
章 346: Chapter 345 God of Death (2 in 1)

"The plan is still in the experimental stage, it's hard to make a conclusive statement at the moment." Lin Manshan shook his head slightly.

"However, my purpose is established."

"Karma revolves, good and evil are rewarded, and souls bear them. Giving judgement to those who have sinned deeply, and granting prosperity to those who are motivated to do good. To warn and inspire the world in this way is what I will do next, and it is also the divine duty of the divine position I bear."

"And to fulfil this duty, the Underworld will have to change. This includes making new rules, recruiting people, arranging the appropriate positions, and so on."

"This is also the reason why I planned to help the Spirit Beast Clan, there are some tasks involving strength that the Spirit Beast Clan would be well-suited for."

"And in this process, the Divine Realm should also benefit."

"Over the long years, during the process of rewarding and punishing souls in my Underworld, there will always be a few beings who can uphold goodness for several consecutive lifetimes. I think that such beings would be very suitable to take over the Divine Position."

With that, he nodded slightly.

"I think that with this type of selection, there will be far fewer gods who will occupy positions and fail to fulfil their duties."

"If certain Gods really get tired of doing their duties, they can also reincarnate first to experience life on earth, gain some more realisation, and then take up their positions upon their return. Of course, I am also very happy to arrange a trip to a different human world experience for certain gods who have committed sins."

"In this way, I think it will be extremely beneficial to the vigour and healthy development of the Divine and Underworld Realms."

"In addition to that, the expansion of the realms, sorting out the planets, fending off foreign enemies, and other things, my Underworld would also contribute."

Upon hearing this, the Shura God nodded slightly, "Cooperation is beneficial to both, this is indeed a good thing for the Divine and Underworld Realms. I will immediately convene a committee to discuss this matter."

"My divine artefact will be temporarily handed over to Your Excellency for safekeeping for now, and if there are any results, I will inform you of them at the first opportunity."

"Then I will wait for Your Excellency's good news." Lin Manshan also nodded his head slightly, and then unlinked his voice transmission, "In addition, from now on, God of the Underworld will no longer be my personal title. In the future, Your Excellency may address me as the God of Hell, or, the God of Death."

"God of Death, God of Death, that's quite fitting." The Shura God nodded, "In that case, Your Excellency the God of Death, we will meet again in the coming days."

After saying that, his body dissipated, turning into wisps of blood-coloured breath and returning to the longsword.

"Shura, what did you guys discuss just now?" Inside the Grand Hall of the Divine Realm, seeing the pool image dissipate, the Sea God was the first to enquire.

There was a period of time in between when the two were communicating by voice transmission, which he couldn't hear at all.

"I can only say that in the future, the Divine Realm will no longer need to be as chaotic as it is now, and you guys won't have to think of ways to break away from the Divine Realm." Shura God swept off his gaze at the few Gods present and flicked his sleeve, "Let's go, let's convene the Divine Realm Committee immediately."

One day in the Divine Realm, one year in the Lower Realm, it wouldn't take long for humans to reincarnate a few lifetimes. Having the Underworld review souls and spot-check is indeed better than them finding a needle in a haystack, and it's also safer to prevent some people with bad hearts from becoming gods.

There's no need for me to spend time watching people like Tang Chen and Tang San playing around like monkeys in the secret realm, wasting my precious time and still ending up in a bad mood. With this thought, he turned around and took big strides towards the outside of the grand hall.

"Brother, wait for me!" The Sea God hurriedly followed, and the rest of the few Gods also quickly followed.

On the other side, Lin Manshan reached out in the air and gently attracted it, and the Shura Blood Sword that was stuck on the ground was instantly pulled into his hand. The hand was then withdrawn, and the space in front of him suddenly shook, and the long sword abruptly disappeared, as if it had entered some special space.

Subsequently, the spiritual power was released, and with a movement of the mind, the spirit bones that had fallen in the surrounding area suddenly floated and came in front of him.

With a sweep of his hand, they all disappeared.

The next moment, Lin Manshan swept his hand again, and dots of green light were thrown out, lightly landing on the ground.

Under the astonished gazes of the surrounding onlookers, the flowers, plants and trees on the ground that had originally withered were coloured green at a speed visible to the naked eye, restoring their vitality and rising upright.

"This is, life energy?" From afar, Ning Fengzhi couldn't help but speculate.

In the middle of his thoughts, Lin Manshan had already come to midair in front of him in a flash, and with his hand slightly raised, dots of green light drifted down and merged into Bone Douluo's body.

"Many thanks." Ning Fengzhi immediately arched his hand in thanks.

"It is deserved." Lin Manshan nodded, and then his hand spread out, and between the green light glowing, two small green balls rapidly condensed.

When they were formed, one of them shot into Ning Fengzhi's body at an extremely fast speed, while the other shot into the sky and disappeared.

"This," Ning Fengzhi was inwardly shocked, the moment the ball of light entered his body, he suddenly realised that his realm had actually loosened. His cultivation was increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in just the blink of an eye, he broke through level 79 and reached level 80.

