I decided to pull out my Glock and use its flashlight instead, just in case I needed a long-range weapon and something went awry. Yes, I wanted to practice and use the blade, but that wouldn't matter if I were dead.
I took a food break before I entered the first of the caverns. Unlike, the first time, I knew what to expect, and I quickly made my way to one corner and waited as the undead slowly shambled over to me, mostly in ones and twos, though there was a small group at one point. When I got close, they tried to grasp and smack me, but there were far too slow for that, and all it took was a slash to the head, and there were down for the count.
Lack of certain limbs would limit their movements, but not stop them. As I stepped forwards and took a zombie's leg out, he fell to the ground, but a moment later was crawling over to me. I ended him and then turned back to the others. It was rather boring in all honesty and there was no real sense of danger. They moved too slowly, and even when one did smack me, it barely made me budge, and felt like a weak slap, not to mention that even if one did grab me, it would have to get past all the armor.
I cleared the cavern out in no time and then moved into the next. Cavern after cavern was cleared and it wasn't until I reached the third that I started to move around to go to the zombies rather than waiting for them. It was quicker and with my increased stats, I really didn't have anything to worry about. The one time, a zombie snuck up behind me, all it managed was a smack on my back before I swung around and separated its head from its body.
It was very gory but I didn't find myself as disturbed by it as I expected. Maybe it was the adrenaline?
The XP was decent but I definitely noticed that it was slowing down and at this rate, soon I would need to find stronger mobs because these wouldn't last for that long, though I could grind for a while longer until it truly started to slow down to a crawl.
By the time I made it to the sixth cavern I had gained two levels, and after distributing the points, I took a quick break. I had cleared the sixth cavern out just as easily as the others, and I couldn't help but feel somewhat disappointed. It sounded ridiculous, and idiotic since I should be happy that it was easy, but I hadn't really learned a damn thing. Anyone with half a brain and some combat experience probably could have done what I had, even better considering I used my sword more like a cleaver and a knife rather than a sword. It got the job done though, and as long as I was increasing in levels I wouldn't complain, especially since I was nearing the human threshold and soon I would be superhuman.
The canned food wasn't particularly nice, but it wasn't terrible and I ate it quickly before washing it down with some water. I was careful not to drink too much. I had enough for maybe a week if I took care, and didn't waste it.
"What next," I muttered as I pulled the first-floor map out, and examined it. I had a few choices, but the two I was considering now were heading to the Rat Den, or through the rest of the caverns and the second floor. One thing I noticed as I gazed at the map was that the final cavern had a crude red skull and crossbones labeling it. I immediately recognized what it meant, and its position just before the second floor confirmed that. It was most likely a boss, and a tough one if my uncle had labeled it so.
I hadn't run into any more of the headless zombies, though I had a feeling that I would in the last six caverns and I wasn't sure if I was ready to take them on with normal zombies or more than one of them and if they weren't boss mobs then what exactly waited for me at the end?
A few ideas came to mind of giant zombies or different types I'd seen in games.
With that conclusion, I turned back and decided the Rat Den it was. I was stronger than before but still human, and I wanted to increase my abilities before I took a shot at the last few caverns and the boss.
It took a few hours to make it back to the intersection, and I turned left towards the Rat Den, killing more rats as I went. The XP they gave was lacking but still not too bad, and it wasn't like I could ignore them. Running away and creating a horde would be a stupid idea. I wasn't about to make the mistake they made in some of the books I'd read.
The tunnels changed the closer I got to the Rat Den, and the walls and floors transitioned from stone into hard earth, and the smell was definitely recognizable. It was shit and piss, and who knew what else? I regretted not bringing nose plugs or a peg.
My thoughts on the smell didn't last long as the number of rats I came across increased. No longer was it just one or two at a time, now they came at me in groups of three and even five. In those cases, I was forced to use my Glock to whittle them down into a manageable number before finishing the survivors off with my shortsword.
The tunnels went on and on until I finally came into a wide space. My light pierced the darkness, and there was a squishing sound as I took a step forwards. I held back a sigh as I looked down to see that I had stepped into a pile of what was undoubtedly rat shit. I shook it off before turning back to inspect the area. I couldn't hear any rats, but as I shone my light on the ground I saw odd white rocks. No, not rocks, bones, cracked bones in numerous pieces scattered everywhere among piles of shit, and puddles of piss.
"I guess this is where the smell's coming from," I said as I pressed a hand to my mouth. Bile rose and I pushed it down.
I didn't know what it was, but if I had to guess, it was probably some sort of dumping ground, or maybe it was where they all went to shit, eat, and piss, which was disgusting, but then again they were giant rats.
As I took a step back, my foot crunched onto a bone, and I winced at the loud sound that bounced off the walls and echoed around the space. I waited for any reaction or screech, and for a moment I thought I was safe, but then I heard scratching.
I frowned, and turned to locate it, but was unable to for a minute until I focused, and realized the sound was coming from above me. My eyes widened as I looked up, light in hand, to see the ceiling covered in a carpet of furry bodies. Which it seemed were just now waking up.
"Oh shit."
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