35.51% A Transmigrator's Story in the Hyuga's Main Branch / Chapter 38: Another Challenge within The Main Branch

章 38: Another Challenge within The Main Branch

"Did you get the permission of your parents or your grandfather, the Fourth Elder, before coming to run wild here like this? First, this is a hospital and a learning institution. It is not a place where some useless 'vase' like you can run amok.",

"Since they said that they have no medical experts ready to spare for you and send you to the Fourth Estate, then you just should accept that rationally, instead of going all the way here to cause trouble with your stupid brain...",

Hikari's voice was cold and emotionless as he delivered his rebuke, his gaze fixed on Akemi with expressionless eyes.

Akemi, upon recognizing the identity of the young speaker before her, instinctively ceased the use of the Cursed Seal Command on Hinome.

The realization dawned on her that she was confronting Hikari, the future Third Elder, also known as the highest talent in the Hyuga clan's history.

His potential and status were recognized and pushed by the entire Main Branch in a joint resolution, and even her grandfather and parents had repeatedly warned her to try and build the best possible relationship with him and not to provoke him under any circumstances.

The sudden halt in Akemi's actions brought a wave of relief that swept through the room, palpably lifting the heavy atmosphere that had settled over the assembled crowd.

Hinome, still on the ground and recovering from the acute pain inflicted by the Cursed Seal, turned her gaze weakly toward Hikari.

In that moment of vulnerability, recognition dawned on her, this was not just any classmate stepping in to defend her, but also the boy whose parents had once been heroes on the battlefield, heroes who had saved her own parents in a time of dire need during the start of the previous war, before both sets of parents also tragically lost their lives a few years ago.

'He's truly kind just like his parents and doesn't discriminate between branches...', Hinome thought to herself, a wave of gratitude washing over her.

Despite the humiliation and the physical pain she had endured, Hikari's intervention had allowed her to salvage a sliver of dignity from the ordeal. 

After a moment of silence, during which Akemi managed to gather her composure, her wounded pride and offense at Hikari's sharp rebuke stirred her to respond.

Despite acknowledging Hikari's higher status than her own, Akemi's deeply ingrained sense of superiority as a Main Branch member wouldn't allow her to remain silent.

After a bit, Akemi managed to calm down and, feeling insulted by Hikari's harsh words and being called a 'useless vase' and essentially implied that she was 'stupid', decided to speak up. Her pride as a Main Branch member wouldn't let her stay quiet.

"Okay, okay, it looks like Hikari-kun really 'likes' the Side Branch, just like his family before him... I won't make a scene in front of our 'legendary talent' today, I'll let it go this time. But you shouldn't just throw insults around for no reason...",

She shot back, implying that Hikari was wrong to defend Hinome, the girl on the ground, especially against another Main Branch member like herself.

She also suggested that Hikari was being too idealistic, just like his parents, despite him having used the Cursed Seal Command against some Side Branch members before, which had made people in the Main Branch think differently of him.

Overall, Akemi's words were a mix of backing down and still poking at Hikari. After all, a part of her statement was vaguely aimed at trying to isolate him from the rest of the Main Branch.

"No, I'm not defending her because she is a Side Branch member, but because she is a very important talent already picked up and cultivated by me in secret. So, you essentially just attacked one of my people. And who said you can go just like that? Do you think attacking my people was this easy?",

"I'm officially challenging you right now, and if you want to prove that you are not a vase and that calling you a vase was an insult instead of an objective fact, then accept this challenge from me, an 8 year younger boy than you, and fight openly right now...", Hikari's voice was firm, his intention clear as he took a step closer to Akemi, his expression deadly serious.

Hikari spoke truthfully; his concern wasn't rooted in the mere fact that a Side Branch member was being punished, but in the potential harm to Hinome's unique talent, particularly her eyes, which he deemed crucial for his future plans.

The reckless use of the Cursed Seal Command, which was probably connected to her eyes in some way or another, stirred a deep, sudden anger in him, prompting his decision to confront and teach Akemi a lesson.

However, Hikari believed that the rest of the higher-ups of the Main Branch, upon reflection, would see the wisdom in his current actions.

The aftermath of the war had left many in the Side Branch grieving from losing family members or suffering from injuries after barely coming back alive themselves.

Hikari knew that the Fourth Elder, Akemi's grandfather, had understood this delicate balance.

His silent acceptance of the lack of immediate medical attention for his granddaughter, who was slightly injured during training, in favor of many seriously injured members of the Side Branch, was a testament to a broader vision of the clan's higher-ups.

