25% The Extra's Dominance / Chapter 31: Going Back[1]

章 31: Going Back[1]

"<Lightning Bolt>!"

I exclaimed as soon as I felt my katana was stabbed inside the mouth of the serpent.




A single strand of lightning traveled through my katana and scattered all over the serpent's body, inside and outside, resulting the serpent to let out a deafening shriek of pain.

Not minding it, I immediately flew back where Alina and the others are.

"Raven! What are you doing here?! It's dangerous!"

Alina exclaimed when I reached them.

"Nag me later, let's get out of here first."

I calmly said, though I'm actually nervous as hell. Alina frowned, but she carried Diana nevertheless and dashed away from the serpent that is still wriggling in pain, the others did so too and I followed them.

Our decision turned out to be correct as we saw the serpent stopped wriggling, now it looks angry as fuck.

'The best I can to is paralyze it for seconds huh.'

I muttered in my mind after seeing the effect of my strongest attack to the serpent.

We're lucky that it's an water attribute and I'm using electric attribute. If not, I might not even make it look at me even for a brief moment, if that happen then the others will die just like what I wrote in the novel.



The serpent looked at me and angrily growled.

'It's targeting me.'

Even after knowing that, my face remained calm.

I looked at Alina and others for a brief moment, they're fine and are looking at the serpent warily.

"Guys, don't get too close to the lake."

I commanded them casually. The others looked at me, knowing my intention, they nodded their heads and agreed immediately.

They let go of their prides and obeyed me, a young low ranker that can't even kill a <D-> rank monster alone.

A satisfied smile appeared on my face as I opened my mouth.

"You can attack now."

I casually said looking at the serpent glaring at me like an idiot.

-Then, I won't hold back!

Levina happily replied. Maybe after learning that the serpent is the real boss and the one who stole her property, Levina was eager to struck the serpent with her lightnings.

The reason I didn't let Levina attack immediately is because Alina and the others are near the serpent earlier so they might get swept away by her attacks.

Even though the others will survive Levina's lightnings, they will get paralyzed and attacked by other hostile creatures helplessly.

That's why I jumped in myself and paralyzed the serpent for a while and make the others retreat away from the serpent so Levina can use her lightnings without restrain.

'Glad my plan worked.'

While thinking so, a huge magic circle appeared above the serpent's head.

I frowned. Alina and the others frowned too and looked at me.


-<Wrath of the Thunder God>.

It's the same spell Levina used to me at the end of our fight.


A familiar huge pillar of lightning fell from the magic circle.


Then, the world turned white with a loud ringing sound being heard throughout the area.

It all only lasted for about 5 seconds.

'When I got struck by that, it felt like minutes...'

I grumbled in my mind.

After some seconds, my vision returned to normal, my ears are still ringing but I can bear it.

Debris are scattering everywhere as dense smoke can be seen covering the lake where the serpent is.

I looked around, a lot of monsters near the lake died.


Then as the smoke faded, I saw the serpent.

The serpent is letting out weak groans, it's on the ground while black smokes are rising from its whole body, some of its scales are even broken with dark burn marks.

The serpent obviously took a lot of damage, it got hit by a 6th tier magic directly, and it's an electric attribute on top of that, its weakness.

That serpent monster may be a rank higher than Levina, but based on their attributes Levina is clearly stronger.

And in overall strength, Levina is superior!

The serpent couldn't even try to fight Levina in close combat as Levina is flying through the air while the serpent can't even go out of the lake to dodge Levina's attack.

-It's so smart of you to avoid me this whole damn time, unfortunately for you... I found you.

Levina said with a playful smile looking at the serpent.


But the serpent just let out some noise that couldn't be understand.

-Well, anyway, goodbye.

Levina leisurely said as a spear made of lightning appeared beside her.


The lightning spear struck the serpent's body then disappeared in thin air.

Even though the lightning disappeared, the hole it made in the serpent's body didn't. Thus the serpent died not long after that.


And not long after that, we heard something heavy falling.

Looking at its source, we saw the 5 meters tall [Troll King] lying on the ground, lifeless.

Oscar and Clifford already killed it.


"Are you guys okay?!"

Oscar asked as soon as they reached us.

Clifford is not talking but you can tell that he's worried.

"We're fine... Raven helped us so we suffered no life threatening injuries."

Alina said, glancing at me at the corner of her eyes.

Oscar snapped his head toward me.

"Thank you."

He said with a sincere smile.

Clifford looked at me too and bowed secretly and quietly as a sign of thanks.

'Right, these 2 are the type of people that cares to those who are under them.'

"You're welcome."

I muttered as I scratch the back of my head.

"I should have sensed it first, sorry."

Oscar apologized. He means about sensing the serpent's presence.

Looking at Oscar, I shook my head as I just really don't know what to say.

"It's not your fault, who would predict that the [Troll King] isn't the boss monster?"

