59.72% Yugioh: New Duelists X / Chapter 43: The Heroes and The Rivals -Clash-

章 43: The Heroes and The Rivals -Clash-

"Gotcha! That was a fun duel"

Jaden won, this made him eligible to be promoted to RA yellow. While he was waving his hand to the audience feeling happy because of his endeavor, but... the same thing can't be said to his opponent.

Chazz kneeled, lowering his head and grit his teeth in frustration. This is the second time he lost against a Slifer red, and the third time he lost since he step a foot in the academy.

"Am I... really that weak?" Asked him with dejected tone.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" Chazz began cursing, his punches to the ground repeatedly, his already blue knuckle become darker and rougher, finally blood dripping from his fist.

"What are you doing, Chazz?!!" Shout Jaden, as he began to run toward him.

Just when he arrived, and extend his hand to help him-


Chazz slapped Jaden's hand, "Chazz?", worried him, "Don't... don't touch me!" Told him, as he glares at Jaden with his glassy eyes that sharp as a shard.

Chazz gets up, turned back from him, then ran toward the corridor, exiting the room.

"Chazz...", said Jaden as he looks upon his retreated figure. He still had one or more words to say to him, but he abstained from doing it, worried if it made Chazz more angry.

Thus, he walks out from the arena toward the place his spiritual little brother Syrus and the top scorer Misawa is sitting.

"Congratulation Big Bro!!", congratulated Sy loudly.

"Congratulation, with this you became the same RA student as me" said Misawa.

"Iya..." Jaden thanked them, as he scratched his hair, feeling shy.

Just when he about to sit.


The sudden expression shocked him, "What's happening?", before anybody could answer him, Jaden already found out the answer.

Yuji's Elemental HERO explodes, launching a blazing orb like comet toward the ceiling.

The blazing star explode again, this time creating a swirl of flame like a portal.

Jaden saw Yuji smiling while he raised his hand high holding a card with fiery crimson aura.

Suddenly, his duel monster spirit partner Winged Kuriboh appear from his deck.

"Winged Kuriboh?"

Winged Kuriboh: Kuri Kuri!

The Winged Kuriboh then points it hand toward Yuji.

"You felt the presence of a spirit from Yuji?", asked Jaden, and Kuriboh replied by nodding.

But then it gazed become sharp, Winged Kuriboh narrowed it eyes toward Jaden, and points its right hand toward the exit.

Winged Kuriboh: Kuri… Kuri! Kuri!

"Eto... You said I should get out from here?"

Winged Kuriboh closed his eyes, as he starts rolling in midair, happy that Jaden understanding it intention.

Winged Kuriboh: Kuri!!!

Jaden's Winged Kuriboh then fly toward his holstered deck.

Curious and worried, before he exits the room with his friends, Jaden decided to watch Yuji's performance.

"From the dark dimension... you who wield the flame of destruction" chants Yuji.

Jaden heard a roar, he then shifted his gaze upward.

A dragon head appears from the center of the vortex, starting to descend.

"With your dichromatic eyes, gaze upon this chaotic world and pulverize those wicked souls!"

His eyes widened, his beating so fast, and he starts to smile. Yes, he was amazed by the draconic figure.

On Sakura's field, the vicious Starving Venom Fusion Dragon begun to roar loudly toward the descending dragon.

His roar was so loud that he needs to covered his ears, "Kuh..."

His attention then shifted toward Yuji, even though Sakura's dragon still roar so loudly, he somewhat figured it out what Yuji is saying by reading the movements of his lips.

[Advance Summon!]

Yuji placed the card into The Duel Disk's plate.

The cool-looking dragon fall like a droplet of fire.

[Set ablaze! Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon!!]

When It lands on Yuji's field, the dragon unknowingly creates a little quake that vibrates through the whole room.

The great dragon began to roar toward the opposing vicious dragon, both roared to try to intimidate and make the other submit.

One alpha to another.

Starving Venom Fusion Dragon's roar were longer, more high-pitched like cackling yet intense.

While Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon had a deeper reverberating gurgle accompanied by guttural sound.

Jaden knew he should be going, but looking at the dragons roared at each other, can't help but to make him shudder in excitement.


On the podium's seat.

"H- hey... how much would it take?", an Obelisk Blue student asked his friend.

"What do you mean, how much?", asked his friend.

"How much money should I bring to make that Slifer give his dragon?", asked him, eyes full of greed.

His friend snort, "Well, that dragon had the same level and stats as Blue Eyes... so 1 million perhaps?"

"1 million? That is a good price! I'm going to get my hand on that dragon!!", told him, licking his lips.

"No, it'll be me!", add another Obelisk Blue student.

"Look in a mirror, pheasant! It would be me, Nova! That should get it!"

Some Obelisk Blue students then begin to quarrel, with eyes full of greed, looking at Yuji's dragon.


