The next morning, buoyed by the high spirits from his breakthrough, Hikari completed his pre-afternoon training with ease.
It wasn't long after when one of his attendants approached him with news that brightened his mood further—the newly procured expensive equipment he and Hinome had been eagerly awaiting had secretly arrived at the compound during the night.
It had also already been delivered to Hinome's research room within the residence by now.
Acknowledging the update with a nod, Hikari made his way to the newly established main research room, curious and excited to see the new tools that would advance their work.
Upon entering, he found Hinome already there, deeply engrossed in examining the equipment 'from head to toe' in detail.
She was clad in her white research coat and wearing similar necessities, such as masks and gloves. Alongside her were a few members of her research team, all of whom were focused on the newly arrived tools.
After seeing him, they all saluted and addressed him respectfully without needing any explicit instruction. After that, they quickly gathered their notes and materials and made their way out of the room.
Their departure was orderly and swift, leaving Hikari and Hinome alone amid the array of new equipment that filled the space.
The equipment that arrived was specifically designed to advance cellular research, a field that required precision, delicacy, and a deep understanding of biological processes.
Among the various tools and devices, there were sophisticated cell extractors designed for the delicate task of isolating cells without damaging them.
Additionally, there were incubators, providing the perfect environment for cell cultivation and multiplication, mimicking the conditions necessary for growth outside the human body.
Only a few pieces of such technology exist in the current shinobi world, made by a few special engineers using different equipment and parts from all around the world. It was nearly impossible for anyone who was not of Hikari's current status and wealth to acquire them.
It involved Hikari keeping tabs on them and following it all even months before he became the Third Elder in preparation.
The centerpiece of the new equipment, however, was a set of human-sized tanks. These tanks were designed with versatility in mind, capable of holding entire human bodies for advanced research and experimentation if the need arose in the future or something unexpected happened during their cellular multiplication phase requiring future analysis.
As Hikari and Hinome reviewed each piece of equipment, their interactions remained strictly professional. They tactfully avoided any mention of the personal moment they had shared the day before. Their focus was on the specifications, functions, and quality of the tools before them.
They discussed the potential applications and how each device could be integrated into their current research projects, particularly how they could be used in conjunction with Hinome's unique microscopic Byakugan vision.
Hinome's ability, which had recently advanced to reach the cellular vision level, when combined with the advanced microscopes that were part of the equipment, opened up new possibilities for their research.
These microscopes could magnify her vision further, allowing for unprecedented detail in their study of cells and their structures.
The scene in the research room was one of intense concentration and mutual respect for each other's high expertise.
As they moved from one piece of equipment to the next, there was a palpable sense of excitement about the potential these tools represented.
"For now, your focus should be on extracting and then successfully multiplying the cells of those chakra-infused mice...", Hikari directed, his tone serious yet encouraging,
"I believe it's still premature to proceed with human experimentation, at least for a few years. However, our ultimate goal is clear – the successful transplantation of foreign cells from individuals with desired characteristics into our own bodies."
Hinome nodded, her expression determined, "I understand. The first step is mastering the process with the mice. By ensuring we can control cell growth and replication in them, we're laying the groundwork for more complex procedures."
"And with those tanks, we can move towards larger-scale experiments. Initially, for the mice, ensuring we can monitor and adjust the environment to suit the needs of different cell types."
Hikari nodded, "Right. The advanced microscopes, combined with your Byakugan, will give us a rare insight into the process at a cellular level. Observing how chakra influences cell behavior in real-time will be invaluable."
"Our approach...", Hinome continued, "Will be methodical. We'll document each variation in the process, analyzing how different chakra natures affect cell viability and growth. This data will be crucial when we eventually transition to human cells."
Hikari nodded and concluded, "Once we've perfected the technique with mice, we'll have a solid foundation for moving on to the next phase with humans. Your unique ability to see at the cellular level will be key in identifying and selecting the ideal cells for transplantation.",
"However, it's important to remember that all of these efforts, while groundbreaking, cannot fully substitute for actual genetic research...", Hikari added thoughtfully,
"True transformation of our bloodlines and destinies hinges on our understanding and manipulation at the genetic level. So, alongside this work, you should continue to refine your vision and explore that domain as well.",
Hikari was well aware that genetic research was almost non-existent in their world, in a slight contrast to the cellular-level insights they could piece together from scattered sources over months of diligent searching, their vision, and clan's and Konoha's internet medical records.
"The cellular work we're undertaking is crucial as the first step, the building block, and a less favorable alternative if needed, but unlocking the secrets of genetics could offer us the keys to fundamentally altering our bloodlines, enabling us to potentially bypass all kinds of natural limitations..."
