71.23% My Hero Academia : The Symbol of Power / Chapter 50: Chapter : 47 The Epic Fight

章 50: Chapter : 47 The Epic Fight

(3rd POV)

Following behind All Might's footstep, he announced his presence in a rather cinematic manner.

"TREMBLE IN FEAR..." All Might's declaration addressed the people but his declaration was for the villains.

"I AM HERE!!!!"


"Bakugo!!" ×5

The student exclaimed, Ochako had a relieved smile and she hop in excitement. Her movement caused the pearl like tears in her eyes to splash around. It was a tough day for her and she did not know why his presence brought her more relief than All Might's. Maybe because he saved her that time.

"Kacchan." Midoriya's eyes showed his delight. It felt like a mountain was lifted off his shoulders.



"Young Bakugo, I appreciate the help but you should go. You did plenty enough." All Might put his hand on Bakugo's shoulder.

"You think I am going to hide and be protected like some extra?" He scoffed at the mere thought. "Extras are born every minute but I ain't one." He push his hand off his shoulder.

"Katsuki Bakugo. The strongest student of the first years, getting first position in the entrance exam and nearly breaking All Might's record." Shigaraki announced, trying to scare him a bit, but he may as well have better luck with a stone.

"Son of Mitsuki Bakugo and-" He was rudely cut off by Bakugo. "Those aren't my parents, my real parents are of the royal family."

"huh??" Shigaraki was utterly confused.

"I said shut up."

"No you didn't. You said-"

"I said 'Shut up'. I heard what I said, I was the one who said it." Boku crossed his arm and have this cocky smirk.

Shigaraki was fuming, his eyes nearly spit out venom. No one was allowed to disrespect him like that.

"Its good that you both are here, it means that I can still complete our objective and KILL YOU BOTH!!" He screamed coarsely.



The place where the Nomu crashed exploded and Nomu shot towards them. His speed alone broke the sound barrier.

"KHEEEEEEKK!!" He let out a ear splitting roar that induced fear to everyone who heard it.

"Look out!!" All Might pulled Bakugo back and blast forward to meet the incomming Nomu.

'I am at my limit and I don't know how long I can hold on..But I will not stop till I save everyone!!'

'I will protect everyone even if it meant breaking my body into pieces. No matter the Pain, No matter the limit, No matter the odds...'

'I will save everyone!!! Why?' His eyes widen, his sclera was like the blackest night sky but his iris was like the brightest morning sky.

The black void compliments his blue eyes that glowed with hope, power, determination and sheer will. As if to signify the bright hope in the darkest times.

'Because I am, THE SYMBOL OF PEACE!!'

The world hummed in acknowledgement and under his might, evil was stopped.




"Look out!!" All Might pulled me back and blast forward to meet the Nomu.

'Madafaka, does he think I was in trouble? It was the Nomu who was in trouble.'

Both of them rocketed towards each other and their fist collided in extreme force.

*BOOOM!!!* A hurricane ensued as it blast away everything in its vicinity. Shigaraki also flew away like a hung cloth.

I was also pushed back but my fingers dig into the ground and anchored me in my place. I put my arm up to block pebbles and twigs from entering my sensitive eyes

The air groaned as their fist push back onto each other. Their raw strength pummeled the air and leveled the surroundings.

The clash lasted for few seconds, trying to push each other back. But in the end, their attack cancelled each other and both got pushed back.

"KHEEEEK!!".."RAAAAHHH!!" Both let out a roar and they meet each other again.

Their clash resulted in what could only be described as calamity given form.


Imagine, a punch more powerful than their first clash. A punch that could shatter mountains and change the weather itself.

Now multiply that by a hundred, No a thousand, No Millions!!

That was what All Might was giving the Nomu. Whose attacks was on the same level if not stronger than All Might. Their arms blurred out of existence.

Two sides, exchanging thousands of mountain shattering punches. Each more powerful than the last.

If not for the fact that the Nomu was absorbing the forces of all the punces or All Might blocking and tanking all Nomu's punches to not hurt the others. I am afraid the whole facility would collapse.

A hundred punches in the length of a second, a hundred more in half that time and a thousand punches in the third second.

The exchange was getting more and more intense.

The friction of their arms moving through the atmosphere cause sparks of heat. Therefore each attack was glowing with endless power of intensity.

The ground was ravaged and a neverending hurricane graced the battle, pushing away all things.

The shockwave uprooted trees and the earth was deformed, dismantled, and destroyed.



I gaze upon the ongoing battle and my blood boils in excitement. My battlelust leaking out of my very being.

My heart began beating like a machine, my body was ready to pounce at any time. My instincts were alert and my mind was filled with nothing but the idea of battle.

The clash continued for a while but All Might was slowly getting pushed back. Even if they have the same strength he was but a human, he feels exhaustion, pain, and emotions while his enemy did not.

Blood spilled out of his mouth and I take that as my queue to step in.

My power which I have been gathering and circulating in my feet exploded, pushing me at a speed I have never experienced. It was my fastest thus far.

The world slowed down for me.

The sound barrier was shattered twice and I moved with such a speed that the ongoing exchange of blows seems somewhat slow to me.

I kick the Nomu right at his chest, my feet sink into his chest. Breaking his ribs and crushing his internals. His body was like a baloon getting squished.

Then time resumed in a normal pace..




Nomu flew away at such a speed that the ground exploded and the wind cried as his limp body cut through the air.


I stayed stagnant in the air and turned back, All Might looked stunned but he regained composure and nodded at me. I threw on a smirk at the gesture and we both exploded with extreme force and rush towards Nomu.

*Boom* *Boom*

We both left a trail of destruction in out path, the destruction desperately tried to follow behind us but it couldn't catch up.

