10% 洗手间 / Chapter 2: Nora's Awakening

章 2: Nora's Awakening

Chapter 2: Nora's Awakening

Noel's emotions were in a mess as he approached the entrance of the stunningly beautiful garden. His heart was pounding with anxiety, and his mind was still reeling from the unpleasant encounter that had left him feeling shaken and vulnerable.

The scorching heat of the day was making him feel even more uncomfortable, and he was desperate for some respite.

As he stepped inside the garden, the cool breeze brushed against his face, offering a temporary relief from the oppressive heat. The breathtaking beauty of the garden immediately struck him. The vibrant colors and sweet fragrances that surrounded him were a stark contrast to the negative energy that had been weighing on him all day.

Noel closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath, and then exhaled slowly. He felt his muscles relax, his mind started to quiet down. It was as if the garden was speaking to him, telling him that everything would be alright. He knew that he could always come to this magical place to find solace and clarity whenever he needed it.

As Noel walked deeper into the garden, he noticed a figure sitting on a bench not too far away. It was a young girl, her bright pink hair a stark contrast against the greenery around her. She was reading a book, her eyes glued to the pages. This was the first time he had seen her in this garden.

Noel hesitated for a moment but then decided to approach her. As he got closer, the girl looked up and smiled warmly at him.

"Hi, there!" she chirped. "Isn't it a pretty day?"

Noel couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm. "Yes, it is. I come here often. It's my favorite place to be."

The girl beamed. "Mine too! I love to read here. My name is... well, you can just call me Pinky!"

"Noel," he replied while thinking about her identity, but he decided it would be rude to poke further. "Nice to meet you, Pinky."

Pinky put her book down and patted the bench next to her. "Wanna sit down? Maybe we can read together."

Noel was taken aback by the girl's innocence; looking at her sweet eyes that seem to sparkle every now and then. He hesitated for a moment, wondering if he should take her up on the offer to sit next to her. But then he shrugged off his doubts and decided to go for it. As he sat down, he felt a sense of warmth and comfort wash over him, like he had just found a new friend.

"Do you come here often?" the girl asked, her voice as sweet as honey.

Noel thought for a moment before grinning mischievously. "No, actually. I'm new to this world. My name is Noel. And you are?"

The girl's eyes widened in surprise. "You're from another world? That's so cool!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and wonder.

Noel chuckled. "Yeah, I guess it is pretty cool. And what are you reading there?"

The girl's eyes lit up as she eagerly held up her book. "It's The Adventures of Valtorius! It's my favorite book series ever. It's all about this brave warrior who goes on daring quests and fights against evil forces to save the world."

Noel raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Sounds interesting, let's read it then"

The girl nodded eagerly, handing over the book with a grin. As Noel began to read, he found himself drawn into the story, swept away by the vivid descriptions and heart-pounding action. For a moment, he forgot all about his troubles and worries, lost in the world of Valtorius.


In the bustling dining hall,

Nora couldn't help but notice Noel's absence. She had always felt like he was avoiding her, and today was no different. Despite her attempts to be friendly, Noel always seemed indifferent and would try to get away from her as quickly as possible.

With a sigh, Nora watched as Noel slipped out of the dining hall without a word. She wondered what she had done to make him dislike her so much. She shook her head and turned her attention back to the room.

Suddenly, she heard a chorus of amazed whispers and gasps. Curious, she looked around and saw that everyone was staring at her. Confused, she asked, "What's going on?"

One of the mages grinned and replied, "Nora, that was amazing! You're a genius! You can control all four elements like it's nothing!"

Another mage chimed in, "We've never seen anything like it. How can a four-year-old have such precise control? It's like a monster has been born!"

The others joined in, their excitement and admiration were palpable. Nora was shocked. She didn't understand what they were talking about. All she had done was was copying what she saw her father did last time, and it didn't seem like anything special to her.

The mages explained that even the most basic spells required a month of practice to master, and some mages took years to perfect their abilities. For Nora to perform the spell flawlessly, without even chanting a single word, was nothing short of miraculous.

Nora couldn't believe what she was hearing. She had always known that she was different, but she had no idea just how exceptional her abilities were. She felt a wave of pride and excitement wash over her.

Suddenly, her parents walked in the room with beaming faces. "That was much more than we expected, isn't that right, dear?" her mother exclaimed.

