16% X-Men: Onslaught / Chapter 24: ISSUE #24

章 24: ISSUE #24

" You can't do this, Julian! This insane." Jay, one of the Hellions, exclaimed.

" We can and we will. I'm in charge of this squad. Anyone have a problem with that?" Julian asked his crew.

" You know, I don't." Cessily replied.

" Right there with you boss." Brian stated.

" Always Hellion." Santo exclaimed.

" I am told you are our field leader. That means I will follow you, even if I disagree." Sooraya explained, her religions meant a lot to her even if Jay disagreed with it.

" Sooraya, you really don't have to." Jay told the woman.

" Yes, I do." Sooraya replied.

" We, I don't." Jay stated. " Count me out." He turned and walked out of the room.

" Icarus." Julian exclaimed. He caught Jay by his shoulder and stopped him.

" Let him go boss. We can handle this." Brian spoke up.

Julian nodded and let Jay walk right out of the room.

" Alright, but I know where we can find some extra fire power." Julian spoke.

He and the others quickly changed into their uniforms and headed to get the last member of their little rescue team. Julian knocked on Sofia's door and she answered.

" Oh, Julian."

" Hey, beautiful. How you doing?" Julian asked.

" Not good. Laurie's upset about Kevin and Ian. We all are. But I can't find her anywhere." Sofia explained to the boy.

" How about I do you one better and fix the problem?" Julian asked.

" What are you talking about?" Sofia asked.

" Me and the Hellions." Julian stated. " We're going to take Kevin and Ian back from the FBI. By force." Julian exclaimed. " So, how about it Sofia? You in?"

" Yes. I am in." Sofia exclaimed. She stepped out of her room and joined the Hellions, on their little excursion.

Once, Sofia was dressed and ready, the Hellions quickly departed the school. Meanwhile, Jay was gathering all of the new mutants to stop them.

" Jay, what's going on?" David asked. Jay had quickly gathered all of the New Mutants as fast as possible without giving them any indication of what was going on.

" Julian and the Hellions.... They're going to go help Kevin and Ian." Jay explained.

" Good! Somebody should help them. They didn't do anything wrong." Laurie replied.

" Laurie, no said they did. But that's not our decision to make." Jay told the girl.

" Besides, they were arrested by that Fbi agent." David interjected.

" Which means Julian's leading his squad into direct battle!" Josh exclaimed. " And people call me impulsive."

" Josh is right, we have to stop them. I'll race down to the train station." Noriko spoke up.

" Noriko, no. If we go after them, we could make things worse. Besides, Sofia is in charge of our squad. She needs to be in on this talk." David told the woman.

" Sorry, David..... But that's not possible. When I said no to Julian, he went to get other help. I followed him... And he asked Sofia." Jay told the boy. " She agreed. She's with the Hellions, now!" Jay exclaimed.

The New Mutants didn't take that piece of information to happily. The New Mutants quickly got dressed, but before leaving Josh made a quick stop to see Rahne.

" They're going to take on the FBI?" Rahne asked, she was in disbelief. She wanted Ian back but even she knew that taking on the government was insanity.

" I know. Look Rahne, not to worry.... We plan on stopping them." Josh told the woman.

" Which makes you crazy, too!" Rahne exclaimed. " You should tell Cyclops. Let the X-Men handle this, Josh." Rahne told the boy.

" No. We want to do this ourselves. Sofia's with them." Josh told the woman.

" Then why come to me?" Rahne asked.

" Well, we were outnumbered.... I figured." Josh started.

" Well, you figured wrong!" Rahne exclaimed.

" So, you won't help?" Josh asked.

" Josh... I can't help you break the rules." Rahne told the boy, not even for herself.

" Fine, whatever. Just do me a favor and don't tell the faculty, okay?" Josh asked the woman, he then turned around and walked away with the rest of the New Mutants and Jay.

The group of students quickly made their way to the station where the FBI had moved too, that's where the Hellions would attack them.

" Okay, guys. We're a go. And can I say, for the record, these costumes, rock! It's so nice to be able to use my powers and not wind up naked!" Cessily exclaimed.

" Small talk later, Cess, we got work to do. I'm taking this wall down now." Julian spoke. " This won't be quiet. So, we move fast. Everyone be prepared to take out the FBI if we have to." Julian explained.

