic, Neji always likes to train somewhere alone. We're going to discipline him after he gets back and that's all. No need to exaggerate the situation and activate that thing uselessly.", Hirayoshi was the next one to speak. They could probably locate Neji with that thing right away, due to the Curse Mark on his forehead, however, they didn't want to waste any of its precious energy on such matters. The other elders thought about it and also agreed, however they demanded a restricted punishment after he got back. Hiashi also sighed, and then gave two days more days before they activated that thing in search of Neji. It was obvious that none of them had any fear of Neji's move.

Therefore, it wasn't surprising that their meeting lasted for only about a couple of minutes. Everyone went on their own way. Their days were spent drinking tea, gambling, and chatting while watching the rest of the side branch members from the high position of their building terraces both literally and figuratively. Some of them also personally trained their offspring, just like Hiashi who presently came to one of their numerous dojos. Hanabi was there training hard and she instantly lunged into his embrace after he appeared. He smiled and patted her on the head gently. He had quite a contrasting attitude toward his two daughters. Hinata was currently away on some mission.

However, just then, they suddenly heard a loud, chakra-enhanced voice coming from the yard below. Everyone started hearing it, the whole Hyuga compound, and even some nearby buildings.

"I, Neji Hyuga, have been finally freed from the control of the Hyuga's Main Branch juinjutsu, and have now come to wipe out all of you! No one will escape. I waited for this already for sixteen and a half years. Every day I dreamed of this. Now regret the day you branded me with this slave mark, regret underestimating me, and accept your deaths!", Neji spoke in a fast manner as he jumped inside the Hyuga clan compound with his Fourth Gate opened and closed in an instant with a thump. It was also something that he learned to do perfectly during the last two and a half years.

His hair fell behind him in a messy way, and his Tenseigan was already opened up, 'With Senju cells and those improved Otsutsuki genetics, my Senjutsu: Rotation range is around twenty-five meters, perfect to destroy this whole main branch building without affecting the branch members...', "Senjutsu: Rotation!", Neji gathered natural energy from around and quickly expelled it all outward.

Hiashi quickly activated his Byakugan in shock just to see a large rotational force of dark purple expelled chakra coming towards the building where they, the main branch, lived. He immediately located Neji in the center of that chakra vortex, apparently wanting to activate the Curse Mark.

However, in the next second, he was horrified, the Curse Mark failed to respond to him, 'Oh God, how did he awaken those eyes!? Just what is happening!? No, not good, I don't have enough time to activate that thing. I must protect Hanabi, at least, damn!', Hiashi dreadfully activated his strongest rotation as well to protect himself and Hanabi. However, the others didn't have that luck.

The main branch had a few dozen of people, unlike the whole Hyuga clan branch side which had hundreds of members. And those Main Branch members were usually really weak in strength. While he had a rotational ability of at least ten meters, they had only one or two meters at most, and the people who even knew the Rotation, out of them all, could maybe be counted on one hand only.

Soon, the nearby side branch members looked stupefied as the whole Main Branch building quickly got destroyed by some kind of a giant purple vortex of chakra, with only ashes remaining of it then.

Hanma_Jack Hanma_Jack

Up to 40 additional chapters are available on my Patreon, check that out as well. The link is below as well on this story's main page!






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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C25
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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