
Stephen Strange- Bazz-B cosplay expert

A few days later

T'Challa, Tony, and Viktor were sitting in the Clinic, when a disheveled man stumbled in.

They held their coffee and turned to look at him.

The man looked up and said "Gardens…" Viktor's face turned ugly and he said "Strange." Tony asked, "What's so strange?"

Stephen said "That's my name, jackass." Tony looked at him and said "Oh, I'm sorry. Are you homeless? I couldn't tell…"

Stephen ignored him and laid his hands on the table, saying "You ruined me." Viktor looked at his trembling hands and said "Listen pal, I did everything I could. It's not my fault you weren't paying attention to the road, okay?!" Stephen looked at him and said angrily "Look at my hands! I could've done better!"

Viktor snorted and raised his voice as he said "Do you know that I had to personally stitch your torn ligaments back together? I reset your bones and personally repaired every single bit of torn tissue under a microscope! Do you realize I spent 10 hours on your worthless hands?! Huh!?"

Viktor slapped the table and glared at Stephen, saying "Last time at the hospital it was the same thing! Now you show up at my clinic and accuse me?! Your nerves?! They were gone before you came to me! You had metal pins in your goddamn hands!"

He poked his own chest angrily, "I was the one who saved you! I was the one who cleaned you up! I was the one who fixed the hack job of your good friend Nic West! I was the one who fixed your hands so that they didn't look like they went through a garbage disposal!"

Viktor clenched his fist and shouted "And you come to me, telling me you could've done better?! You arrogant son of a b-" Lilith hugged his leg and muttered "Bad words…" Viktor calmed down and said with a frown, "Your hands, they'll never heal. I tried my best, you're lucky that you don't look like Michael J. Fox! Get your milkshake hands out of here."

Stephen looked at him and clenched his fists, saying nothing.

He closed his eyes and looked down, saying softly "Please. Help me. I don't know where else to go. I've tried everything. Nobody will help me." Viktor looked at him and Stephen lowered his head saying "I'm sorry."

Viktor sighed and grabbed his hands, turning them over. He said "There's only one thing I can do. But even I don't know if it'll work." Stephen said immediately "Anything!" Viktor's lips trembled but he didn't say anything.

He walked to the room and came back with a syringe full of orange liquid. He rolled it in between his fingers and said "This could have unpredictable consequences, are you sure?"

Stephen stretched out his arms, not asking any more.

Viktor's eyes rolled around and he suddenly stabbed Stephen with the Extremis Shot.

Stephen groaned and stared at his hands, his eyes widened and he said "It's working!" Viktor stared closely and his eyes widened as he saw the nerves regenerating quickly…

But they weren't stopping!

Stephen's nerves were multiplying quickly in his entire hand before becoming red hot like lava and flowing all along his hands and fingers, climbing up his arm, stopping halfway up his forearm before calming down.

Tony, T'Challa, and Viktor stared at Stephen, who was already in shock at this moment.

Stephen's hands started trembling again and he smashed them on the table, shouting "Why!? Why! Why!"

Viktor swallowed in fear and said "Oh my god! What have I done…" Tony said "I thought this was 100% safe!" Viktor said in shock "Oh christ. You-You-You!" he grabbed Stephen and dragged him outside, yelling "Emma!"

Emma looked over and waved her hands as a barrier covered the compound, concealing the inside.

Viktor said quickly "Point your fingers at the sky! All of them! Quickly!" Stephen lifted his hands at the air as his fingers brightened.

They suddenly caught on fire and blasted fire lasers into the sky one after the other.

After a dozen rounds, Stephen fell to the ground weakly, saying "What just happened?"

Viktor stared at him in shock and said "Well, there's good news and bad news, which do you want to hear first?"

Stephen said "The bad news." Viktor said "Your hands are still unsuitable for surgery. In fact, they'll never be suitable again."

Stephen nearly collapsed, asking weakly "The good news?"

Viktor patted his shoulder and said "There's more than one. First, you apologized to me, which really means a lot. Second, you can now shoot 3000 Celsius fire beams from your fingers. Third, you happen to be just like a character in a comic I made so there's a way to train it. Fourth, there's still hope for you to heal your crazy hands."

Stephen stared at Viktor blankly, Viktor said "Kamar-Taj, in Nepal." Stephen muttered "Kamar-Taj… Thanks… I guess…" Viktor rubbed his nose and said "Well, you're welcome. You have Superpowers now I guess…"

Stephen nodded, seemingly in disbelief. He slowly got up and left absentmindedly.

[Congratulations you treated Stephen Strange (Doctor Strange)- 1 lottery ticket]

Viktor pursed his lips.

That was 4…

He could've had 5 but they left Wakanda and Killmonger died…

But who cares about that lunatic?

Tony stared at the sky and said "Incredible." T'Challa asked "Is that supposed to happen?" Viktor shook his head and said "Strange is a special case. I shouldn't have helped him in the first place. It was my fault."

Tony asked "Special body type?" Viktor pursed his lips and snorted, "Something like that. Anyway, doesn't he look like that Quincy now?" Tony replied "Bazz-B? Yeah I guess…"

Tony waved and said "Who cares about that? Aren't we researching?"

And so they continued researching.

2 months later

They really made it!

T'Challa, Tony, and Viktor looked at the completed Serum and smiled.

It was pitch black with sparkles in it like space.

It was very strange, you'd think it was a snow globe.

If it wasn't a cylinder.

Or had any snow…


They all shook hands like men before leaving it in a glass case on a shelf and forgetting about it.

Viktor did childproof the container it was in.

Just in case the little demon thought it was candy…

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C97
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


