94.85% Transported to a parallel fictional world[Hiatus] / Chapter 128: Chapter 121

章 128: Chapter 121

But let's hope this last game... this last final battle will be one we can never forget when we leave the school grounds tomorrow morning.

So if the players are ready and the refs are set I officially announce that the finals for Yakusas first ever bossaball championship can begin...NOW.}

Both teams stared at each other, both equally aware of what was at stake.

Meikos eyes had never left Ekko's who didn't back down in the slightest and even gave her a little teasing wink back.

' I'll kill you a thousand times over cockroach.' Meiko said this through her eyes.

" Bring it on King Kong." Ekko said, and loud enough that she could hear his words.


{ The game has finally begun and team Hinamatsuri will be serving first. The server for team Hinamatsuri is Nana from class 2-b.}

Nana took a deep calming breath. She was nervous but whenever she thought about that hotsprings trip a fire lit up in her body.

She glared at the person she was going to serve to and said player was completely creeped out by her intense and honestly quite intimidating stare.

But team kiss My ace didn't make it to the finals just riding on the vice president's coattails. So the player was only distracted for a moment before getting into a low horse stance.

Nana lifted the ball high into the air before smacking it over the net. Team kiss my ace was quick to react and the right defensive player quickly dug the ball up.

Nana clicked her tongue seeing that the ball was easily received and promised that she would serve harder next time.

Team kiss My ace had three touches on the ball, and while the ball was in the air Meiko shouted a code word that made all the girls suddenly run up to the net.

{ !!!!!...What's this now, team Kiss My ace are actually performing a three-player attack while the vice president sets. What will team Hinamatsuri do?}

Nana and Yame panicked not knowing what to do but try and block. Yame and Nana in the end opted for the middle attacker.

But they were completely duped as Meiko passed the ball to the far attacker on the wing.

' Dammit, we guessed wrong.' Nana thought as she slowly fell back down. The Left attacker smirked before Spiking the ball down earning Team kiss My ace the first point of the game.

Kiss My ace celebrated the point while Hinamatsuri got back in positions. Meiko who was on the other side didn't show it but she was grinning from ear to ear.

' Ha! How's that Cockroach, now let's see how arrogant you can act when my team...T, THAT BASTARD.' Meiko was completely and utterly pissed, instead of the nervous look She thought Ekko would have, he instead looked like it was no big deal.

He was even picking his ear in boredom.' Fine then, if that's how you wanna play, let's see how calm you can act when we're close to victory.


The finals continued with both teams playing their absolute best on both ends. The score was 12 to 9 with team Kiss My ace in the lead, Meiko had scored an astonishing 8 points out of those twelve and to the utter delight of the boys who watched.

Every time Meiko did a jump or a set she looked really sexy doing it and so did the other girls who were on the court. Some boys even had to cross their legs and put something to cover their crotch area to the confusion of some girls.

' Man, they look even more amazing in slow motion. Sigh now I'm getting horny again, I'll probably spend the whole day in bed with Rangiku tommoro...wait isent valentines day in a couple of days...'


Team kiss My ace spiked the ball over the net and towards the trampoline to try and bag themselves three more points, but they failed as even though Ekko was distracted he was still paying attention.

He dived to the ball and performed a pancake maneuver.

"Nice Save Ekko!!"

Nana shouted before digging the ball into the air.

Yame was right behind her and ran to the net ready to set Gojo but in the corner of her eye, she noticed Ekko point two fingers down.

{ Team kiss My ace are getting ready to defend team Hinamatsuri's attack and it seems to be settling up for a middle set attack.

Yame throws and sets the ball high and...Huh? She set the ball back but no one is there to...WAIT WHEN DID HE GET THERE ????}

The announcer was shocked and so was the crowd, they were completely positive Ekko was on the left side of the court just moments prior, and yet like a shadow he disappeared and reappeared from out of nowhere.

Even Meiko was shocked, she took her eyes off him for only a moment, and yet...'How did he do it, when did he..'

