Kingdom of Siltrozzo,
Capital City,
Galahad POV,
Galahad sat back down lazily albeit he couldn't hid his smile. Clayman just tried to assert dominance by trying to go against him but it backfired royally, it was actually very hilarious. Though a surprising thing happened, "Even I can not allow you to say that much, know your place." Dagruel voiced out his opinion, Galahad was one of his few friend and while they may be too old to be talking about things like friendship all the older Demon Lords Galahad included valued and respected each other quite a lot.
No one allows someone to slander their friend, if they do then they weren't really true friends in the first place. Galahad slightly widened his eyes, even Dagruel seemed to be agitated that was a surprise because Dagruel was actually a very calm person that rarely voiced his own opinion unless necessary. He looked at it for a bit, "Yo...everyone. I'll be coming...Clayman don't worry." he said yawning and looking the other way.
"Oh! It has been a while hasn't it?! Yup we're throwing a feast! Right Guy?!" Ramiris asked excitedly buzzing around, it had been a long time since Galahad last attended a Walpurgis. "Course we are! We're going to have some fun~." Guy laughed and stated her own opinion making Galahad sigh, "Fuck." damn her and her sexually suggestive personality.
"Let's." Guy replied smirking making Galahad groan, "Help me." he muttered out, yes it was annoying! "Of course I'll help you with your sexual needs!" Guy replied laughing her ass off almost falling to the side. "Fuck you!" Galahad protested, was everything a sex joke to her?! "Go ahead!" she shouted back enthusiastically making Galahad just shut up, she was the one person he was never going to win an argument against.
Ramiris sighed and shook her head, she was never going to get used to this, "Save this for when you're alone! Hmph!" she didn't want to hear about the lucky bastard called Guy. "Haha, save this for when you're alone." Dagruel slightly laughed folding his arms, it was amusing to see these two argue back and forth. "What the hell did I just hear?!" Luminous shouted from her ring, a knocked out Roy was lying at her feet she didn't know about this!
"It was a one time thing!" Galahad shouted in protest a bit embarrassed about it for some reason. "Ara~ Let me in too." Frey joined in, this sounded like some juicy gossip. "" Galahad said lazily looking outside the window, he looked at Nero who was standing atop the castle giving some kind of speech about how Rome was the greatest.
"Guy yes!" Guy said folding herr arms with a smirk on her face, she was going to take every chance she got. "About the Walpurgis?!" Clayman shouted in angrily, these idiots had started conversing about his god damn sex life! "Ah yeah sure whatever." Ramiris responded waving her hand dismissively, it wasn't important!
"Oh right....let's call the slime...after's a 'living' thing right? We can't just...'discard' life right?" Galahad said before he started silently laughing although most of them burst out laughing at that comment, the one who cared the least about life was Galahad himself! "I-I don't think you get to say that!" Guy said laughing loudly and banging her hand on the table, this shit was hilarious!
"pft-HAHAHAHAHA!!" Ramiris rolled around in the air laughing her ass off, this was extremely funny because it came from a Guy who nukes the Empire every year no matter what. "Ok...I was bored." Galahad said yawning before slouching down on the sofa. "That makes a lot more sense." Dagruel said nodding, it made sense for them to seek entertainment when you consider their age.
"But it's a slime!" Clayman shouted angrily, Galahad had taken control over the flow of the conversation in a matter of seconds! This was going the wrong way, how dare a lazy prick interrupt him!? "Shut up! Nobody cares!" Luminous said angrily, this idiot was on about a stupid slime when such an amusing conversation was going on!
"Well I'll set up the location and send someone for him, let's go people it's been a while since we all came together!" Guy said standing up and calling on of her servants to call over the slime that had declared itself a Demon Lord. Galahad nodded, this was good. Believe it or not, Rimuru was also necessary that is because this world's technological development depended directly on him. He was the one who made this world into an almost modern one in a matter of years.
Of course Galahad could do it himself too but he didn't really give a flying fuck about the world but he wasn't someone who was going to give up free advancement when it had no cons and only pros for him. He glanced at Mizari who had been silent all this time, "So...I'm going for.....Walpurgis.....go back home....get it ready....I need to..sleep." he said yawning and lazily looked around, he was going to go late on purpose!
