75% Take The Music Scene By A Storm / Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Party Time?

章 6: Chapter 6: Party Time?

Time worked its magic and flowed like a boat sailing in a calm lake. Thankfully this boat was as steady as they came, not like the Titanic in the arctic waters.

As if it were like the Titanic, time would have long shattered down and sunk deep in this ocean.

Some conspiracy theorists might say, who knows if the Titanic sunk? For such readers, I say yes, you are right.

All the 706 people that survived were probably drugged and sent back by aliens. Ah yes, that factual history right there, forks. See, we are a very inclusive community here.

Noah woke up on this eventful day, and the moment he left his bedroom door, what greeted him was heaps of flying confetti.

It was his mother who stood there with a maid on each side, who were responsible for launching confetti at him. Their timing was impeccable, and they hit Noah right in the face.

Emily - "Happy dearest birthday, Noah."

Noah - "Thank you, mother."

Noah then headed downstairs with his mother, Emily, and had a hearty breakfast which consisted of dishes such as Scrambled eggs, Pancakes, Bagels, and some freshly cut juicy fruits.

For anyone wondering, had Noah brushed his teeth before breakfast? Yes, he had brushed his teeth.

It was the first thing he did after waking up. You see, there was a bathroom attached to his bedroom. Ah, the luxuries of being rich. Like a wise man said, "money can't buy you happiness, but it sure as hell can make your life a whole lot easier."

The festive atmosphere gave Noah a warm and comforting feeling. He was so happy today that he even decided to demand that the system give him a gift.

Noah - "It's my birthday. Are you sure you will not give me a present?."

System - "What do you want me to give you a discount? Oh wait, let's see, with your measly thirty points, what could you even buy?"

Noah - "Then why don't you give me points as a gift?."

System - "Alright, I will give you 10,000 points as a present happy?."

Noah - "Wait, you are actually giving me 10,000 points so easily? I must be dreaming?."

System - "Now that you mention it, it indeed not in my character something fishy is going on?."

Noah - "So, are you paying up or not?."

System - "I will hold on to it for now."

Noah whispered to himself in a low voice, "Stupid system making empty promises like always."

System - "You know I can read your mind, right?"

Noah - "Uh, go away. I am not in the mood, always spoiling my fun".

The rest of the day went away in checking the final preparation of the party. His mother had hired one of the best event managing teams in the game, but doing the last checks still took some time.

On the other hand, Noah had to get a brand new suit made by their family tailor as it is a tradition in the family. He had a light blue blazer made for the party (Picture included).

The clock hanging on a white wall soon hit five o'clock. It was time to get this party started. All guests had finally arrived, and we could begin without further a do.

The lights in the party hall soon went out, and the hall became dark. Then a spotlight shined on the stage, and Emily walked out from backstage.

Emily - "Thank you, everyone, for joining us tonight on this lovely evening to celebrate my son Noah's birthday."

Another spotlight fell on Noah, sitting at the front table with his friends.

Emily - "Noah, my dear son, someone has been very eager to meet you, so I would like to call on him to enter the hall. Can we have a round of applause? For my husband, Mr. Aiden Hunt."

Everyone in the party hall got up and started clapping to welcome Noah's father. The lights quickly turned on, and when Noah saw his father at the hall's entrance, he rushed to him.

Emily - "Careful there."

Noah hugged his dad, whom he hadn't seen for seven months. After the initial hugs and greetings, Noah allows him to enter the hall.

The family of three later stood in front of a giant chocolate lava cake on stage while the audience just stood there like fools. It left Noah feeling a bit dull.

Before cutting the cake, he decided to educate the audience and grabbed the microphone.

Noah - "Come on, everyone sing with me."

"Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday, Dear Noah

Happy Birthday to You.

From good friends and true,

From old friends and new,

May good luck go with you,

And happiness too.

Happy Birthday to You.

May God bless You.

Happy Birthday to You.

May God bless You".

At first, Noah faced a strange, awkward crowd but soon, the group transformed and started singing with him. He then gestured to continue and headed towards the cake.

Noah then blew the candle and finally cut the cake, and everyone gave him a round of applause. He then fed his parents the first piece of the cake and vice versa.

Aiden clapped his hands and said, "Wow, what a performance."

Noah - "Thank you, it was a moment's spur."

As the group of three got off stage, Noah's father said, "Come with me. I have someone I want to introduce to you."

Noah- "Alright."

Noah then followed his dad and shook hands with whoever wished him a happy birthday on the way. They reached a back table and saw a young college student in casuals.

Aiden - "This is Mark Zuckerberg, and this is my son Noah."

Noah, in an inaudible tone out of habit, "Oh wow, who knew I would meet lizard people here?".

Mark - "Sorry, did I just hear lizard people?".

Noah - "Ah no, you must have misheard."

Mark - "I don't think so."

Before Noah could say a word, Mark suddenly transformed into a giant horrifying lizard with a human face (Disturbing pic included).

Suddenly the four sides of the hall collapsed like cardboard cutouts blown away by the wind, just like that one time in family guys (Pic included).

Noah - "What the hell's going on here."

Noah found that everyone had disappeared, and only he and mark were facing each other in a mountain-like background. He had a shotgun in his hand while Mark had finished his transformation.

System - "Run."

Noah ran like never before, but it was of no use mark just took one jump, and he was ahead of him.

System - "Think you are inside a castle with soldiers guarding you."

As Noah thought so, the place he stood transformed into a castle with soldiers blocking the main entrance as Mark, the lizard, tried to break in.

Noah - "System, you better explain to me what the f is going on."

System - "Remember I told you something fishy turns out I was right. This place is your subconscious, and you are currently in a coma."

Noah - "How did this happen?."

System - "I don't know how but somebody has drugged you, and your body cannot handle it, but due to the system's emergency function, I can help you resist it."

Noah - "So what do I have to do ?"

System - "You see mark over there. You must defeat him, and everything will return to normal."

Noah - "What, how am I going to do that?"

System - "This is your subconscious. You are the king here. Think of something."

WebnovelLife WebnovelLife

Just an interesting experiment I wanted to try. Do comment if you liked this chapter or not. It would help me understand if I should try out some fun stuff in between or not.

My original idea was I didn't want the story to go stale, so I wanted to try inserting new things from time to time.

It would help keep the story fresh, but it's up to you guys. If you don't like it, I won't do it again.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