'Huh! Hahaha, what an interesting technique, I was wondering why he had been playing so passively even though throughout the other games he was the main attacker.' Minori thought with a smirk.


Ekko spiked the ball down and it went flying past the trampolinist and onto their outside ring, giving them three more points on the leaderboard for team Hinamatsuri.

Meiko just stood there, she couldn't even react.

{ Misdirection. Misdirection is a technique that diverts the opponent's gaze, allowing its user to disappear out of sight. Student Ekko has always either been the center of attention for his team or the attacker.

But as the games rolled by he became more and more of a passive defender while letting the other teams shine.

This has made him less and less visible to the crowd and the opponent's tricking them into believing that he had appeared from out of nowhere when in fact he just got behind there normally.

Magician are masters of this kind of art form and normally it can only be used by a select group of people whose presence are naturally lower than others...but for him to pull this off speaks tantamount to his skill in the art.}

After Mr. J's explanation, the crowd finally understood what had just happened and couldn't help but feel chills down their spines.

Has he been planning this since the first match...how scary. But now that he's already been exposed he couldn't really use it again...or could he.

"Great Job Yame, I didn't think you would get my signal in time." Ekko praised her and so did her other teammates.

Yame blushed after receiving so many compliments but asked worriedly." But Ekko I thought you wanted to use that signal at the end of the game as a trump card.

" It's fine, that team was acting a bit too cozy, but that should have given them quite the scare, though it will probably make king Kong over there more cautious which also works in our favor."

"King Kong???" Gojo asked in confusion.

Ekko smiled while pointing at Meiko who noticed his little jester and mouthed" Yep that's her new nickname, KING KONG!"


Meiko clenched her fist so hard it sounded like something had broken. Ekko smirked and the rest of team Hinamatsuri couldn't help but sweat drop at the obvious tension Ekko and the Vice president had for each other.

After that little stunt by Ekko, the finals continued on but this time Ekko became more active in his role.

Though the crowd had noticed the little rivalry the president and Ekko were having on the court.

And some couldn't help but speculate if the two knew each other. It was completely unknown but to a select amount of students who had known about Meiko's hate towards men.

But she seldom showed it on the outside or to any of the male students. So they wondered what Ekko had done to provoke the she demoness.

{The score is now officially 21 - 20. Team kiss My ace has managed to just pull ahead by a single point but just one slip-up from them could mean the significance of losing and winning.}

Team kiss My ace were serving the ball and once they did Ekko was the one to dig it up.

Then followed by Gojo who set it to Yame.

Yame then set the ball high into the air for Nana who was going to set up a Spike for Gojo.

"Ehhhh!!!" But because she had been sweating she had slipped on a wet patch and instead of setting it she accidentally kicked the ball backwards.

' Oh No! I messed up.' Nana thought seeing the ball fly outside the court but like a Cheetah in the savanna, Ekko sprinted and jumped off the court.

And just managed to keep the ball in play while digging it into the opposite court.

' Thanks for the free ball Cockroach, it will take him too much time to come back so we'll perform a quick attack while he's out.

Meiko shouted a signal to her player's and they immediately got into action. They set the ball up to the trampolinist player, who quickly passed it to Meiko who flew up into the air and pulled her arm back.

Gojo who was on the trampoline panicked, he reacted too late and couldn't jump up anymore.

And whenever he had tried to block Meikos shots she had always overpowered him.

' What do I do...what should I do..'

' Humph, look how scared he is, if it wasn't for that piece of shit I would have already won by now. But no matter, with this Spike we'll be in the lead with three more points and would only need one more play to win.

So for the sake of my dream bow your head like the trash you are...."






'WHAT THE FUCK..!!!' Meiko cursed in her mind in complete disbelief. She just couldn't believe what had just occurred. She was supposed to have scored, her plan of attack was perfect...and yet.. and yet.