Lin Manshan's voice also sounded at that moment, ''Sect Leader Ning, I've never been a person who likes to owe favours. This is the reward for today's favour. Your martial soul flaw stems from your soul, and it has now been resolved by me, including your favourite daughter's."

"Next, there will be another good show, so Sect Leader Ning can come to my Skywalker Academy to witness it." As the words fell, his figure disappeared in place.

It seems that Lin Manshan has already guessed what I'm thinking, which is why he's drawing a line in the sand with a one-time payment. Ning Fengzhi sighed inwardly.

However, a one-time shot in exchange for such a payment was considered a big profit.

In addition, in his opinion, how was Lin Manshan's gesture not an act of establishing his prestige and warning?

Being able to easily resolve soul-related martial soul flaws means that he could also create martial soul flaws for their Ning family, or even take the lives of a clan.

The name of the Lord of the Underworld, the God of Death, was by no means a falsehood.

"This person, Lin Manshan, has a clear distinction between debts and grudges, and is indeed far better than Tang San." Sword Douluo also let out a sigh and, at the same time, inwardly felt regret: if he could have realised earlier, and chose to invest in Lin Manshan, he would have gained a lot in return.

At those words, Ning Fengzhi couldn't help but have a trace of gloom flash across his eyes, and then he shook his head, "Uncle Sword, Uncle Bone, let's go, let's go and take a look together."

"Good." Sword Douluo nodded, summoning his longsword and taking Ning Fengzhi towards Skywalker Academy in tow.

Not long after, in the sky above Skywalker Academy, Lin Manshan hovered proudly in the sky.

Sensing that people had arrived, his right hand slightly raised, and between the green aura, an illusory silhouette quickly appeared with an outline.

"Isn't this Tang San?" The crowd of teachers and students from Skywalk Academy, as well as Ning Fengzhi and the others, were all stunned.

"Could this be the form of a person after death?" The group of people who had previously heard part of Lin Manshan's conversation with the Shura God instantly guessed in their minds.

Between their thoughts, Lin Manshan's centre of the brow suddenly flickered with light, and then a guiding line shot straight at Tang San's brow. Almost instantly, Tang San who originally had a grim expression turned stagnant and silent, followed by a ray of light refracting from his brow and shooting straight up into the sky.

Astonishing scenes appeared, high above the sky, like a mirage, constantly flickering images.

"Star Dou Great Forest?" Seeing the visual landscape in the frame, the crowd instantly made a guess.

"???!" Gradually, everyone's expressions began to become a little heavy, followed by indignation, fear

Killing, Tang San was continuously killing, countless spirit beasts fell under Tang San's tyrannical sadistic attacks, followed by their corpses being devoured and sucked dry. After that, the scene shifted to the Killing City, one spirit master after another was killed and devoured by Tang San's sneak attack.

Then, Tang San released poison into the blood pool, slaughtering the spirit masters in the Killing City along with Tang Chen.

"Vomit," The level of gore was outrageous, and before the memory images finished playing, there were already large numbers of students bending over to vomit.   

"Death is deserved, so deserved."

"Tang San was so brutal, simply worse than an animal."

"." Sounds of rebuke and curses rang out one after another.

"Fortunately, I chose to take the initiative to besiege Tang San before." Ning Fengzhi was secretly celebrating. For such a person, even if he chose to become an ally and help him with all his might. When he became a god, what the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan would face, he was afraid, would also be the ultimate downfall.

Killing at the drop of a hat, and always mumbling to himself, finding so-called reasons for himself, simply hypocritical and tyrannical to the extreme.

On the other hand, within a valley at the back of Skywalker Academy.

"How could it be, how could such a thing happen..." Xiao Wu, who was also looking at the sky, was paralysed on the ground with a pale face.

"This Tang San, simply abominable!" Inside Shui Bing'er, who had long since landed and returned to join the few girls, the Ice Emperor and the Snow Emperor were all furious.

"This is Tang San's memory footage, I'm sure all of you have seen it well." High above the sky, Lin Manshan waved his hand to withdraw the image, his voice was like a bell, "As for how to evaluate Tang San, you all have your own opinions. And what I am going to say is, from now on, death will no longer be the end of life, nor the end of sin. Any living creature, if the sins in the lifetime, is too heavy. When the soul falls into the underworld after death, it will be duly punished. Good and evil will be rewarded, everything has a cause and effect to follow, I hope all of you will take this as a warning."

After saying this, his fingertip pointed, and a wide green vortex appeared on the ground.

"Tang San, the eighteen layers of hell punishment, you will soon be the first person to receive it. For now, go to the Underworld first and stay there for a good while." Saying this, Lin Manshan threw the imprisoned Tang San's soul into the connecting vortex without any hesitation.

"Uhhhhh," Tang San's eyes were filled with fear, his face grimacing, and he couldn't say anything.

In full view of everyone, the soul was swallowed up by the vortex.

"Mum, I'll definitely be a good person in the future." Seeing Tang San disappear from view, the vortex shrinking until it disappeared, the crowd finally couldn't help but swallow down in their throats, inwardly swearing. The 18th layer of Hell, just by hearing the name, one could tell that it wasn't a good place.