" See now that's a really bad plan. You guys are making a huge mistake and we have to stop you." David exclaimed. The Hellions and Sofia turned to see their rival squad rallying against them.

" David? You are here to stop us? Not help?" Sofia asked.

" Of course they are, Sofia. Figures. This fight has been brewing for a while. Let's do it then" Julian exclaimed. " When are you guys gonna learn that my telekinesis is too powerful for you?" Julian asked.

" We won't have to learn if you don't get to use it!" Josh exclaimed. He tackled Julian to the ground and started punching him in his face. " You enjoying this, Hellion?" Josh asked.

Santo tried to knock Josh off of Julian with his fist, but his shot missed.

" Nice try, Rocky. But that's airball all the way!" Josh exclaimed as he continued to punch Julian.

" Aw... No way... My hand... I missed. Now I have no hand." Santo cried. " I don't know why this is getting me so upset."

" Sorry, Santo. That would be me and my pheromones! Now way I'm going to let you hit Josh" Laurie told the boy.

Meanwhile David faced off against Sofia.

" Sofia, what're you doing?" David asked as he braced against Sofias wind attacks.

" Is this another lecture about me being too impulsive, David?" Sofia asked. " About me being a bad leader?"

" I never said you were a bad leader. I was willing to follow you. You're the heart of our team!" David exclaimed. " Why do you think we're all here trying to make sure you don't get in trouble?"

" I just... I do not know what to do about, them." Sofia replied. " I felt as if I had to act, and no one would tell me what to do. No one except, Julian." Sofia explained.

" You don't know because there's no easy answer." David replied. " Maybe that's what they're trying to teach us with these squads. That sometimes, what to do isn't as simple as anything we learn in a class." David explained. " You're not a bad leader for seeing that this situation is screwed up. Julian's a bad leader because he thinks it's simple." David explained to Sofia. Unbeknownst to him, Brian was sneaking up on him and was ready to tag him.

However, before he could, Jay swooped down and grabbed Brian, dumping him at the top of a tree to keep him from tagging anyone else.

" All right, David. I'm with you." Sofia told the boy. " But you need to lead this team."

" All right, Laurie, keep using your power to keep the big guy out of this." David exclaimed. " Sofia and Noriko, Shift targets. Sofia, you take Dust, Noriko back off. This isn't personal. You focus on, Mercury." David started barking out orders to each of the New Mutants.

" Of course. Didn't Dr. McCoy say mercury was an excellent conductor of electricity?" Noriko asked as she blasted Cess with electricity.

The New Mutants began quickly taking down their targets, with Cessily being rendered immobile, Dust being swept away by Sofia's wind, Santo still crying because of Laurie, and Brian stuck on top of a tree.

" How could you do this to me, Beautiful?" Julian asked.

" You want me to fry this creep, David?" Noriko asked.

" Stay out of this. This is Leader-to-Leader now. Come on, Brain boy. You and me." Julian exclaimed.

" Tempting. But a good leader knows how to delegate." David replied.

While he was focused on David, Julian was knocked out from behind by Jay, signaling the defeat of the Hellions.

" Whew! We did it right?" Josh asked.

" Yeah, we did." David told the boy.

" See, now that's what I'm talking about. Why couldn't this have been a field day exercise?" Josh asked. Feeling the mojo from his team's victory.

However, that feeling of excitement would soon give out as Scott and the others finally arrived.

" FIELD DAY?" Scott exclaimed. " You kids will be lucky if you ever get outside the main building again. Everyone back to the school, NOW!" Scott ordered. He, Rahne, and Emma arrived to stop the kids, along with Dani who was busy distracting the agents.

" Hellions, you are all in deep trouble." Emma spoke.

" I'm sorry... I just... My hand was gone." Santo replied.

" I empathize with your motives. But this was disastrously stupid. Let's go." Emma demanded.

She led her team away while Scott spoke with the New Mutants.

" You did well to stop the Hellions. But it would all have been for nothing had the FBI seen you, which they were seconds away from doing." Scott explained to the group. " You should have brought this to our attention and let the X-men handle it. I know you think there's not much difference between you and the faculty. Some of us are not much older than you. But we have years of training. You have to leave these things to us." Scott explained. " Now, let's go."

Scott led everyone still at the train station, back to the school where he went on to dish out their punishments.

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C24
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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