{ HAHAH!!! I'm not believing what I just witnessed folks, team Hinamatsuri Trampolinist actually saved the ball with his face, preventing Team kiss My ace from potentially winning the finals.

How he came up with defending Vice presidents killer Spike with his face is a mystery, but it got the job done and by far the best defensive play of the championship.}

Gojo smiled seeing that the ball was back up in the air. His ears were ringing and his eyes and nose were stinging with pain but he was glad he managed to save the ball.

' I hope this doesn't bruise, grandpa would be worried sick.'

' Nice save Gojo.' Ekko thought seeing his friend save the ball but at the cost of his body. Gojo was completely out and probably wouldn't get back up for a while.

Ekko smirked at Meiko who was livid. Her perfect plan was not going as perfectly as she thought it would have and she was starting to get nervous.

' Nows the best time to attack.' Ekko thought while signaling to Nana who nodded and set the ball high in the air.

Ekko got back on the court and performed a few back handsprings to catch some momentum before jumping high into the hair.


{ I can't believe we are witnessing it again, Ekko's signature move...he's up...and he scores, what a magnificent shot with team Kiss My ace not even being able to react.)

This officially puts team kiss My ace neck and neck with team Hinamatsuri. It is anybody's game at this current moment.}

Team Hinamatsuri celebrated before checking up on Gojo, Miss Aki came to the court and did a quick check-up on Gojo to see if he was still alright to play.

She concluded that he was to the relief of a lot of students. It was now team Hinamatsuri's turn to serve and Ekko was the one serving this time round.

'We need four more points to win, the best Course of action is hitting the trampoline's outer rim and then scoring one more point to end the game.

Or I could go all out in these five serves, and win that way.'

As Ekko was in deep thought he suddenly felt a piercing gaze on his person, he looked in the direction only to see the vice president staring at him.

But oddly enough he didn't see the hatred or anger he did before, but a fire, a fire that to not lose, a fire to win.

She was goading him... begging him to serve straight at her and no one else, she was challenging him.

And Ekko for the first time actually saw something more than a misandrist in Meiko. Ekko could just ignore her challenge and serve to her teammates...but what's the fun in that.

So he accepted her challenge.

Ekko looked at Meiko and only her while she did the same. The crowd, the announcers, and even their teammates...they completely blocked the outside world from their vision.

The only thing that existed to them now was themselves, the net, and the ball. Ekko spun the ball in his hands before throwing it up into the air.

' He accepted...Good, ill show you...I'll win this...I'll win this...I'll definitely catch his ball...I need to catch it.' Meiko thought with all the focus she could muster.


Like a gunshot, the ball flew over the net in a parabola and headed straight to her. She tensed her muscles and got into the position she thought was best to catch it.


"Gughhhh!!" Meiko grunted feeling like a ten-ton truck hand just hit her forearms.' Heavy the ball feels so heavy.'

She couldn't take it and the ball bounced off her arms and out of the court. The score was officially 21-22, team Hinamatsuri only needed three more points to win.

'Again...again..again...again.' Meiko kept repeating that in her mind while staring at Ekko, and he happily obliged to her request.


He served again and like the first shot, Meiko was completely overwhelmed with how much force Ekko could produce in his simple serves.

She let go, and the ball flew off the court once again. The score was now 21-23, and team Hinamatsuri only needed two more points to win.

' I can feel it, this time for sure...I'll catch your ball.' Meiko got into a ready position, her body full of sweat.

But not because of nervousness...but because for the first time in a long time, she actually felt like she was being challenged.

And Ekko had noticed that emotion in her eyes, of course, he did, he used to look like that all the time in his old world when he was...


Ekko served again, he never once went easy on her, that would be an insult to her trying so hard.

Meiko got into a ready position for the shoot and caught the ball. And like the first two times, it felt really heavy.

But something changed...she felt it, she could catch it.


She successfully lifted the ball into the air to the shock of many as this would be the first time someone had caught Ekkos serve...or one that was at full force.

But unfortunately, it flew backwards and her teammates weren't fast enough to catch the ball.

