
A Wolf in the Sand

Winterfell 277 AC


Life in Wintefell has fallen back to the monotonous and repetitive lull following the departure of the Lords a few moons ago. With said departure, my brother Ned and sister Lyanna returned back to their fostering resulting in Winterfell returning to a tranquil state. No longer is Lyanna skipping lessons to watch the Ned, Benjen, and I train in the yard or sneak out to practice archery and sword play. It did not help I had some custom wooden swords created fashioned after Arya's Needle, only furthering her martial pursuit.

Looking over the reports and papers scattered around my desk I notice a letter bearing a seal of a falling star and sword. Already knowing who it is from a slight euphoric rush overcomes my body, curse puberty and Brandon Starks naturally high libido.

To my dear friend Brandon Stark

I hope everything is well in the North, did Lyanna give you any headache during your gathering of the Lord's meeting? Everything is going well here in Sunspear and I've been practicing with the dagger you gifted me. Next time you tease me you better watch your back. Oberyn and myself want to thank you for the bottles of Stark Fire Wine, they seem to be difficult to find all the way south. Oberyn especially was ecstatic to try your new aged whiskey. He got so drunk he wandered out do what he called a Lords inspection of the town, but we all know where he went.

Doran also wants to thank you for the assistance in increasing the yield are limited farms can produce, as well as the continued shipment of rice. He was so happy to see us less reliant on on the Reach for food he jokes about arranging a marriage between the two of us. I know not if the jape has more truth veiled behind it, however it is an issue between your Father and Doran. Would the idea of being betrothed to each other interest you? I do hope you can visit again soon, its already been almost 2 years since we've seen each other. Oberyn has been japing about how the next time you visit he will do everything in his power to make you a man, though that notion disgusts me somewhat.

Please give me warmest regards to your Father and your siblings. I look forward to seeing you soon.

Your friend from the South


I laugh at the part about Oberyn no doubt wanting to take me to a brothel, as one of my favorite characters in the books meeting him was everything I expected it to be. A man who truly lives by his passions, I was lucky for him to be present in Sunspear during our visit 18 moons ago as he has been studying in the citadel the past few years. Luckily at 15 he I was able to meet him before he fucks Lord Yronwoods wife and gets sent to Essos for a time.

(I am aging Oberyn as the same age the MC thus the time of the letter is about a moon before his fuck up)

Reflecting on the comment of a betrothal to Ashara, I can't think of many downsides. There are only a few options I have on the table, and Ashara is certainly a candidate worth considering. Beautiful, smart, and passionate as all of Dorne is she would make for a fine Lady of Winterfell. Looking back at the few moons spent in Dorne brings a small smile to my face, while securing the increased trade deal for sand was the ultimate goal, maybe a something else came out of it


Sunspear Early 275 AC


Looking over the rails of the Winter Fury the current flagship of the North, I can't help but feel excited to meet someone of the coolest characters in Game of Thrones, Oberyn especially. My thoughts are interrupted by the Captain Davos Seaworth. "M'lord you were right, we are coming up on Sunspear and should arrive within the hour. 17 days M'lord, 17 fucking days! Pardon my language M'lord but this has to be a record. To sail from White Harbor to Sunspear in less than 3 weeks is unheard of." Captain Davos exclaimed with a massive smile on his face. He is right to be shocked and happy though, virtually cutting the travel time in half is nothing short of a miracle to a stagnated naval culture Westeros has had for the greater part of a few thousand years. My carvel's can make this trip in around 3 weeks, a good 10-15 days quicker than any ship currently deployed by other Kingdoms. With their new triangle sails, copper lined hulls, and navigation equipment that includes a compass and sextant they are able to sail on average 20-30% faster than normal.