Hinome absorbed his words, understanding the immense challenge and opportunity they represented,
"So, I'll dedicate part of my research to developing techniques for genetic analysis and manipulation. My Byakugan's ability to see at a microscopic level could also be crucial in identifying genetic markers and alterations in the future when it gets even more powerful."
Hikari and Hinome were setting their sights on discoveries that could redefine the very essence of shinobi capabilities, guided by a blend of Hikari's knowledge from another world and the unique powers of Hinome's eyes.
Soon after imparting these thoughts and setting the stage for the ambitious path ahead, Hikari excused himself from the room, leaving Hinome to her work.
His departure was a silent acknowledgment of his trust in her abilities and dedication to their shared goals. Now alone with the equipment and her thoughts, Hinome felt a surge of motivation fueled by the enormity of the task ahead and Hikari's confidence in her.
She inwardly vowed not to disappoint him and, in the future, and with her research, to create a reality in which the two of them could truly break through their natural confines and truly be open with one another in this kind of troubled and dangerous world, without any fear for their future, and unexpected outcomes, that were always on Hikari's mind since a young age, for some reason, in her observation and her deep silent understanding of him over the years.
Up to 60 additional chapters ahead are available on my Patreon. The link is below as well on this story's main page!
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One month later, Hikari was making his way through Konoha. He was crossing one of the village's bridges over the Naka River, which generally split the area where the medium and large clans of various sizes and influence, including the Hyuga, lived from where everyone else stayed. The lengthy river flowed gently through Konoha, its waters clear and serene.
Crossing it led Hikari into the Hot Springs District, a lively area known for its warm, steaming baths and welcoming atmosphere. His next destination was the Hatake clan's residence, as they currently lived in the more 'civilian' part of the village, unlike the Aburame and Inuzuka.
As the Hyuga clan's newly appointed 'Alliance Coordinator,' Hikari was finally formally stepping into that pivotal role. His mission was to strengthen the bonds between his clan and its traditional allies while forming entirely new alliances.
The streets here were filled with the sounds of laughter and conversation, offering a stark contrast to the more reserved areas of the village, as the Hyuga clan compound usually was.
While walking, Hikari reflected on his just-concluded meetings with the heads of the Inuzuka and Aburame clans. They were his first 'targets' for today, and the meetings lasted for a few hours.
Despite being quite young, due to his position as the Third Elder and Alliance Coordinator of the Hyuga clan, the meetings were conducted with the gravity, diplomacy, and respect expected of someone of his role, so he met with both heads of the two clans.
Both clan heads, Tsume Inuzuka and Shibi Aburame, now in their early twenties and newly appointed but with personal strengths already reaching into the Elite Jonin level territory, shared their concerns with Hikari, particularly about Danzo's aggressive tactics to recruit—or more accurately, poach—young talent from their clans for his Root organization with and sometimes even without the consent of the two clans, but there was nothing they could do.
After all, the Hokage's faction was out of the reach of their ability to fight against. During these discussions, Hikari conveyed the Hyuga clan's shared alarm over Danzo's actions and extended a promise of support to both clans in resisting such encroachments in the future.
Yet, Hikari was acutely aware of the underlying dynamics at play. By timing their offer of support just right after the deed was already done, the Hyuga clan could then position themselves as indispensable allies to both the Inuzuka and Aburame clans going forward.
This strategic move was designed to increase their dependence on the Hyuga, thereby strengthening the Hyuga clan's influence and ensuring that these clans would be more closely tied to them moving forward.
Due to his prominent role and high status within the Hyuga clan, Hikari was currently guarded by an entourage of 15 ordinary Jonin-level bodyguards, all hailing from the clan's Side Branch, as seen by their covered foreheads.
These bodyguards formed a protective circle around him as they moved, their faces set in vigilant and serious expressions, their demeanor machine-like in their focus and efficiency.
Meanwhile, Elite Jonin of the Hyuga clan typically all hailed directly from the various Main Branch lineages, so they were of a higher status. They were usually needed to remain within the clan's domain at all times, safeguarding it against any potential threats.
And there were not many of them, to begin with, probably not more than one or two dozen in the entire clan, in Hikari's impression. They were typically really close in bloodline to Elders.
This all meant that, despite Hikari's significant position, Elite Jonins were still not available to accompany and protect him when he went outside the clan's immediate vicinity like today.
The reason for the current number of Jonin accompanying Hikari wasn't just a reflection of their availability within the clan but also a strategic decision to avoid sending the wrong message to Konoha at large.
