
Chapter 51 is in big trouble (rewrite)


Night came.

Different from the last night in the forest, there were only Natsu and Weedle, so after Weedle fell into a deep sleep, Natsu had to keep himself awake and stay alert.

This time he had preparations.

Release the Paras obtained from the previous black market, and use his good spore abilities to plant several spore circles around the temporary shelters found at night.

Paras could sense when a creature was approaching.

At the same time, Natsu is also ready to sleep in the forest at night, so some basic insect repellent powder, spray to cover his breath to avoid Pokemon, etc., are used.

Relying on the small hill behind, even though he couldn't find a cave, such a place was already a pretty good campground.

As for Paras, there was nothing to resist.

Paras has a relationship with the previous Trainer, but the Trainer only sees it as a tool to make money, just change the owner, just follow the order form.

Raise a bonfire and have a light dinner with Weedle and Paras.

"You can't spend your energy outside, let's do some simple basic training today."


Weedle nodded.

Practicing every day gradually became a habit, and if he didn't practice for a day, he would feel a little uncomfortable.

So after hearing Natsu's arrangement Weedle started his own basic training.

Basic training doesn't require Natsu's help. Natsu also maintains physical and mental strength in the wild, so he does not train with him, but quietly watches the fire jump on the bonfire and fall into contemplation.

His mind was a mess and he had a lot to think about.

The power station problem is solved, but no doubts are answered. Natsu felt that an invisible mist seemed to be slowly enveloping Saffron City, making it hard to see.

Many things seem related, but seem unrelated.

He thought about what identity he should use and what form he should use to publish some advanced knowledge of Pokémon.

It is not good to publish knowledge that is too advanced. For example, if it was announced that there was a Mega Evolution in Pokemon right now, it would be expected to not only not make any money, but it might be cruelly ridiculed, saying that he was weird.

Therefore, it is very important to choose an appropriate topic, coupled with some reasonable explanations and conjectures.

If done right, there's a good chance that this advanced Pokémon knowledge will earn him a lot of money.

But if the operation is too flashy, it is very likely that instead of wealth, danger will come.

With all sorts of thoughts and ideas, he fell asleep with Weedle in his arms after training.

He didn't dare to sleep too deep.

Even though Paras was watching, there was no guarantee that an accident would happen.

Light morning mist and sunrise.

Luckily, nothing special happened last night, with Wild Pokémon occasionally breaking into their camps and being chased away by Weedle.

Bury the traces of life, pick up Weedle, get rid of Paras, and proceed to the target location.

After a day of traveling yesterday, he was now very close to the area where Tangela used to be active on missions.

"Try to find this Tangela today and catch it." Natsu said slowly.

If he had enough money now, he would choose to leave the bustling yet complicated city of Saffron City.

Beneath the seemingly calm surface, a violent storm seemed to be gathering.

The reward for this mission is not low. If he managed to get it, he would probably make such a choice.

Weedle was different now, and he was confident that he could find a good job even if he left Saffron City.

Most importantly, now that he had successfully become a registered Trainer for the Alliance, he also got free perks at the Pokemon Center to live in after he left.


As we continued to go deeper, Weedle shouted, indicating that he had reached the target activity area.

Natsu nodded, remembering all kinds of information about Tangela, including her habits and temperament.

"Tangela can usually be found on the edges of many meadows near mountains or rivers, they are also occasionally found in Great Forests or woodlands, and prefer a more humid environment"

Look up.

"This river flows from the mountains, and is most likely an outflow of groundwater. No matter where the water comes from, there will be mountains and water, and there will definitely be lush grass. Undoubtedly the best habitat for Tangela."

After a brief analysis, Natsu made a judgment.

Approaching the mountain.


He came to the foot of a mountain not far away without a hitch, and a not very dense blade of grass appeared in his field of vision.

But he didn't feel very happy.

If he could summarize his approach to the mountain, it would be

That's weird.

Yes, that's weird.

It was clear that there were good habitats for Pokémon as there were mountains and waters, but along the way, he had yet to come across a Wild Pokémon, much less be attacked by a Wild Pokémon.

Too weird.

Since he left Saffron City to get here, not to mention how dangerous it was, but at least he had been attacked by Wild Pokémon no less than ten times.

Obviously, the deeper you go, the more likely you are to be attacked, and the stronger your ability to deal with Wild Pokémon.

But he had been here for more than two hours, and he had not encountered a single attack.

Not even a single shadow of a Pokemon is visible.

"Weedle, how are you feeling?" asked Natsu.

In the wild, Pokemon's intuition is more reliable than Trainers.

"Woo?" Weedle whispered, indicating that nothing was out of the ordinary and everything was normal.

But this, instead of relaxing Natsu, his expression became even more serious.

He could think about it for a long time, but he couldn't think of a reason. He couldn't give up the task. He could only suppress his anxiety and continued to approach.


Suddenly, while Natsu and Weedle were on their way, a strong gust of wind swept towards them.

Natsu's expression changed, and he hastily bent down to prevent himself from being hit by this gust of wind directly.

And the surrounding grass that was used to cover his figure were all crushed.

Immediately after.

He saw his assailant, all yellow, looking like a fox, with a short two-step mustache, and a Pokemon with a silver spoon in her right hand, her eyes darting towards him fiercely, and her entire body encased in light blue Psychic between the silver spoons.

"Woo!!" Weedle shouted hastily, spitting out Electro Web.

But Electro Web, which was in all directions, was flung far away at this moment, and was held in midair by Psychic before approaching the other party.

Natsu stared at the sudden appearance of the Pokemon, shaking his head.


Psychic Type single attribute Pokémon, born with Psychics, have highly developed minds, and are no weaker than humans and even smarter than most humans.

This Pokémon's Species Strength isn't high, it's only 400 points, but most of its Species Strength is in Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed, and Kadabra is an absolute Special Attack Pokémon.

Coupled with the large number of Psychic Type moves and moves it just showed, it was definitely a very powerful Pokémon.

Natsu instantly made a judgment on Kadabra's strength in his mind.

Senior level!

Just face-to-face contact, Natsu judged that Weedle was definitely not his opponent.

And judging by Kadabra's current state and mental outlook, it seemed that he was very angry, even furious, at their approach.

Kadabra in this forest is very rare. For the most part, Pokémon like Kadabra will remain completely calm, and rarely even get angry.

Uncontrolled psychic posture like now.

Coincidentally, Natsu had encountered an out of control situation not too long ago.

Drowzee in the Ghetto.

But now is not the time to think about their relationship, there are more important things in front of them.

They both

are in big trouble!


(End of this chapter)

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C51
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