The galleon's however are another beast all together. With 3 built so far, including the largest the Winter Fury which I'm currently sailing one. The other 2 galleons are pushing 230 feet in length, 3 decks, and brimming with scorpions. The Winter Fury is over 250 feet and sports the finest luxuries a ship of this era can boast. Designed with better cabins for important passengers and better facilities, it still boasts the best armament and defenses available. Captained by Laurence snow there is no ship that can even remotely come close to matching her on the ocean.

Promoting a smuggler to the captain of a kingdoms flagship was met with outrage initially, my decision has proven correct on multiple occasions. Davos Seaworth, one of the best characters iu the show/books was essential to the development of my navy. Named the best smuggler in the seven kingdoms, he was surprisingly easy to hire into my service. All it took was a bit of coin, an honest offer, and a possibility to become a landed knight in the future was all it took to convince the Onion Knight to pledge himself to House Stark. After the first few trial runs, Davos proved his worth sailing circles around the more 'educated' lords helming the other ships. A few meetings discussing sailing strategy and the rest is history.

Sliding into our assigned dock near Sunspear, the faces of the gathered smallfolk and nobles was nothing short of hilarious. Some with mouths agape, others starring as if it was their first time seeing a naked women, and the more shrewd Lords, Doran included, already calculating the impact a ship of this quality has on the balance of naval power in the Seven Kingdoms

"Welcome to Dorne and Sunspear Lord Stark, allow me to introduce my family. To my right here is my younger brother Oberyn" Looking like a younger version of Pedro Pascal with his short brown hair, sun kissed skin, and a built but average 6 foot warriors body. He gives a small bow and formal greeting. "To my left, my sister Elia Martell" Doran continues his introductions gesturing to the beautiful but frail looking princess. Dark hair, tan skin, and a comely face offset her small and frail body. Standing next to Elia is one of the most strikingly beautiful women I've ever seen. A small 5'3 with beautiful curves, dark hair, and tan skin she almost reminds me of Megan Fox from the first Transformers movie. "Our ward Lady Ashara Dayne, and finally my wife Mellario of Norvos" Doran finishes his introductions as he gestures to the final member, his wife. A standard 5'4 and well endowed, she is a typically Essos beauty. Dark hair and tan skin show, she would not be to out of place as a Dornish native.

"Well meet Lord Martell, this is my son and heir Brandon Stark" My father bows back to the gathering of Dornish nobility as I make my introduction. "It is a pleasure to meet you Lord Doran, Oberyn, and ladies Mellario, Elia, and Ashara. I can see the people of Dorne are as beautiful and bright as the sun." Starring directly at Ashara and realizing how stupid that must have sounded I can only blush in embarrassment. I mean c'mon she looks just like Megan Fox back in the day, and we all know that funny feeling we had when she was 'working' on the car. Gods childhood was awesome. Luckily for me the gathered Dornish only laugh at my stupid attempt at flattery. "Please follow us Lord Stark, I'm sure you want to rest in a bed that isn't moving. We will feast tonight in your honor." Lord Doran says breaking the formalities as we make our way into Sunspear


"How are you enjoying the Dornish hospitality My Lord" I nearly jump out of my skin as an equally seductive and playful voice whispers in my ear behind me. "Jesus Christ Lady Ashara you nearly made my heart go out. Don't you know harming a Lord under guest rights is a front to the Gods?" I exclaim back at her without really thinking.

"Jesus Christ? Who is that? Is it one of the old gods?" Ashara asks sporting a face of utter confusion. "Uh no its just some saying I came up with" Terrible excuse I know but that's all I can think up with on the fly.

"You're a strange one huh Lord Brandon. Anyway…again how fares yourself?" Happy she is somewhat ignoring me using the Lords name in vain in Westeros, I reply "I am quite enjoying myself Lady Dayne, While the food is quite spicy the company and hospitality has been wonderful" I almost stress the hospitality I could enjoy with nearly every serving girl eyeing me from head to toe. The Dornish hospitality is well known as the most open of the 7 kingdoms when it comes to pleasures of the flesh. "Im glad to hear that My Lord, would you care to join me for a tour of Sunspear tomorrow while your Father and Doran discuss their trade deal?"