Above the arena in The Duel Field, there is a room for observing the duel, lets called it observation balcony for now.

Inside the balcony room, Crowler and Sheppard were watching the duel between Yuji and Sakura.

"Wha-What a terrifying sight noneee..." told him, as he swept the sweats on his forehead using a moss green handkerchief.

"Odd-eyes... this is the first time Ai knew about this monster, is his monster the same as Master Kaiba's Blue Eyes?", asked Crowler.

Chancellor Sheppard beside him holding his chin, eyes narrowed looking at the newly arrive dragon.

"Odd-eyes..." mumbled him.

Like its namesake, Yuji's dragon had dual colored eyes, green on its left eye and red on its right eye.

Blue orbs etched on its body: one on chest, and two on drummettes part. The dragon also had two long and strong legs, and two great wings on its back.

The dragon also covered in majestic crimson scales that much more resembling an armor.

Hearing his words, Crowler shifted his gaze toward the bald man, "Do you know anything about it, Chancellor?"

Chansellor Sheppard shakes his head, "No... I just remembers an old saying that The Blue Eyes represent power while The Red Eyes represent potential, but Odd-Eyes... I didn't know about it"

He then laughed, "Well, maybe it can represent the two concept, or maybe the other thing"

Crowler sighed tiredly after hearing his words.

The two of them continue to observed them from above, wondering what would happen next.


"Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon!!"

Shouted Yuji, as he placed the card into The Duel Disk's plate.

Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon (LV.8)

ATK/3000 DEF/2500

With curious eyes, he gazed upon the majestic crimson dragon with the dichromatic eyes.

"You... are you a duel monster spirit? That thing from before, what do you want? Hey, please... answer me" said Yuji, begging the dragon to answers him.

The Odd-Eyed dragon ceased it roaring, it then glares at Yuji then bring its head closer.

His figure reflected on its dichromatic eyes. Expression of sadness, joy, confusion, longing, all of his reflected on the dragon's eyes.

The Odd-Eyed dragon let out a little growl, it shifted it attention to Starving Venom Fusion Dragon. As it was natural, Yuji also shifted his gaze toward the vicious dragon.

Yuji closed his eyes half, "You... do you want to help me to defeat him?", asked him.

The Odd-Eyed dragon roared again, Starving Venom, who saw the opposing dragon also roared loudly.

"Can I take it for yes?", wondered him.

Yuji held his chin, [Starving Venom had 3 abilities, the third which also the last had an ability to destroy special...]

His eyes widened, [Wait, special? That's mean that normal and tribute summon won't be affected by his nuke ability! No... not only that, because it's still my turn his other abilities can't be activated right now]

With amazed eyes, Yuji thanked the dragon with dichromatic eyes, "Thank you, truly! For giving me another answer to defeat Starving Venom"

Alas, the Odd-Eyed dragon keep silent. But for Yuji who can't communicate with duel monster spirit anymore, this chance to exchange banter is more than enough.

[I thought I had lost this ability, but-], Yuji immediately shakes his head, "No! I must focus on the duel first"

Sakura's expression become sour, "Yuji... where do you get that dragon?", asked her, as she didn't know or remembers Yuji had any powerful dragon.

Hearing her question, Yuji smile, "That is... Not telling", answers him, which make Sakura's sourer than before.

"Well that's okay I guess..." pouted her.

Looking at her expression, Yuji began to laugh, it's pretty rare he saw her pouted.

But rather than answer her question, there's something important for him right now.

"Let's do it! Odd-Eyes activate your ability!"

He began to explain, "If this monster is tribute summoned: I can destroy 1 monster my opponent control, and inflict damage to my opponent equal to the attack of the destroyed monster"

"Such a strong ability" said Sakura surprised.

He smiled, "Yeah, and I remember that The Nuke ability of Starving Venom only applied to special summoned monsters, right? This is guy is the perfect counter for your dragon" said Yuji.

Sakura didn't say anything, but her silent demeanor already give an answer to Yuji's remark.

Yuji swings his hand, "Set ablaze, Annihilation Force!"

The dragon's eyes, and the blue orbs etched on its body, begin to glow. The dragon jumped high into the sky, flame begin to come out from his mouth.

Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon: *Roar!!!*

The dragon spit out a dual-colored great fireball toward the vicious dragon.

Looking at the incoming fireball, Sakura snaps her fingers, "I won't let it! Open the set card, Dimension Guardian"

The holographic image began to move, revealing the face-down set card.

The great fireball hit the vicious Starving Venom, creating an illuminating and destructive explosion.

But the vicious dragon stand proudly without even a single wound on it body.

"Dimension Guardian's effect: This card allows me to target 1 face-up attack position monster on the field, and that face up monster can't be destroyed by battle nor card effects" explains her.

Yuji widened his eyes, "Wait... isn't that card?!"

