44.23% A Saiyan Owl / Chapter 46: Chap 46 - TOOK SOMEONE LONG ENOUGH!!:




{Training Grounds away from Goku's house, Two weeks later; 04:16 p.m }



Punching forward Raditz misses his first attack on the girl, as she just tapped her right foot on the ground and back up slightly.

Her eyes followed the man passing in front of her, and smiling maliciously she spun to her right side bringing together with her, her left leg in a sidekick.


"UGHAAA!!!"- Connecting it straight in the middle of the Saiyan abdomen.


Being sent flying back with his arms and legs forming a 'C' of sorts, he tried to stop his acceleration by backflipping and using both hands on the ground to push himself up quickly, canceling the momentum he received from the kick.


"God....huff.... I knew it already, but you really are something else.... Mumei..."- Wiping a bit of blood that ran down his cheek he stares at the girl that lowers her left leg while smiling.

Right after resting her leg down, she moves both arms in a shrugging manner. -" What can I say? I am built different, but you too Raditz, you better get a style that fits you more, right now we're fighting with the same level of power, and you're still losing."

She has been fighting him for a while now, the other two were on the sidelines watching and analyzing what the two of them were doing right and wrong.

"It's as she says Raditz, your style is good, but not very suitable, and when you're going against an amalgamation of combined fighting styles like Mumei, I would say to start getting creative."

Putting in his piece of information, Piccolo who is at the side floating in a meditating position with both eyes closed.

He was feeling the battle with their Ki moving at astounding speeds, this would come in handy later if he needs to actually fight faster opponents by feeling where they are by their energy, he developed this to a higher state against Mumei, but it still too bad to have some higher use.

And now he is trying to develop it even further, and even if it's a basic technique that many of them have, the faster he senses his opponent the faster he can react.

This would help in the stances where you can feel the person moving but can't react in time because you were late.

" What? What do you mean by amalgamation?"- Confused, Raditz stretches his arms up looking at Piccolo, with Mumei doing the same with both hands by her hips, also curious.

" Oh right, Mumei there has trained with both me and Piccolo you know, and she robbed a lot of our moves adapting them to herself, she also knows some moves that I never even seen before! Me and Piccolo learned a lot with her weird mixing too."

Pouting the girl herself steps up.-" Hey! I was learning by that time okay? But yeah, you guys had some cool movement patterns, I just borrowed them and adapted them to my arsenal..."

Scratching her hair with both arms behind her head she just acts like what she said isn't that big of a deal.

"HAH! That's called stealing bird, and you're good at it, I fear the next person that you see using a Cool Attack', they're probably going to want your head for stealing it! ahahaha!"

Piccolo opening his eyes jokes around the Owl, making a tick mark appear on her forehead.-" OH!!! THEN WHY DON'T YOU BE THAT PERSON!!!"

Pushing a leg forward and the other sliding back, she brings her left arm forward in a defensive and the right one goes to her hips.

And to get it finalized she lower her back a little, smugly smiling at the green man, his eyes widen not really believing the girl was mocking him with his own stance, gritting his teeth and throwing his weighted clothes to the side.

" *Smiles* With pleasure!"

As she was about to rush in, Mumei stopped herself and looked to Raditz and Goku's side, smiling even wider.

" Hey you two, wanna go too? Free for all I say."

Looking to the two brothers' side, Mumei moves her head in Piccolo's direction calling them to join in too.

The brothers look at each other for an instant before smirking and jumping in, now each of them was positioned in a square position, with one being on each edge of it.

Mumei moving her eyes fast from each of them smiled, that was until realization hit her, and she fired her head to Goku's side.

" No Kaioken Goku, you don't use your technique I don't use mine, capiche?"- If they were to use their maximum power, Piccolo and Raditz wouldn't have a chance in.

But she would reconsider it if only the two of them stayed up until the end.

Nodding excited, the man himself didn't even bother to say anything as the girl got back to her stance.

A light breeze raised a bit of dust in between them as they glanced at one another.

And as the dust settled.-"HAJIME!!!"

* * * *Boom!!!* * * *

Four explosions of dust happened in each of their locations, propelling all of them to the center, where they would all meet.

Looking at each of them, Mumei could see that they were staring at her the most.-' So getting me out is their main objective huh... COME TO MAMA THEN!!!'


All of them finally got face to face, but the others had something in common, that they needed to take care of.

Raditz brought his right leg in a roundhouse kick aiming for Mumei's head, following right after was Piccolo with a double axe punch raining down at the girl.

And the last one, Goku was trying to get in her personal space with a low right hook.

Seeing all these attacks coming her way, she needed to act fast, because now they finally could put a number on her.