Clifford said to Oscar to cheer him up. Alina and the others nodded in unison.

-'Raven predicted it.'

Then I heard a voice in my head, it's Levina.

'Just shut up, it's gonna be really awkward if they know.'

I just predicted it with the help of the information I have from the novel, thought it's vague, it gave a lot hint that there's a different boss monster.

As I was lost in my own thoughts.

"Are you okay Raven?"

Clifford suddenly asked me.

"I'm fine."

I replied casually with a shrug, then I tried to walk forward.


But I stumbled and fell on my all four. Levina immediately transformed into her human form as soon as she saw me fall in toward the ground. Then after that, Levina supported me up.


I looked down on my body and saw that my legs all the way to the feet are broken and gravely injured, there's blood coming from it.

Looks like I didn't notice sooner because of my adrenaline rush. I'm surprise that I even managed to stand with these legs and feet.

Well, I did apply mana, wind, and electricity to them and tensed my lower body to the max when I propelled myself earlier, looks like the force was too powerful for the current me to handle.

"What happened?!"

Alina rushed at me and asked. She's looking at me like I was her little brother and I got in an accident.

"His legs and feet are broken, be it flesh or bones."

Levina answered Alina's question for me.

And at her words, the others frowned while looking at me.

"I'm fine, my injuries can be healed by potions."

I casually said like it was nothing. Well, I can't feel my legs and feet so it doesn't hurt, also the system said that they can be healed by potions.

"You don't need to act like it doesn't hurt."

Clifford looked at me worriedly as he said that.

I frowned and shook my head.

"No, it's true, as a matter of fact, It doesn't hurt."

At my words, the faces of others became complicated.

It's like they're angry and grateful at the same time.

Pat. Pat.

Clifford patted my shoulder and looked at me with a warm smile.

I looked at Oscar, Alina, and the others. They're all looking at me with the same warm smile.

They don't believe what I'm saying!

"I'm really fine!"

I rebutted as their gazes are getting burdensome.

"No one can be fine when their legs and feet are crushed to pulp."

Levina butted in and stated.

Ivan and Mark both walked toward me patted me in the back.

"You're a real man."

Ivan said.

"If I were a girl, I'll probably fall in love with you."

Mark said giving me a thumbs up.

'Thats doesn't make me happy at all, in fact, it's creepy!'

I got annoyed by the fact that they don't believe me, but I just shut my mouth and didn't say anything else.

Now that I think about it, I'll probably not believe someone who have a broken lower body when they said they're okay.

I'm too lazy to explain things thoroughly, so I'll just let them think what ever they want...



[The Malevolent Serpent]







<Monster Controller>

<Aqua Blast>

<Water Manipulation>


Staring at the stat of the serpent lying dead in front of me, a frown crept up on my face.

"I'm glad that I'm alive after attacking this thing."

I muttered as I massage my temple.

Clifford and the others said that I should take the serpent's corpse to myself as me and Levina killed it.

Well, I just paralyzed it, Levina killed it single-handedly.

I tried to reject their offer by saying that I just sneaked in this dungeon without their permission.

But it failed after they said that some of them would have died if I didn't decided to sneak in, and they also said it's a thanks for me cooking for them.

"Should I just sell the whole corpse?"

I asked as I tried to put the serpent's corpse in my spatial storage.

[You don't have enough space to put the whole corpse in the spatial storage.]

Then the system appeared and stated.


I frowned deeper and looked at the corpse.

It's about 10 meters long, so that's why.

"What if I dismantle the corpse?"

I asked the system.

[It will still not fit.]

"Then what should I do?"

[Upgrade your spatial storage in the 'System Shop'.]

My brows furrowed.

"Do I have enough CP?"

[Well, yes, it's 1000 CP, and by the way, you recieved 1500 CP and some donations from what you did earlier.]

Does it mean when I paralyzed the serpent?

"Then, Upgrade my spatial storage."

[Then, start dismantling idiot.]

I ignored the system as I don't have the energy to argue with it.

"Is everything okay?"

Alina who appeared from behind asked.

I looked at her and shook my head.

"No, I need to dismantle this big ass corpse... It's bothersome."

I grumbled as I looked back the the serpent's corpse.

"You're stupidly honest or liar based on your mood huh."

Alina said as if she finds my personality entertaining.

"It's because of you who nagged me for a long time that I don't have the energy to even lie."

I casually said. Alina did really nagged at my recklessness as soon as the serpent was confirmed dead.

"Want me to help you dismantle the corpse?"

Alina asked.

"If you're saying that just to be thoughtful, then bad luck for you, I will not decline, if you can, why not just dismantle it all by yourself?"

"Hah?! Why am I doing it alone."

"I can't really cut any body part of the corpse."

I said then pointed the upper jaw of the corpse.