"That sounds lovely, and please call me Brandon, formalities have no place between friends." Crap as soon as I said it, I insantly regretted it. Curse these 14 year old hormones making me way more than normal. Even though I am mentally 36 the sheer amount of hormones flowing through my body are fighting a constant war for control. Couple that with Brandon's natural libido makes for a fight I feel like I'm losing ground on every day.

"Friends..how forward of you Brandon, if were friends already, I wonder what we would be tomorrow hmm…?" Ashara says in a half mocking half flirtly manner. She knew she has be by my balls and theres nothing I can do about it.

"What I meant to say Ashara is how I would love the opportunity to become friends with such a beautiful lady." I try to recover back at her with some effect. "Nice recovery Brandon" she says with a smirk. "I will see you tomorrow for lunch then that tour"

"I reply back relived she wont push me any farther "I will see you for lunch tomorrow, around noon?" As she gets up from the table she says "Sounds lovely, see you then my friend"


"Father how was your meeting with Prince Doran?" I ask my father, as this is our first one on one conversation since arriving at Sunspear 3 days ago it is the first time were able to speak partially openly. "It went well son, we have secured a more advantageous sand rate in exchange for more rice. This could possibly reduce our cost in production of glass by around 15% per ton."

I am genuinely surprised we are getting such a good discount until I realize just like our ice trade, their literally have more sand than they can use, and the barley if use it if not disregard it entirely. With House Stark's yearly revenue from glass at around 2.5 million dragons. Taking in account costs of production with both labor, materials, and upkeep plus shipping we net 1.25 million dragons in the last year. This 15% reduction in sand price plus consolidating our sand from one supplier could reduce operating costs by 25% at the high end. While the glass demand may decrease in the coming years as many Lords now sport high quality House Stark glass products, our glass makers are improving every day and a new line of more intricate glassware and mirrors.

"Wow that is great news, taking in account that we can optimize supply lines we could see more than a 15% savings in future operating costs!" I happily tell my father. "I'm glad you agree with me son, now tell me how your time spent with Lady Ashara Dayne has been going, I've been told you have become fast friends" My father says with a huge smirk on his face. I was never the most successful with females in my previous life plus the fact that ive spent most of my life in Westeros knee deep in work, my 'game' is pretty piss poor. While I'm not a dense japanceese light novel MC I cant say I'm some SI alpha chad with the females and my father knows it, a constant source of teasing from the imposing Warden of the North.

"It has been well Father. She is a very smart women and I have enjoyed conversing with her. WE plan on continuing our friendship through letters sent either via raven or via our trade ships." I reply back.

My father, still with his smrik on full display, "That's good to hear son, what would you think of a possible bethrothal to her? I've been struggling to figure out potential matches with you and your siblings. The only one I could consider is Catleyn Tully. The lack of girls your age, minus Barbry Ryswell and Dacey Mormont in the North means we may have to look south. While Barbry and Dacey would make fine Ladies of Winterfell, their houses do not really bring any advantage."

Realizing this is more than him just pushing my buttons I put on my game face. "I would prefer Ashara to Catelyn as house Dayne is of the First Men and have worshiped the Old Gods still in recent history. I can also confidently say Ashara would not be opposed to converting to our Gods as she is not an over religious Lady. House Tully is an Andal house through and through and could cause conflict with our Lords. Though if needed maybe poor Ned could be matched with her?" My father takes a long pause, deep in thought and finally replies

"Yes, you bring up good points, while nothing is set in stone I agree with your logic. Holster, that cunt has been messaging up about betrothing you to his daughter no doubt due to pressure from his vassals at our lack of food purchase from the Riverlands. A betrothal to Ned as the future Lord of the Moat could work if needed. Now what about Benjen and Lyanna?

