
章 348: Chapter 347 Yu Xiaogang and Tang San meet again (2 in 1)

"Good," Shura God nodded and began to mobilize his divine power to communicate with the Shura Blood Sword.

Lin Manshan, who had already rushed to the seashore, suddenly sensed it, and with a wave of his hand, the Shura Blood Sword plunged straight into the ground in front of him.

Blood energy rose, and the Shura God's silhouette rapidly took shape above the hilt of the sword.

"It seems that there is already a resolution." Lin Manshan was the first to speak.

The Shura God nodded, "Upon resolution, the Divine Realm is willing to cooperate with the Underworld. The many secret realms on the periphery of the Underworld will be withdrawn one by one by the gods next, and only one copy will be kept as a place for future exchanges between the Divine Realm and the Underworld, which will be managed and guarded by the new Evil God and the Rakshasa God."

It seems that the Divine Realm is also clear that Bibi Dong and Dugu Bo will not be willing to ascend to the Divine Realm. Lin Manshan nodded slightly.

"In that case, happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation." Shura God nodded and without further words, his body transformed into wisps of red vapour that surged into the Shura Blood Sword. In the next second, the Blood Sword lightly trembled and pulled itself up from the ground, swooshing into the air and disappearing into the sky in the blink of an eye.

"Yue'er, you guys wait here for a moment." Lin Manshan turned around and looked at a few people in a sweeping manner as his body slowly disappeared into the ground.

The Underworld being a special spatial node connecting to the outside world, it was possible to enter the Underworld and scan the outside world for spirit beasts by using the Soul Eye, and then quickly arrive through the spatial vortex.

This was undoubtedly much faster than carpet searching for 100,000-year-old spirit beasts in the sea.

"Eh?" Just after stepping into the land of the Underworld through the spatial vortex, he suddenly sensed a familiar soul descending.

When he looked up, an old man's soul drifted down.

"Yu Xiaogang," With a raised eyebrow, Lin Manshan immediately reached out and attracted Yu Xiaogang's soul to his side.

"Lin Manshan!?" Seeing Lin Manshan's face in the sky, Yu Xiaogang was also surprised.

Lin Manshan smiled faintly, "That's right, it's me."

"Where is this place? And why are you here?" Yu Xiaogang's face was gloomy.

He was extremely displeased with this Lin Manshan who had wilfully spoiled his good deeds and hurt his reputation.

"This is the Underworld, the place where the souls of the dead return. To put it simply, you are dead." Lin Manshan's countenance returned to blandness, "And this throne is the Lord who governs this realm."

"Now you, you should address this throne as Lord of Underworld, or, the God of Death."

God of Death, Lin Manshan has become a god? Also, I'm dead? Yu Xiaogang's expression changed drastically.

"It seems like you were sick when you were alive." Lin Manshan's eyes narrowed, "By all rights, at this time, Liu Erlong and Flender should have already known the news of me becoming a god. But you didn't know, was it because you were already too sick to hear? Or is it that they were not prepared to inform you at all? But yeah, for you who were already terminally ill, this really isn't good news."

"After all, that day, I even killed Tang San."

"Xiao San is dead! How could this be, how could this be!?" Yu Xiaogang's gaze instantly froze, disbelievingly lost his voice and murmured. Then it turned to fear as his body retreated back two steps, his gaze looking towards Lin Manshan, "Lin Manshan, what do you want?"

"You really are still the same as before, you haven't changed a bit, the first thing you always think about is retreating and escaping." Lin Manshan shook his head slightly, his tone was flat, "Tang San was killed by me, and now that you've learned of it, you surprisingly haven't shown much of a thought of vengeance or indignation until now. It can be seen that the so-called personal disciple, in your heart, is ultimately unable to compare to your own life, your own honour."

"No, it's not like that," Yu Xiaogang immediately retorted.

Lin Manshan, however, didn't want to listen to him talk too much, his hand raised, his figure flashed, and he brought Yu Xiaogang instantly in front of Tang San's cage.

"Roar!" The two spirit beasts that were teasing Tang San immediately stopped their movements and sensibly retreated to the side.

"Xiao San!" Yu Xiaogang also saw the almost dying Tang San inside the cage at this time and screamed out with his jaws wide open.

At the sound, Tang San, who was curled up in the centre of the cage, slowly raised his head, seeing that the visitor was Yu Xiaogang, his eyes suddenly flared with rage, then he showed his teeth and laughed hideously, "Yu Xiaogang, it seems that you're also dead, haha, a good death, what a good death ah!"

Saying this, his gaze suddenly turned glaringly cold, hissing at the top of his voice.

"It's all because of you, if it wasn't for your wrong guidance at the beginning, how would my Blue Silver Emperor Martial Soul have been reduced to a waste Martial Soul! If it wasn't for my Blue Silver Emperor Martial Soul being reduced to a waste martial soul, how would I have repeatedly lost to Lin Manshan? Maybe I could have killed him a long time ago, so how would I have ended up in this situation? It's all your fault, Yu Xiaogang, everything is your fault!"

