4.82% One Piece: Becoming the strongest pirate (COMPLETED) / Chapter 6: First Mate (Edited)

章 6: First Mate (Edited)

After we arrived at the port we decided to split up, they were going to stay here for about two weeks before they leave for Logue town. Kevin handed me some money and said it was for helping against the pirates, I accepted it then I said my goodbyes and left.

After that I went to take a walk around the town. I visited the market and checked a few stores to buy some new clothes for myself and I also bought a hat. It was similar to Ace's hat but in black color and with no decorations.

'I always liked the hats of Ace, Luffy and Sabo, especially Ace he always looked cool with it.' I thought while strolling around the busy market. Once I got bored, I decided to find an inn to stay at.

After a few minutes of searching, I stumbled on an inn across the street and decided to enter it. When I entered there was a moment of silence, and everyone looked at me for a second, but after that silence broke off and everyone went back to their business.

'It feels like a movie scene' I thought to myself then I walked to the counter and ordered a drink and a newspaper then I started reading. There was nothing interesting except a few wanted posters of some pirates and some information about them.

"Orvin 'The Crippled' 6,520,000 berries, captain of Silver Hand Pirates…"

"Gorton 'The Drunk' 8,350,000 berries, captain of The Black Crow Pirates…"

"William 'Devious' Sweet 9,200,000 berries, vice-captain of Mad Eyes Pirates…"

"And lastly 'Mad Eyes' Dawson 15,800,000 berries, the captain of Mad Eyes Pirates." I cracked a smile while reading the posters as I got an idea.

"This will be useful" I finished my drink, talked to the owner and rented a room and then I went upstairs to check it out.

It was small but okay, it has a normal size bed and a bathroom with a shower. I laid on the bed and started thinking about my plan.

'Since I got here, I've been thinking about what I should do in the future and there were always three options coming to my mind marines, pirates or bounty hunters'

'I thought about going the safest route of marine or bounty hunter but…'

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all" I said out loud.

Since I got the chance to live in this world, I would not be wasting it living in fear and not doing the things I want.

The pirate's life is dangerous, and I may as well die in the way, but I will do it anyway.

"I'm thinking of recruiting that guy, but it may be hard."

Next Day,

I was out of town in an empty spot near a forest doing my usual leg training. I was doing squats while a carrying a huge boulder on my back.

"10…11…12…13…14...15..." I dropped the boulder to take a breath and rest for a bit.

I've been increasing weight and doing low repetitions to increase muscle bulk and strength rather than doing high repetitions which increases muscle endurance, because what I lacked is enough leg strength to be able to kick the ground ten times in the blink of an eye.

"I'm so close I just need little bit more and I will be able to unlock Soru."

'I should also start thinking about Haki training. If I'm not wrong, you train your observation by dodging various types of attacks while blindfolded' I thought about it for a bit 'I need to unlock at least one type of Haki when I enter the grand line'

'it's impossible to unlock armament and use it efficiently in a short amount of time even for Luffy it took him two years which is already crazy'

"I don't even know if I have conquerors, so the only option is observation."

After 2 hours I finished my training and went back to town. On the way back I saw a commotion, so I tried to ask about what's going on.

"Hey you!! What's happening?" I asked a random person.

"You should probably go somewhere safe. They say a marine Lieutenant attacked some pirates that were staying in the town and the later took some hostages and went on killing spree." The man said to me then he started walking away.

"Marines? This should be interesting" I went to check the scene.

"YOU DAMN PIRATES!!! I'll MAKE SURE YOUR ALL DEAD!!" A marine shouted, he was a tall, muscular man with tanned skin and blonde hair.

"Morgan!! You bastard, why don't you just give up, no matter how many times you come after me you will never be able to get my head, HAHAHAHAHA!!!" One of the pirates said and started laughing.


'Morgan? That guy looks awfully familiar' I kept trying to recognize him 'Tall and blonde hair… Don't tell me capTAIN MORGAN?!! I guess it's Lieutenant Morgan now' I was surprised as he looked different from the anime, he was a lot younger, and he didn't have the still jaw or the axe.

"You better not come any closer Morgan! Or I'll start blowing these guys heads off" Holman said while pointing a gun on one of the hostages.

"I think these civilians would happily give their lives to stop a notorious pirate like you." Morgan stated.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!! I can't believe someone like you is a marine, you're no different from me" Holman said to him.

"Enough with the stupid talk, EVERYONE FIRE!!" Morgan ordered his man to shoot at the pirates.

"B-But Lieutenant there are still hostages..." One of the marines said to him.

"If you don't want to get executed for disobeying orders then do as you're told." Morgan threatened the soldier.

"Y-Yes Lieutenant" The soldier replied then everyone got ready to fire.

'This guy is still as rotten as ever.' I thought to myself, but I wasn't going to interfere as it was none of my business.

The moment I turned around to walk away I started hearing someone shouting, it was a familiar voice. I turned back to check to whom it belongs and to my surprise it was none other than Calvin.

"BROTHER…EMMA!!" Calvin shouted as he was standing in between the pirates and marines.

"CALVIN!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!!" One of the hostages shouted back at Him.

"I'm here to save you of course!" He replied.

"DON'T BE STUPID, STAY AWAY FROM THIS!!" Apparently, the hostage was Calvin's brother.

"Whoever you are, don't get in my way." Morgan said.