It's no wonder that Yuji shocked seeing that card, Dimension Guardian is one of the best protection cards and also so rare, making the card so expensive to buy for a broke guy like him.

Moreover, If the card is destroyed it won't make the monster it equips destroyed, and the card also didn't have the limiter like it made your monster can not attack the opponent directly.

Truly, a Safe Zone on steroid!

Sakura nod, "Yes, it is one of the greatest protection card! I won't tell you where and how I manage to get it" teased her, as Sakura put her right index finger in front of her pinkish cute lips.

Yuji smile wryly looking at her, [High chance you get it from your dad...]

Sakura smirked showing a mischievous smile like Cat Woman, "Now Yuji... no matter what you do you can't get rid of Starving Venom"

Yuji smirked, amused by her words "Even so, you can still take damage"

"...!" Sakura widened her eyes, but then laugh, "Haha hahaha... true"

Yuji looked at the vicious dragon, "Battle! Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon attack Starving Venom Fusion Dragon! Spiral Flame Magnum!!"

Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon begun to roar, its dichromatic eyes and orbs begin to glow brightly more than before.

It then opens its mouth, sucking the air and gathering the flames on its mouth.

As it already deemed enough, the dichromatic eyes' dragon opens its mouth, and releasing the dual-colored flames in the direction of the opposing dragon.

The Crimson and The Golden colored flames collides and tangled together, forming the spiraling burst of powerful blazing energy.

The corner of Sakura's mouth bend upward,


"At this moment! I reveal another set card" told her.

When the holographic image begin to move revealing the set card, Yuji gasped, "That!"

Sakura smirked, "Yes, one of your signature card: Battle Fusion!"

She continues, "Starve Venom, begin the counterattack! Dreadnought Invasion!!"

Starving Venom Fusion Dragon (LV.8)

ATK/2800>5800 DEF/2000

The vicious dragon roared, letting out a dark green aura from its body, and at the same time all the orbs etched on its body begin to glowing like Odd-Eyes' own orbs.

Branches of wicked energy manifested out of his wings, bright orbs contained within each one. The energy surge forward, creating a powerful blast with the intention to obliterate the dragon with the dichromatic eyes.

Two energy blasts collided...

Creating black lightnings upon impact! The space around the zero-collision spot even bend the air, and creating a raging winds and shockwave that can blow the entire field.

Near the two contrasting and colliding powers, two duelist stand firm on their feet. Seeing through the dangerous clash of power at close range.

"It's over! This is my-"

This is the first time The Odd-Eyed dragon begin his debut, but as Sakura dictates, The Odd-Eyed dragon must retire.

If Yuji obliges, that is.

"I wonder about that"

Yuji then took out a card from his hand and placed it immediately, "Concentrating Current!", shouted him.

"That card is..." Sakura gasped seeing the card, but she later smirked, "Even if you use that card, Starving Venom's attack is much higher"

Yuji nod, not denying her words, the quick-spell card: Concentrating Current effect is to target a monster, then that monster would gain attack equal to its current defense.

Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon (LV.8)

ATK/3000>5500 DEF/2500

As stated by Sakura, his Odd-Eyed dragon's attack is still lower than Starving Venom.

The flames of the Odd-Eyed dragon were pushed back by the violent violet rays.

But Yuji didn't give up, there is still a card on his field that can breakthrough it. It just that... that card is much more of a gamble.

With only 50% probability of him getting the desired result.

"Activate the set card" said Yuji as he points his hand toward the holographic face-down card, "Graceful Dice"

Sakura raised her eyebrow, "You... are you joking? You set such bad card- no, you actually put such bad card on your deck? Are you stupid?" Asked her with worried tone.

"Sakura... to you this is such a bad card, but-", Yuji glares at her eyes, reflected on the rare green eyes of his lies a hidden confidence, "Even a bad card had its usefulness"

A Fairy with pink suit and top winged hat appears from the holographic image of the revealed card.

That fairy fly toward the sky, dropping the six-sided die.

For the both of the time seemed to be slowed down.

Yuji and Sakura saw the dice had been dropped, their attention totally focused on the rolling dice.

Especially Yuji, if he got 3 or lower numbers, The Odd-Eyes Dragon would be destroyed, and he also gained damage.

For some of you, maybe 300 or lower damages is not a problem or laughable, but for the others a measly 100 damages can decide the outcome of a duel.

Sweats fall from his forehead along to the cheek then chin and finally to the floor.

He widened his eyes, didn't even bother to blink, his eyes become redder and his eyes start to felt a burning sensation.

He watched, as the dice rolls, praying in his heart he can get 4 or above.


Before they can see the result of the rolled dice, the two blasts of the dragons merged, creating a jet-black orb that gradually inflated.

The orb begin to inflated more and more, various cracks appeared on the orb's surface revealing a light beneath the cover of darkness.

As the orb can not contain the energy, it begins to burst, immersing the whole room and the two duelists in its pure white light.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C43
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