Taking a deep sigh I take a moment to think. Benjen would be easy, as a possible future Lord of Sea Dragon Point a betrothal to Dacey Mormont would be a good idea. Only a year or two older than Benjen it would make sense. House Mormont, while not a particularly strong house is arguably our most loyal vassal. Rewarding it with a marriage in House Stark is a win win for both houses. Lyanna, I have no idea. Bobby B is obviously a no no as Mya Stone should be being conceived in the next few years. Rhaegar to get Jon Snow born? I am not sure how to get that done without letting the rebellion play out normally and that only happens if we let her become betrothed to Bobby B aka Robert Baratheon. Thus a true catch 22 situation.

"Benjen is quite easy, betroth him to Dacey Mormont and have her foster at Winterfell for a short time before they marry. As future Lord at Sea Dragon point it makes both logistical and political sense. Lyanna I have no fucking clue, pardon my language, but I cant think of a single person that would both make her happy and makes political sense." I finally reply back to my father who nods in agreement. "I feel the same way for both of them. Lyanna we can discuss more in the future as she is only 11." He concludes as he pops open a bottle of Stark Fire Wine and pours each of us a glass. We continue discussing more menial topics for another hour or so and retire for the night as we leave Sunspear the next morning.

Return to present

Winterfell 277 AC

"Lord Stark is here to see you." My new 'secretary' informs me as he knocks on the door to my solar. I felt bad making a faceless man my secretary so I employed a new man named Laurence Snow. A bastard son of Karstark he received a Lords education to an extent, more than enough to assist me in my day to day tasks.

"Father this is an unexpected surprise, what brings you to my solar at this hour" I ask him as its quite unusual for him to visit at such a late hour. He is usually at the bathhouse with my mother or doing anything other than work. "Son, I have received a letter from both Lord Dayne and Lord Doran, we have been conversing over raven for the past year and have agreed to a betrothal between you and Ashara Dayne." He replies back to me. I told him after we left Sunspear that if he believes it is in the best interest of the North and no other offers arrive, by mid 277 he can agree to a betrothal with Ashara.

"Very well, I look forward to my future with the new Lady Stark, what is the timeline for the betrothal?" I play it cool but internally I am a storm of emotions, a mix between excitement and nervousness. "Lady Ashara will arrive and stay at Winterfell starting in 278 AC and remain for a year. After the year you will be wed if neither House has any issues. As she has already bleed we could have the marriage any time but getting to know her more would be for the best." My father says as he goes over some finer points of the deal. A dowry of a slightly reduced price for sand, lower tariffs on northern goods, and the option to travel to Dorne again to pick her up for her travel north. Our conversation is cutoff abruptly by Laurence announcing Maester Luwin with an urgent announcement.

Our new Maester Luwin is surprisingly the same master for House Stark as in cannon, just arriving about 5 years early. Unfortunately Maester Walys, that slimly reachmen had a slight 'accident' where he was sampling some new Stark Fire Wine and fell down the stairs. A classic Maester death that resulted in Luwin arriving at the end of last year.

"My Lords grave news from Kingslanding!" Maester Luwin bursts into the room after being bid to enter. "King Aerys is currently being held captive by Lord Darklyn in Duskendale!" And there it is, the defiance of Duskendale has begun and should last around 6 moons before Ser Barristan the Bold resuces his grace. Time to plan what action House Stark will take in the coming years with Harrenhall only 4 years away.

Authors Note:

As voted on by the readers, Ashara Dayne will become the next Lady of Winterfell. As always thank you so much for reading! Next chapter will go out Sunday Night or Monday morning.

I have been very 50/50 on if I want the SI to create/have created cannons for the ships and army. While I will not be creating any form of small arms as this is not Greyjoy Alle Breve cannons are a possibility that would make the North very OP in the rebellion. What are yall's thoughts on this. Will it make everything to easy or do you want to see the North steamroll through the wars till the long night?

Pro Cannons

Anti Cannons

Until next time


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