"I I..." Being shouted at by Tang San like this, Yu Xiaogang's body couldn't help but take two steps back, for a moment, he stammered, unexpectedly unable to say anything.

He really didn't expect that the disciple that he had devoted himself and taught for many years would actually say such words.

It was really a cheap master and disciple. Lin Manshan couldn't help but sigh darkly.

At this time, Tang San turned his head to look at Lin Manshan again, gritting his teeth, "Lin Manshan, I have nothing to say when it comes to becoming a winner or a loser. Kill me if you want to, there's no need to impose evil on me and torture me under false pretences. Such villainous behaviour will only make me look down on you."

"Oh? Then what are those things you did in life?" Lin Manshan asked rhetorically, "In addition, think back well, who actually provoked whom first? If there is a cause, there will be a consequence, if it wasn't for your repeated offences, why would I seek trouble from you?"

After saying that, shaking his head slightly, he wasn't prepared to say more nonsense to Tang San and turned his head to look at Yu Xiaogang instead.

"Yu Xiaogang, you summarized the spirit master theory with the knowledge you learned in the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan and the Martial Spirit Hall, intending to spread it to the continent to make a name for yourself, this is not a fault, and it even has merit to the continent. However..." Then suddenly he changed his tone of voice, "In the process of summarizing these theories, you did not combine your theory with reality to make a practical check, which led to a lot of loopholes in your theory."

"And the consequence is, after these theories are spread in the continent, countless uninformed civilian spirit masters believed them to be true, scrambling to follow suit, thus inflicting woes on themselves, and even leaving them with a lifetime of trouble or death."

"And this, this is your sin."

There was a difference between an expert and a bricklayer, and a word from a bricklayer could sometimes really kill someone.

"You claimed to be a teacher, but you didn't follow the teacher's ethics. You claim to be an expert, but you only know one thing and don't know the other. With just a piece of paper, you have misled others and yourself, and you have caused harm to all the people. Therefore, your soul shall be punished after death." Lin Manshan's tone turned harsh.

"Thrown into the Underworld Prison to suffer the punishment of tongue-pulling and the pain of throat calcination. Subsequently entering the animal path as a pig for three lifetimes, this is my sentence for you."

After saying this, he reached out and waved his hand, and between the green glow, a cage was created out of thin air, locking Yu Xiaogang into it.

"No! Lin Manshan, you can't do this!" Yu Xiaogang ran to the edge of the cage in a sprint, his hands grasping the pole tightly as he blurted out with a terrified face.   

"Hahahaha, Martial Soul is a pig, to be transformed into a pig as well, this, you deserve it!" Tang San, however, laughed on the other side.

"I think you master and disciple will have a lot to talk about next, so this throne won't disturb you both." Lin Manshan swept a glance at the two and shielded the outside sound.

Turning his head to the two beasts in charge of guarding, he reached out and transmitted the Soul Ignition Method into the minds of the two beasts.

The Dark One Race's method of burning the soul was originally a method of cultivating the soul, and the principle was the same as exercising to burn fat and build muscle. One exercise to consume fat, while supplementing protein through food, with supplements greater than consumption, the effect of muscle building can be achieved.

Similarly, burning the soul, and then absorbing the scattered soul power within the underworld to supplement, can achieve the role of growing their own soul.

As for the condensation of the physical body, in fact, it is also simple, cultivate the soul power, and then find a carrier suitable for their own, and then comprehend the Soul Gear to Spiritize, after Spiritizing, one can change the form of the carrier with their mind, and transform it into their own physical body.

The essence of the soul is life, the soul origin combines with all things in the world to produce life, this is originally the way of life evolution.

"Next, the two of you can find a quiet place around here to comprehend this method, after which you can absorb the soul power overflowing everywhere within this underworld to cultivate until you promote your souls to Divine Soul and attain the position of Ghost God." Lin Manshan faintly nodded at them.

"As for these two, just come and check on them in your spare time."

The two beasts were ecstatic and immediately bowed their heads respectfully.

Lin Manshan nodded slightly, and looked up into the vortex in the sky, the light in the centre of his eyebrows was dense, and his eyes swept continuously.

In a moment, his body disappeared in place, turning into a stream of light and entering the vortex in the sky.

A moment later, he appeared in the deep sea that was filled with darkness, and in front of his vision, there were three giant whales.

"!!!?" A human suddenly appeared within the line of sight, the pupils of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, who was swimming in his territory with his wife and daughter, suddenly shrunk, subconsciously mobilizing the energy within his body, making a defensive posture, and then uttered human words, "Who is Your Excellency?"

"I am the Lord of the Underworld, the God of Death." Lin Manshan gave him a slight nod.

"Quickly go, I'll buy you guys some time!" The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King didn't hesitate to speak out, then opened his mouth.