The moment the destruction physically occured, we were already gone, creating two more future destructions.

We quickly reached the Nomu flying away from my kick and we both landed powerful attacks on both his side from opposite directions.

The Nomu's body could not contain such force and it burst open. The blood dried up because of my flames and pieces of flesh was reduced to ash.

We both landed on the ground with a loud boom and stare at the Nomu.

"KHEEEEEEK" He lets out a roar and like a kiss of life, his grotesque body healed in what I could only call an instant.

'That thing is absolute hacks' I looked at All Might and he did the same. We stare at each other for a while before we both nodded as if we have an understanding between us.

'We need to kill him instantly, we will lose if this fight goes on. Short and Intense is a way to win'

I summoned all my remaing power, I will go beyond my strongest. I will only last for a short time like this but thats the plan.

I took a stance with my four limbs and blast forward.

I cut through the air and throws a punch, the air vibrated as my attack neared its target.

All Might did the same and we both landed a punch right at the villan.

*BOOOM!!* I glace at the smiling All Might and my excitement reached its peak.

"LETS GO!!!"



(3rd POV)

"Is this what its like at the peak?" Midoriya asked as he looked at the battle below.

He looked down and clench is hand into a fist, 'I need to get stronger'

"GO BAKUGO!!! GO ALL MIGHT!!" Tooru shouted at the side. Midoriya had noticed her joining them a while ago.

The other students also gaze down at the battle. The intensity still managed to reach them even though they were far away.

The ground beneath them trembled continuously and a gale blew nonstop.

They were amazed and horrified at the same time.



"Machine gun blows!!!" My arms blurred and formed a mirage of thousand arms, and each of them landed continuously on Nomu.

All Might and Nomu was doing the same thing. All Might and I attack from both sides and the Nomu could not keep up with the both of us, so he could do nothing but eat everything we throw at him.

The Nomu's body was squezing, squelching and making wet sloppy sounds. Blood spill out from every pores of his body. His tendons snaped, his bones stick out weirdly.

The beating was too fast that it vibrated and made a continuous sound akin to a huge machine. A literal roar of the battle could be heard.


The All Might gave a powerful uppercut that sends the Nomu into the air. I followed behind, the sky was my domain.

I flash around like a shooting star, continuous attacking the Nomu. I maneuvered in the air, using my flames and delivered endless attacks.

I mostly utilized my flames because it was more effective than brute force but he was also constantly regenerating.

Each of my attacks would disrupt the atmosphere and create a vortex of chaos. Then All Might jumped up, destroying the ground while leaving a huge crater and flew right at Nomu.

He grabbed both the Nomu's hand and gave a powerful knee right at his chest. I shoot up as high as I could and manifest my powers.

All Might then threw the Nomu to the ground, the ground was dismantled into big squares, which was further completely shattered by the shockwave.

Flames erupted from my shoulders, pushing me down with unbelievable momentum. I brought my feet up and got in the position to smash down in a hammer kick.

I descend and plunge to the ground like a fallen star, golden and scorching. The Nomu brought his hands up to block but it was futile.

My feet crushed his arms and burnt it away. My hammer kick does not stop and continue crushing the Nomu until his midriffs.


The core area of the attack sink in. The whole surroundings sink in like water. Like throwing a huge rock at a lake.

Then it erupted in absolute power and destruction. The ground became red and orange, turning into lava and it exploded out. The surrounding was reduced to smithereens.

All Might came down and landed on the ground, the lava doesn't seem to bother him much and he smashed the Nomu into the groumd.

The ground shuddered in despair and the Nomu's body drilled into the mass of Earth and was buried.


I took to the sky and put up my right hand, I gathered ALL my remaining powers and manifest it above my palm.

A literal ball of destruction and heat materialized. It was like the SUN itself.

Its very existence made reality thin and it burned a hole in the atmosphere. The space seems to burn around the ball of pure POWER.

I did not stop, I feed the ball more and more power and it began vibrating, it seems to shattered the fabrics of space itself.



All Might plunge his hand into the ground and pulled out Nomu.

"Have you ever heard of this villains. 'United we could overcome anything'." The Nomu was suspeneded in the air and it gave All Might the perfect position to throw a punch.

"UNITED STATES OF..." His musles flexed with raw strength which almost drips out from his body.

He pulled back his arm back and throws an absolute devastating attack. The air was plumelled and shattered.

It was a space bending punch that made the earth shudder as it inch towards its target.

"SMASHHHH!!" The punch landed and everything was crushed, down to a cellular level.

A golded explosion erupted at the point of contact and the Nomu was lunched away towards me.

The air wailed and it was forcefully pushed away, creating devastating gust of winds that uprooted the sturdiest objects.


I had a huge smile as I saw the body of Nomu fly towards me.

I brought the minature SUN in my palm towards the incomming Nomu. It was raw Power and Destruction given construct.

Nomu's body already burned even before it made contact. When it finally did, his body was erased, not burned but completely erased.

It was an absolute erasure of his entire being, down to a molecular level. No melt felsh, No dried blood, No smoke, No nothing.

I twist the ball of Power in my hand and it erupted into unbelievable torrent of flames that burned away everything.

It was a tornado of infernal destruction that reached the sky. The air screamed and whirl around my scorching flames. The oxygen burned out, leaving people around to suffocate on the boiling air

The world did not know how to react and for that brief moment, it was chaos of the highest order.

My flames burned away the colours of reality itself. For a moment in forever, the whole world and reality became black and white.

Sounds cease to exist. The world was plunged into absolute silence and it only returned with my permission.




Author : I admit its over the top..but its fucking epic.

Thanks for reading!!!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C50
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