Nora's father chimed in, "We knew you could control five elements, but to think you could cast them right after awakening! You little monster, have you been secretly practicing inside your mother's stomach?" He then playfully lifted her up in the air.

"Five!?" hearing what the lord said, all the mages including the servants were dumbfounded.

In addition to the four basic elements, there are two rare elements known as Light and Darkness. These elements are exclusive to creatures with a strong innate magical affinity.

Generally, humans lack the ability to wield Light and Darkness. However, there are exceptions. Those who possess equal affinity to magic as naturally gifted creatures such as elves, fairies, and dragons can unlock the ability to control these elements at will.

Meanwhile, humans can only learn and control the elements they have a natural aptitude for. And they are unable to use elements that are outside of their affinity.

Nora couldn't believe what she was hearing, but the joy of discovering her amazing abilities made her feel like she was on top of the world.

As her father lifted her up in the air, Nora laughed and spun around, feeling weightless and free. "No, Dad! I haven't been practicing in Mom's stomach," she giggled. "I just knew that I could do it."

Her mother smiled warmly at her. "You're a natural, my dear. But you must be careful not to let your powers get out of control."

As she looked around the room, Nora saw everyone staring at her in amazement. The other children in the room were whispering and pointing at her, and even the adults seemed to be in awe of her.

Nora felt a sudden pang of self-consciousness. She had never liked being the center of attention, and now she was getting more attention than she had ever wanted.

"By the gods, this is a momentous occasion! Sylvester, prepare the Golden-Tusked Boar!" exclaimed her father, a glint in his eye.

The old butler, with his perfectly groomed, snowy white hair and traditional black tailcoat with a white waistcoat, couldn't believe his ears. "Beg your pardon, my lord, but did I hear you correctly?" he asked, his eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Indeed you did, my good man. Our dear daughter has awakened, and what better way to celebrate than with the finest feast in the land?" her father replied with a proud smile.

Without missing a beat, the butler, known as Sylvester, nodded his head in understanding. "Very well, my lord. Leave it to me," he said, before bowing and gracefully exiting the room to make the necessary arrangements.


As they sat in the garden, surrounded by colorful flowers and the sweet scent of blooming trees, Noel couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. It was a rare feeling for him, as he had always struggled with making friends and fitting in.

Noel handed the leather-bound book back to the girl, he smiled warmly. "Many thanks for allowing me to read it. It was truly amazing."

The girl beamed at him, clearly thrilled to have found someone who shared her passion for the book. "You're welcome! Maybe we could read the rest of the series together sometime?"

Noel felt a warm sense of companionship bloom inside him at the thought. "I would be delighted to," he replied with a smile. "It would be an honor."

As they talked, Pinky suddenly stood up and dusted off her skirt. "Oh no, I just realized the time," she said with a hint of disappointment in her voice. "I have to leave now or I'll be late for my afternoon duties."

Noel's heart sank a little at the thought of their conversation ending so soon, but he knew they would have more opportunities to talk in the future. "Of course, I understand," he said with a nod. "Thank you again for sharing your book with me, Pinky. It was a pleasure to meet you."

"Ok bye-bye" with a wave and a grin, Pinky dashed off, leaving Noel alone in the tranquil garden with his thoughts and the beautiful scenery.

Noel made his way to his room, which was located on the second floor of the magnificent mansion. The mansion was a sight to behold, with its towering white pillars, intricately designed façade, and sprawling gardens that surrounded the property. As he climbed the stairs, Noel couldn't help but marvel at the wealth of his family's home.

The hallway on the second floor was lined with portraits of his ancestors, their stern faces gazing down at him from above ornately carved wooden frames. Each portrait seemed to hold a story, and Noel often found himself lost in thought, imagining the lives they had led.

His room was spacious and tastefully decorated, with plush carpets and curtains that matched the deep blue of his bedspread. His favorite feature was the large bay window that overlooked the gardens, affording him a breathtaking view of the landscape below.

The room was filled with items that reflected his interests, such as his collection of vintage books and his telescope, which he used to gaze at the stars on clear nights. There also a couple of instruments placed on his room

Overall, Noel's room was a sanctuary, a place where he could retreat from the world and indulge in his passions. As he settled in his room, he plan to spend his day lazing around doing nothing.

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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