Deploying too large of a protective ring could suggest that the Hyuga clan harbored a deep-seated mistrust of the village. Such a display could inadvertently alienate the clan from the rest of Konoha, a scenario the Hyugas were keen to avoid, even though they really harbored deep mistrust for it at large now.
This careful balance of protection and perception was a calculated move, playing into the complex politics of village life. The Hyuga clan, while protective of its best prodigy, was mindful of the broader implications of their actions. They aimed to protect Hikari effectively without casting any shadows on their loyalty and trust in the village's security measures.
However, the presence of the bodyguards wasn't without justification. A few years back, during Hikari's initial visits to Sakumo Hatake, the Anbu frequently intercepted him, urging him to meet with the Hokage for some reason.
Hikari consistently refused, asserting that he was under no obligation to comply with Hokage's requests for a meeting. He wasn't part of Konoha's standard shinobi force, nor did he serve in any of Konoha's administrative bodies.
Instead, he was a member of the Hyuga clan's Main Branch, and he argued that the Hokage had no direct authority over him in any way and cities the Konoha's founding agreements.
Initially, the Anbu's approaches were polite, but their interactions grew tense over time, as Hikari rejected them repeatedly. This culminated in a standoff with Hikari's Jonin bodyguards at one point before they backed off for good.
After these confrontations, the Anbu ceased their attempts to coerce Hikari into meeting with the Hokage, probably so that the old man could try to indoctrinate or test his mindset, potential, or strength in some sneaky way.
Hikari's steadfast refusal to meet him had even more obvious reasons: concerns for his own safety, for the safety of his time and brain cells. This stance was also supported by the Hyuga Council.
So, he directed the Anbu to convey a message to the Hokage every time: any official communication with him should be routed through the Hyuga Patriarch first, as he was just following the internal clan rules that the Patriarch established for his conduct outside.
As Hikari and his entourage of bodyguards navigated the streets of Konoha, they drew the curious gazes of civilians.
Hikari, in his traditional Hyuga-style dark blue robes, complemented with a Haori, presented an image of nobility and calm authority. His attire, rich in the clan's heritage, set him apart, highlighting his status within the Hyuga and his distinct role in the village's tapestry despite his young age; in fact, it made him even more 'important-looking' to everyone passing by.
Similar to his bodyguards, his guards were not clad in the Konoha Jonin uniforms but wore uniforms that echoed the Hyuga style.
This choice of attire served as a visual statement of their allegiance to the clan, reinforcing the notion of unity and distinct identity among the Hyuga members.
Civilians watched with a mixture of respect, intrigue, and a slight unease as this formidable procession passed. Some whispered among themselves, speculating on the nature of Hikari's visit or the implications of such a visible show of clan solidarity within the village.
Children paused in their play to stare while shopkeepers and passersby momentarily halted their activities to take in the sight.
Hikari, for his part, maintained a composed demeanor, his focus forward. His appearance and the silent, protective circle formed by his bodyguards conveyed a sense of purpose and determination, leaving a lasting impression on those who witnessed their quick passage.
As Hikari made his way through Konoha, overhearing some of the slanderous rumors about Sakumo Hatake that emerged during the last few days, he found it intriguing, a fascinating study of how easily public opinion could be swayed by the narrative spun by those in power.
His observation of the villagers' quickness to condemn Sakumo based on rumors confirmed the gullibility and malleability of the masses, which were also present in his past life.
The Hokage's faction's ability to manipulate public perception to such a large degree highlighted an aspect of power dynamics within Konoha that Hikari, ever the pragmatist, recognized as a truly valuable area.
Hikari's understanding of the advantages of controlling the narrative and public opinion was sharpened by his knowledge of a modern-era past life.
Yet, Hikari was under no illusion about the dynamics of power in this world. He recognized that, despite the potential leverage offered by 'soft power' through narrative control, it was 'hard power'—the sheer force of elite shinobi strength and ability—that ultimately held sway in their society.
The dominance of elite personal force over the public sentiment of broader masses was a fundamental truth of the shinobi world, one that the Hokage's faction seemed to forget.
He long understood that the mistreatment and alienation of a shinobi as powerful as Sakumo by the village's leadership could be a critical mistake—one that Hikari could exploit next.
By positioning himself as an ally to Sakumo in the wake of the Hokage faction's blunders, he envisioned turning one of Konoha's most formidable warriors against those who had sought to undermine him.
The Hokage faction's failure to recognize all of this, in his view, would be their downfall, especially as he worked to align Sakumo's considerable abilities with his own ambitions.
Up to 60 additional chapters ahead are available on my Patreon. The link is below as well on this story's main page!
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