Puppet Country Jistarv,
Main Castle,
Clayman POV,
Clayman's face was red from pure anger at the new Demon Lord and at the fact that Galahad actually invited him over, furthermore he was also agitated by the amount of influence Galahad actually held in the Demon Lord Council despite the fact that the man hadn't visited once in several centuries.
He smirked and looked at Milim, "As long as I have her." as long as he had control over Milim he could afford to go against Galahad without any problem. Milim's only equal should be Guy Crimson herself, surely Galahad would loose.
"Damn him!" he shouted angrily before he started laughing, he had acquired a new pendant and with it he could even control this Demon Lord finally it was all falling into place! He fixed his clothes and got ready to attend Walpurgis.
Undisclosed Location,
Walpurgis Banquet,
Rimuru POV,
Rimuru had woken up a while ago and apparently now he had become a Demon Lord, at least according to what the new Great Sage Raphael told him. He had become a lot more stronger and had acquired Covenant King Uriel, Storm Dragon Veldora, Gluttonous King Beelzebub and Wisdom King Raphael when he evolved, in other words he became extremely strong and he had that maid to thank for it though when he thanked her she just replied with, "Hah? The fuck you on about? You're just a way for me to not help the other bitches so go away." she seemed to be watching something at the time.
Enough on that, he had ordered an invasion on Jistarv as revenge for being simply attacked out of no where after he connected the dots and figured out that Clayman was the one behind it. He had discussed with Sarion, Dwargon and Blumund according to whom Galahad was actually on the warpath. Gazel and Fuse wanted him to do something about it so coming here was also an attmept at dissuading Galahad though Rimuru couldn't understand why a peaceful guy like him wanted war.
On a side note he also unleashed his old friend Veldora though the dragon had now become a weeb that had gone to the deep end. Coming here was actually also necessary if he wanted to prevent his nation's destruction because the Demon Lords don't easily allow people to enter their Council but rather destroy them if they try to.
He had come here with a demoness that had come for him and now that he was actually here he realized that these guys were fucking monsters! Seriously how broken can you be?! He thought himself broken but most of them here had higher magicules and aura than even him! A vampire girl, a giant, a red haired demoness, a pixie, a golden haired demonoid, and a harpy. Three seats were empty right now.
All of a sudden Clayman walked out holding a golden fox in his hands followed by Milim and their presence brought everyone's attention to them. What no one noticed was a white haird guy lazily walking in rubbing his eyes, "I want to...sleep." Galahad muttered, maybe a year or two would be good it was a very small amount of time too.
Rimuru glared at the Demon Lord who could have become the cause of his people's death, he understood now that in this world he had to kill to survive. This man needed to go, he put Rimuru and his nation in too much danger. "Clayman." he growled a bit angry, "Welcome everyone!" Clayman said smiling widely, before he noticed Galahad wasn't here and a vein popped out on his forehead.
He shook his head, after this Walpurgis he wouldn't be coming again either. Clayman would make sure of that himself. "Walk faster you dullard!" he said angrily at Milim who was following behind him a bit slowly, this little shit was so dumb she couldn't do anything properly without orders! He raised her fist to punch her as the others raised their brows at this.
But that's all he did, he froze in place with his fist still raised. It was only now that everyone else noticed the other person who had entered the room at the same time he did, Galahad didn't give off any presence and with all this aura flowing around only Guy was able to notice him.
He froze because a sword was resting on his shoulder and an incomprehensible amount of bloodlust was directed at him, "Move that hand, I" Galahad said glaring at him slightly angry, which honestly surprised him as well after all he never got angry. Clayman looked back to see a pair of golden eyes staring straight at him.
Ramiris folded her arms and smiled smugly, as long as this guy was here good luck on even trying to touch Milim. That is because near her Galahad becomes like a protective older brother, she had heard him say Angelica several times when near her with a nostalgic look on his face, though she didn't know or inquire further. While all the others slightly smiled at his actions Rimuru was slack jawed, "Holy shit." he muttered, this guy which was seemingly harmless was actually very fucking menacing!
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