"Everyone, this matter has been settled. I still have things to do, so I won't entertain you all, farewell!"

After saying that, Lin Manshan slightly arched his hand and his figure disappeared from the sky.

"Everyone, I won't see you off." Dugu Bo also arched his hand and disappeared in place.

"Let's go, we're going back as well." Seeing that the rightful owners were all gone, Ning Fengzhi wasn't prepared to stay any longer.

Lin Manshan had said that his own daughter Ning Rongrong's martial soul flaw had also been resolved, so he had to hurry back to have a look and then go out to obtain a spirit ring for himself.

"Good." Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo nodded and walked towards the academy gates right after.

The rest of the high-level forces also left one after another.

Only the crowd of teachers and students of Skywalker Academy remained frozen in place with some excitement, discussing in groups of three or five.

"Holy shit! Our academy actually produced two gods, that's a god!"

"Even if the dean is fine, Senior Lin has also become a god at such a young age, that's awesome!"

"..." The news of Dugu Bo and Lin Manshan becoming Gods quickly spread throughout the academy.

On the other hand, within the valley, Lin Manshan's figure suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Wu.

"I'm sure you've seen it as well." Lin Manshan's tone was flat as he spoke to himself, "Tang San clearly could have attached the eighth and ninth spirit rings for the Clear Sky Hammer Martial Soul, but he didn't. It's obvious that what he wanted to attach was the 100,000-year-old spirit ring."

"And the only 100,000-year-old spirit beasts he knows are you, Da Ming and Er Ming."

"If you're trying to get me to make a sacrifice, I agree." Xiao Wu's lowered head raised suddenly, her cheeks covered in tears.

"In the next life, you won't meet him again." Lin Manshan continued, "In addition, although Da Ming and Er Ming are dead, their souls are not dispersed, and now they have been transferred to the Underworld, if you want, I can arrange for you to be reincarnated into the same world as them."

"Even, I can make you guys become true brothers and sister."

At those words, a light suddenly flashed in Xiao Wu's eyes, biting her lip, she whispered, "Thank you."

Lin Manshan didn't say any more, and his figure directly disappeared in place. After becoming a god, he was already able to use the space energy within the Elemental Soul Core in a simple manner, the Vanishing Art combined with the spatial attribute, he could travel as far as his eyes could see, and his spiritual power could reach in an instant, which was truly useful for travelling in a hurry.

Between his thoughts, his figure has already arrived at his own small courtyard.

Walking through the door, in the living room, a few girls were already waiting.

Dugu Bo was also there, and when he saw Lin Manshan appear, he immediately raised an eyebrow, "Yo, isn't that our Lord God of Death?"

"." What's with this yin and yang tone? Lin Manshan had a black line on his face as he approached in large strides.

Immediately, he saw Dugu Bo's right hand swipe the desktop, and a row of spirit bones silently appeared.

"These are the spirit bones that fell from Tang Chen's body, all of them are of extremely high quality, it's no wonder he was able to break through level 99 back then. Relying on one's own talent alone, how can it be that simple, when all is said and done, we still need to rely on the family to help us out." Shaking his head slightly, he couldn't help but exclaim some criticism.

Having a good family would indeed save a lot of effort.

"You decide on the distribution." Retracting his hand, he said very casually.

Lin Manshan sat down on the sofa and also swiped his hand, and several spirit bones were neatly arranged on the desktop, "This is the spirit bone that Tang San dropped."

Saying that, with a flick of his fingertip, three of them levitated and floated towards Zhu Zhuqing, "Zhu Zhuqing, your current left leg bone quality is still poor, I'll replace it with this one for you later. Strength type spirit bone, for agility system spirit masters, the gain won't be that bad."

"There's also this Eight Spider Spear as well as this power-type left arm bone, you can absorb them together as well."

"As for the head bone and torso bone, after you absorb these three spirit bones, your cultivation should instantly breakthrough level 80."

"I've just convinced Xiao Wu to make a sacrifice, so when you break through level 80 and adapt for a few days, you can go directly to receive the sacrifice. After it's over, you should be able to obtain one of the pieces. As for the last piece, it will be made up when you acquire the ninth spirit ring."

"Hmm." Pursing her lips and lightly responding, Zhu Zhuqing carefully took it.

For Lin Manshan, she was committed wholeheartedly. Since he had made such an allocation, he naturally had a good reason. All that was left for her to do was to accept it and then redouble her efforts to break through the Titled Douluo level as soon as possible, thus adding some strength to this family from her side.

Seeing this, Lin Manshan looked at Zhu Zhuyun and controlled the left arm bone that Tang Chen had dropped to float over, "Zhuyun, you only lack a torso bone and a left arm bone right now, so absorb this left arm bone first, the torso bone can be made up by obtaining a spirit ring after breaking through level 90."

A 100,000-year-old spirit beast would definitely drop a spirit bone, and it would definitely be the part that was missing in the spirit master's body.

"Hmm." Zhu Zhuyun nodded and also took it carefully.


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Crazy_DarkSide_Cat Crazy_DarkSide_Cat

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