Tyra's Point of View
Looking out of the window, I watched the city quickly become suburbs and then country and forests. The closer we got to the packhouse, the more pensive I became.
How could I explain away a year of absence and ignoring my cousin and not have it hurt Aláine? Even though she tried to hide the pain, the look Aláine had given me at the nightclub betrayed her real feelings. I know my cousin far too well.
"Talk to me, babe," demanded Cassandra when she finally parked and turned off the car.
"I don't know where to start," I replied. "How do I explain why I didn't even call her? I didn't even tell her I had met someone, let alone tell her I had a mate. I walked away from my only family as if she didn't matter. I don't even know if she'll forgive me."
My immense feelings of guilt mixed with missing Aláine so much were overwhelming.
A Year Ago