There was no place for childishness there. The Elders of the Hyuga clan were all wise and strategic, not given to wasteful or sadistic uses of the Cursed Seal Command.

Its activation was a serious matter, it didn't happen 'every day', and the purpose of using it isn't so openly stated in front of everyone as Akemi did. If she wanted to teach them a lesson like she said, then it should not be done so openly, completely stating your purpose upfront.

In that way, you would only drive more hidden resentment against the Main Branch and resoluteness, and unity amongst the Side Branch themselves, instead of targeted broad fear.

The way Akemi used the Cursed Seal Command was everything it shouldn't be. It was rash, public, and excessive, unlike the careful and discreet way it's usually handled by the senior Main Branch members, also in the right doses, after a period of calculated risk to reward.

Hikari thought this mistake showed a big gap in what Akemi had learned about leadership and strategy from those before her. In his view, her actions showed she hadn't been taught to think about the bigger picture or how her decisions affect the whole clan.

This was a lesson missed by her elders, and now it was causing problems. So, in Hikari's opinion, they should even be thankful to him now that he was about to teach her a lesson in humility and life.

Hinome, still on the ground and recovering from the pain of the Cursed Seal, listened with a mixture of shock and awe as Hikari stood up to Akemi on her behalf.

His words, clear and authoritative, cut through the tension in the room. Hinome had never expected anyone, let alone Hikari—a Main Branch member and someone she respected for his talent and integrity—to defend her so openly and boldly right now.

Additionally, as she listened to Hikari's bold defense and challenge, her surprise was magnified by the revelation that she was considered one of "his people."

This statement left her puzzled and curious. Why would Hikari, a member of the Main Branch and known for his exceptional talent, consider her, a Side Branch member, to be under his protection?

The concept was foreign to her, given the clan's strict division and the usual indifference the Main Branch showed towards the Side Branch members.

Her mind raced with questions. What interest could Hikari possibly have in her? Was it purely because of her medical ninjutsu abilities, or was there more to his actions than met the eye?

The thought that Hikari had been secretly observing and valuing her progress was both flattering and bewildering. Until this moment, Hinome had felt largely invisible within the clan, her contributions unnoticed by the Main Branch.

"Talent, haha? What kind of 'big talent' could that little girl have after being so clumsy and failing to treat even the most basic injury for me? And what are you doing here in the first place? Don't tell me you are here for this girl, and you developed some childish feeling between you, haha...?",

Akemi's laughter cut through the tension, her words dripping with sarcasm as she mocked Hikari. Her reaction made it clear she wasn't taking his challenge or his defense of Hinome seriously.

However, Akemi's response, which Hikari found foolish, only irritated him further on the inside. Despite this, he maintained his composure and replied with a calm and icy exterior,

"Okay, then since you don't seem to accept my challenge, you are dismissed from here. And don't make me see you around here again. I won't wait for you to formally agree to my challenge to teach you a lesson at that time.",

"Also, from now on, I want everyone here to spread the word that Akemi of the Main Fourth Lineage is a useless vase, who can only go against defenseless individuals with Cursed Seal Commands, not even her power, and chooses to deflect when facing the prospect of going against me, an 8-year-old younger genius from the Main Branch...",

As he moved past Akemi toward Hinome's position, his gestures exaggeratedly 'ejecting' her from the scene, his action clearly asserting dismissing completely and establishing authority over Akemo not leaving her any face, something that was truly rare and provocative among their branch. It was obvious that he just wanted her to formally accept the fight or strike first.

Akemi's initial amusement vanished instantly, replaced by a flare of anger at Hikari's biting words. The dismissive tone, the challenge to her competence, and the public humiliation ignited a fire within her.

Her pride as a Main Branch member and her personal dignity had been called into question, and the suggestion that she was a 'useless vase' was more than she could bear in silence.

Her face reddened, a mix of anger and defiance flashing in her eyes as she retorted, "Fine! I accept your challenge, Hikari. But don't you dare regret it later! You think you can just insult me and get away with it? I'll show you that I'm not someone to be dismissed so lightly.",

Akemi's voice carried a sharp edge, her words heavy with the promise of retribution. At that moment, any semblance of composure was replaced by a need to defend her honor and prove herself against Hikari's accusations and keep 'face'. The idea of backing down was no longer an option; accepting the challenge was the only way to restore her standing back.

Hanma_Jack Hanma_Jack

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