"Look, even when I attacked it on the inside, my katana didn't even stabbed that deep."

Alina frowned at my reasoning.

"Fine, but in exchange cook a lot of meat this dinner."

Alina requested.

I smiled and nodded my head.

"Of course."


Upon killing the boss monster, the dungeon overflow will now most likely not happen.

Also, a portal appeared near the lake when the serpent died.

It's an exit to go back to Earth, though we're excited to go back, it is well known that after you exit the dimension, the portal-type dungeon will disappear after a while.

So we decided to stay 24 more hours in this dimension's time to loot this place, it's stupid of us to immediately leave the place just because a portal appeared.

So without wasting any moment, Clifford and the others started to loot here and there.

Levina helped them as per my request to her.

I'm staying in the camp with Oscar as my lower body is not fully recovered.

I'm meditating while Oscar is guarding the place and waiting for the others.

He's also making sure that no monster come out using the portal and be transferred to Earth.


Then 24 hours later.

We left the [Mysterious Woodland], Levina chose to stay with me as she said she got bored in the [Mysterious Woodland].

As soon as we returned to the 'Gentle Forest' we got greeted by some members of [Coldvale].

Well, not really as they got surprised upon seeing me come out with Clifford and the others.

"Calm down, he's with us."

As expected and fortunately, Clifford and the others vouched for me.

In earth's time, we were in the dungeon for 4 days and 13 hours.

It's monday, 1:00 P.M.

I immediately sent a message to Tyrone saying that I want him to use his skill for the very first time by creating a weapon for me.

I also told him that I already have a material with me for that weapon.

He immediately agreed and we're gonna meet today in 7:00 P.M.


"Me and the others made sure that no news about what you did will spread to the public."


I'm inside of Clifford's office, we're sitting on opposite of each other.

Clifford just ensured me that he and the others will make sure that the public will not know about me sneaking in in a dungeon.

Going inside a dungeon you do not own is a crime, good thing Clifford and the others are cool of what I did.

"Anyway, I have a proposal."

I shifted the topic with a serious face.

Clifford became serious as well after noticing what I'm about to say is important.

"What is it?"

He asked.

I straighten my sitting posture and leaned forward, then after a short pause, I spoke.

"I plan to start businesses in the near future... And I want to use your guild's name."

Silence engulfed the room. I was pretty nervous at what I just said.

After some time of awkward and heavy silence, Clifford finally opened his mouth.

"Listen, not because I'm the guildmaster doesn't mean I own the guild fully, some executive will object at your proposal as you don't have that much of a great background. Don't misunderstand me, I really want to help you through."

He said, explaining his situation.

I nodded my head understanding his point, I know his guild isn't a one-man organization like how in most novels are.

[Coldvale] have many executives that are just a bit weaker than Clifford. Them and Clifford worked hard to reach the top by hiring and training potential talents.

Because of that, [Coldvale] have the most <B-> to <A+> rank heroes in the human domain.

<S-> rank and above is not as common as it is in the novel as one needs a crazy amount of talent and effort, and most human wouldn't possess both of those.

Knowing Clifford's side, I casually waved my hand before opening my mouth.

"I won't directly use your guild's name."

I said. Clifford looked at me, asking what do I mean.

A mischievous smile crept up on my face and started my explanation.

"You just need to invest to me individually, you as Clifford, and not as the [Coldvale]'s guildmaster."

I said pointing at Clifford.

Clifford immediately understood my plan is and showed a surprised face.

If Clifford invested on the businesses I'm gonna start, no one will be able to touch it easily as Clifford is the guildmaster of the number 1 guild in the human domain.

Even though he invested individually, the others will unconsciously think of him as the whole [Coldvale] guild.

And because Clifford is famous, my business will be known and customers will surely be curious about it.

In short, I'm indirectly using the [Coldvale]'s name when I'm actually just using Clifford's name.

'I'm getting my future businesses a protection and a promotion at the same time!'

I thought, smiling inwardly and suppressing myself against laughing because of my genius idea.

As Clifford is contemplating about what I said.


The office's door opened, and someone immediately entered the office.

What entered is a beautiful girl with a milk-like smooth and white skin, long and shiny deep-black hair, and starry black eyes.

Even with the academy's uniform, one can still see that her body is well endowed with curves.

And her charisma and aura are the same to those of what you will usually call 'The Cold/Ice Princess' in novels.

Though the one who entered is a beauty, I frowned when I saw her.

She frowned when she saw me too. She even frowned deeper than me.

Maybe she couldn't believe to see me here, she rubbed her eyes. Then looked at me again.


I casually waved hello to her, I just felt like annoying her for no valid reason.


Eve muttered in a confused voice while looking at me.

She seems to want to ask me many questions. Though, I have no time for that so I faced Clifford again.

Drei05 Drei05

Can I ask for your power stones please?


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ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C31
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