"Talking to you is a waste of time. EVERYONE DON'T MIND CIVILIANS JUST SHOOT EVERYONE IN YOUR SIGHT!!!!" Morgan ordered his men.

"NOOOOO STOOOOOPPPP!!!!!!" Calvin shouted at him.

'Shit! That's his brother and daughter' I immediately started running toward them.

"FUCK!! I won't make it in time"

"*GUNSHOT*…* GUNSHOT *…* GUNSHOT *" The marines started firing at the pirates.

"STOOOOOOOOOP!!!!" The moment Calvin shouted a burst of energy came off his body that knocked almost everyone in the scene.

"HOLY SHIT!!! IS THAT CONQUEROR'S HAKI ?!!!" I would not have believed it if I didn't see it with my own eyes.

"You bastard… w-who the hell are you?" Morgan asked Calvin as he was fighting himself to stay conscious. Holman took the opportunity to get away and Calvin ran to his brother and daughter.

Luckily, they were still alive, but they still got injured. I also went to check on him.

"I will remember you two. I'll make sure to report about you back at the base" Morgan decided to retreat, so he took his men and left.

'I didn't do anything' Is what I thought in my head, but I didn't mind it. I'm going to become a pirate anyway.

After that Calvin immediately took his brother and daughter to one of the doctors in town to treat their injuries.

Four Hours Later,

We were standing outside the patient room.

"What are you going to do now?" I asked him.

"What do you mean?"

"You are a wanted criminal now. That lieutenant is going to report about you and soon they will release a bounty on your head."

"I don't know. What about you? He said he will report about you too" he stopped for a second then continued "I'm sorry you got dragged in this." He looked like he was feeling guilty.

"Don't worry about it I was planning on becoming a pirate anyway." I said to him.

"WHAT?!!" He looked shocked about my statement.

"I also was planning to recruit you" I was originally going to give up if he refuses but know that I know he has conqueror's Haki, I can't just let him work on some merchant ship it would be a waste to his potential.

"What made you think I would want to be a pirate" he said looking angry.

"I didn't at first but now you don't really have a lot of choices. So, what do you say?" I gave him an offer.

"I'm sorry but even if I want to join you, I can't just leave my daughter, who will protect her?"

"I know what you're thinking but you are a criminal now she will be in more danger around you. Plus, I know a safe place for her if you accept my offer."

Calvin wasn't sure if he should trust my words or not.

"I'm not going to pressure you, think about it carefully. I'll be leaving a week from now so come and find me if you decide to join" I said to him then I left.

One Week Later,

I was standing at the port waiting for Calvin to show up.

'I've been standing here for hours, maybe he won't show up' I was getting impatient. Just as I made up my mind to leave, he finally showed up with his daughter.

"Phew…thank God!" I sighed in relief.

"You're here!" I said to him.

"You better not be lying about the safe place." He had a serious look in his face.

"Dad! Who is that person?" His daughter asked.

"Emma, that's one of my friends say hi to him."

"Hi Mister!" She greeted me

I greeted her back.

"So, what is the plan?" Calvin asked me.

"We're going to a village called Foosha in Dawn Island, have you ever heard of it?"

"I've been to Dawn Island before, but I never visited this Foosha village. So, where is your ship?" He asked me while looking around.

"We are pirates now" He was confused for a second but then his face changed to have a look of regret.

"Sigh, I shouldn't have agreed to this" He carried his daughter in his back.

We quickly boarded one of the ships, took down the mast and got ready to sail.

"Have you ever sailed a ship before?" I asked Calvin.

"Well, I know a thing or two" It was decided he will take the helmsman duty for now. I gave him a map I bought earlier, and we sat our destination to Dawn Island then we started sailing.

"H-HEY YOU!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!!" One of the workers at the port shouted at us.


"YOU BETTER STOP NOW BEFORE YOU REGRET IT!!" We didn't stop and kept sailing.

Six Days Later,

After we arrived at Foosha village we did not waste any time and went directly to the mayor Woop Slap and tried to convince him to take care of Emma and we also offered some money, it was Calvin's share that he got from Karl's bounty.

After three hours we finally convinced him somehow.

(Calvin's POV)

"Emma, I should be leaving now. Be a good girl and don't cause trouble for the mayor" I patted her her head while stopping my tears.

"Dad!! are you going to be a pirate?" Emma asked me looking sad. She most have heard my conversation with Ashen.

"Yes dad has to become a pirate, but I will always love you" When I said that Emma started crying.

"*Sob*...*sob*...then why don't you take me with you?...I also want to be a pirate and help dad" She said while crying.

"I'm sorry I can't take you with me it's dangerous."

"*Sob*...fine when I grow up I will become a strong pirate so I could be with dad" I was shocked at that statement but it's better for her to have something to look up to 'She will forget about this when she grow up and become more mature. For now let's go along with this.' I thought.

"Okay, it's a promise then"

"OKAY!!" She said in excitement.

"Here, take this watch, it's my lucky charm." I handed her my watch" I used to carry it with me when I go hunting pirates, keep it with you to remember me"

"THANK YOU DAD!!" She gave me a hug and started crying, I also couldn't stop myself and cried too.

"Now...I should leave, take care of yourself" I said to her and walked away.

"BYE DAD!!!" she waved and said goodbye and I also waved back.

(First Person POV)

"Are you ready?" I asked him.

"Yes" He replied.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


