
Chapter 308 True "Guzzlord"


Under the watchful eyes of the Wormadam, Natsu opened the Poké Ball and placed the senior Wormadam released.

The other party drooped his head, looking rather lost.

It also seems to be aware of what it means to be captured by a Poké Ball.

"Continue to live with your clansman, I shouldn't be bothering you in the short term, maybe it will not bother you in the future."

Natsu to this Wormadam Boss said.


Wormadam looked towards him in surprise, eyes full of surprise.

"So, can we go over there? I want to see what's inside."

Natsu pointed to the wall behind them.

Wormadam hesitantly called out to its clansman, and the rest of the Wormadams also gave way and did not stop him.


Seeing that Natsu really didn't mean to embarrass them, Wormadam Boss whispered to him.

Natsu was a little surprised when he understood Wormadam's words through Kadabra's translation.

"You said there was a very strong Pokémon in it? You guys were too scared and seal this place?"

Wormadam Boss.

The surrounding Wormadams also agreed.

There was even a look of fear on Wormadam's face, saying that the Pokémon was so angry that he even wanted to eat them, eating everything, quite fierce and arrogant.

The Wormadams are a lot less hostile to them because Natsu doesn't treat their bosses well.

After hearing about the "terrifying" Pokémon, they all expressed their opinions.

In their eyes, the Pokémon is two or three meters tall and two or three meters wide. When walking, the entire ground shakes. When sitting on the ground, the ground will crack. The scary thing is when it comes to eating, it really doesn't matter the actual situation, just pick it up and eat it.

In Natsu's ears, no matter how he listen to it, he feel that this Pokémon is very similar to the Guzzlord in the ultimate alien beast.

This tyrannical temperament, terrifying appetite, and huge size.

How could a Guzzlord be stopped by the rock wall formed by Wormadam?

Not to mention Wormadam, even if Regirock comes, it won't stop.


Natsu quickly dismissed the unrealistic idea.

Ultra Wormhole and Ultra Space haven't appeared yet, how could there be a Guzzlord.


Didn't Sableye just pass through the wall through the crevice?

No matter how you look at it, it's not as simple as wearing it once or twice.

But none were attacked.

"Perhaps, that existence may have already left."

Thinking of this, Natsu decided to take a look first.

Just to be on the safe side.

Let Beedrill cut a hole in the wall and observe.

Soon, a round hole appeared in the sparse rock wall.

Going through the hole, it was pitch black and nothing could be seen, but neither Natsu nor Beedrill sensed danger.

"Sure enough?"

Natsu said to Beedrill again, "Open an entrance."


Beedrill nods, Twineedle stabs in succession, and an entrance large enough for one person to pass through appears on the rock face.

At this time, the Wormadams around them curled up one by one in the corner on the other side, looking very scared.

Natsu didn't take their fears lightly.

After letting Kadabra leave a Psychic "anchor" point, seriously said: "Be careful."

Immediately, walked in under the guard of the Pokémons.

Inside is a huge cave that not even Kadabra's Psychic perception can fully cover.

But the cave is very empty.

What kind of open space method?

That is, there is not even a single stone on the ground, as if it was eaten by some creature from beginning to end.

The most exaggerated thing is that the horizontal line of the Ground in this cave is actually at least 20 to 30 centimeters lower than the horizontal line where the Wormadams are located, almost forming a step.


A gust of wind blew across my face.


This wind is quite frequent, and the gaps are almost identical.


"Like snoring?" Natsu looked weird.

Because, in addition to feeling the wind, he also faintly heard a snoring sound, which was not loud, but because it was a closed space, the echoing sound in it was a bit obvious.

Are there Pokémon in this Rest?

Approach in the direction of the sound.

Natsu's expression became more and more strange.

Not long.

He came to the sleeping Pokémon.


How to say.

Slim Snorlax!?

No matter how you think about it, a Pokémon like Snorlax has nothing to do with the word "slim".

After all, when it comes to Snorlax, the first single thought that flashes in people's minds is often eating, snoozing, and getting fat!

The word "slim" is somewhat inappropriate to describe Snorlax.

But at this moment, the one in front of Natsu was lying on the ground, with rocks and dirt debris left in the corners of his mouth, drowsiness bubbles in his nose, and yellow-faced and thin, except for the different body shape and the rest are almost identical, Snorlax.

It was just that the thick and full skin was dry, and the ribs could be vaguely seen on the supposedly round belly.

"This is really thin," Natsu sighed with a complicated expression.

At the same time, he also understand that the "ruthless", "violent", "terrifying" and "gluttonous" Pokémon in the Wormadam's mouth is actually Snorlax.

No wonder.

Snorlax is more irritable when he is hungry and wants to eat. Maybe he doesn't pay attention and eats Wormadam as some kind of food.

And the Wormadams were probably afraid of Snorlax, so they sealed it up.

As to say.

Why didn't Snorlax run out.

It probably ate all the way here and fell asleep.

Maybe, When Snorlax woke up, he found that all around were rock walls, and it couldn't get out.

Tried smashing walls as well, as can be seen from the potholes and dents on the rocks all around.

It just seems that the luck is not very good, not hitting the "rock wall" set by the Wormadams.

It is conceivable that the hungry Snorlax devoured the Ground and Rock frantically.

That is, Snorlax Pokémon have a very strong stomach, no matter what kind of poison can be digested with Gastro Acid, so it is not a problem to eat a stone.

In addition, the stones here are indeed rich in minerals, which can provide some energy to Snorlax to a certain extent, and Snorlax itself has a thick layer of fat to store a lot of energy, otherwise I would not know I have been "isolated" " by the Wormadams for a long time, and I can still rest here like a normal person after losing weight.

Snorlax really deserves the title "Guzzlord" when it comes to eating alone.

True "Guzzlord".

"That's right?" Togetic said to Natsu, looking at Snorlax.

'Look at how thin it is, can you give this child something to eat? '

Natsu twitched the corner of his eye.

You are not at home and don't know about firewood, rice, oil and salt. Do you know how many meals are enough for you to eat a meal of Snorlax?

However, before Natsu can speak, Togetic kindly digs out his stock out of nowhere.

The faint Fragrance of Pokéblock spread out immediately.


Snorlax's snooze bubble bursts with a crisp sound.

Two copper bell-sized and bloodshot eyes slowly opened.

Snorlax, wake up!


(End of this chapter)

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C306
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