And so she did.

Spinning her body to the side right side of the long-haired one she shoved his kick to Piccolo's side with a push from her backhand, both seeing they were set to go one against the other didn't slow down.


Connecting his kick to a raised leg from the green man, while also defending the double axe punch with his arms above his head in a block.

They try to push the other off as Goku continues his rush into Mumei.

"HAAH!!!"- In the instant she got distracted after pushing the other two together, changing the earlier hook motion to a right uppercut that was too close for the Owl to try to do anything.

*BAMM!!!*-" UGHHH!!!"

Connecting the attack with a smirk shining on his face, Goku let the cockiness of hitting her go over his head and forgot who he was against.

*PAM!*-" AAAHHGHGG!!!??"

As she was tossed back she retracted both her legs together hitting underneath the Saiyan's chin with a double knee attack.

'Ughh!! She reacted even faster!!'- Taking some steps back with a hand in his jaw, he saw the bird girl spin back to her feet, doing the same thing as him with a hand in her jaw massaging it.

" Heh, head for head boya, but nice one sneaking in my defense, just needed to act faster in taking better advantage of the situation, and not just be happy with that one hit.*spits on the ground*"

Spitting out some blood she got back to her normal stance, ready to start again but flinched and turned around moving a right open hand with her.



And grabbed a flying Raditz by the back of his head, making the guy widen his eyes as his head was grabbed and the instant all he saw was blackness as Mumei planted his head in the ground.

"Oops.... That was kinda muscle memory... my bad."- Getting her hand off the Saiyan's head, she grabbed his leg and got him out off the ground like a vegetable, and spinning him as a cowboy did to his rope, she tossed him back to the senzu man.


Getting her eyes back to her battle she glanced back at Goku's side just to see the man in front of her with a wide smile and a blue ball of energy by his hips.

"Well aren't I fucked?"- Moving fast she brought both hands in an 'x' to protect her head.

"Ehehe!! HAAAAH!!!!"- And the man fired both arms forward.



A point-blank Kamehameha, after certifying his hit the Saiyan jumped out of all the smoke and dust that was raised.

Even the other two who were in an exchange of punches glanced at the huge amount of smoke that was raised, being so large that it was almost reaching their location.

"Huh! It seems Son got one on the bird!!!! HAA!!!"


Raising his hand up, Raditz blocked the punch with the back of his arm.-" Kakarot got one, but it's just the beginning, her energy is still pretty much the same! HAAAH!!"

Various attacks are fired at one another, when they don't block, they're redirecting it to the side.

Both getting faster and faster with their attacks and blocks, getting more creative to avoid a hit, Piccolo knowing he was slightly weaker in terms of strength knew he would suffer the most being hit in this exchange.

Getting back to the cloud of smoke, Goku was staring at it taking a long breath.-" Uuf, did that do anything?"




And hearing steps coming from it answered his question.-" Yeah...*cough!*, one less set for me... this is the last one now."

Walking out of the smoke, Mumei was in her full design, jacket, and everything on.

The last blast completely destroyed her shirt and half her bra, and Kro herself forced the inventory open and got Mumei her last set of clothes.

[{ Seriously.... If I had left it as it was, I am not even sure, but she might have gotten out of the smoke like that....}]

Sighing, the bird got back on her pose one last time, prompting Goku to raise an eyebrow.-" Not going to take the jacket off?"

Like waiting to be asked.-* UUUSH!!*

She dashed forward, getting uncomfortably close to the man.-" Don't need to."



A jab and a cross, both executed at extremely fast speeds, hitting each side of the man's face, momentarily making him dream.

"Goku, you might be the strongest in maximum strength between us both right now, but don't you forget who that throne belongs to, so if you don't want to lose it!"


" BETTER START HITTING HARDER!!!"- A right hook in the same spot as the attack earlier, the Saiyan eyes got white for a second there as blood trailed down his mouth.


His body catapulted back from the pure force, hitting the ground multiple times before he hit one last time and dig his fingers into it stopping his trip.

"AUGHH!!*Vomiting blood*, Uhhh... Damn it.... she was still holding back...OUCH!! My jaw..."

Touching lightly his jaw, Goku felt it, he probably dislocated it and flinched at the pain.

"Hmm... Hey, catch it and come at me harder this time."


Flicking something with her right-hand thumb, it flew at high speeds toward the Saiyan who raised a trembling hand to catch it.

Looking at what he caught, he smiled and brought it to his mouth, and with the help of his hand, he chewed it down.


Like magic, or better it's actual magic, his face was fixed along with all the damage he just received, making the guy smile happily at being able to continue his fight.




