81.57% One Piece: Dream of Immortality / Chapter 363: Eat It

章 363: Eat It

Vinsmoke Judge was a prideful man. After all, he was a king and even the lowliest king had their pride.

Of course, he was one of the greatest kings in the world; perhaps even in all of history. This was because he was also a world shaking genius and a scientist of nearly unmatched knowledge and skill.

It was because of this completely realistic view of his own worth that he was not shaken by Harpin D. Cherry's childish mockery.

He wouldn't simply take the insult lightly under normal circumstances, of course. However, he wanted something from her so it was prudent to be diplomatic at this moment. Let it be a lesson for his children that overwhelming violence was not always the best solution.

"Do enjoy the meal. I expect it will be much better than what you're accustomed to," Judge spoke calmly, expertly changing the subject.

Cherry's first instinct was to defensively prop up Sanji's cooking by insulting the quality of the dish before her. However, that would ultimately only be insulting the chef who made it. The brute presiding over the meal wouldn't care a bit and might even drag the chef out to punish them for failing to meet his guest's expectations.

"It's certainly fancier than what you can get on a normal ship," Cherry said.

Judge accepted this statement at face value, but Sanji caught the hidden meaning. After all, the Thousand Sunny was no 'normal' ship, but a ship made from the wood of the Treasure Tree Adam and sailed by the future pirate king's crew.

In other words, she was subtly saying his cooking was better without dragging him into the conversation. He was almost moved to tears to receive such compliments from one of his favorite ladies.

Unfortunately, his brothers will take any chance to dig at him. Yonji loudly mouthed off, "Oh, I'm sure this is a thousand times better than whatever slop this idiot fed you, right?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Yonji. It's at least a million times better, no?" Niji blurted out.

"Knock it off, you two," Ichiji spoke in a defensive tone. "A delicate little girl like her would have died long ago if she actually ate something that weakling made."

"""BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!""" The three brothers cackled.

Sanji's expression darkened somewhat at the shameless mockery to what he prided himself most on. A glance in Cherry's direction caused that darkness to clear up and be replaced by a pale complexion.

A soft smile played across her lips, but Sanji could sense a storm brewing behind her eyes. It was always a terrible thing when Cherry didn't immediately act on her violent impulses.

Honestly, he felt a need to talk to her before it got out of hand. His brothers were awful, but they were still his mother's children if nothing else. His mother had not hated them for their inhumanity; she had pitied them. It was his father who deserved to be hated for what he did to them.

"It really is quite the feat if you think about it. I mean, look at this slop," Niji gestured at his plate. "It's good enough for the men, but that's all. Our 'brother' here can't even manage this much, I'd bet."

Seeing that Niji was about to dump the plate on the floor, Sanji spoke up as if he were casually scolding a toddler, "Finish your food, Niji."

"Huh? You think you can order me around?" Niji asked rhetorically.

"Do you always speak like a common thug? Does that work for you often?" Cherry asked in turn.

"Do YOU always speak to royalty like a half-witted peasant?" Ichiji jumped in to defend Niji.

"I always show all due respect to royalty. Fortunately, I don't see any royals around here so I can just relax." Cherry poked a sore point.

The three idiot brothers of Cherry's favorite chef were on their feet.

Judge watched on with a hint of a smile. "Now now, boys. It's only natural that a pirate lacks manners."

"Father! She has done nothing but insult us since she showed her ugly face here!" Yonji cried foul.

Judge looked momentarily thoughtful. "Perhaps you have a point, Yonji. Germa does not settle disagreements with words, though, so how about some 'exercise' to settle this."

The brothers shared a glance at each other, then smiled maliciously.

"Surely a rough, uncultured woman like you wouldn't decline to settle this in the sparring ring?" Ichiji taunted Cherry.

This immediately raised Sanji's hackles, but he knew better than to go off about attacking a woman being wrong for a man to do with Cherry being the woman in question.

Cherry cast her eyes on Sanji. Sanji felt like she was asking… no, begging for permission. He appreciated the gesture and gave a small nod with a sigh. Cherry lit up like it was her birthday and she'd gotten a pony.

"Sure, I'll kick your asses for you," Cherry said delightedly. "First things first, though. Finish your food."

Cherry's tone didn't allow for any arguments, but Sanji's brothers had never been ones to take a scolding lying down.

Niji flipped his plate, sending the food flying over his shoulder and onto the floor.

Before anyone had even properly processed that, a small crack sounded and Niji's face was pressed into the scattered food on the floor.

"You're gonna eat that or I'm going to make you eat your own balls, do you understand me?" Cherry whispered, but her voice was easily heard in the stunned silence of the room.

Predictably, Niji didn't obey. He felt no fear (his father made sure of that) and though he didn't exactly like the prospect of having his own testicles shoved down his throat, he didn't want to voluntarily humiliate himself either.

The Germa soldiers started rushing in as soon as they put together what was happening. Ichiji and Yonji were only a beat slower in reacting because they didn't really care, but figured they should probably do something after seeing the soldiers moving.

Reiju looked slightly concerned, Sanji both proud and satisfied, and Judge had shining eyes behind a mask of calm.

"Tick tock, time's running out~!" Cherry's smile became a bit deranged.

"Get off of me!" Niji grunted, it being difficult to speak with his face so tightly pressed into the floor. He was surprised that even with all his enhancements, that he could budge the tiny woman holding him down in the slightest.

The Germa soldiers almost reached tackling distance and Ichiji and Yonji were closing in for striking range when Cherry suddenly pulled Niji up to his feet and patted his clothes down.

"Don't be so serious. I was only joking~" Cherry singsonged.

"""???""" Ichiji, Yonji, and especially Niji were confused.

"We're going to spar now, right? Lead the way, unless you want to do it here?" Cherry asked, a genuine smile decorating her face.

"Yes, a good fight ought to reduce the tension." Judge spoke up, looking slightly disappointed for some reason but still weirdly eager.

"I'm going to DESTROY you!" Niji threatened as he marched off.

Cherry stalked along behind him as the rest followed behind with mixed thoughts. Sanji was just looking forward to seeing these assholes get put in their place like he wished he could do, but wasn't able to because of the whole hostage and wedding thing.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C363
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