{ T-his... I can't believe it, the vice president was actually able to catch that monstrous serve...unfortunately her teammates were too slow to react.

It looks like things are coming to an end folks, the score is 21 to 24. Team Hinamatsuri only needs one more point to win the finals and become our official champions, can team Kiss My ace even make a comeback?

It's now all up to the vice president.}

Meiko took a few deep breaths, her body was aching and her arms were trembling with pain. They were completely red and Meiko wanted nothing more than to put some ice on them.

But she couldn't...she was too excited. For the first time, Meiko the ever-stoic and strict vice president...smiled...she actually smiled.

Ekko looked at Meiko and thought.' Sigh, now that's a face of a cute high-school girl.'

Meiko got in a ready stance and suddenly said." I'm going to catch this no matter what, be ready."

Her teammates looked at her wide-eyed before nodding." HAI, CAPTAIN!!!" Team Hinamatsuri also didn't let their gourds down and got ready for a counterattack.

This serve would officially decide the winner or loser.

Not a sound was heard from the crowd and all the students from all around the school stared at their phones in anticipation and nervousness.

A lot of the students who had been routing for team Hinamatsuri were secretly supporting the vice president and hoped that she would be able to receive the ball.

Ekko held the ball in his hand and then looked at Meiko.' Sorry prez, you did well but this is the end for you.'

' I'll catch it...I know I can, I've already gotten used to your shot.' Meiko licked her lips while getting ready to catch.

Ekko spun the ball in his hand one final time before throwing it up into the air. The students couldn't help but hold their breaths as they watched the ball slowly come back down.

Ekko flew up into the air and aimed.' Let's see if you can catch this.'


Ekko had put even more power into his final serve than last time. The ball flew so fast that team Kiss My ace only saw a blur before the ball was already in front of Meiko.

Meiko made contact but the moment she did she was actually pushed back by their sheer force...

Everyone thought it was over...but Meiko never gave up, she could feel it, and even though this had been even harder than the rest she knew she could catch it.

So she clenched her teeth and tightened her core before pulling one leg back to balance herself and with all the strength she had left pushed the ball up.





{ I...IT'S UP, THE VICE PRESIDENT CAUGHT THE BALL.} When everyone finally came back they immediately reacted and cheered.

"No way, she actually caught it." Nana was completely dumbfounded and so was the rest of team Hinamatsuri.

But Ekko smiled and shouted." The games not over yet, get ready for the Attack." Team Hinamatsuri Immediately went into the defensive while team Kiss My ace got on the attack with a tempo minus.

Unfortunately, they didn't attack quickly enough and Ekko was there to save the ball.

Ekko reacted quickly and performed the job of a libero. He dived and kicked the ball up to Nana who was deciding whether to set the ball up for gojo or to pass.

Meiko who could barely stand pushed through her tiredness and ran to the net.

Just as Nana was going to set the ball she noticed Gojo lifting three fingers. Nana nodded and Yame and Ekko also noticed the signal and got into positions.

Nana set the ball to Ekko who jumped up ready to strike the ball down. Every single player from team Kiss My ace immediately reacted and jumped up ready to block Ekko's Spike.

' I'll win for sure, I've already gotten used to your serve.' Meiko thought as she still saw the hope of winning.

She gave Ekko that same challenging stare she did previously and Ekko...smiled.

Suddenly Meiko had a bad feeling and felt something was amiss.

That's when she noticed that even though Ekko was getting ready for a Spike, Yame, and Gojo were still jumping.

' Fuck, it's a fake...' Meiko had guessed correctly, it was a fake Spike, but it was already too late to realize her mistake.

Ekko changed his stance mid-air and set the ball to the completely open Yame who easily dumped the ball over the net.


The ball hit the opposite court and bounced twice before stopping.

The court was completely quiet.



















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I was going to write just a thousand word chapter to finish off this arc but ended up writing over 3300 words. Hope you enjoyed it.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C128
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