While the two were fighting in more close combat here, the other two were clashing powers in a more indirect way now.

Both were firing their beams and struggling against one another to their best efforts.

"HAAA!!"- Putting an extra effort Raditz was increasing his power output closing in on his limits, and in doing so his energy beam was increasing and pushing back Piccolo's own.

"GRRRRR!!!!"- Being on the losing side the Namekian had veins all over his muscles as he tried to propel back the increasingly closing-in blast.

''DAMN IT!!!!"- Finally getting right in front of him, Piccolo was ready to try to block it or jump to the side in a try to dodge it, but something or better someone acted faster.

*USH!!*-" Hai, how are you doing senzu?"

Appearing at his side in the worst moment possible, was Mumei.


*uuush!!!* - *CRASH!!*

She punches the Namekian away to the sideline, making him go through rows of trees on his way out.

As she sees that he was 'saved', Muun raises a hand to the incoming attack, smiling noticing that Raditz didn't notice the switching of roles.


" Two for the price of one!"- As she pushes the beam back by walking forward, Muun aims her other arm at Goku whose watching this blinking multiple times at her punching the green man away, like it was nothing.


"HAA!!"- She fires a yellow and red beam of energy from both hands, one pushing back Raditz, and the other closing in on his brother.

"WHA-! *Frowns* KAME! HAME! HAAAA!!!"- Not really having time to process the attack closing in he just gets in position and fires back a Kamehameha wave.

A three-way blast clash happens as Mumei pushes back Raditz but has an impasse with Goku, and that smile on her face never goes away as she puts every fiber of energy and strength she has into these blasts.

"COME ON!! PUSH THOSE LIMITS AWAY!!!"- Since the battle against Vegeta this was one of the few times she got to be pushed to her limits, knowing that power would be harder to obtain after a certain milestone, she was certain that those beneath her would benefit even further the time she would give them to get stronger and catch up.

Her potential to grow stronger as Kro said once was incredibly humongous, but that doesn't mean the ones like Goku and Gohan couldn't catch up in a way, they can keep up if they tried their best and used smart training techniques.

Keeping up. These two words mean a lot already when speaking to the likes of the Owl girl, surpassing her would mean you would give her motivation to grow even stronger like they are doing right now.

Goku, Raditz, and Gohan, as of right now pose the best entertainment she can gain without having the chance of dying to a certain emperor, Piccolo could probably also enter this list after getting his Super Namekian state.

And again, her potential is something scary and it is shining heavily even right now, but like all Saiyans, only in real fights it shines to its maximum, and she needs opponents of equal footing to do so.


'It seems the senzu worked! He got tremendously stronger.... Hey Kro, you think Goku is at my level right now?'

Bright colors glow all around the forest and skies as the three clash their attacks.

[{ Hmmm.... If I round up the both of you, yeah, pretty much you two are on a similar level. Why?}]

"OUH!! NOTHING!!!!"- Her excitement spills out as she pushes her hand firing a beam towards the longer-haired Saiyan, completely pushing his own back.

"Hey Piccolo!!! HEYHEY!!!!!!*BOOOM!!!*"- A mini nuke-like explosion happens when the blast hits the Saiyan, sending debris flying all around their battlefield.

" Don't cry!! Didn't even use much strength!! Now..."- Getting back her eyes to the one confirmed individual who's at her level and smirking widely she stops firing her beam and disappears.

And so do too her attack who starts to disappear not being powered up anymore by its user. Sensing the attack was getting weaker at a strange fast rate, Goku dissipates his own Kamehameha in confusion.


Stopping his beam and looking around for the one who disappeared together with her beam attack, he raises an eyebrow.-" What are you planning Mumei?"


His eyes bulged as the girl herself appears in front of him with that creepy appearance she used against Vegeta, and a black and red aura leaked around her body like angry flames, and just like that time her smile was filled with those sharp teeth.

" Let's turn the game up a bit, you too better do it, this power of mine got even stronger after...uh.... let's say my awakening, and I can fully support that I can take your strongest Kaioken, that is the one you can hold without going paraplegic."

Crossing her arms she stares at the other Saiyan's eyes, he knows that she used this against Vegeta, and it proved itself to be the current highest level of power the girl has.

It being so, it would be disrespectful to hold back.-"*Excited smile* Okay then! You want it? Then you'll get it Mumei!"

Jumping back some meters away he takes a long breath, before closing his eyes.


Red electricity sparkles around Goku as his muscles pump up for a second before going back to normal.


Then a second time, this time around his muscles bulge, even more, his hair spikes up a bit and veins start to grow everywhere in his body, that's when his eyes are shot open.