In the next second, he only felt an extremely strong sense of fear overtake his body, his soul couldn't help but tremble, and his body froze in place.

"There's no need to be nervous, this throne is not here to hunt you and the others." Saying this, Lin Manshan unlocked the bound souls of the three beasts and continued, "With this throne's God King realm, if I wanted to kill you all, the moment I appeared, you would already be dead."

"What do you want?" The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King couldn't help but question, his tone lowered quite a bit.

Lin Manshan didn't say anything, he just raised his hand and pointed at the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, and in the next second, three streams of light carrying information went straight into the brows of the three beasts.

"Ghost God. God of the Underworld," As the information flashed through his mind, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King was shocked inwardly, then he whispered:

"Your Excellency the God of Death, are you trying to recruit strong members of my Spirit Beast clan to serve the Underworld?"

"You can think so." Lin Manshan didn't refute, then said, "However, to put it another way. Even if you break through a hundredth level to become a god with your own strength, do you think that the Divine Realm would allow a wild divine beast to exist in the Lower Realm?"

"Especially if the Sea God position is already occupied by someone else."

"." The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King instantly fell into silence, and swept his spare glance at his wife and daughter before speaking again, "What do I need to pay?"

"Work with this throne to manage the Underworld and keep it functioning." Lin Manshan picked up the conversation.

"At the same time, grow the Underworld so that it can accommodate more Gods. In this way, your Spirit Beast Clan will be able to give birth to more Gods. Otherwise, it is their only destiny to go up in smoke under the thunder tribulation and have their souls reincarnate to start over. This is because, whether it is the Divine Realm or the Underworld, there is a limit to the number of Gods that can be accommodated. Only by constantly expanding can this upper limit be raised."

"For this reason, this throne has already reached cooperation with the Divine Realm."

"The Divine Realm and the Underworld are two sides of the same entity, and only when the number of worlds ruled by the Divine Realm becomes more numerous, and the number of worldly beings reproducing continues to grow, will my Underworld be able to continue to grow. Thus, in this throne's opinion, cooperation between the Divine Realm and the Underworld is unavoidable."

"However, the Gods of the Divine Realm and the Divine Beasts had a great war, so the Divine Realm never allowed the Spirit Beasts to become Gods for many years. And because of this, no spirit beast has ever become a god over the years. This is something that you, who have survived for tens of thousands of years, would surely be able to verify."

"No wonder." The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King couldn't help but murmur.

"So, if you want to become a god, the Underworld is currently your only option." Lin Manshan gave a slight nod, "This throne had come into contact with a few 100,000-year-old spirit beasts before becoming a god, and as humans have good and evil, so do spirit beasts. It was because of this realization that this throne thought of opening up the path to godhood for the spirit beast race. You should be clear that as long as this throne is willing, it is entirely possible to open it up to humans only."

"After all, this throne himself is a renowned human."

Upon hearing this, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King was silent, then respectfully said, "Your Excellency the God of Death, we are willing to join the Underworld."

Lin Manshan nodded slightly, "Then the next thing is another matter."

"My wife just happened to be promoted to level 80 and now needs a spirit ring. With the cultivation of you husband and wife, any one of you sacrificing should be able to directly fill in the remaining two spirit ring vacancies for her, allowing her to directly promote to Titled Douluo level. In that case, I wouldn't need to go looking for two 100,000-year-old spirit beasts. If any of you are willing, I can make a promise to personally help them condense a physical body in the future."

"If you are unwilling, I will go and find another 100,000-year-old sea spirit beast with a lower bloodline quality that is incapable of surviving the thunder tribulation and convince it to make a sacrifice. As for you guys, what you need to do next is to inform the rest of the Sea Spirit Beast clans about the matter of becoming a god. In addition, Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, your devouring ability needs to be restrained as much as possible in the future. If you are unrestrained and destroy the marine ecology, I will judge you guilty when you die."

"As a Spirit Beast, it is extremely difficult for you to cultivate to this level, and I don't wish to see you end up with a broken soul in the future."

As the words fell, another Deep Sea Demonic Whale King on the side immediately spoke, "Husband, let me make the sacrifice."

The Lord of a Realm promised that the physical body that he would help to condense would definitely not be bad. In addition, her own husband's cultivation was about to break the million-year mark, and according to the information introduced by Lin Manshan's previous information transmission, there was a chance to directly achieve the position of Underworld God with his physical body.

"It's better to let me do it." The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King spoke up.

"This eye of mine, which was struck blind by the Sea God, has not healed for many years, and it even hurts vaguely at times. I think that this should be the result of the divine power that caused it. Now that His Excellency the God of Death has promised to help condense a physical body, it's a chance to restore wholeness."

"In addition, His Excellency the God of Death has opened up the path to godhood for my race, this is a great favour. Offering my cultivation in return is the best. Moreover, you know my nature, I will never be able to take care of our daughter well, so you should stay and take care of her."

"Papa." The small Deep Sea Demonic Whale King at the side immediately let out a low cry.


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