(A/N: The sound Kaioken makes, idk how to write it in words lol.)

A scarlet aura explodes out of his body illuminating the surroundings in red.-" This is my current maximum, Mumei, you sure you can take me on?*grins*"

Seeing the Saiyan being cocky gets the bird pumped up even more as she gets ready.-" Oh if I can't right now, I eventually will!"

* * Uush!! * *

Red and black light as well as one completely red clash over and over as they ascend to up to the skies, it being too quick to even understand what is happening in the eyes of the ones on the ground.



Sonic booms follow each attack they connect or block, the ground trembling with the sheer force of the clash between these two monsters.

Another cycle of these sonic explosions happens again, and this time it wakes up a certain long-haired downed Saiyan.

"Ughh.... could have gone for my ass a little less there...Piccolo?"- As he gets up in a sitting position, seeing the one who he thought pushed back his attack with a big purple marking on the side of his face frowning with both arms crossed.

"Pffft.... Wha... What happened to your face?..."- Putting a hand in front of his mouth to stop his laughter, hearing a loud sound, and looking up to see what it was.

" That happened.... I wasn't pushing your attack...*points at the sky*, She was, I was sent on a trip over who knows how many trees...."- He greets his teeth as veins appear on his forehead about to pop.

Humming, Raditz finally understands why his newly improved Double Sunday was pushed like that....-" Sooo...can you see something?"



"No, just feel them crashing here and there, and the light of their auras at times, nothing besides that."- Speaking with great salt he just keeps watching, trying to get something out of it.

"Yeah, same here, can see them when they clash though, and it's scary how quickly they just get back and clash again....and again..."

Seeing that the battle was just between the two monsters in the sky he laid back on his hands, and watched the show.

' Now even Son got to the level of stupidity in strength.... *clenches knuckles*'


"UGHHAAA!!"- Spitting blood as she receives a right hook to the face, Mumei is sent flying back a little, opening some space between them.

Breathing heavily, Goku retracts his arm and cleans his nose from the blood going down.-" Ehehe... come on Mumei.... Huff... didn't you say you could keep it up?"

It was like he was trying to mess with a Pitbull that was being held back by paper chains.

Her eyes flashing back to normal for a second again, Muun gritted her teeth and steeped further in her own limits of this state but was still flashing in and out of it.-' I trained to use this before... just because it got better... it's harder now..... what the fuck!!!'

[{ Well it was supposed to be this hard to be activated in the first place, or better, both techniques shouldn't even be combined, to begin with Muun.}]

"Grr.... Heh.... It seems that you got me this time... and because we're friends and my respect for you.... I... Yield.... But don't think this will go for long,*looks at Goku's eyes*, You better train your ass off, because the next serious spar we do.*munches senzu*, I will win."


Goku's eyes widen as Mumei's Ki shoots up even further surpassing his in an instant, but she returns to her normal state and throws him another bean, he was starting to wonder how many the girl had.


And eating it, he also feels even stronger, he looks at his hands and opens and closes them, surprised.

"Cool, isn't it? That's Saiyans for ya, right now I think I would have a higher chance against you...*smile* But where's the fun in that? When we get back from the trip we go another round, for now, keep the title of strongest Saiyan, Son Goku."t

She flies forward and stretches her right hand in a fist towards the Saiyan who's looking at his hands, who is broken out of his surprise, and seeing the action he smiles.

*Bumps Fists*

"Yeah, I can't wait too, you're crazy strong like always Mumei, but don't think next time will be much more different! Now that we're at similar heights I will train even harder to keep up!"

Putting her hands in her jacket pockets, which she forgot to take it off and now were almost completely destroyed, and she noticed it when her hands go through the pocket holes.

"Ughh.... Adios last cool jacket.... And Yeah, you better."

As they finished their fight, both start to fly down toward the other two who were watching, direction.

The Saiyan by her side finally notices something.-" Oohh yeah!! Mumei, where are we going in space?"

That makes the girl freeze in the middle of her flight animation.






'Don't tell me.... I didn't....'

[{ Yep.... you didn't tell them where we're going.... took you a while... Was going to remember you on the last week before you guys took off....}]

'That's.... you're cruel...'

[{ Was experimenting when were you going to notice...}]

'.... I am not hugging you if you get a body.... prohibited until I say so otherwise...'





ReyKale ReyKale

Fight go boom! Boom!..... Btw Goku's Kaioken has a higher power boost than Mumei's Full Power before she took the senzu at the end, now idk lol.~ye

  When we take off to Namek I will give their power levels at that time, and after arriving there too....Just be prepared....*sigh*

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C46
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


